November 7, 1983
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was call-
ed to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday',
November 7,'1983 at 8:06 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the
following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor`
Stephen 0. Jackson
James L. Marovitz .�
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
Absent: Cynthia J. Marty
and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Robert D.
Franz, Village Manager, and Village Attorney James K. Stucko.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded'by Trustee Jackson, to approve the minutes of
the previous Board meeting as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Removed from agenda at the request of
Equity Associates.
Manager Franz -read the recommendations of the
Advisory Task Force (ATF) concerning Deer Run
streetconnections as follows:
1. Emergency access only be provided between Deer Run Subdivision and Hyacinth
Lane in Briarwood Vista Subdivision on the general alignment of the emergency
access as now shown on the preliminary Plat of Subdivision, as approved.
2. Emergency access only also be provided between Deer Run Subdivision and
Carriage Way Drive to the south of Colony Point Subdivision on the general align-
ment with Lot 72 of Deer Run Subdivision as shown on the preliminary plat,of sub-
division dated June 8, 1983 Revision of the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision.
3.'That both such emergency accesses be provided within 60'
order that future public access may be provided within either
subject to the restrictive covenant described below.
rights -of -way in
or both rights -of -way
4. That the emergency vehicular paths within the 6Q' rights -of -way shall be no
more that 10' in-width and shall be designed..to the current state of the art to
discourage non - emergency traffic.
5. There shall be no vehicular access of any kind through Kerry Lane into
Colony Point subdivision or through Carlisle Avenue on the south into Briarwood
Vista subdivision.
6. That restrictive covenants be placed upon the final Plat of Subdivision and
rights -of -way dedications providing that future public access shall not be pro -
vided'over either of'the emergency access rights -of -way in the event that 50%
or more of the legal homeowners in either of the two subdivisions between which
public access is being proposed show formal objections to such access; after
due notice.
Mayor Forrest stated that at his request Village Attorney Stucko had prepared
for consideration that evening a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants as recom -.
mended by the AFT (Item 6). Att'y. Stucko explained that.the covenant, in
accord with the ATF recommendation, provided that the Village Corporate Authori-
ties will not improve either of the two areas in question with a fully improved
street unless they conduct a public hearing to consider that. particular issue,
following legal notice, and if they have not received written objections from
the owners of 51% of either of the two subdivisions affected by either connec-
tion. He stated that the covenant would be executed by the owners of Deer
Run and placed upon the Final Plat of subdivision and rights -of -way dedications
and recorded. Replying to inquiry by Trustee Marovitz regarding the present
easements, Att'y'. Stucko explained that the existing grant of easement for a
public right -of -way to Colony Point will be vacated and rededicated subject to
the provisions of the covenant. Trustee Marovitz and Trustee Seidman questioned
the covenant's public hearing sequence, favoring instead a provision calling for
a public hearing followed by a time period for receipt of objections from
Considerable discussion followed regarding the 10' width of the emergency access
lanes. Mr. Larry Dondanville, Traffic Consultant and Chairman of the ATF, ex-
plained that the lanes would be stabilized turf ... a.gravel base tonned with grass
and planted with low shrubs to" discourage any but emergency vehicles which could run
over the low shrubs. He stated that emergency vehicles have an 8z' wheel base,
and thus, a 10' lane is sufficient. Trustee Marovitz took particular note of
the fact that the fire department had not been contacted for its approval of the
lane width. Mayor Forrest commented that a strip of stabilized turf. around One
Deerfield Place had met with fire department approval. Mgr. .Franz noted that
the fire department had indicated to Staff that while 15' strips were preferred,
it could live with 10 feet. Mayor Forrest assured Trustee Marovitz that the
fire department would be contacted for their comments.
Thereafter, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee'Jackson, to/ accept the
recommendationsof the Advisory Task Force regarding the street connections in
Deer Run Subdivision.
Mayor Forrest read _a letter from Trustee Marty stating she was in complete ac-
cord with the recommendations of the Advisory Task Force.
