11/17/1980190 November 17, 1.980 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was ca.] -led to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, November 17, 1980 at 8:02 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Norma Gavin Jerold L. Heisler Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent: Cynthia J. Marty and that a quorum was present and in'attendance at the meeting. Also present were Village Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert Franz. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the minutes of November 3, 1980 be approved. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE WARRANT Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee NO. W -80 -11 Heisler, that payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Marty. (1) Seidman, Swanson, York (5) TREASURER'S REPORT Trustee Swanson inquired of Treasurer Geo. Valentine regarding ordinance violation receipts which are remitted to the Village from the office of the Lake County Cir- cuit Court Clerk. Treas. Valentine stated that receipts (normally $6,000 - $10,000 per month) have fallen about five months behind due to confusion, investigation, audits, etc. in the Clerk's office. He stated that the response to.his inquiries has been "We are trying ". Mayor Forrest stated that five months arrears in receipts was inexcusable and not to be tolerated and that it was time to address a letter to the Lake County Board & Chairman urging them to become active in the situation. Asked whether '.'.the Village was in a pretty good financial shape as far as funds were concerned ", Treas. Valentine replied that, in his opinion, it was. The Board accepted the Treasurer's Report. PRESENTATION Mayor Forrest invited the school children ESSAY CONTEST AWARDS who had received honorable mention and the first, second and third place winners in the Human Relations Commission Essay Contest, all of whom were present, to read their essays. Mike Schwalbach, Elizabeth Lombardo, Julie Joseph, Joe Bongiorno, and Mike Bendoff were each presented with an Honorable Mention Certificate by Mayor Forrest. Valerie Hastings, third place winner, Mike Meierick, second place winner, and Kim Bobkeiwicz, first place winner, were each presented with Certificates and Plaques by Mayor Forrest. Mayor Forrest congratulated and thanked them all. HISTORICAL SOCIETY AWARD TO VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD of Deerfield had been awarded a "Key the Historical Society. Mayor Forrest reported that the President of the Deerfield Historical Society, Jack Gagne, was unable to be present, but that the Village to the Cabin" award for outstanding service to REPORT Police Chief Richard-Brandt was present and gave DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES his interpretation of particular traffic enf6rce- POLICE DEPARTMENT ment and criminal activity data included in the Departmental Objectives Report. He stated that: the decrease in accidents in 1980 was probably due to the fact that there were more accidents in 1979 due to the severe snow conditions that year; increase in thefts may well be due to the fact that the department stores, Montgomery Ward and Venture, have a much improved system of spotting shoplifters; that there seems an increase in "thefts at the supermarkets where wallets are being stolen from purses left in shopping carts left momentarily by the owner. It was suggested by Board members that the supermarkets be encouraged to post signs warning customers about leaving purses in shopping carts:." Chief Brandt stated that while there has been some increase in vandalism, it is'far Lower, than five years ago. He reported that the Department has an excellent relation - ship'with the Youth Programs and that Department is providing improved service to the' community. 1 191 -Trustee York-commended Chief for his excellent report. The Board accepted the_reporC and thanked Chief Brandt. CHESTERFIELD BUILDERS APPEAL BZA.DBCISIONS SIGN & MODEL HOMES /OFFICE model homes and office a sign and that it-was the requests. Mgr. Robert Franz stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals had held a public hearing on October 28, 1980 to consider the request of Chesterfield Development Corp. for a use extension of the 25 Birchwood and the continuation of their 4'x6' real estate unanimous decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals to deny both Trustee Seidman inquired whether or not the Board of Zoning Appeals has final juris- diction in the matter. Mayor Forrest stated that the BZA has final jurisdiction only in regard to signs. Trustee Gavin moved to accept both recommendations of the BZA, seconded by Trustee Swanson. Mr. Chas. Malk of Chesterfield Builders,appealing to the Board for a reversal of the BZA's decisions, stated that: 1) due to the severe economic conditions in the country they had not been able to complete the Laurel Hill projects as expected, 2) each request for use extension had been objected to by the same resident in the area, 3) Chester- field had left only 24 buildable lots in both Laurel Hill and Laurel Hill North, 4) it is necessary to have a sales office in model homes for the conducting of business, 5) a sales office in model homes tends, to deter vandalism, 6) Chesterfield wishes to finish the Deerfield developments and has no plans to acquire additional property in the Village, 6) Chesterfield personnel are elderly, with members retiring, and the Laurel Hill projects are probably the last in Deerfield since it is not certain whether the Busse farm will be developed by them, 7) in his opinion, Chesterfield has bene- fited Deerfield in developing the Southwest area. After considerable discussion regarding the concerns of residents in the area regarding the years of activity generated by the models and sales offices, the uncertain