March 29, 1983
The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deer-
field held March 21, 1983 was called to order by the Mayor in the Council
Chamber of "the Village Hall on Tuesday, March 29, 1983 at 7:37 P.M. The Clerk
called the roll and announced the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor
Jerold L. Heisler
Cynthia J. Marty.
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
and'that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present and in attend-
ance was Village Manager Robert D. Franz.
ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING .'.:Mayor Forrest announced that the March 21st
COMMITTEE REPORT /RECOMM. Board meeting had been adjourned in order to
ENGINEERING CONSULTANT consider the recommendation of the Architec-
SEWER STUDY tural and Engineering Selection Committee's
Report on a consultant to make a comprehensive
study and report on a Storm Water and Waste Water Management Program.
He stated that the Committee consisted of Trustees Edwin B. Seidman and Vernon
E. Swanson, Chairman of the Flood Advisory Committee Alan Schultz, Village
Manager Robert D. Franz, Director of Public Works Edmund Klasinski and Direc-
tor of Engineering James Soyka. The Committee had sent thirteen engineering
firms a request for qualifications and eleven had responded. After evaluating
the responses, four firms were selected for further consideration and subse-
quently invited to submit a proposal for correcting storm and waste water
problems in the Village: Mayor Forrest commended the Committee for "a very
excellent job" in covering all the bases and asked Mgr. Franz to read their
recommendation for a consultant.
Mgr. Franz reported that the Architectural and Engineering Selection had unani-
mously recommended:
1. To retain the services of Baxter and Woodman to conduct the Phase I of
the Storm Water and Waste Water Management Program at a cost not to
exceed $225,254.
2. The Mayor be authorized to execute the Engineering Agreement incorpora-
ting Baxter and.Woodman's complete proposal after staff and legal review.
3. The Mayor and Board of Trustees charge the Selection Committee to develop
manpower requirements, job descriptions,.assist with interviews, and rec-
comend candidates for part -time employment to obtain the maximum reduc-
tion in consulting fees.'
Mayor Forrest stated that during 1982.the Board had considered capital pro-
jects'which'included both street and.utility projects. But due to the flooding
in July and December, the Board reevaluated its capital improvement program to
.give specific emphasis to resolving.flooding problems. Thereafter, $500,000
in General Obligation Bonds were issued.
Mgr. Franz explained that $200,000 of the issue had been committed to the study
and predesign engineering and fieldwork relating to localized storm and sani
tary sewer problems. An additional $200,000 had been allocated for cleaning
the West Fork ditch (presently underway) through a loan to the Union Drainage
District No: 1. While not all bills have been yet submitted for payment, the
actual bid for cleaning was $21,000 less than anticipated. It is,therefore,
expected that funds will remain from this allocation after the ditch cleaning
project is completed. He further stated that the initial $200,000 allocated
for the study plus the $21,000 saved from the creek cleaning and other unspent
funds in the ditch allocation placed the Village in a good position to pro-
ceed with the study as proposed by the Committee. Moreover, there is a possi-
bility that the Drainage District can start repaying on the loan the Village
made to it.
Thereafter, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to accept the
Architectural and Engineering Selection Committee's recommendation..
Mayor Forrest commended the Committee for an "outstanding job." Trustee
Marty commended Dr. Sundin of Baxter and Woodman for the clarity of his
report and Mayor Forrest added that he appreciated his statement that the
primary objective of the study is not the study itself but to findirealistic
and economically sound means of solving the flooding problems. '
Mayor Forrest asked Dr. Sundin if he planned to review the report expected
from the Army Corps of Engineers. 'Dr. Sundin replied that he would maintain
contact with the Crops and factor into his study any pertinent information.
The motion to accept the Committee's report passed on'the following vote:
AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
The Clerk reported.that the Canvassing Board for the forthcoming April 12th
election would need to canvass the votes within seven days after the election.
Both Mayor Forrest and Trustee Heisler, members of the Canvassing Board, will
be present at the Village Board meeting of April 18,. and the Canvassing Board
will convene at 7:50 P.M.
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by ,
Trustee Marty, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M.