06/01/19811 24-7 June 1, 1981 The'- regular:..meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was-called to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Mon- day, June 1, 1981, at 8:04 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the follow- ing were Present: Bernard Forrest, Marvin W. Ehlers Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York President and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Village-Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert'Franz. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the minutes of May 18,T981 be approved with the following spelling correction: last page, second paragraph, last line, "Engineering Co." changed to "engineering company ". Motion carried unani- mously. .i PROCLAMATION Mayor Forrest read a proclamation wherein NATIONAL GARDEN WEEK he designated the week of June 1 to June 7, JUNE 1 to JUNE 7 .1981 to be National Garden Week. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to adopt the proclamation. Motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Director of Building and Zoning Charles BUILDING AND ZONING Smalley presented his report on depart - -- mental objections. Following a brief dis- cussion, the Board thanked Mr. Smalley and commended him for a good report. BRICKYARDS.' Mayor Forrest stated that the Board was not BZA REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ready to consider the Plan Commission's and P.C. REPORT & RECOMMENDATION Board of Zoning Appeals' reports and recom- mendations regarding the Brickyards since the issue of a possible land swap had not yet been resolved. He, therefore, recommended that.the matter be tabled. Accordingly, Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Plan Commission and BZA recommendations and reports be tabled. Motion carried unanimously. BZA REPORT & RECOMMENDATION Mgr. Franz stated that .the Board of Zoning REAR YARD VARIATION Appeals had held a public hearing May 12, 1406 SOMERSET (CHRISTENSON) 1981 to consider a petition of Chris Christen- son, 1406 Somerset, for an 8 -foot rather than a required 25 -foot rear yard in connection with his proposed building plans. The BZA unanimously recommended that the variation be granted. Mr. Christenson was present with drawings of existing and proposed layouts and answered questions by the Board regarding his building plans. He explained difficulties en- countered when due to the acquisition of additional property the determination of front, rear and side yards was changed. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the recommendation of the, BZA to grant a variation and that the attorney be instructed to prepare the'necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 1981 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE Mgr. Franz stated that a public hearing was REPORT & RECOMMENDATION held by the Deerfield Electrical Commission DEERFIELD ELECTRICAL COMMISSION on May 12, 1981 to consider adoption of the 1981 edition of the National Electrical Code, and that it was the unanimous decision of all members present to recommend adoption of the code. A short discussion ensued regarding testing and licensing procedures of Electrical Contractors, "Jacks -of -all- trades ", etc. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to accept the recommendation of the Deerfield Electrical Commission to adopt the 1981 National Electrical Code and that the Village Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 248..... TRANSPORTATION FOR ELDERLY RE, PORT & - RE, COMMENDATION HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Trustee Marty.moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept the report and hold it until a decision is made regarding the Di -al - -A -Ride Bus Program. Trustee York commented that he was impressed with the report, and 'Trustee Swanson stated, "It's an excellent report ". It was the consensus of the Board that the whole Human Re- lations Commission is to be commended for doing a good job. .•Motion to hold the report for later review passed unanimously. STOP SIGNS Mgr. Franz summarized Staff's report to STAFF REPORT the Board regarding its initial review of RE: SAFETY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION the Safety Council's report and recommenda- tion regarding stop signs. Staff feels the Safety Council is on the right track; that firm guideline regulations for in- stalling stop signs is needed; that once stop signs are installed they should not be removed unless it is determined that removal. is in the best public interest - - -a determination Staff chooses not to make based on only an initial review. He reported that Staff had listed sixteen locations for sign changes which could be made with a minimum of potential problems, but they feel the additional locations recommended for .sign changes need further study..He stated, "There's more to it than the guidelines. We must look at the entire signage of the Village to see how traffic routes might be affected by sign changes at the intersections." A study would take a minimum of sixty days and could be done in -hbuse or by a traffic con- sultant. Considerable discussion ensued(with Police Chief Brandt and Safety Council Chairman John Blumberg participating) regarding: 1) removal of stop signs based solely on a street classification plan; 2) the potential for accidents by motorists accustomed to certain stop signs if they are removed; 3) the changing of certain traffic patterns that might cause additional problems; 4) the advisability of an in -depth study which might determine when adherence to or adoption of guideline - recommendations would be harmful and not in the public interest, etc. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman., to accept the Manager's report and consider, for the present, only the sixteen sign changes listed in.his report. Motion carried unanimously. A public meeting for consideration of the changes will be scheduled for a later date. The additional sign changes recommended by the Safety Council will be discussed by the Board in the future. LETTERS OF CREDIT STAFF REPORT tion that the Board take the (considered May 24, 1981) and Mgr. Franz stated that a list of outstanding Letters of Credit had been prepared by Vil- lage Engineer Jas. Soyka with the recommenda- same action in this regard as in the Mathisen matter allow the setters of Credit to expire when indicated. Attorney Jas. Stucko advised that in order to protect the Village in the case of planned residential subdivisions, a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance specifi- cally requiring a ten -year period for escrow, letters of credit or bonds, and pro- viding for increases in the amounts to keep pace with increased costs of construc- tion, should be adopted. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept the Engineer's report and let these-escrow . accounts expire at their set expiration date and that the Plan Commission be directed to hold a hearing to consider a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Village Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. INCREASE LIFE INSURANCE BENEFITS The Board considered a report from Finance FOR MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Director Geo. Valentine regarding increase of life insurance (term coverage) for manage- ment personnel provided by the Village as well as optional purchase of life insurance by management personnel at their own expense. After a brief discussion, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to accept the Finance Director's .report and recommendation and authorize purchase of insurance. in accordance with the Director's report. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) OVERHEAD BANNERS ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -40 in accordance with certain provisions and reading).. Trustee Seidman again Overhead banners giving notice of events spon- sored by groups or organizations which do not meet eligibility criteria of Art: 9.3 -6 in the Zoning Ordinance may be erected and maintained specified in' proposed zoning text amendment.(Sec- voiced disapproval of the proposed ordinance. I 1 5 Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Zoning Text amendment for overhead banners be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers,'Heisler; Marty, Swanson, York., (5) NAYS: Seidman (1) OVERHEAD BANNERS -MUN. CODE AMEND. Ordinance to.amend Sec. 19 -21 of Chapter. 19 ;,ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -41 of the Municipal Code to permit overhead banners and to establish requirements and conditions for such. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee thlers, that the ordinance be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: Seidman (1) Mgr. Franz-pointed out that a hearing must be held to amend the Municipal Code to require, Board approval for all organizations wishing to erect overhead banners. TERADYNE CENTRAL, INC. Village Attorney Stucko stated that he had INDUST. REVENUE BOND FINANCING had phone and letter contact with the cor- porate offices of Teradyne, Inc. in Massa- chusetts, and that they are requesting that the service charge for issuance of indus- trial revenue bonds stipulated in a Memorandum of Intent (by and among Deerfield, Teradyne Central, Inc. and Teradyne, Inc.) be adjusted downward from one half of one percent (2%) of the total principal amount as required by Village Ordinance No.0 -81 -26 (adopted April 6, 1981) to one half of one percent (2%) of the first million dollars and 'two tenths of one per cent (2/10 %) of the principal amount in excess of one mil- lion dollars. Village Attorney Stucko advised that should the Board wish to comply with Teradyne's request, it would be necessary to amend Ordinance No. 0 -81 -26 to make the service charge equitable for all applicants. Finance Director Geo.' Valentine responding to Board inquiry stated that: 1) fees charged in other communities range from zero to one and one half percent (0 -12%) depending somewhat on the eagerness of a community to attract developers; 2) one half of one percent (2%) established by Deerfield is high among.communities studied. Discussion ensued regarding: 1) potential future applicants for industrial revenue bond financing; 2) the fact that Teradyne, Inc. had been aware of the service charges set by"Deerfield at the time of-their application. Trustee Swanson was of the opinion that in light of the benefits accruing to any applicant, the service charge of one half of one percent can be justified. Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to retain the one half of one percent (W 'service charge. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to table the matter until the next Board meeting, and that the attorney be directed to advise Teradyne, Inc. of the Board's action and receive a response. Motion carried unanimously. 1ST FEbERAL SAVE_ &.LOAN OF,.WILMETTE Mgr. Franz stated that First Federal Sav- RE: ZONING MORATORIUM ings and Loan of Wilmette have contracted to RESOLUTION NO. 0 -81 -06 purchase for a branch savings and loan facility with drive -ins the property occupied.by the Oklahoma Service station ( Southwest cor- ner of Waukegan Rd. and Osterman Ave.) and used for some twenty years for service stations (by a court decree, although zoned for single and two - family use). Mr. Robert J. Lerch, Vice President, explained that under the terms of their agree- ment, First Federal must obtain any necessary zoning, variances,'amendments, special uses, etc. by early September. Since the property lies in the area presently under a moratorium on acceptance of petitions for zoning changes, etc. until August, there would be insufficient time (between August and September) for the process required for obtaining Board approval of a necessary Special Use for drive -ins. Mr. Lerch further stated that having attended public meetings to consider zoning methods and standards that would facilitate development of the-moratorium area in accord with the Comprehensive Plan, he felt that their proposed use, was in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. He, therefore,.asked relief from the terms of the moratorium and permission to immediately petition for necessary zoning changes, etc. 25-0 After a short discussion and consideration of the uniqueness of the property, etc. Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to adopt a resolution that the moratorium on the acceptance of petitions seeking map amendments and /or zoning variations for properties lying within the moratorium area depicted in Resolution .. No. 0 -81 -02 shall be deemed inapplicable to the property at the Southwest corner of Waukegan Road and Osterman Avenue. Motion carried unanimously. CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE REQUEST FROM: DEERFIELD PROPERTIES JOINT VENTURE (DI PIETRO) REQUEST: EXTENSION ON CLOSING HOUR LIQUOR DISPENSING ERMANIDO' S RESTAURANT Mayor Forrest announced that the request for a Class E liquor license had been withdrawn. Mayor Forrest stated that the Board had received a request from Ermando's Restaurant for an extension of their closing hour of 1:00 A.M. for liquor consumption. Trustee Marty stated that Deerfield had had no problems with Ermando's liquor service, but because a time extension could not be granted to.one license holder alone and would have to be an overall policy, she was firmly opposed. The Board examined a survey prepared by Staff regarding closing hours established in surrounding communities. Considerable discussion ensued (with Police Chief Brandt participating) regarding: 1) the actual closing hour procedures in a restaurant with a bar; 2) police surveillance and enforcement; 3) difficulty of 1:00 A.M. closing on New Year's Eve, etc. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance stipulating a 2:00 A.M. closing hour for New Year's Eve. Motion . carried unanimously. 1 APPOINT OFFICERS OF Mayor Forrest stated that he would like to BICYCLE COMPLIANCE BOARD recommend as officers of the Bicycle Compliance Board: Robert Polovin, Chief Compliance Officer, with Philip Jackman and Police Officer L. Patrick Anderson as alternates. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to.approve Mayor Forrest's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS: Mgr. Franz stated that in accord with the Board's request to investigate the pos- sibility of left turn lanes at Deerfield Road and Carlisle Avenue in connection with the resurfacing of Deerfield Road (east of Rosemary Terrace), a study was made by Ciorba Group, Inc. who report that separate left turn lanes are not warranted at this time. Mgr. Franz stated that the project is proceeding on schedule and will, hopefully, be completed by this Fall. Trustee Seidman expressed concern about parking on north Waukegan Road near the High School on July 3 and July 4. Unlike previous years, shoulder parking will no longer be possible since construction work on Waukegan Road has resulted in a high curb barrier. Police Chief Brandt will contact the High School in the hopes of finding alternate parking for the fireworks display. Mgr. Franz will look farther into the matter for possible solutions and report back to the Board at the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ATTEST: Qk Village Cler C__) APPROVED: oil Village President Fi I