eco- nomic conditions, and what was best in the overall interest of Deerfield, Trustee Gavin retracted her original motion. Trustee Gavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson Appeal's recommendation to deny the use extension of homes. Motion failed by following vote: AYES: None (0) NAYS:_ Gavin, Heisler, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) ABSENT:. Marty (1) to accept the Board of Zoning the sales office in the model Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to accept the Board of Zoning Ap- peals'. ruling denying continuation of the 4'x 6' sign. Motion carried by following vote: AYES:.. Gavin, Heisler, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS:- None (0) ABSENT: Marty (1) Trustee.S,eidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, to grant a 1 -year use extension of the model homes and sales office and a permitted -size "Sales Office " sign with an arrow directing traffic to the sales office. Motion carried unanimously. MANPOWER COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS & BOARD APPOINTMENTS Board of Zoning Appeals: Board of Building Appeals: Manpower Commission: Village Center.Develop. Comm.: Environmental Commission: Plan Commission: Board.of Zoning Appeals: Board of .Police..Commissioners: Police.Pension Board: Board of Building Appeals: Youth_ Council: Human Relations Commission: Safety Council: Environmental Commission: Village Center Develop. Comm.: Trustee Heisler moved, seconded Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Forrest stated that he wished to make the following appointments as recommended by the Manpower Commission: Henry Hollander Brian Burch Sharon Schwalbach Mrs. Melliney Saltarelli & Stanford Gass Alice Collins Harriet Rosenthal & Edna Schade Donald Rosenbaum Daniel H. Stiehr John W. Cooper Edmund Zarek Robert Hart & Rosemary Sazono_ff Rosemary Stavropoulos & Carl J. Sabath John Blumberg & Dr. Stephen M. Rosen Phillip Elbl.ing & William Prokop Allan Meyer & Dorothy Collins by Trustee Swanson, to approve the appointments. 192 LONGFELLOW /KIPLING NO LEFT TURNS 4 -6 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -80 -46 that the ordinance prohi of 4 and 6 P.M. weekdays Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York,. WEEKDAYS to waive - th.e'rules to permit 'adopti.on of" "the'ordi nance on -first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, biting left turns from Longfellow onto Kipling between the hours be..adopted.Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Marty. (1) ESTABLISH DEERFIELD ENERGY COMA. First reading of Ordinance. PARKING PROHIBITED First reading of Ordinance. WAUKEGAN RD. TO RAILROAD BOTH SIDES OF OSTE'MAN AVE. VECCHIONE ANNEXATION Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee PETITION Seidman, to move from the table the Vecchione annexation petition for placement on the agenda for the December 1, 1980 Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. AWARD BID Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee HYDRAULIC LIFT Heisler, to award bid for a two -post drive -thru VILLAGE GARAGE hydraulic .lift to Pickus Construction Co., 1220 Grand Ave., Waukegan, Ill., in the amount of $3,972.25. Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT:. Marty (1) REQUEST VARIATION A written request from Robert Gand for a STORM DRAINAGE variation of storm drainage requirements for 645 OSTERMAN (GAND)_ the property at 645 Osterman Ave. was con- sidered by-the Board. Asked for his opinion, Village Attorney Jas. Stucko stated that there were certain ambiguities in the code as it might apply to the property in question and that in his opinion it was not clear as to the water retention requirements. He stated that the Board could inter- pret the Village Ordinance as not to apply as opposed to granting a variation. Lengthy discussion followed (with Village Engineer Jas. Soyka participating) .regard- ing the problem of storm water drainage in the area and the subject property in particular as outlined in an engineering report prepared in connection with the Senior Citizen Housing project. Following the discussion, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to interpret Ordinance 0- 72• -53 as not to apply to the property at 645 Osterman Avenue since the property is less than 1 -acre in size. Motion carried unanimously. The Village Attorney was directed to review.the Ordinance with Village Engineer Soyka and to prepare a revision. APPOINT TRUSTEES TO BICENTENNIAL SCULPTURE GARDEN COMMITTEE to the Bicentennial Sculpture Garden President. Trustee Gavin moved, sec, ments. Motion carried unanimously. ACCEPT & PLACE ON FILE 1980 AUDIT Mayor Forrest stated that Trustee Gavin. had resigned from the Bicentennial Sculpture Garden Committee and that he would like to to appoint Trustee Swanson and Trustee Marty Committee with Trustee Swanson designated as Dnded by Trustee Heisler, to approve the appoint- moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to Mayor Forrest stated that he felt the audit was very complete and thorough. Treas. Geo. Valen- tine also indicated his approval. Trustee York accept the 1980 Audit. Motion carried unanimously. The Village Clerk reported that now that the Election was over, the Elections Depart- ment of the County Clerk's office was taking steps to get information and materials. into the hands of local clerks for the new Consolidated Election. system. Trustee York stated he wished to commend Miller & Associates for their excellent plans and Lakeland Construction Co. fdr their supe'ri.or work at the Osterman /Waukegan Road intersection. 193 `There.being•no further -business to come before '�he Board, upon motion by Trustee VSwanson,` the .meeting'was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. t APPROVED:, _ Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk l