12/04/1978 (2)I
December 4, 1978
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the-Village of Deerfield was
called to order by-the clerk, in the absence of the President, in the Council Chambers
of the Village Hall on Monday, December 4,'1978 at 8:11 p.m. The clerk called the roll
and reported that the following were
Present: D. Jeffrey Blumenthal
Norma Gavin
Jerold L..Heisler
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson -
Absent: Bernard Forrest,.President
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs.
Herbert Linn, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager:
Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Trustee Blumenthal be
appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously.
.Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the minutes of the regular
meeting held November 20, 1978 be approved with correction of a typographical error on
on Page 298 - . "Rollin ". Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Amendment to A Public ,Hearing was held on the petition of.Deerfield
Annexation Agreement ( Strub Center--Associafes for amendments to the Annexation
Property) Deerfield '.Center. Agreement (former Strub property). The proposed
Associates amendments would permit the construction.of one
office building (rather than two as provided in the
Annexation Agreement) and a freestanding restaurant on Parcel 2 of the subject property.
Mrs. Ruth Washington, Gordon Terrace, stated that on the approved site plan there
was a special requirement.for landscaping and lighting. Mr. James O'Halloran, a co- owner,
said °there was a setback of 150 feet in which no.parking is permitted. There is much
,greenery on the property which will be protected by the North Shore Sanitary District
during the installation -of a sewer. The District will plant trees up to 4 inches to re-
Mrs. Washington.asked about beauty shops and art galleries, which are among the
;permitted uses. Trustee Marty said such uses would be confined within the office building.
Mr. O'Halloran stated permitted uses would be allowed a freestanding building if two or
more acres are bought. Mrs. Willard Loarie, Oxford Road, asked if permitted uses such as
a savings and loan, an art gallery or. tennis club would be allowed in a freestanding
building. Trustee Marty stated such uses could be on the other seven acres.
Mrs. Loarie said that Huehl Road, a Village street, is in poor condition due to
construction: Mr. O'Halloran stated the road is not on their property.. The clerk said.
the street was annexed, the Village attorney, Mr. Houpt, having .stated the dedication
was filed in Northfield'Township. The manager was asked to check on the dedication.
Mrs. Loarie pointed out that Mr. Carl Schmidt of Volkswagen had bought land to the rear of
the subject property and east to Huehl Road which is zoned residential.
Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph,-,-Evergreen Place, said the trees shown on the site plan
are still not planted. Mr. O'Halloran.said plantings and the lawn are still to be done
but they are waiting for completion and restoration. The President pro tem stated the
plans showed . mature.trees -and he would like to see them planted.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the Public Hearing be adjourned
at 8:35 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Engineer's Report The engineer submitted a status report on engineering
objectives. Mr. Soyka stated the 50/50 sidewalk
program was very popular, all funds for the fiscal year having been expended, with 14
people on the waiting list.for.1979. He suggested.next year's Budget be increased to
$10,000. He said the architect has comp leted'the.modification.=of_ plans for :the police
addition, but the mechanical engineer.has not finished the plans for changes in equipment.
Both will meet-.'-with the Board to discuss the changes made. Bids will be advertised in
January and submitted to the Board with another 30 days allowed for bonding, and project
would be started about the middle of March or April.
Trustee Swanson stated.it was up to the Board to initiate action on a study by the
Northwestern Traffic Institute and asked the engineer.._to check with the Police Chief.
Trustee Seidman said the entrance to Lake -Cook Plaza was extremely dangerous and
suggested the engineer see about getting a light installed in the median strip -
not a traffic light: Mr. Soyka will talk to Mr. Buccola, one of the owners. Mrs.
Christoph said the entrance was dangerous because of the pitch.
Decision was made to discuss changes made by the architects for the police
addition at 7:00 p.m. before the Board- meeting on December 18th. Mrs. Loarie said
the preliminary plans for parking lots did not show any landscaping, and she felt
it was very important that the parking lots be screened,for the protection of
neighboring residences. The matter will be discussed at the meeting on December
18th. Trustee Swanson.,suggested that plans for the parking -lots be available for
inspection by the public.
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda, with two items removed,
was presented as follows:
First Presentation: Ordinance granting a sideyard variation, Quaranta, 924 Woodward.
First Presentation:. Ordinance granting a sideyard variation, Vido, 919 Forest.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Consent Agenda
be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
1st Presentation- Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance
Sp. Use Cab Office & Stand authorizing a special use for the occupancy of
at RR Station a portion of the Milwaukee Road station for
a taxicab office and stand.
Mr. Fred Barth, owner of an AAA cab,stated that six months earlier the AAA
Cab Company had asked to move into the railroad station, and still want to move
there. The company has the same owner, and a new manager. Stories in the newspapers.:
that the company was no longer in business hurt, and a simple phone call to the
company would have corrected the false report. Insurance on four AAA cabs was can-
celled while undergoing repairs, a normal procedure. Two of the four cabs have re-
turned to service�anddnsurance reinstated. All cabs are insured as required by
State law, but a number of policies have individual owners. Certificates of Insurance
on the two AAA cabs which were withdrawn from service are in the mail. He asked
when the Certificate of Insurance was filed on the eight cabs of the American Cab
Company, which, he said, did not respond for local calls, but only if the passenger
wanted to go to the airport or Chicago.