Trustee Marovitz stated that he would have grave misgivings voting on the
matter since there were still, in his view, two critical, open issues: 1),lack
of fire department approval of emergency lanes, and 2) the covenant provision.
in regard. to the timing of a public hearing on public access.
Trustee Seidman stated that if the fire department seriously felt it must have
a 15' emergency lane, he believed the home owners would have no objections. Also,
the homeowners will have an opportunity to examine the covenant, and if there are
small changes here and there, he did not anticipate objections from them..
Mayer Forrest stated that he really felt that a 10'lane was an adequate width
for emergency vehicles,though 15 feet might be better. He added that he felt
confident that the final form of the restrictive covenants would satisfy the
Village Attorney, the Board, and the homeowners. He added that what was really
being said, in principle, was "this is what we will do." "We don't have to have
restrictive covenants until the plats are ready... there is a little time." He
favored input by the homeowners. He went on to say that the ATF had done an
excellent job, spending a lot of time, and the homeowners had attended a lot of
meetings. Thus, he favored voting for the recommendation'.
Mr. Arthur Rollin, 635 Carlisle Avenue, stated that the compromise-of the ATF
was not acceptable to the Colony Point homeowners who preferred action which °
would permanently prevent a Carlisle Avenue public access... He added that,he.had
"grave concern" over the provision for nullification of the covenant upon a
two - thirds vote of the subdivision residents.
Trustee Jackson stated that the two- thirds vote provision was not in the ATF
recommendations. Att'y. Stucko stated that the provision was just a usual in-
clusion in such covenants, but it could be deleted.
Motion to approve the Advisory Task Force recommendations passed unanimously.
Trustee Marovitz requested that it be noted that he had been uncomfortable vot-
ing on the recommendations and covenant which were.not yet in their final forms,
and that his affirmative vote should not be considered a commitment.
Since a number of residents from Colony Point were at the meeting and had ex-
pressed concern over effects on their area by Deer Run construction, Mgr. Franz
assured them of the temporary nature of such effects and explained how they
would be resolved.
BAXTER /TRAVENOL PETITION Removed from agenda at petitioner's request.
GALVANI PROPERTY Mgr. Franz stated that following a public
768 OSTERMAN AVENUE hearing on September 15, 1983 and its con -
REZONING /SPECIAL USE C -1 PUD tinuation, the Plan Commission recommended
PLAN COMM. REPORT /RECOMM. (6 -0) that the property be rezoned to C -1
and a Special Use for a Planned Unit Develop-
ment and the variations required (to permit the construction of an incubator
building) be granted with the stipulation that if the existing screening along
the southern portion of the eastern property line is ever removed or needs re-
placing, the petitioner will screen that area in accordance w=i tli the applicable
Zoning Ordinance provisions.
The Village Center Development Commission
recommended, on a vote of 7 =0 with one
abstention, approval of petitioner's request.
Trustee Swanson asked Mr. Galvani what types of retail uses he envisioned for
his commercial building. Mr. Galvani replied that he felt that special /packaged
merchandise not generally sought by the public would be sold. Mr. Galvani felt
that the addition of trees, berms, grass, landscaping, etc. would improve the
site and attract low- volume retail uses.
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to approve the preliminary
plan. Motion carried unanimously.
BILL KNAPP'S RESTAURANT Mgr. stated that following a public hearing
RESUB. OF MARSHALL SITE held October 13, 1983, the Plan Commission
(SOUTH WAUKEGAN ROAD) & (on a vote of 6 -0) recommended that the
SPECIAL USE request by Bill Knapp's Restaurant be granted
PLAN COMM. REP. /RECOMM. for a subdivision of the Marshall property on
south'Waukegan Road and a Special Use for a
restaurant and variations from the Zoning Ordinance requirements as follows:
size of loading berth decreased,.use of deciduous plantings other than evergreens,
required landscaped screening provided in other than owner'sfront yard (off -site
parkway), and elimination of curb stops and roping of parking stalls.
