12/07/198117 December 7, 1981 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday,. December 7, 1.981 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced.that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Marvin W. Ehlers Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert D. Franz.. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of November. 16, 1981 be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously. �t PLAQUE PRESENTATION BY Mr. RoyuKissling, Community Blood Program NORTH SUBURBAN BLOOD CENTER TO Chairman, introduced Mrs. Dale Basik who ROY KISSLING /DEERFIELD, stated that "on behalf.of the North Subur- an Blood Center and all patients in area . hospitals. who have benefited from the blood program" she wished to present to Mr, Roy. Kissling a plaque reading "The ,North Suburban Blood Center recognizes the Village of Deerfield for their Vital Contribution to the Regional Volunteer Blood Program." She added that while only the years 1980 and 1981 are inscribed on the plaque, the Blood Center was most appreciative of the many previous years*Deerfield citizens had contri- buted. Upon.accepting.the plaque, Mr. Kissling graciously presented it to Mayor For- rest for display'in the Village Hall. Mayor Forrest announced that he had before him a letter of resignation from Mr. kiss- ling which he would accept with regret as the Village would not have received the. plaque nor would citizens have been beneficiaries of the blood program had it not been for the efforts of Roy KiSsling for many years. Mayor Forrest and the Board thanked Mr. Kissling, and everyone present joined the Board in hearty, appreciative applause. for Mr. Kissling's efforts. DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Village Engineer James Soyka was present ENGINEERING DEPT. to discuss any item of his report which had been submitted to the Board. Mr. Soyka drew the Board§ attention to the fact that the resurfacing of Deerfield Road (between Rosemary and the east Village limits) has been completed, which he attributed to Deerfield's prompt action in signing an engineering contract,- He reported that out of eight communities applying for.funding only Deerfield and Waukegan had completed their projects..'.no mean accomplishment in view of the amount of paper work involved.. Mr. Soyka further reported that (in conjunction with the.Public Works department) an attempt, is being made to evaluate aspects of the street maintenance program that will stretch the maintanance dollar. He submitted for Board inspection a sample of a new ruberized asphalt crack-filler-which remains resilient even under freezing conditions, is not affected by snow plowing, and has proved satisfactory five years after the original application (in Schaumburg and Arlington Heights):. Following a short dis- cussion, the Board thanked Mr. Soyka for his report. REAR YARD VARIATION Mgr. Franz stated that the Board of Zoning 1179 HAMILTON LANE ( YAUKEY) Appeals had held a public hearing on Novem- BZA REPORT & RECOMMENDATION ber 17, 1981 to.hear the'petition of Mr. and Mrs. John Yaukey,,1179 Hamilton Lane, for a variation from Article 4 and 10 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a 1-story room addi- tion on an. existing non - conforming house (having.a rear yard of 47.85 feet in lieu of the required 50 feet) ... said addition in no way extending the nonconformity. After due consideration and the finding of hardship, the BZA unanimously voted,to recommend that the requested variation be granted. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the recommendation.-of -the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant a rear yard variation for .the property.at 1179 Hamil- ton Lane be accepted and the attorney instructed to prepare the necessary.ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. FLODSTROM SIGN MODIFICATION Mgr. Franz stated that-the Board of Zoning 707 LAKE -COOK RD. - BZA RECOMMENDATION Appeals had held a public hearing'on Novem- ber 17, 1981 to hear the petition of the,.,,. ;,6 Wo tmM Flodstrom Construction Co., 707 Lake -Cook Rd. for a modification of Article 9 (signs) of,the Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of signs existing on the north, south, east and west elevations at a height of 45 feet above the curb in lieu of the required 30 feet. The BZA on a vote of 6 to 0 recommended that the modification to allow the existing signs be granted provided the modification stipulates that-the . signs be unilluminated. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty,.that the BZA's recommendation be accepted and the Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary ordi- nance. Motion carried unanimously. BZA Chairman Richard Lorenz was present and stated that he intended to request the Plan Commission to hold a hearing to amend Art.10.1 -4 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit cer- tain exceptions in rear yard as well as side yard requirements. The Board then asked him to request the Plan Commission to.consider permitting signs higher than 30 feet above curb level in I -1 districts. STEIN /ANDERSEN /TERADYNE SUBDIVISION Mgr. Franz stated that a report from the PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL Plan Commission indicated that the Stein / PLAN COMM. REPORT & RECOMMENDATION Andersen /Teradyne Subdivision: 1) is in conformity with the previously approved Annexation Agreement, 2) is in conformance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordi- nance, except as provided for in the Annexation Agreement, 3) is in conformance with the Subdivision Code, and 4) is not in conflict with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the Plan Commission, on a vote of 5 to 0, recommend - ed,that the proposed subdivision be approved. Attorney Stucko explained that the preliminary plat of subdivision showed that the ownership of the 65 -acre tract consisted of: Lot-1 (21 acres) owned by J. Emil Andersen & Son Lot 2 (13 acres) owned by Teradyne Central, Inc. Lot 3 (29 acres) owned by Am. Nat. Bank & Trust, Trust #51702 (Stein) He stated that eventually Stein & Andersen would present specific plans for the develop- ment of their parcels as Teradyne Central, Inc. had done. Discussion ensued regarding the frontage road, street widths at Pine and Birchwood, the status of Huehl road, etc. Attorney Stucko responding to inquiry by Trustee Swan- son, assured•the Board that Deerfield was not "tied in" to the road dimensions indica- ted on the preliminary but that•road dimensions would be established following a traf- fic study. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the preliminary plat of the Stein /Andersen /Teradyne subdivision be approved. Motion carried unanimously. DENSITY BONUS PROVISIONS Mgr. Franz stated that at the August 17, 1981 Board meeting a proposed density bonus text'amendment was referred back to the Plan Commission with the request that they ad- dress the following four issues: - Are the "density bonus provisions" in the best interests of the community.as'.a. whole or do they simply benefit the developer and /or people who choose to.reside there? - If allowed, should these provisions apply throughout Deerfield, or be confined•to certain areas of the Village. If restricted, what areas are recommended and why? - What °'specific criteria should.be.used for granting additional•density.? Is this criteria based on public or private benefit? - Who is to evaluate each proposed development to determine,if density bonuses are warranted? In compliance with the Board's request, Mrs. Barbara Ruffino, Village Planner, had submitted to the Board a report wherein she had stated that the Plan Commission had considered density.bonus provisions and the four. issues as part of its discussion re- garding development and rezoning of the area south of the Commons. She reported that the Plan Commission had recommended that density bonus provisions be limited to the area South of the Commons. She further reported,and discussed in considerable depth' the four issues in which the Board was interested as well as considerations or steps necessary in drafting any bonus system. Trustee Swanson stated, "As .far as I'm concerned, this piece of work is one of the best I've ever seen done... excellent! It answers our questions, establishes, guidelines, and tells us the direction in which we should be moving....I think it's tremendous... Congratulations!" Other Board members agreed. Trustee,York expressed concern about limiting the granting of density bonuses to the area.south of the Commons. It was pointed out that other areas could be added later if considered advisable. Attorney Stucko,responding to inquiry regarding proce'dure,stated that when the Zoning is established for the area south of the Commons, a zoning text.amendment for density bonuses can be implemented along with the other necessary text amendments. Therefore, Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to accept the report on Density Bonus Provisions. Motion carried unanimously. ENGINEERING (BAXTER & WOODMAN) Village Engineer Soyka stated that the di- REPLACEMENT: DIGESTER COVER & gester cover at the wastewater treatment GAS.RECIRCULATION'EQUIPMENT.AT plant had deteriorated over a period of WASTEWATER.RECLAMATION FACILITY `'` twenty years and can no longer be patched. Also, the gas compressor is inoperable. Therefore, Digester No. 1 is not functioning property. He stated that since approxi- mately four months are required to fabricate after plans and specifications have been developed, he recommended immediate steps be taken to