10/04/1982October 4, 1982 The regular meeting'of the Board'of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall at 8:00 P.M., Monday, October 4, 1982. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin W. Ehlers Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York and,that a quorum was - present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager Robert D..Franz and Village Attorney Herbert Linn. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of Septem- ber 20, 1982 be.approved with the following corrections:. 1) first page, second paragraph, substitute "Ehlers" in lieu of "Swanson ", and 2) under Dartmouth/ Indian Hill, correct spelling of Dartmouth. Motion carried unanimously. . I PRESENT SAFETY AWARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ceremonies honoring various _None of these occasions has which I am about to make." had been received from the as follows: Mayor Forrest stated, "During m years as Mayor of the Village of peerfidld, I have been privileged to officiate at numerous people for a wide variety of accomplishments. given me as much pleasure as the presentation He went on to state.*that a very, special plaque Village's insurer', Employers of Wausau, reading For Exceptional Achievement in Accident Prevention - 422,400 Employee. Hours Without a Lost Workday Case - August 10, 1976 to August 10, 1982 - Record Still Continuing. Mayor Forrest pointed out that all 30 of the Public Works employees have had no time off due to accidents on the job.- an astonishing record when the nature of their duties is considered. This accomplishment has resulted, in annual savings in Workers'.Compensation Insurance of approximately $40,000. Mayor Forrest then presented the plaque to Mr..Edmund Klasinski, Director of Public Works, stating, "The Board of Trustees joins me in offering congratu- lations to every member of .your Department. I know that you will all work toward making this seven years .... and we will see you here again next Sep- tember "' Mr. Klasinski accepted the plaque while all present signaled their appreciation with hearty applause. PLAQUE PRESENTED TO Mayor Forrest reported that -the Deerfield CHIP BOATRIGHT Chamber of Commerce has recognized extensive NORTH SHORE AUTO PARTS improvements made to both the building and grounds at 756 Hoffman Lane by Mr. Chip Boat- right-who recently -moved his Nor- th-.Shore Auto Parts .business.to..that location, and have presented'Mr. Boatright with a plaque- reading as follows: On Behalf of the Residents of the Village of Deerfield to Acknowledge Your'Service by Landscaping and Beautifying Your New Location at 756 Hoffman Lane. The Improvements Which You Have Made Greatly Enhance'. the Appearance of the Village.' Stating that the Village would also like to compliment Mr. Boatright for the changes which have done much to make that area of the Village Center more attractive, Mayor Forrest presented the plaque to Mr. Boatright while all present indicated their approval. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY CITATION Mayor Forrest announced that the Village.of AWARDED TO VILLAGE OF DFLD. Deerfield had been awarded a Pedestrian Safety AAA = CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Citation for 1982 by the AAA - Chicago Motor Club in recognition of four years without a pedestrian fatality. Mr. Nets Pierson, president of the AAA- Chicago Motor Club,praised the efforts of local school officials, traffic engineers, and police in helping Deerfield to gain this national pedestrain safety recogni- tion. 1 1 1 41• 129 FLOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Forrest proposed' that' th&,'-Flood .Advisory REACTIVATION CONSIDERED Committee (formed in the early 1970's) be acti- vated with the primary tasks of: 1) establishing lines of communication Vetween the Village, its neighboring communities and the governmental units which have responsibility for storm drainage in and around Deerfield, 2) working closely with the respective drainage districts to plan for and implement a general maintenance program for all creeks within Deerfield, 3) organizing Village efforts to gain Congressional support for completion of the North Branch'Floodwater Management Plan and the appropriation of funds needed for these improvements, 4) assisting in securing amendments to'existing,Federal regulations that.currently restrict participation by the U.S. Corps,of Engineers in the project,. and 5) working closely.with staff to keep the)Mayor and Board of Trustees fully informed and up to date on the progress of.implementing the North Branch Floodwater Management Plan. Mayor Forest further proposed that the Committee be appointed at the October 18th Board meeting. He stated that he had asked Trustee Swanson to serve on the Committee as liaison since he has had considerable experience in engineering and real estate. He added that he would ask residents who are interested as well as Board members for suggestions on appointments. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve reactivation'of the Flood Advisory - Committee. Motion carried`unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA FIRE.PREVENTION.CODE Municipal Code amendment to permit use of the. MUNICIPAL.CODE AMENDMENT. BOCA Fire Prevention Code as amended in lieu of ORDINANCE.NO. 0 -82 -47 the AIA Code currently in effect in that area of Deerfield south of Lake -Cook Rd. which is pro- tected by'the'Northbrook.Rural Fire Protection District.. MOTORCYCLE SHOP 704 -08 WAUKEGAN RD. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT MOTORCYCLE.SHOP 704 -08 WAUKEGAN RD., SPECIAL USE /MULTIPLE USE i First reading of an ordinance to / end the Zoning Ordinance to permit motorcycle s les.and services as a Special Use in the�C11, Village Center District. First reading of an- ordinance granting a Special. Use/ Multiple Use. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty,to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None .(0) TOWN & COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT Trustee Marty, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to 1360- 1422.WAUKEGAN RD.. pass the ordinance rezoning the property at 1360 - I ZONING MAP AMENDMENT 1422 Waukegan Road from R -1 to-R-5. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -48 Mayor Forrest again urged the Board.to vote against the proposed development as he felt the project would set a dangerous precedent for other vacant land in the Village and is unsafe. He further stated that if the Board passes the ordinance, he intends to veto it in order to provide the Board - another chance to change its mind at the next meeting. The motion carried on the following voted:. AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York .(6). NAYS: None (0) TOWN & COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT 1360- 1422.WAUKEGAN RD. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson to.pass'the ordinance granting a Special Use for FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN a. Planned Residential Development at 1360 -1422 ORDINANCE N0. 0 -82 -49 .. -.`-' 'Waukegan"Rd:' Motion carried -on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0). Mayor Forrest again reminded the Board of his.intentions to veto both ordinances. 130 � DRIVE -THRU RESTAURANTS ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO.- 0 -82 -50 and Mgr. Franz said that at the last..Board meeting first reading was had on ordinances amending both the Zoning Ordinance and McDonald's Special Use toper mit drive -thru facilities where a traffic signal is . already operative (as recommended by the Plan Com- MCDONALD'S DRIVE -THRU mission). SPECIAL USE AMENDMENT ks,ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -51 At that time, the question arose whether use of ..;` drive -thru facilities should be permitted prior to installation of a traffic signal which, according to Village Engineer James Soyka, might take a full year to complete. Therefore, the Village Attorney was asked to submit for Board consideration, at the present meeting, alternate ordi- nances amending both the Zoning text and McDonald's Special Use but deleting the requirements for an operative traffic signal prior to use of a drive -thru window. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to pass the original text amending ordinance requiring an operating traffic signal before a drive -thru can be used. Discussion followed with participation by Ms. Barbara Baran and Mr..Hosea Harvey (attorney and representative for McDonald's) who favored the alternate ordinances (without prior traffic signal requirement). They pointed out that Cadwell's Cor- ners as well as McDonald's had already executed an agreement to pay the costs in- volved in'signalization. Trustee Marty noted that the alternate ordinance, while requiring an executed agreement providing for signalized access, made no mention of State approval. Trustee Seidman stated that without a requirement that State warrants had to be met, the ordinance would not be complete. He pointed out that such an addi- tion was necessary to prevent the label of "special legislation for an individual or organization." Trustee Swanson, substantiating his motion, stated that a traffic problem already exists at McDonald's, and he could not approve a facility,which would increase the problem, before a traffic signal was operating. Mayor Forrest concurred and stated, "It would be unsafe." Mr. Harvey replied that the traffic increase would be only two to six percent. However, Trustee Swanson pointed out,that Cadwell's Corners has heavier traffic than McDonald's and that the warrants had been met not because of an expected increase in traffic but due to lack of traffic gaps during the noon hour. In reply, Mr. Harvey stated that their traffic consultant had stated that even without a traffic light the drive -thru addition "would work ", and that McDonald's peak period does not coincide with that of Cadwell's Corners. When Mr. Charles Buccola, co -owner of Cadwell's Corners, was asked for comments; he.stated that while he expected the drive -thru to increase the traffic somewhat, he could respect McDonald's wish to use it prior to completion.of' the signal. He added that Cadwell's'Corners' busiest time is from Thanksgiving Through Christmas, and for this period, they have hired off -duty police offi�ers to'direct traffic. Mr. Harvey stated that McDonald's would be will-- ing.to cooperate