Mayor Forrest asked Plan Commissioner David Marks what had led them to recommend
two curb cuts for the site. Mr. Marks stated that there had been /considerable
discussion of the matter, but in view of the fact that the restaurant does not
open until after 10 A.M.,-hours which'do not conflict with'the general traffic
peak in the area', and the restaurant is a sit -down facility and not a traffic
generator, the two curb cuts would not pose a particular problem.
Mr. Bill Higgins, Board Chairman of Bill Knapp's Restaurants, stated . that based
on past experience, they did not anticipate a problem, but would close one en-
trance if a problem arose.
Trustee Swanson felt that the traffic study presented was really a listing of
data with an opinion. He was concerned that the restaurant would be bracketed
between traffic lights at Kates Road and the McDonalds /Cadwell's Corners light.
Mr. Stephen Roake, Traffic Engineer for Knapp's, acknowledged that the report
was not an in -depth traffic study. However, he submitted, that because of the
type of restaurant proposed,there was no need for the type of study required for
drive -in facilities, banks, etc. He submitted that the restaurant would
hav� N a 50 -60 peak vehicle count per hour and that two entrances would diffuse
most of the traffic and get better flow. He stated that a check of the traffic
indicated there were sufficient gaps in traffic to. permit safe left -turns onto
Waukegan Road.
Plan Commission Chairman Harriet Rosenthal stated that they had really delved
into the traffic situation and questioned the traffic report until they realized
that the amount of traffic generated. by a Bill Knapp's restaurant was just "a
drop in the bucket'.' compared to operations having :thousands of feet of retail
space requiring in -depth traffic studies to which the Plan Commission had become
accustomed. Recognizing that the Knapp's people had been successfully building
these low- traffic generating restaurants for years, the.Plan Commission decided
to go along with Knapp's sense of traffic conditions.
Trustee Seidman felt that the Village's engineering staff.should examine drive-
way plans for either two or three lanes. Mayor Forrest stated that Staff would,
be so instructed.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the Plan Commission
recommendation to grant the petition of Bill Knapp's Restaurant and instruct the
attorney to prepare.the necessary ordinance. Motion carried. unanimously.
The Board recessed at 9:05 P.M. and reconvened at 9:15 P.M. with all members
present and in attendance.
VARIATION (KOSS) Mgr. Franz stated that the Board of Zoning
ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Appeals had held a public hearing on October
243 WILMOT ROAD 18, 1983 to consider the petition of Joseph.
BZA RECOMMENDATION Koss, 243 Wilmot Road, for a variation to
permit the construction of an accessory build-
ing five feet from the rear and side property lines in lieu of the required 10 feet.
A motion and second to recommend granting the variation because of "practical
difficulties" was followed by a vote of 3 ayes, i nay. The BZA therefore recom-
mended denial of the petition since an vote of Four is r qui.i cci i=oc
recommendation Lo grant a
Discussion ensued on "hardships" and "practical difficulties" and what the
Board should find if it wished to override the BZA recommendation. Village
Attorney Stucko noted that such terms were very subjective definitions. BZA
Chairman Richard Lorenz stated.that he could not find any hardship or difficulty,
as defined in the Zoning Ordinance, necessary for granting a variation and
had therefore cast the negative vote.
Mr. Koss pointed out that his neighbors to the east, having R -3 zoning, could
build within five feet of their lot lines, and that unless he could do likewise,
he would have to remove 30- year -old trees. Trustee Marovitz stated that he
got the impression that Mr. Koss was pleading aesthetic hardship. Trustee
Swanson saw economic hardship if mature trees had to be destroyed.
Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to.accept the.BZA recommen-
dation to deny Mr. Koss' petition. Motion failed on the.following vote:
AYES: None (0)
NAYS: Jackson, Marovitz, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to grant a variation to permit
the building of an accessory structure five feet from the rear and side lines of
the property at 243 Wilmot Road in lieu of the required ten -foot set back and
to instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried
unanimously. - -• -
OMNICOM PUBLIC ACCESS STUDIO School,Dist. 109 wishes to lease a room in•the
SCHOOL DIST. 109 REQUEST Shepard Jr. High School to Omnicom and con -
SPEC. USE SHEPARD JR. HI. vert the room into a "public access studio"
the Plan Commission
for a public access
Following a public hearing on October 27, 1983.,
recommended (on a vote of 4 -0) that a Special Use /Unique Use
studio at the Shepard Jr. High School be approved.
Day Care Center. 0
manent Special Use
vious stipulations
parking and traffic
Village Staff, and
Use of the Cadwell School for the Deerfield
n a vote of 4 -0 the Plan Commission recommended that a per -
for the property be granted in accordance with all the pre -
and the following: 1) In order to insure traffic safety., a
control signage ,plan be developed with the approval of the
2) the parking areas should be striped.
Trustee Seidman stated he favored striping of the parking lot. Mayor Forrest
inquired as to who would do the recommended signage plan. Mgr. Franz felt
the petitioner should present a plan which the Staff could review and Mr. David
Marks of the Plan Commission concurred. He stated that there was a lot of traf-
fic every morning and that parking was a little disorganized but could be con
troKed by directional on -site signage. He felt the area would then be safer.
Mrs. Bell Silver, director of the Day Care Center, submitted that there had been
no problem with on -site parking. No child is permitted to walk alone across a
parking lot, but must be accompanied by a parent into the school and vice versa.
She objected to 'a requirement for parking lot signage and submitted that her
clientele were very intelligent and did not need such directions. She wondered
at the "close monitoring of the day care center by the Village Board." The
Board denied any unusual, close monitoring and pointed out that the Special Use
granted last year and limited to;a one -year period was to allow the Village-to
review the impact of the Center's taking over the entire Cadwell school. It
was pointed that the recommendation for signage was.' for safety purposes.
Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to accept the Plan Commis-
sion's recommendation to grant a permanent Special Use to the Deerfield Day Care
Center and instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion
carried unanimously.
REZONING All three items deferred for later consid-
SPECIAL USE - PUD eration.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded
by Trustee
York to accept the P1an.C6mmission
recommendation and to instruct
the attorney
to..prepare the necessary ordinance.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Plan
Commission held a public hearing on
27, 1983 at the request of School
109 to renew the.existing Special
Day Care Center. 0
manent Special Use
vious stipulations
parking and traffic
Village Staff, and
Use of the Cadwell School for the Deerfield
n a vote of 4 -0 the Plan Commission recommended that a per -
for the property be granted in accordance with all the pre -
and the following: 1) In order to insure traffic safety., a
control signage ,plan be developed with the approval of the
2) the parking areas should be striped.
Trustee Seidman stated he favored striping of the parking lot. Mayor Forrest
inquired as to who would do the recommended signage plan. Mgr. Franz felt
the petitioner should present a plan which the Staff could review and Mr. David
Marks of the Plan Commission concurred. He stated that there was a lot of traf-
fic every morning and that parking was a little disorganized but could be con
troKed by directional on -site signage. He felt the area would then be safer.
Mrs. Bell Silver, director of the Day Care Center, submitted that there had been
no problem with on -site parking. No child is permitted to walk alone across a
parking lot, but must be accompanied by a parent into the school and vice versa.
She objected to 'a requirement for parking lot signage and submitted that her
clientele were very intelligent and did not need such directions. She wondered
at the "close monitoring of the day care center by the Village Board." The
Board denied any unusual, close monitoring and pointed out that the Special Use
granted last year and limited to;a one -year period was to allow the Village-to
review the impact of the Center's taking over the entire Cadwell school. It
was pointed that the recommendation for signage was.' for safety purposes.
Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to accept the Plan Commis-
sion's recommendation to grant a permanent Special Use to the Deerfield Day Care
Center and instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion
carried unanimously.