The manager said he wanted to talk to Mr. White, owner of AAA Cab. He said
that without a.blanket policy the cab company has no right to operate.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that this stand as a first
presentation of the ordinance.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution -Lake County -File. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin,
Pre - application With USEPA that the Resolution be adopted encouraging
Funds for Solid Waste Study Lake County to file a.pre- application with
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for
funding forc,a solid waste.program.
Motion carried unanimously.
Re: School Crossing Guards Safety Council Chairman Blumberg reported-that
criteria for placement of crossing guards has
been set and counts made, but the numbers could not be reconciled.
S.C. Report- Request Action A letter from the Safety Council regested
Narrow Streets consideration of its recommendation of June 30,
1978 regarding parking.on,- .narrow streets.
Safety Council Chairman Blumberg,stated it was sometimes difficult, if not impossible,
for emergency vehicles to get through because of parked cars, particularly with
snow. Letters with a map of streets were sent to Homeowners Associations.and PTOs,
requesting voluntary compliance with the Safety Council's recommendation, but only
one response was received.
Discussion was had, including cost of signs,. size and number of signs,.-issuance
of warning tickets and sending letters with water bills to those who live on narrow
streets. Trustee Seidman stated that without an ordinance, warning tickets didn:.t
mean anything.
The manager suggested signs be erected only if warning tickets are disregarded.
He,said that 648 tickets for parking had been issued this year, with an equal number of
warning tickets.
Decision was made that reports from the Police and Fire Departments be requested
on,the frequency of\ parked cars blocking the passage.of emergency vehicles, making it
necessary to drive across lawns or to back up and approach the emergency from another
The matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
P.C. Recommendation- Amendment
Annexation Agreement Parcel 2'
Deerfield Center Associates
Authorize Amendment
A report from the Plan Commission recommended approvaif
an amendment to the Annexation Agreement with Deer-
field Center.Assodiates_.(former Strubproperty) to
permit the construction of an office building and a
freestanding restaurant on a part of Parcel 2.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the recommendation of the
Plan Commission be accepted and an ordinance be prepared authorizing execution of the
partial amendment to the Annexation Agreement.
Motion carried unanimously:
Accept Bid Fergus Ford Inc. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler,
6 Squad Cars- Net$28310.58 that the bid of Fergus Ford, Inc. for six LTD LL
police squad cars at a gross cost of $35,510.58 less
$7,200 for trade -ins, leaving a net cost of $28,310.58, as recommended by the .Finance
Director. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes:. Blumenthal, Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (6)
Nays: None (0)
Prepare Statement of Policy Discussion was had on the Plan Commission's request
Traffic Consultant for a Traffic Consultant policy and whether the
Village has the power to require that all traffic
studies be prepared by Paul Box Associates to be paid for by the petitioner., Trustee
Swanson said he agreed with Plan Commission Chairman John Baer that traffic studies should
-be approved by Paul Box.
Mr. Linn said there were numerous precedents for.land planners taking traffic studies
mat the expense of the petitioner, but he would have to check whether this was legal. It
bwas pointed out that a list of three traffic consultants approved by the Village should'be
Burnished to a petitioner if the Plan Commission deems the traffic study inadequate, the
ucost for the Village appro ed consultant to be, aid by the petitioner.. *The matter was re-
a) am ' "
�ferred to the Plan Commiss o ,'with 5a`uT Box designated as traffic consultant.
01 A Statement of Policy will be prepared for the Board's consideration.
Ordinance -Abate Sewage Bond The ordinance was presented directing the County'
Tax for 1978 Clerks of'.'-.Lake :and.. Cook 'Counties to., _.aba.t:e. the: -, tax.of
(0- 78 -47) . $207,500:-for-.. Sewage --Treatment .Facili.ties Bonds for
1978; certified copies of the Ordinance to be filed
with the County Clerks of Lake and,Cook Counties.
Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the rules be waived to permit
action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson; that the Ordinance be passed as
presented. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin. Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (6)
Nays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. The ordinance was presented amending Section 22 -67 of
Sec. 22 -67 No Parking on Sts. the Municipal Code to provide that no person shall
2 -6 AM 712 Permits Per Year park on any street for longer than 30 minutes.-.between
(0- 78 -48) 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. except physicians on emergency
calls and persons iaho:have.received permis6ion from- .the
Police Department. It was decided that no more:_than 12 .permits shall--.be issued to any one
person during any twelve -month period, the number of permits having been left blank.
Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the rules be waived to permit
action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Heisler then moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Ordinance
be passed as presented. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (6)
Nays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Prepare Ordinance No Parking
Elm St. to Village Garage -.
10 AM to 12 Noon
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman,
that the attorney be directed to prepare an
ordinance to prohibit parking on Elm Street
to the Village garage between 10 a.m. and 12 noon.
Discussion was had on the parking problem and it was suggested that it was
not illogical with the present cost of electricity and maintenance, that fees for
parking be charged to insure that the lots be paid for.
The clerk reported that the sidewalk from Waukegan Road to the Village Hall
was in deplorable condition with several inches of rough ice on it, making it
extremely dangerous, Trustee Seidman stated a corner at the main intersection was
very hazardous last Saturday, and ice should be cleared away.
.There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Marty and seconded
by Trustee Heisler,. he .meeting:.was adjourned..at 10:15 g.m.
Village Clerk