08/21/1978 (2)August 21, 1978
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of
the Village Hall on Monday, August 21, 1978 at 8:05 P.M. The Acting Clerk
called the roll and reported that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Norma Gavin
Jerold L. Heisler
Cynthia J. Marty
Edwin B. Seidman
Vernon E. Swanson
-Absent: D. Jeffrey Blumenthal
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Richard V. Houpt, Village Attorney, and Norris W. Stilphen, Village Manager.
Mr. Heisler moved, seconded by Mr. Seidman, that the minutes of the meeting
held August 7, 1978, be approved as corrected. (Page 268, line 14, add:
Mrs. Marty moved, seconded by Mr. Seidman, that the report and recommendation
of the Plan Commission be accepted. Motion carried unanimously.) Motion
carried unanimously.
Approve Warrant Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that
Q W -78 -8 Warrant No. W -78 -8 - Payment of bills, including fund
transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by
Q the following vote:
Ayes: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5)
Nays: None (0)
Treasurer's Report The Treasurer's Report, dated July 31, 1978, was pre -
sented, and included cash and investment statements, detail
expenditures by activity, revenue and expense statement, highlight control report,
and cash flow statement.
Mr. George Valentine explained the apparently high electricity billing,
pointing out that this represented 13 months of bills, whereas last year there were
only 11 months of bills. The Village receives 12 different bills each month and
the payments are sometimes credited to bills other than the specific one paid.
Trustee Seidman inquired about the June sales tax receipts. Mr. Valentine
reported that the May receipts had just been received and were substantially
higher than April's and we are now over the projected amount of income from this
Donald E. Gehrig President Forrest asked the members of the Board of
Memorial Award Police Commissioners to make the presentation of the
Donald E. Gehrig Memorial Award for 1977. Chairman
George Schleicher, and members Robert Lindberg and Daniel Stiehr were pre-
sent. Mr. Schleicher explained that this award was for the Outstanding Police
Officer each year and introduced Sgt. Larry Tousignant, this year's recipient,
who thanked the Commission and stated that this was the highest point in his career
with the Deerfield Police Department.
West Skokie Drainage President Forrest read a letter received by a resident
District Letters in the northeast quadrant stating that the assessment
for the West Skokie Drainage District had not been
paid. He reported that many residents had received similar letters and asked that
the Village Attorney check on this and report his findings. In many cases, the
residents had never received a bill for the assessment.
Approve Consent The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration as
Agenda follows:
Authorization for Mayor to sign contracts for modifications to Village Hall and
Annex - re: handicapped
Resolution re: Traffic Light Maintenance, Deerfield /Waukegan Roads
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Consent Agenda
be adopted.
Motion carried unanimously,.
Use of Property at The Manager reported that there had been no new develop -
827 Deerfield:Road ments.
Report - Safety Council Trustee Seidman stated he felt this should be
re: Stratford to Yield tabled until the background material has been
for Holly Lane received, showing the reason for this recom-
mendation. The Board was in agreement, and
felt that the next item on the agenda - Safety Council Report and recommendation
Eastbound Osterman to stop for Elm Street - should also be tabled for more in-
formation at the next meeting.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that these two items be
tabled to the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Valenti Resubdivision The Plan Commission report and recommendation
Deerfield and Wilmot that the Mayor be authorized to sign an Easement
Disclaimer and Easement Vacation was discussed.
Mrs. Barbara Ruffino stated that the layout of the subdivision had been changed
from that previously approved and that these easements would be replaced by other
easements on the new plat.
Mr. Houpt suggested that the next item on the agenda be acted upon prior to action
on this item.
Valenti Resubdivision The Plan Commission report and recommendation
Approve Final Plat that the final plat for this subdivision be approved
and the President authorized to sign the plat was
accepted and approved. Discussion followed regarding the maintenance of the va-
cant Outlot 3, , with Trustee Seidman requesting some kind of protection for
the Village to assure that the homeowners maintain this portion suitably. After
disucssion, Mr. Al Davis (representing Mr. Valenti) stated that this would be
included in the contract to purchase as these buyers would have an undivided
interest in the vacant portion. Mr. Jerry Madden, 584 Castlewood Lane, asked
what would become of Outlots 1 and 2. President Forrest stated that they would
remain as they are until the developer wished to come before the Board with a
request to develop them, and that they would remain zoned R -1. Mrs. Laura Lee
Christoph suggested that the property at the southwest corner of Deerfield and
Wilmot Roads had been set aside for school use. Mrs. Naomi Clampitt said that
before the Wilmot Junior High building was constructed, discussions were held
with Mr. Valenti about the possibility of using this land for school purposes but
it did not work out and the plan was dropped.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the President be
authorized to sign the final linen for the resubdivision, requiring that the contracts
to purchase homes include notice to the purchasers of Lots 10 through 16 that
they own an undivided interest in Outlot 3. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the President be
authorized to sign the easement disclaimer and easement vacations. Motion
carried unanimously.