REZONING All three items deferred for later consid-
SPECIAL USE - PUD eration.
1st Reading - Municipal Code Amend.Sec. 22 -96.
CLASS A & B LIQUOR LIC. FEES 1st reading - Mun. Code Amendment
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York to approve the Consent Agenda.
Motion carried unanimously.
LAKE -COOK OFFICE CENTER Second reading of ordinance to eliminate'cer-
AMENDMENT OF PUD tain landscape requirements and permit a
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -42 development identification flag.
Trustee Seidman moved,.seconded by Trustee York, that the Plan Commission be
directed to hold a public hearing to consider permitting sign /flags by ordinance
and deletion from the Zoning Ordinance certain present parking lot requirements
such as berms, roping, striping, wheel stops, etc. and to reconsider the sign
Mayor Forrest urged the Board to consider the motion with caution since about
six years work on the Zoning could be undone. He stated that review of one or
two items would be in order but to ask the Plan Commission to review all of..'
the items suggeste'd. would put an undue burden on them, pointing out that the
sign ordinance itself was about 35 pages long.
The motion failed on a vote of 2 ayes.and 3 nays.
Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, to pass the ordinance amend
ing the Special Use /PUD of the Lake -Cook Office Center. Motion passed on the
following vote
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Swanson, York (4)
NAYS: Seidman (1)
$500,000 CORP. PURPOSE BONDS Trustee.Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT Swanson, to waive the rules to permit passage
ORDINANCE N0: 0 -83 -43 on first reading of the ordinance.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to .pass the ordinance authori-
zing the issuance -.of $500,OOO.Corporate Purpose.Bonds. under: the Tax Increment Re -.
development'Pl'an: Motion carried on.the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) /
NAYS: None (0)
INTERCEPTOR SEWER /BRICKYARDS Mgr. Franz reported that the interceptor sewer
DISCUSSION OF FUNDING line for the Brickyards should be located on
virgin soil along the east and north perimeters
of the IDOT /Deerfield property. However, it is unlikely that Deerfield will soon
receive approval for an easement requested from IDOT. The Village, therefore, has
two options at this time: 1) Await a decision by IDOT on whether they will grant
right -of -way needed for extending Pfingsten Road, along which the new sewer would
be located, or 2) Retain Soil and Material Consultants, Inc. (at a cost of $4,000)
to perform soil testing in hopes that ground conditions would permit the sewer
improvement on Flodstrom's property. He stated that Staff recommends Option 2
since it is in the best interests of the Village to move forward with this sewer
project at the.earliest possible date.
There followed a lengthy discussion of subsurface conditions found in the fill -
area where even at a 65 -foot depth a bearing surface has not been found. Village
Engineer Soyka felt that testing of the Flodstrom property immediately adjoining
the IDOT /Deerfield parcel might disclose a strip ten to thirty feet wide of
virgin soil in which to lay a sewer line not needing to be artificially supported.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept a proposal from Soil
and Material Consultants, Inc. of Arlington Heights, Illinois to perform soil
testing for a maximum of $4,000. Motion carried on the following vote:
AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
Mgr. Franz reported that Public Works Director Edmund Klasinski was advisec] by
the Cook County Highway Department that it would permit tree planting along the
north side of Lake -Cook Road right -of -way provided Deerfield would provide and
maintain the trees at no expense to Cook County.
Mayor Forrest favored developing a plan for such landscaping along the entire
length of Lake -Cook Road which could be considered at budget time. Staff will
proceed to develop such a plan.
Mgr. Franz reported that some residents living on private roads had asked to
participate in the Village's 50/50 tree program. The policy has been not to
expend public funds for plantings on any.but public rights -of =way. The Board
favored continuation of the present policy.
Mgr. Franz reported that structural problems with the traffic,light standards
had been caused by. attaching banners to them. Staff will ask the Board to.
reconsider permitting banners to be hung from the lights.
There being no further business.to come before the Board, upon motion by
Trustee York, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Village Cler