develop such-plans and specifi- cations. Since the cover and recirculation equipment are scheduled for replacement in 1982 and tentatively budgeted at $80,000, including engineering fees, he requested authorization to retain Baxter & Woodman as consultants to develop the plans at a cost not to exceed $8,000. After a short discussion, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson,.that the Engineering Department be authorized to proceed with this project, using Baxter & Woodman as consultants to develop plans and specifications at a cost not to exceed $8,000. Motion carried on the.following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ENGINEERING (BAXTER & WOODMAN) A report from Village Engineer James DESIGN HAZEL AVE. WATER.MAIN Soyka indicated that a priority improve -. ment recommended in the Deerfield Water System Study was a 10 -inch water main on Hazel Avenue between Chestnut and Wayne— Avenues to reinforce and improve water transmission to the Hazel Avenue reservoir. r . Three firms-had submitted engineering design proposals as follows: Baxter & Wood- man, $4,800; PRC Consoer Townsend. & Assoc., $5,500; Greeley & Hansen, $8,500. Inasmuch as $8,000 had been budgeted for design of a main, he requested authoriza- tion to use Baxter and.Woodman for the design. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, ..that Baxter & Woodman, In.c. be retained at a cost not to exceed.$4,800 to develop plans and specifications for the Hazel.Avenue 10 -inch water main. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, 'Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS ` A comprehensive report and recommendation VEHICULAR FUEL SOURCE from the police department entitled "A1- STAFF REPORT ternate Fuels Study ", proposing the use of compressed natural gas .(CNG) as a source of vehicular fuel had been submitted for Board consideration. Police Chief Richard Brandt and Sgt. Gary Stryker were on hand to discuss usage, performance, etc.. Fin. Director Geo. Valentine was present to answer any question regarding his__report on costs of conversion to CNG. Many questions were raised concerning: .1) The difference between the use of propane (which Lake Forest is trying) and CNG. According to Chief Brandt, CNG is safer, can be used in conjunction with the gasoline system, and the CNG cylinders, located in the car's trunk, can be removed and transferred to other cars without dismantling the car's gasoline tank which is necessary.for propane users. 2) The cost of conversion if a necessary compressor.is located'at the'Lake -Cook Road North Shore Gas facility rather than purchased and, located on Village property. 3) Possible rapid cost increase for natural gas: 4) Other communities that are moving in the direction'of, CNG 5) The North Shore Gas Company's role and goal as a.CNG supplier. 20 Mayor Forrest had rather strong reservations regarding conversion to CNG and stated that CNG had not been entirely successful with his company's bakery trucks. He was' also of the opinion that the gas costs would escalate at a.greater rate than antici- pated in the report. Trustee York agreed. However, Mayor Forrest stated that after. reading the report he was "convinced that the Board ought to continue looking at',it ". But, he would favor considering the matter for next year's budget and wait to see conversion results in other communities since research'and development costs are al- ways highest at the outset of an experiment. Mgr: Franz stated that Evanston, which had done extensive, work on conversions, was hearing a similar proposal that evening. He stated that 'Staff's concern is that North Shore Gas doesn't ::want to move toward establishing a facility at Lake - Cook ' Road without a potential customer willing to test with them. He felt that if Deer -. field does not act now, with a commitment to some extent, the facility may be loca- ted at Waukegan and.Deerfield will have passed up an opportunity for experimentation. Sgt. Gary Stryker, who had been researching the matter, stated that in his opinion, the North Shore Gas Co. is seeking a commitment in order to establish and size a market. He reported they are awaiting a "rate from their people as well as the Illinois Commerce Commission" for sales to commercial users. They are also working on a.project to reduce the cost of'CNG by using an "expander" rather than a com- pressor process. He stated that North Shore Gas must choose within the next six months to.establish a facility at either Waukegan or Deerfield but seem to be pushing for Deerfield. Trustee Marty stated that she favored looking into .CNG conversion further. She therefore moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the Board go on record as being quite interested in Compressed Natural Gas for vehicular fuel, contingent