Report - NORTRAN The Village Manager reported that NORTRAN
approval of lease had given approval for both the Western Union
and AAA Cab Company leases for use of a
portion of the railroad station.
Report - Village Attorney In response to Mrs. Loarie's inquiry at the pre -
on Zoning Aspects of Use vious meeting, the Village Attorney advised that
of the Railroad Station a public hearing should be held by the Plan Com-
mission with the Village and AAA Cab Company
as joint petitioners for a Special Use to permit a cab dispatching office at the
station. No hearing is required for the Western Union use. Mrs. Ruffino said
the hearing could be scheduled for September 28th.
Mr. Fred Barth, representing the owner, stated that unless the rental fee, were
waived for the first six months of occupancy, the owner would not be interested
in leasing the space. He stated that the cost of moving telephones, etc., would
be between $1,000 and $2,000. All other terms of the lease are agreeable.
Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by .Trustee Marty, that the lease for AAA Cab
Company be modified to provide for the first six months' occupancy at no rent.
The motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the matter be referred
to the Plan Commission for public hearing as expeditiously as possible.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance authorizing Special In view of the fact that all rights -of -way
Use for PRD, Northeast corner have not been acquired by the developer
Kenmore and Lake -Cook Road for.the installation of the proposed roadway,
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
Marty, that this be tabled until the land acquisition has been completed. Motion
carried unanimously.
Ordinance amending Sub- Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by
Division Code to Grant Trustee Marty, that this be tabled until
CO Variations land acquisition has been completed for the
(.0 proposed roadway. Motion carried un-
�[ Vecchione Annexation Mr. Vincent Vecchione presented two plans, A
Request, 6.8 acres and B, for the construction of 23 homes rather
North of Tennaqua than the 25 originally proposed. Plan A was
identical to the original proposal except for the
removal of two home sites, and would require two variations in width and a small
variation in depth. Plan B showed a total of 23 homes and a different roadway
system, removing a section of what is currently known as Meadow Lane, with
the lots now ranging between 9,000 and 14,625 square feet. The storm water
detention area has now been made a part of lots 16 through 23. The new road
would go from Vecchione's north property line to the front entrance of Tennaqua.
Trustee Swanson asked whether it was Mr. Vecchione's intention that the Village
pave the rest of the road to the north and Mr. Vecchione stated that this was
probable at some time but that it was not binding on the Village to do so. The
present road is plowed by the Village of Deerfield and is used by Tennaqua as
the only occupant at that end of the road since 1958. Plan A requires more
road way than Plan B.
Discussion followed regarding the roadway and the detention basin with questions
answered by Engineer Don Fielding. Mr. Stilphen asked that, any street not
be called "Meadow Lane" since there are already two such streets.
Mr. Charles Shepard, 1106 Davis Avenue, speaking for the Tennaqua members,
said they were concerned about driving through a subdivision as they foresaw
complaints from the people who would be living in the subdivision. In discussing
the unreconstructed portion of the roadway, Mr. Stilphen stated that as the other
properties along the way were annexed and developed it could very well be that
that portion would be finished by special assessment, and referred to the Hovland
subdivision as an example of what could be accomplished. Mr. G. A. Wiegman of
695 Constance Lane suggested than an outside engineering firm be hired to provide
estimates on the cost of the road from the Vecchione property to Castlewood Lane.
Also that the Safety Council be asked to study the plan and report to the Board.
Trustee Heisler said there were two major questions regarding the road: the
property owners feel that it is their road and their access to their homes; and
the other question from the people in Clavinia is a financial one rather than a
practical one. Since the Board is saying that it is not their intention to improve
the road, it becomes a question for Mr. Vecchione as to what he would tell pros-
pective buyers who asked what would happen to the road in the future.
Trustee Marty then moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Plan B be
accepted with the condition that Mr. Vecchione put the road back into useable
condition similar to what it was when he started his subdivision. After some
discussion, Trustee Heisler amended the motion to provide that Mr. Vecchione
be charged with improving the road to Village specifications the entire length
274 up to Castlewood Lane. Trustee Swanson seconded the amendment. The
amendment failed by the following vote:
Ayes: Heisler, Swanson (2)
Nays: Gavin, Marty, Seidman (3)
The motion carried unanimously.
