April 6, 1981
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield..
was called--td order by the President in the Council Chamber -of the Village Hall on Mon-
day, April 6, 1981 at 8:06 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the fol-
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
4 Jerold L. Heisler
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Vil-
lage Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert Franz.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of the March 23,
1983 meeting (the adjourned March 16, 1981 meeting) be approved. Motion carried unani-
STAFF REPORT Mgr. Franz stated that the Dial -a -Ride costs
DIAL -A -RIDE and ridership data prepared by the Finance
COSTS & RIDERSHIP DATA Director, Geo. Valentine, and submitted to
the Board were Staff's first monthly opera-
ting report since the Board had contracted to participate in RTA second -year funding
(beginning January 15, 1981 with the understanding that Deerfield's portion of the
subsidy was not to exceed $4,000 per month).
The financial summary shows expenditures of $1,935.59 for the half -month of January
and $3,809.98 for the full month of February. .Nortran advises that these figures are
not final since... Nortran is negotiating with their union drivers, and any salary
increase will be retroactive and charged back to the Village. If such charge -back
occurs, Deerfield's monthly cost would probably exceed the $4,000 per month maximum
set by the Board and prompt a review and re- evaluation of the entire program.
Trustee Seidman noted that a close check on the ridership summary showed, that averaged
over a year, there were approximately only two senior or handicapped riders daily, at
a cost of $20 -$30 per day or one - twelveth of the total program cost.. Mgr. Franz stated
that in light of discussion with the Finance Committee, at their direction, Staff is
preparing a request for the Human Relations Commission to look at an alternative to
Dial -a -Ride service for senior citizens as one means of assuring that group some type
of transportation service. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman to accept
Staff's report. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Forrest inquired about the terms of the contract regarding notice to discontinue
participation. Mgr. Franz stated that it had been generally agreed t^ give thirty to
sixty days' notice if at all possible. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
Swanson, that a letter be sent to RTA advising them of Deerfield's intent to terminate
participation in sixty days. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty requested
that Mgr. Franz contact Mr. Robert Benton, Deerfield's representative to Nortran, the
next day and advise him of Deerfield's intention. Mgr. Franz stated that a check would be
made with Nortran regarding driver pick.
STAFF REPORT Village Engineer Jas. Soyka reported that
INCREASE since the recent increase in.residential water
WATER CONNECTION FEES connection fees, non - residential water con -
nection fees for developments (which have
not been raised since 1963) have been examined. A survey taken of surrounding com-
munities to determine what their business, commercial and industrial water connection
fees were revealed no direct correlation between fees charged by them and Deerfield's.
Fees and their bases of computation vary from community to community with Deerfield's
fees appearing low in comparison. Inasmuch as Deerfield's fees have not been adjusted
since 1963, it is the opinion of the engineering, building and zoning, finance, and
public works departments that the 1963 fees be doubled.
Trustee Swanson stated that in his opinion fees should reflect the actual cost to the
Village. Trustee York, however, stated that new users should bear some of the cost
of an already established facility available to them. Mgr. stated that what had really
prompted this survey was the fact that Deerfield's rates have not been increased in.
nearly twenty years as well as the number.of•long range improvements that have to be -"..
made to- Deerfield's utilities system. The recent Greely and Hansen report substantiates
these concerns and defines the improvements necessary to our water system, and in this
light, doubling of the-fees can be justified.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept Eng. Soyka's report and
that the Vill. Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance to reflect the recom-
mended increase in fees as indicated in the report. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Swanson requested that Staff study this matter in order to.determine the
actual cost to the Village for these water connections.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded
by Trustee
Marty, that
rules be waived to
pass on first
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -25
reading the
ordinance granting
a front yard
variation for property at 1234
Carlisle as
recommended by the Board of Zoning
Patricia A.
Jackson, Sherry R.
Wood, and
Kathleen C.
Whalen are reappointed as
Police Matrons by the President, with approval of the
Board of Trustees.
PARADE PERMIT Fourth of July parade on Deerfield and
FOURTH OF JULY Waukegan Roads. -
RESOLUTION 0 -81 -03
AUTHORIZE SALE OF Sealed bids to be received until April 27,
SURPLUS VILLAGE EQUIPMENT 1981 and awards made on May 4, 1981 on the
following items: 1976 Astra Pontiac (damaged),
1976 Astra Pontiac, 1975 Dodge. Coronet, 1979 Ford LTD, Rice 6" pump, snow blower, tire
changer, material spreader, 60KW generator (the last five items good for parts only).
RESOLUTION 0 -81 -04
First reading
First reading
First reading
Resolution approving and authorizing an
amendment to a Capital Grant Agreement
Phase II Commuter Parking.
Trustee. Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler,that the consent agenda be adopted.
Motion carried by following vote:
AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson,.York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
Mayor Forrest signed Ordinance No. 0 -81 -25 and Resolutions 0 -81 -03 and 0 -81 -04 indica-
ting his approval thereof.
ORDINANCE. NO. 0 -81 -26
Motion carried by following vote:
Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee
Marty, to waive the rules to permit passage
of Ordinance on first reading. Motion carried
unanimously. Trustee ;tarty moved, seconded by
Trustee Swanson, that the ordinance be adopted.
AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN Mayor Forrest stated that after reviewing the
R.V. NORENE & ASSOC. entire process and looking at what was in-
FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS RE: IRB volved in Industrial Revenue Bond Financing
it was the opinion of the Finance Committee
that the Village retain (at least on its first venture) a financial consultant to assist
them and therefore asks the Board to support the recommendation of the Staff to retain
Norene & Associates.
Trustee Seidman stated that he considered the consultant's fee to be-excessive. Di
cussion was had regarding the initial $3,000 consultant's fee and subsequent fees i? -
the undertaking culminates in the sale of bonds. The Village Attorney stated that
the applicant would pay issuing fees plus all expenses incurred by Village including-the
Financial Consultant's and Attorneys' Fees, etc. before issuance of the bonds.
REZONE MALLIN PROPERTY First Reading. Trustee Marty moved, seconded.
TO C- 2-OUTLYING COMMERCIAL -by Trustee York, to waive the rules to permit.
(BUCCOLA) ORDINANCE passage of the ordinance to rezone the property .
and on first reading. Trustee Seidman opposed a
waiver -of the rules, stating that the Mallin
GRANT PUD ON MALLIN PROPERTY property had been the subject of consideration
(BUCCOLA) ORDINANCE for a long time with much input by citizens,
and he saw no need to alter the usual procedure
of two readings. Trustee Heisler agreed with
Trustee Seidman stating that this -had.been a,highly charged issue and that any citizen
wanting to submit additional input should have the full opportunity provided by Village
procedure. Mayor Forrest concurred with the view of Trustees Seidman and Heisler.
Motion to waive the rules failed, Trustee Marty voting aye.
Discussion was had regarding items agreed to by developer Buccola at the last Board
meeting as well as a provision that in perimeter parking areas the curb may be used as
a wheel stop allowing two feet of a car to jut into the landscaped perimeter. area.
Responding to inquiry by Mrs.Laura Lee Christoph, Pres. Briarwoods Vista Home Owners
Assn., Mr. Buccola stated that a car would jut into and overhang lawn only in the peri-
meter areas. Ordinance to grant PUD stood as first reading.
VARIATION REQUESTED Mr. Trevlyn Pottenger of the Franken Bros.
SUBDIVISION CODE,RE: Nursery, 440 Elm St., Deerfield, stated that
PLAT-RECORDING (POTTENGER) he plans to apply for a subdivision and if
the subdivision is approved would like three
years instead of the present one -year requirement for recording the plat. He cited the
uncertain economy at this time, the immediate increase in taxes upon recordation of a
plat, etc..as reasons for the request. The Board explained that in the past and in
other instances the one -year recordation requirement had been extended upon request
whenever necessary and that Mr. Pottenger should expect the same consideration. The
Board recommended to Mt. Pottenger that he follow the usual subdivision procedures
and if necessary request time extentions for plat recording.
CHESTERFIELD CORP. Mgr. Franz stated that as a condition of
` LETTER OF CREDIT resubdivision in 1975 Chesterfield Develop-
RE: STREET IMPROVEMENTS went Corp. was required to post and main-
tain for five years a letter of credit for
a future street improvement. In 1977 the time period for maintenance of letters of
credit was extended from five to ten years. In a letter to the Board, Chesterfield
stated that since the resubdivision was granted three years prior to change in time
requirements, they feel.they have fulfilled the-original five -year requirement and
should not be required to maintain a letter of credit any longer. After a short
Board discussion, Mgr. Franz was instructed to notify Chesterfield that they must
abide by the present ten -year code requirement.
Discussion ensued regarding relative merits of requiring letters of credit, bonds or
escrow funds of developers, especially regarding future street improvements and the
likelihood of escalating costs. Trustee Seidman asked that the Village Mgr, and
Staff study the ordinance governing letters of credit, bonds, and escrow funds re-
quired of developers and come up with a proposal to amend the ordinance to provide
an escalation factor.
not-to exceed $9,500. Motion carried
Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee
Marty that the firm of Karrison & Bryne be
retained for the 1980 -81 audit at a cost
by the following vote:
AYES:, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
The Canvassing Board for the 1981 Municipal Election will meet Monday April 13, 1981
at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall to canvass the returns of the April 7, 1981 election.
Construction Co. vs. Deerfield."
Mgr. Franz stated, "At Board direction, the
Village Attorney has worked out a cash settle-
ment in the amount of $3,500 in the case of
Santucci Construction Co. and Wm. Lyman
"The case dates back to 1975 and involves a suit filed by an unsuccessful bidder on a
sanitary sewer project. The case has been dormant since 1977 and recently was brought
back up on the court's docket. The Village Attorney was directed to talk settlement
with the plaintiff and in order to settle the case, Board action is needed authorizing
the $3,500 expenditure."
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the attorney be directed to
! proceed with a settlement not to exceed $3,500.00. Motion passed by the following
' AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: None (0)
There being no. further business to come before the Board, Mayor Forrest adjourned
the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
$g=Village President
Village Cler