F1 -
The regular meeting of the President
Deerfield was call& to order-by the
Village Hall on Monday, May 5, 1980,
roll and reported that.the following
y 5, 1980
and Board- of Trustees,' -of the Village of
Presi dent :i n• the Counc-il Chamber of the
at 8:05 P.m. The Deputy Clerk called the
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Norma Gavin
Jerold L. Heisler
Cynthia. J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
J. Robert York
.A 37
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. -Also present were
James Stucko, Village Attorney, and Robert D. Franz, Village Manager.
,Trustee.'Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the minutes of-the meeting
held on April 21, 1980, be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
STUDENT'GOVERN- President Forrest explained that Student Government
MENT DAY OFFICIALS Day will be held on May 7th and that some of the
elected student officials were present. He then
introduced them,.following which the President and Board applauded the students.
Mayor Wally Bobkiewicz asked for permission to address the Board, reading a statement
of appreciation to the President and Board for the opportunity to participate in
Student Government Day. He stated thati.this was an excellent opportunity for the
students to learn something about Village government. He then asked the President
and Board to proclaim Thursday, May 8th, as Deerfield Music Day. Trustee Marty
moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Proclamation be adopted. Motion carried
REPORT ON Public Works Director Edmund Klasinski presented
DEPARTMENTAL his report on Departmental Objectives. It was-noted
OBJECTIVES that the fan in the Council Chambers had been re-
paired. All objectives for the preceding fiscal
year have been completed with the exception of the new truck, which has not been de-
livered but is promised to go into production in June of 1980. Funds for this purchase
have been encumbered by the Finance Director. The collector chains at the treatment
plant are being worked on and should be completed in a,week to ten days. In response
to a question regarding the number of feet of sanitary sewers TV'd, the answer was
6525 feet in the fiscal year, 5,780 in the calendar year. After discussion, it was
decided that henceforth only the fiscal year figures will be required.
Mr. Klasinski was commended by President Forrest and the Board for the safety record
of the Department, which is now THREE YEARS, 275 DAYS straight with no time off due
to injuries on the job.
Downspout disconnection continues and will be an ongoing program, with 12% of the. homes
being tested each year. Discussion was had regarding infiltration, with Mr. Klasinski
stating that some Federal funds may be available for other means of reducing infiltration
and he-is checking on this aspect. President Forrest asked that Mr. Klasinski determine
costs of recycling methane gas for the purpose of heating the digesters since he felt
this might be a good possibility for the future in view of the energy problems.
The repairs to the Deerfield Road bridge are progressing very well and, if weather permits,
the deck will be finished by May 8th, with the bridge opened to traffic completely by
Sunday, May 11th.
Regarding BOD, he reported that he has budgeted for samplers which will be installed in
manholes in various locations to determine the strength of the effluent being put into
the system by businesses.
In response to a question regarding street sweeping;Mr .'.'KlasinskiA tated that Public Works
has a schedule similar to the snow plowing schedule. Residential streets are swept once
a month (unless needed oftener), and the business district is swept weekly.
The Board commended Mr. Klasinski on a fine report.
APPOINTMENTS President Forrest, with the advice and consent of
the Board of Trustees, made the following appoint-
ments, as recommended by the Manpower Commission:
CATV Committee, Louis Adler, indefinite term
Safety Council, Eugene A. Berkowitz, unexpired term to November, 1982
Plan Commission, Mrs. Edna Schade, unexpired
Environmental Commission, Edward DiDomenico.
Youth Council, Carey M. Stein, unexpired term
term to November, 1980 .
unexpired term to November, 1982
to November, 1982
Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the appointments be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
CATV COMMITTEE REPORT President Forrest stated that the CATV Committee
had presented a draft proposal of .the Request For
Proposals and that he would like to invite comments
from any interested parties. The draft will be available during the month of May at
the Village Hall. On June 2, 1980, it will be mailed to prospective bidders, after
all comments have been considered by the CATV Committee and the Board. Trustee York
stated that this was just about the best report of its kind that he had ever seen
and, further, that a similar report would be very costly. The President and Board
agreed and commended the Committee for their work and for the resulting report.
SAFETY COUNCIL RE: President Forrest referred to a report and recommen-
DEERBROOK EXITS dation from the Safety Council that the Lake -Cook
Road exits from Deerbrook Shopping Center be made
right turn only. He stated that while there is a
traffic problem at this location, he felt such a prohibition would cause more problems
and might result in people shopping elsewhere. After discussion as to various means
of solving the problems, Trustee York suggested that a 'line be painted between the
exiting lanes at the easternmost exit to separate right and left turn lanes and that
signs stating "DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS" be posted on Lake -Cook Road at each exit.
Further discussion ensued. The matter was then referred back to the Safety Council
with the request that they consider other alternatives. The report of the Northwestern
Traffic Institute will be copied and distributed to the Council for their review.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the report and recommendation
of the Safety Council be accepted. Motion denied unanimously. Trustee Swanson then
moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin,.that the report be sent back to the Safety Council
with the request that further study be given the problem and alternative recommenda-
tions be considered. Motion carried unanimously. The Board directed that the Village
Manager-and the Chief of Police discuss this problem with the owners of Deerbrook
Shoppin "g Center, requesting the striping of the driveway and whatever other improve-
ments Gould be made to ease-the traffic situation.