with Cadwell's Cor- ners in this regard. However, Police Chief Richard Brandt commented that there might not be police officers available, and Mayor Forrest felt that directing such traffic would be hazardous for an officer. The motion to pass the original text - amending ordinance,with its requirement of a traffic signal prior to.a drive -thru, failed on.the following vote: AYES: Swanson (1) NAYS: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (5) Thereafter, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler; to pass the alter- nate text - amending ordinance, further amended to include ,a stipulation that State warrants must be met. Motion passed on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (5) NAYS: Swanson (1) Discussion continued regarding the length of time required to construct the drive -thru facility (21 days), and the possibility of.delaying its use until after.the holidays when traffic is so heavy at Cadwell's Corners. Thereafter, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to pass the alternate Special Use amending ordinance, further amended by: 1) deletion of 1 I. 1 4 !1 I l 31 paragraph C of Section Two and substitution of...a.stipulation.'that: the drive -thru may be constructed but not used until January 2 .1'9;51" i d'2)': "addition of a Sec- tion stating that the ordinance supercedes any portions of the'old Special Use which are.inconsistent with provisions of this ordinance. Motion carried on fol- lowing vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty; Seidman, York (5) NAYS: Swanson (1) DEERBROOK SHOPPING CENTER Mayor Forrest reported that the Board had met with AMENDMENT TO PUD representatives of Deerbrook shopping Center on Monday, September-27 to try to arrive at an agree- ment regarding opening a public access between Deerbrook and�Lake- Cook.Plaza Shopping Centers. In addition,'other meeting srhad followed. He commented that while all parties were not in agreement as to how best to accomplish'some.inter- connection, all had entered into negotiations in good faith and had.tried to work together. Mgr. Franz reported that at the meeting with the Board on Monday, September 27, Mr. Valenti of Deerbrook had presented proposals different from those the Board, had indicated, (at the September 20 Board meeting) as necessary for their grant- ing the petition for the Marshall addition. Following that meeting he had been requested to meet with Mr. Charles Buccola of Lake -Cook Plaza to get his're- action to Mr. Valenti's proposal. On September 30,.Mr. Buccola, Mr. Valenti, and Mr. Franz met and Mr. Buccola expressed his displeasure with the Valenti proposal. After presenting in full the Board's view and wishes regarding the unresolved matter of many years standing, Mr. Valenti again rejected the Board's requirements for the same reasons presented at the September 27 meeting. At this point all began to look at what might be acceptable to both shopping cen- ter owners. Mr. Franz went on to say, "After'a three hour meeting, an agreement was proposed which I reiterated again and again was not anything endorsed by the Board or Staff but was merely an option to the other two afternatives (granting of`.the t petition without the access or. denial of the petition.-because the access .issue had not been resolved). The proposed agreement was. simply a third alternative essentially involving: 1) an emergency connection'at the.southeast corner of Lake -Cook Plaza, 2) removal of the stockade fence at the north end of the' Deerbrook property to open up the two shopping centers by a pedestrian.walk- way, 3) the closing of the originally proposed access at the southwest corner of Lake -Cook Plaza with landscaping, etc. to prevent through traffic'at that point, and 4) installation of an electrically controlled barrier for use ex- clusively by the police and emergency vehicles, if either shopping center owner proves the plan burdensome. In addition there would be a separate contract for police services to insure the emergency connection is not used by shoppers." He added that the village attorney had advised that a stipulation that the access work be� completed by April 1, 1983 could be tied to the amended Special-.Use -ordinance. Trustee York read a section of the Deerbrook annexation agreement dated May 3, 1970 providing for an interconnect between the property now known as Lake -Cook Plaza and the Deerbrook Shopping Center: Owners agree: b). that if the real estate North-of and adjoining the rear portion of the, real estate to be annexed lying between, the Northerly boundary of said real estate to be annexed and Lake Cook Road, shall be //J annexed to Village and shall be zoned.for a business use; and, furt er, provided that.a publicway is installed from Lake Cook Road to a point at the North line of the property hereiri' described, Developer will provide for access'_to said publicway from the parking area of-the real estate herein.described. Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the- ordinance amending the Special Use for Deerbrook, contingent upon a. vehicular public connection between the Deerbrook and Lake- Cook.Shopping_centers, be approved. Discussion followed with Trustee Swanson stating that after the Monday night meeting with.Mr. Valenti he could better see the problems. He commented that while the Board wishes an interconnect,just between the two shopping centers,_ there is an opinion that it would provide an access from Waukegan Rd._'to Lake - Cook Rd. with such traffic. "running wild" through the'.Brunswick parking lot. Also, he had not realized that the Valentis had plans for future: buildings which they would want to have sited before traffic. is directed through the area. I 132 Trustee Heisler stated that he had agreed with Trustee York at the previous Board meeting: However, at the subsequent meeting with the Valentis,ihe felt' they had some valid points. He pointed out that they had address d the problem of.public safety, a proper concern of the Board, and had w rked,2t an arrange - ment for emergency police and fire access between the�shop�ing „centers. He went on to say that an interconnect for shoppers convenience was a marketing matter with the decision for such an access belonging to Mr. Valenti. He felt that an interconnection where it had originally been planned would not result in a public through way, but he could see Mr. Valentis concern''for his future building plans. Mr.'F4.York then presented a sketch showing how.a 2 -way vehicular interconnect for shoppers could be achieved without using land needed for future buildings or jeopardizing safety of persons going from the Brunswick bowling alley to the shopping center. Col. Milan Weber, member of the Illinois Drivers Safety Council, speaking in the public interest, stated that an unsafe condition exists for.eastbound motorists leaving Lake -Cook Plaza who are immediately confronted by cars from two Deerbrook driveways pulling out I in front of them. He strongly urged an interconnection to Lake -Cook Plaza.in order to•use its traffic light and the closing of one or both Deerbrook driveways at Lake -Cook Road. Mr..Skolnick, proprietor of .a Deerbrook Tobacco shop, 'strongly urged passage of the ordinance to permit the addition for Marshalls. He stated that busi- nesses at Deerbrook were feeling _the recession and a Marshalls store was needed to help restore a vibrant atmosphere by attracting a customer traffic flow. Mr. Frank Elston, former Deerbrook shopkeeper, submitted that Mr. Valenti would increase business at Deerbrook by an interconnect for shoppers. However, Trustee Heisler pointed out that both shopping centers are private property and that he feels the Village can go no farther than insisting on an emergency vehicle access for public safety. The motion to grant the amendment to the PUD Special Use, contingent upon - a public interconnection, failed on the following vote: AYES: Seidman, York (2) NAYS: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Swanson (4) Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, that the alternate ordinance received on October 4 (providing for an agreement for'limited access to Lake - Cook Plaza) be amended to stipulate that no occupancy permit will be issued for Marshalls if the agreed upon interconnection work is not completed by April 1, 1983 and stand as first reading. Trustee Marty stated that she felt it necessary to add that "Mr. Valenti's lack of interest in the desires of Deerfield residents who are potential cus- tomers of Deerbrook and his lack of cooperation with the Board is not very understandable.” At Mayor Forrest's request, Mgr. Franz read the agreement.referred to in the ordinance.' Thereafter Trustee Seidman expressed extreme displeasure with the ordinance and agreement providing only limited access. Mr. Valenti'distri- buted to the .Board...a let. ter . stati.ng._that. future .Dee, rbrook plans would include additional structure plans in the rear parking lot, and at that time, they would reconsider a more permanent vehicular interconnection. Trustee Seidman rejected the letter saying he felt it reflected continuing unwillingness to honor terms of the annexation'agreement (now expired) and that it was not relevant to the present issue. A. The motion to have the amended alternate ordinance stand at firs 'reading carried with.:Trustee Seidman and Trustee:York voting Nay. � r Mr. Charles Buccola of Lake -Cook Plaza stated that the closing of the end of the road through.Lake -Cook Plaza did not have to be permanent;,that the road would still be,available for public access if it, is later determined that it should be opened. FAUS FUNDING FOR RESURFACING W. DEERFIELD,ROAD RR TRACKS TO WILMOT RD. He stated that with Board app funding to remove and replace a Mgr. Franz reminded the Board that Deerfield Rd. from Rosemary Terrace east to the Middle Fork creed was resurfaced last year under the FAUS program (70% Federal and 30% Village funds). roval, an application could be made for FAUS about 60% of the curb,.structure adjustment r, �I 1 IX 133 and reconstruction, resurf' acing,) pavement .marking.;.arid..restoration.' The',pre- liminary cost is estimated at $226,500 with FAUS funding $1'48,000 and the' Village $78,000 .(from a $100,000 resurfacing program considered for the 1983 -84 Budget). Village Engineer James Soyka stated that if the Village moves rapidly there is a good chance of receiving FAUS funding. Accordingly, Trustee Seidman moved,. seconded by Trustee York, to authorize application for FAUS funding'.for resurfacing of west- portion of Deerfield Road. Motion passed on the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest asked for an update on the Tylenol problem. Chief /brandt repor- ted that people had been bringing Tylenol into the police epart ent all day, long, but that since there had been no reported Tylenol -r lated illness, he had not yet sent the capsules to the lab, but he stated all would eventually be sent to the Northern Illinois Crime Lab. He stated that records were being kept on who, when, and where the capsules had been bought and whether anyone had been ill. He reported that when the police department had-been first alerted, police officers were sent to all stores known to sell that type of.medication to advise them to..remove.it from their.shelves, and all had cooperated. White - hall North and Brentwood Nursing homes had been contacted, and an officer went door . to door at the senior citizens housing facility. Also' letters had been sent to all persons known to be out of town. BEER AND WINE LICENSES Mayor Forrest asked the Board to consider re- MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT duping the number of beer and wine licenses on ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -52 first reading of an ordinance on hand. Accordingly, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to waive rules to permit passage of the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to amend Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code to reduce the number of Class C licenses to two (2). Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty,.Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Trustee York called attention to Fire Prevention Week, noting that the fire department had given.a "marvelous demonstration on Sunday. ". He also commend- ed the cooperation of the fire department and the police department. He.stated that he-had witnessed a huge, heavily loaded, truck turn the Ford Pharmacy.cor- ner too fast, knocking..down the traffic light, and without stopping,proceed east on Deerfield Rd. He went on to say that the assistant fire chief happened by, saw the incident., and at about Briergate, pulled his car in front o.f. the truck and stopped it. Police who had been promptly called arrested the truck driver. He added, "I think we have wonderful fire and police departments." Other Board members voiced agreement. Mgr. Franz asked press cooperation in a'notice to the public that October 12 was the deadline for returning SBA,loan applications. He reported that there had'been 117 completed and returned but that there -were still 423.out. Mgr.. Franz reported that Omn.icom had stated that to market their Cable TV service_, they need to call on residents in the evening. Solicitation'after 5 P.M. is prevented by,ordinance and they are requesting some consideration in this regard in order to contact those who can and will make a decision on the amount and service they wish. Mgr. Franz went on to say that Omnicom was somewhat unique and differed from ordinary solicitors, since they had'been franchised by the Village. However, exceptions cannot be.made. But,..it is pos- sible to amend the municipal code to permit a Village franchised firm to market its services in the evening. Their personnel would be registered and carry proper identification. 134 Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee.Ehlers, %to' instruct the attorney to prepare an amendment to the Municipal Code to permit firms franchised by the Village to call on potential customers until 8 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was.had about the need to work out some arrangement for contacting . those homes posted with a "No Solicitors Invited" sign. Questions arose as to the advisability of direct marketing contact rather than printed material . left at homes. Trustee Seidman favored material left at homes prior to personal solicitation. Mgr. Franz stated that it was up to the home owner, but ,that since it was part of the agreement with Omnicom that free installation ,.would be granted during the first 30 days, residents might want to be con - tacted at once by Omnicom personnel. It was explained that the 30 -day free installation starts with receipt of printed information or verbal presentation. FBI CHARGES. Mgr. Franz reported that.the Village had.been LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS advised by.the FBI that they are now going to charge,$12 per person for processing finger- prints of those seeking liquor licenses. He stated Staff felt those fees should be passed on to the applicant. Accordingly, Trustee Seidman moved,, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to instruct the attorney to prepare an ordinance stipulating that applicants for liquor licenses be charged for FBI processing fees as well as an the Village might charge for that application. Motion carried unanimously. There being no furthei'business to come before the Board; on motion by Trustee Marty, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. "-EST: i L Village Cle r? APPROVED: Mayor, W I 1 3 e W I 1