February 6,:1984
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on
Monday, February 6, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced
the following were -
Present:.Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Stephen 0. Jackson
Edwin B. Seidman
J. Robert York
Absent: James L. Marovitz
Cynthia J. Marty
Vernon E. Swanson
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village
Manager Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to approve the minutes of the
previous Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Director of Public Works Edmund Klasinski
PUBLIC WORKS was present to further explain any items
contained in the report previously submitted
to the Board. Discussion ensued regarding:
1) The 50/50 parkway tree planting program which did not attract as many resi-
dents as in previous years. Decision was to promote the program through
more advertising. i
2).The manhole cover replacement program will.be continued along flood areas.
3) Pilings and cables will be installed in the creek just north of the Carriage
Way bridge in order to catch debris-that can be removed by crane before it
reaches and piles up under the bridge.
4) A report will be submitted on how much water is being lost through leaks
in comparison to the cost of the leak,detection program.
The.Board thanked Mr. Klasinski for his report.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read his proclamation wherein
DFLD. COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER he congratulated the Deerfield.Commons Shop -
25TH ANNIVERSARY ping Center,'its owners and tenants on the
occacion.of their twenty -fifth anniversary.
Trustee Jackson moved,'seconded by Trustee Seidman, to approve the Proclama-
tion. Motion carried unanimously -.
Mr.-Richard Longtin accepted the Proclamation on behalf of the Deerfield Com-
mons� Merchant Association, six members of which had accompanied him to the
meeting. He expressed pleasure at "being remembered" and added that the
Commons looked forward to continued harmonious cooperation-with the Village.
Hearty applause followed Mr. Longtin's remarks.
SIGN MODIFICATION Mgr. Franz reported that the Board of Zoning
570 LAKE -COOK ROAD Appeals (BZA) had held a public hearing on ..
FLODSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO. January 24, 1983 to consider a.petition of the
Flodstrom Construction Co. for a modification
of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a double- faced,illuminated
10'x20' construction /leasing sign in lieu of the permitted 20 square feet sign.
On a vote of 5 to 1, the BZA recommended granting the modification with the
following restrictions: 1) the sign be no larger than 8'x12' per face, 2) that
the petitioner have the rightto•erect a double -faced sign or a.V- shaped sign
with a 45- degree angle, 3) the lighting described and the matt finish of the
sign be adherred to, 4) a timer be installed on the lighting to shut it off at
11 P.M. daily, 5) that the modification be granted for a period of one year.
Mayor Forrest stated that subsequent tc the BZA hearing and recommendation, the
Board had received a letter from Mr. Flodstrom requesting that in lieu of the
recommended 8'x12' sign, he be allowed a 7'x14' sign,permitting inclusion of
an artistb rendering of the building under construction.
Trustee Seidman stated that while he had opposed, in the past, signs as large
as 10'x20', such had been permitted previous developers. Fie, therefore, quesc:i.oned
denial of the same to Mr. Flodstrom. '1'7:ustee York concurred ancl, in(.)vL,d Iliac t:lt,:
c,r:iginaa.a.y rcciuesLcd 10'x20' sign be 91:111t..� :d-
i - '3f...
Mayor Forrest advised that a vote of four Trustees was needed to overrule a
BZA recommendation. Therefore,.Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
Jackson, to table the matter for consideration at the next Board meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
NORTH AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS The matter was deferred until the next
PRESENTATION BY BANNOCKBURN Board meeting as Mayor Picchietti of
Bannockburn was unable to be present.
MARRIOTT HOTEL —BRICKYARDS Mayor.Forrest announced that the Plan
PLAN COMM. REPORT /RECOMM. Commission's report on the Marriott Hotel '
was filed with the Board and on the Agenda
in compliance. with the 60 -day Zoning Ordinance requirement. However, at the
request of Marriott, the matter was deferred until the next Board meeting.
BOCA ENERGY CODE The Building and Zoning.Department had
REPORTS & RECOMMENDATION considered possible adoption of the BOCA
Basic Energy Conservation Code as a com-
panion to other BOCA codes recently adopted by the Village, and had referred
the code to the Deerfield Energy Advisory Council (DEAC) for review. The
DEAC unanimously favored.:adoption . of . the,.code::.'
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to direct the Board
of Building Appeals to hold a public hearing for adoption of the BOCA
Basic Energy Conservation Code /1981. Motion carried unanimously.
ANNUAL RESOLUTION Trustee Jackson moved, seconded by Trus-
CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAYS tee Seidman, to adopt the Annual Reso-
RESOLUTION NO. R -84 -01 lution (in lieu of a surety bond) for
construction on State highways by muni-
cipal employees. Motion carried unanimously.
BURGLAR ALARMS Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT, York, to pass the ordinance amending the
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -04 Municipal Code regarding licensing of.
alarm businesses, deletion of certain
processing requirements, and changes in the fee structure. (Chap. 7 /Art. 13)
Mr. David Hayes, 1855 Elizabeth Court, stated that he was'glad to see the
old ordinance amended as he had found compliance with that ordinance both
inconvenient and difficult. Discussion ensued, with Police Chief Br4ndt
participating, regarding police responses to false alarms, ordinance viola -
tions, penalties, and the absence of cooperation on the,'part of alarm users.
He stated that when it had become necessary to*amend the ordinance due to a
change in State statutes (no* longer permitting municipalities to license
alarm businesses) he had noted certain requirements in the 1975 ordinance
which no longer seemed necessary, and he-had recommended their deletion.
He .stated thi.t.the new ordinance as well as new State bonding-laws, which
permit recognizance bonds, should result in harmony for both the police and
alarm users.'
The motion to amend the Municipal Code passed on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Seidman, York, Forresf (4)
NAYS: None (0)
BRICKYARDS AREA Mgr. Franz stated that Mr. Flodstrom was
FLODSTROM - LIFE CARE FACILITY requesting a one year extension of his
PRELIMINARY PLAN EXTENDED' preliminary plan for a Life -Care facility
approved by the Board on February 21, 1983.
He stated that inasmuch as this specific .plan is no longer before the Village,
and Mr. Flodstrom is proposing a new plan, Staff recommended that the exten-
sion be granted for only-six months. Such'extension would preserve the
status quo while permitting Mr. Flodstrom time for.'a public hearing before
the Plan Commission to amend the original plan viable only through February 21,
Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to extend for six months the
Preliminary Development Plan for the Life Care Facility -on Lot 9 of the Brick-
yards property. Motion carried unanimously.
DRINKING AGE LEGISLATION Mayor Forrest stated that a letter had been
RESOLUTION NO. R -84 -02 received from.Congressman Porter regar.d:i.ng
legislation to require all states to have
a minimum drinking age of 21 or forgo federal funds for highway I)1Uf;i "::i(R3.
The Board unanimously favored nationwide drinking age legislation. Trustee
Jackson noted that Congressman Porters strategy of putting some teeth'into
the Bill was very wise. Trustee York concurred and stated that Cong. Porter
was to be commended for his courage in presenting the Bill in Congress.
Chief Brandt stated that the Chemical People had discussed the Bill at their
recent meeting and favored the 21 -year minimum drinking age legislation,
however achieved. He had volunteered to convey their specific wish for
Board support of the Bill.
Trustee Jackson moved, seconded by Trustee York, that a resolution supporting
H.R. 2441 be drafted and sent immediately to' appropriate legislators. Motion
carried unanimously.
Trustee Seidman inquired about Village control in the Cable TV area. Attorney
Stucko stated that the FCC had ruled that rates were up to the Cable Companies.
Asked about the number of channels beyond the first tier of service, he stated
the Village has no control as to the amount or level of service,'even though
it is in the, contract. He stated .that the Village is pre- empted by federal
regulations; the FCC governs and they have taken full control of everything
above tier one.
Mayor Forrest and Trustee Seidman were interested in whether the Board had the
right to cancel the whole contract, and if so, under what-conditions. Attorney
Stucko will research the matter.
Mayor Forrest noted that a letter had been received from School Superintendent
Charles Caruso asking the Board to consider implementation of some traffic
control measures as soon as possible at Deerfield and Castlewood. Staff was
instructed to review the matter and report to the Board at the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Village Clerk