ORDINANCE '0 -80 -23 Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman,
LAND AREA PER DWELLING that the ordinance be adopted regarding minimum
UNIT FOR SENIOR HOUSING land area per dwelling unit for Senior Housing.
Motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ORDINANCE 0 -80 -24 Re: Trustee Swanson asked whether there were any com-
PARKING IN FRONT YARD ments from.the audience regarding this-ordinance.
There being none, Trustee Swanson moved; seconded
by Trustee York, that the ordinance be adopted prohibiting parking in front yards -
except in driveway areas and parking areas established in accordance with the `
applicable-laws of the Village. Trustee Gavin dissented, stating that there was more
to this problem than had been discussed and, further, that this was not only a problem
din rental properties occupied by groups of young people but that the problem also
.,existed in other residences. Motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5)
NAYS: Gavin (1)
year for food stores and
President Forrest stated that this would constitute
first reading of an ordinance increasing the busine
license fee for restaurants and food stores from the
present $20.00 annual fee to $15.00 per register per
from $20.00 to $1.00 per seat per year ($20.00 minimum) for
President Forrest stated that this would constitute
first reading of an ordinance increasing the business
license -fee for billiard and pool establishments from
$25.00 to $10.00 per table per year.
ORDINANCE Re: FEES President Forrest stated that this would constitute
FOR PEDDLERS first reading of an ordinance increasing the business
license fee for peddlers from $30.00 annually or
$10.00 daily to $30.00 per month. In the 4nterim between meetings, Mr. Stucko will
clarify the definitions of "solicitors" and "peddlers ".
At this point in the meeting, the students left. Mr. Alvin Cohen and Mr. Dante Di-
Virgilio, who were also present, thanked the Board for making Student Government
Day possible.. Mr. Cohen said that this is a very effective program from which all of
the eighth grade students benefit:
Action on the 50/50 parkway tree bids was deferred
until the May 19th meeting.
TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL Action on the Tree and Stump Removal bids was also
BID AWARD- DEFERRED deferred until the May 1.9th meeting.
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RESOLUTION R -80 -9 Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson,
1980 MFT STREET that the Resolution appropriating $191,000.00 of
MAINTENANCE Motor Fuel Tax funds for the 1980 Street Mainten-
ance program be approved. Motion.carried by the
following vote:
AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6)
NAYS: None (0)
.DISCUSS SELF SERVICE Trustee York stated that the Oklahoma station was
GASOLINE STATIONS closed and that the rumor was that a new self service
station would be opened at that location. He asked
that.tbe Board consider adoption of an ordinance requiring all stations to have at
least one full service pump, as required by the City of Chicago. He stated that the
.service station operators in the Village have always given good service to the people
of the.community and he would like to see it stay that way. Further, that big companies
have no,regard for the people running stations in the Village. Trustee Heisler said he
disagreed with Trustee York, feeling that the law of the market place should be allowed
to function. He pointed out that there are other self service types of businesses in
the community, plus other stations presently with self service. By requiring one full
serve pump, the Village government would be telling the station operator that'he would
have to hire at least one additional employee. Trustee Heisler stated this was not the
business of the Board to require a business person to pay additional wages. He also
said that people patronize businesses for different reasons and will avoid any business
which-they do not like. Therefore, the law of the market place would prevail. Trustee
York-then moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Attorney be directedi to prepare
an ordinance requiring onei-full service pump at every service station. Motion failed
by the following vote:
AYES:- York (1)
NAYS: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5)
In other business, the Board voiced approval of the new Request for Service forms
recently put into use by the Village Manager. Discussion was had as to whether one
copy should be forwarded to the complainant. This is handled by a telephone call or
by completing the action requested.
Mr. Franz reported that quotes had been received for painting the Village Hall and
Annex; for which $3,000 was provided in the budget. The low quote was from Bloom /Lohre
Painting Company, at $2,470. This company is under contract with Sven Flodstrom to
paint the new Police addition. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that
-the award be made to Bloom /Lohre at a price of $2,470. Motion carried by the following
AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6)
NAYS: None (0)
Sgt. David Turnbaugh, at the request of Mr. Franz, explained the new public relations
program recently instituted by the Police Department. Officers Friendly visit the
schools to discuss bike safety and other matters with students from grade 3 through
•.6-. At that time, each student is given three Chicago Bulls trading cards, out of a
complete set of 16. The student may then obtain an additional card each time he
sees an Officer in a squad car and asks for another card. These then are traded among
the .students to complete the set. Each card has a picture on the front and a basket-
ball rule on the back, which rule is then adapted to some safety tip for chi - ldren.
The Officers Friendly stress safety in stopping the squad•cars so that no injury will
,-`happen.t.This program is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. The President and Board en-
-thusiastically endorsed the program.
There °being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at
9:25 P.M.
Village Presiden
Vi laae lerk