upon a compressor located at the North Shore Gas facility at Lake -Cook Rd., plus a cost favorable to Deerfield, etc. Motion carried unanimously.. RIVERWOODS WATER PROPOSAL Mgr. Franz reported receipt of a Resolu- STAFF REPORT tion and revised agreement from River- woods and stated that'Staff was "con- cerned about making any commitment to Riverwoods on specifics of their proposal" without engineering data necessary. "to determine the feasibility of an expanded water service to Riverwoods and what impact it would "have on the Deerfield system ". Staff seriously questioned the rate suggested by Riverwoods, 150% of the rate charged Deerfield by Highland Park, which did not take into account: 1) costs borne by Deerfield in making the water available, and 2) Deerfield's right to make a profit on water sales beyond its corporate boundaries. Of particular concern was the "water service area" proposed by.Riverwoods extending beyond their corporate limits. Trustee Ehlers and Trustee York were in agreement that the considerable capital in- vestment for oversizing water mains to simply transmit water to Riverwoods should be relected in rates to be established. Staff was instructed to advise Riverwoods that the Board is willing to negotiate and would like to serve them, but a study. (costing 'approximately $600 for which Riverwoods would be expected to pay) is necessary before proceeeding further. CONSENT AGENDA Sideyard Variation 1041 Hazel Avenue (Mitchell). Ordinance No. 0 -81 -75 does not meet the required 8' minimum. Ordinance granting a variation to permit construction of a room addition to an ex- isting nonconforming building while not altering an existing 2.04'sideyard which Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to. accept the Consent Agenda. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest signed the ordinance indicating his-approval thereof. AMLINGS LOGO -FLAG Attorney Stucko stated that after further SIGN MODIFICATION consideration and discussion with the ORDINANCE N0. 0 -81 -76 Director of Building and Zoning, Charles'' Smalley, it appeared that the more appro- priate way to grant the petition of Amlings for a logo -flag would be through the granting of a modification to the sign ordinance which does not require,the showing of hardship and limits the modification solely to Amlings. I 1 I. 1 21 Trustee Seidman moved, seconded.by Trustee Marty, t9-waive-.,the rules to permit pass - age of the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to pass the ordinance granting a modification from the sign provision of the zoning ordinance regarding 3 N. Waukegan.Rd., Amlings Flowerland, in Cadwell's Corners Shopping Center. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) .BEST.SCAVENGER SERVICE After a short discussion, Trustee Marty, REQUEST FOR COMMERCIAL LICENSE moved., seconded by Trustee Swanson, to authorize the Manager to issue a Commercial Scavenger License to Best Scavenger Service. Motion carried unanimously. ABATE 1982 TAX LEVY Trustee Marty.moved, seconded by Trustee ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -77 Seidman, to waive the rules to permit passage of the ordinance on first reading.. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded.by Trustee Seidman, to pass the ordinance'abating $16.8,624 of the tax of $489,543. levied in Ordinance No. 0 -81 -55 on August 17, 1981. Motion carried as follows: AYES:. Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM The Board was in receipt of three Bids for the installation of a new_amplifica tion system for the Board Room: Foster Sound, Fragassi TV, and Esdale Commercial Sound System. After a considerable discussion and an attempt to compare and evalu- ate the proposals, Manager Franz was instructed to negotiate with Foster Sound and come back to the next Board meeting with specifics, particularly in regard to "voice - matic" features. VEHICLE STICKERS First reading of an ordinance to amend MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT Chapter'22 /Art. 17 /Sect. 22 -139 requiring every vehicle registered.in the State of Illinois showing a Deerfield address or is garaged, stored or parked overnight in Deerfield'to have a valid vehicle license issued by Deerfield or by some other muni- cipality in.Illinois. Reports: Mgr. Franz stated that a letter of credit for Clavinia Unit #5 will expire January 7,. 1982. Village Engineer Soyka reported that.there are sufficient funds to complete the sidewalks, trees, etc. in the escrow account. The Manager was directed to advise the developer that the Village Board would.consider an extention on_the letter of credit if formally requested.. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Marty, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M.. ATTEST: Village Clerk APPROVED: '