The President recessed the meeting for a ten minute break at 9:45 P.M.
Upon reconvening, President Forrest stated that the Village Attorney would
look into alternate means of financing the road construction and would report
at the next Board meeting.
Ordinance Granting Lot First reading was had on an ordinance granting
Size Variation -Di Bello lot area, sideyards and lot width variations for
First presentation property located at 1035 Forest Avenue.
. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seid-
man, that this stand as first reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance Granting PRD There being no discussion nor comment, Presi-
East Side of Kenmore dent Forrest stated that this would stand as
First Presentation first reading of an ordinance granting a Planned
Residential Development of Lots 107 and 108
located on the east side of Kenmore Avenue between Laurel and Gordon.
Ordinance Granting Special Taking note of a letter requesting waiving
Use - Wilmot Administration Bldg. of the first presentation by School District
(0- 78 -32) #109, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by
Trustee Gavin, that the rules be waived to
permit passage on first reading of the ordinance granting a special use for a
synagogue with accessory uses as a religious school and public recreational,
cultural and educational facility at the Wilmot School Administration Building.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5)
Nays: None (0)
Ordinance - Tax Levy Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee
(0- 78 -33) Gavin, that the ordinance levying taxes for the
year May 1, 1978 to April 30, 1979, be adopted.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5)
Nays: None (0)
President Forrest directed Finance Director George Valentine to prepare the
necessary treatment plant bond abatement ordinances at the proper time.
Request for Rate Increase Mr. Valentine reviewed the request for a rate
Standard Disposal Co., Inc. increase, together with the terms of the contract,
and recommended a 6.8% increase, which is in-
cluded in the Tax Levy. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler,
that the increase of •6.8% be granted. Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5)
Nays: None (0)
The Acting Clerk reported that the Village had received a summons in the case
of the Mallin estate and Joseph Giddan & Sons, summons served on August 9, 1978.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that Pedersen & Houpt be
authorized to defend the suit. Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Seidman asked that the staff review the ordinance regarding the stop sign
at Westgate and Wincanton Roads and determine the status.
Trustee Marty reported having received a telephone call from Trustee Dan Mangin
of Riverwoods regarding the fact that the Mobil station at Route 22 had been
notified of the hearing on the petition of the Deerfield Savings & Loan Assn.
The parent company had notified the wrong station, and it should have notified
Rich Harris.
Trustee Seidman questioned the Community Development meeting regarding the
proposal of the Savings & Loan, stating that no representative of the S & L had
been present. Mr. Stilphen stated that this was an internal staff discussion
and that the petitioner would have a public hearing at which to express the
Savings & Loan's comments.
Village Manager Stilphen reported that he had a call from Ms. Diane Patton,
Manager of the Highland Park Telephone Business Office, stating that all rates
will be increased by 309-' per month. He also received notice from the ICC
regarding a hearing on a request by Illinois Bell to change Deerfield's boundaries.
Mr. Stilphen received a request from Trustee Steven White of Bannockburn asking
that Deerfield join in seal coating North Avenue. Mr. White has .b_?en asked to
get a quote and Mr. Stilphen will take that before our Board for discussion.
The Northern Illinois Police Crime Laboratory has invited the Mayor and Board
of Trustees and their spouses to tour the facilities on August 27, 1978 between
1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M.
Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph reported that McDonald's had been spraying for
mosquitoes at 2:30 A.M. and that this was very disturbing.
Mr. J. Robert York read a statement opposing the construction of the new
police facility. The President and Board stated that this had been under dis-
cussion publicly and in the newspapers from some time and no adverse comments
had been received.
Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the meeting be
adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Motion carried unanimousl
ernard Forrest, President
Deputy Village k
You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the
President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield
will be held on Monday, August 28, 1978 at 9:00 P.M. in
the Deerfield Village Hall to consider land acquisition.
This Special Meeting will be preceded by an Executive
Session of the President andBoard of Trustees at 8 :00 P.M.
on August 28, 1978 to consider land acquisition.
By order of the President.
Deputy Village Clerk
DATED this 22nd day of August, 1978.
CHICAGO TRIBUNE - Des Plaines Office
The Special Meeting which was called for Monday,
August 28, 1978, at 9:00 P.M. has been cancelled. The
Executive Session will be held on Tuesday, September 5, 1978,
beginning at 7 :00 P.M. in the Village Hall. Following that
Executive Session, the matter of land acquisition will be taken
up at the regular Board meeting.
By Order of the President