08/07/1978 (2)266 August 7, 1978 A meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, August 7, 1978, at 8:05 P.M. The acting secretary called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Jerold L. Hei §ler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Absent: Norma Gavin Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village Attorney, and Norris Stilphen, Manager. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that the minutes of the meeting held July 17, 1978, be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board of Local Improve- ments, on motion of Trustee Blumenthal, seconded by Trustee Marty, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 P.M. APPROVED: August 7, 1978 Acting Secretary The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, August,7, 1978 at 8:07 P.M. The Acting Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Cynthie -J=;, Marty Jerold L. Heisler Edwin B. Seidman Absent: Norma Gavin Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village Attorney, and Norris W. Stilphen, Manager. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that the minutes of the meeting held July 17, 1978, be approved as corrected. (Page 264 - line 47 - strike "Brock & Doyle ", add "Scully, Hunter, Scully "; line 48 - strike "S47375.90"7 add "S47880.24"; line 52 - strike "Brock"; add "Scully"; line 53 - strike "& Doyle "in the amount of $47,375.90", add "Hunter, Scully in the amount of $48,880.24". Motion carried unanimously. A public hearing was held on the request for annexation by Vincent Vec- chione for 6.8 acres north of Tennaqua. Mr. Vecchione stated that he was represented by Russell Miller, Esq., and that Donald Fielding was present to answer any questions regarding engineering. The Plan Commission had heard a rezoning petition, including variations, which would permit the construction of 25 homes under R -3 zoning. Mr. Vecchione made his presentation and answered questions raised by President Forrest and Board members. All witnesses were sworn. Members of the audience raised questions regarding the proposed develop- ment. A full report of the hearing is on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Following this testimony and audience questioning, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the hearing be closed. Motion carried un- animously. Mr. Stucko advised that if the Board of Trustees wished to consider the 26 1 findings of the Plan Commission regarding this matter, a motion was needed to add that matter to the Agenda. Mr. Heisler so moved, seconded by Mr. Seidman and the motion carried unanimously. During the annexation hearing, a question was rais.eid by Mr. G. A Wiegman of 695 Constance Lane, who stated that he had not been notified of the Plan Commission hearing even though he resides within 250' of the subject property. The meeting was recessed at 9:40 P.M. for ten minutes, during which time Mr. Stucko was instructed to review the requirements regarding notification to property owners. The meeting was reconvened by President Forrest at 9:50 P.M. 'Attorney Stucko "reported that, as �stafed'in Article-13.13'of the Deerfield Zoning Ordin +anc&i,, the State Statutes govern notification requirements for annexations and ally matters relating to such requests for annexation, citing Chapter 24- 11- 15.1 -1. The proper notice appeared in the newspaper, and the Library, Township, and other required bodies were notified. In addition, Mr. Vecchione's Attorney, Russell Miller, had also notified others by registered mail. He stated that the requirements had been met, both by the Plan Commission and the Board of Trustees. The Board then discussed the Plan Commission's 00 findings, following which Mrs. Marty moved the acceptance of the Plan Com- (D missions recommendations, adding the deletion of two lots and bringing the lot sizes up to 9000 square feet, and that Mr. Vecchione be responsible for paving the road in front of his property as outlined in the Plan Commission recommenda- tion. The motion was seconded by Mr. Seidman. Mrs. Marty then asked Mr. Vecchione whether he would like the matter tabled. He replied that he would like the motion voted upon. Whereupon the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Stucko pointed out that this would necessitate amendment to the Annexation Agreement and that he would like the Board's permission to forbear on this and the preparation of the necessary ordinance until the specific plans were in hand. President Forrest asked that Mr. Vecchione prepare the plans and consult with Mr. Stucko, with the matter to be considered at the meeting of August 21st. Departmental Director of Public Works Edmund Klasinski presented his Objectives report to the Board of Trustees and was complimented on the excellence of contents thereof. He noted that new bids will shortly be taken for the removal of Village owned diseased elm trees. Also of interest was the tremendous increase in electrical energy use at the new Wastewater Treatment Plant, due partly to the 7" of rain in June; and the fact was noted that there will probably be a shortage of concretle. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration as follows: Authorization to reduce Letter of Credit, Vecchione resubdivision, Franken and Locust. Resolution regarding S.O. S. funding for intermittent resurfacing. • Request for provision of bus transportation for Senior Citizens' Day, August 30, 1978. Authorization for Mayor to sign lease agreement with the Milwaukee Road, Phase 11. Authorization for Mayor to sign contract with Scully, Hunter, Scully for the Hazel Avenue Water Main extension. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the consent agenda be approved. Adopted by the following voite: Ayes: Blumenthal, Heisler, Marty, Seidman. (4) Nays: None. (0) Report re: The Village Manager reported that he and the Village 827 Deerfield Road Engineer had met with the adjacent property owner to discuss this matter, and it will be referred to their Building and Grounds Committee for discussion after which they will contact us. 268 Approval of final plat- Vecchione resubdivision South of Deerfield, north of Osterman Avenue signed by President Forr, The Plan Commission's recommendation that the President be authorized to sign the final plat for this resubdivision was discussed. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the President be so authorized, and the plat was est. Approval of Preliminary Plat - The Plan Commission's report and re- Cunningham resubdivision - commendation that the preliminary plat Northwoods Drive for this resubdivision be approved was discussed and accepted and the prelimin- ary plat was approved. Trustee Seidman asked whether this required an easement for ingress and egress and Mrs. Ruffino stated that it did not and that no variations were required as the lot will be 75' at the building line, which meets the ordinance requirements. Approval of Preliminary Plat - The Plan Commission's report and re- DiBello resubdivision, Forest commendation that the preliminary plat Avenue for this resubdivision be approved was discussed and accepted and the preliminary plat approved, on motion of Mrs. Marty, seconded by Mr. Seidman and motion carried unanimously. BZA report and recommendation.- Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by DiBello resubdivision, Fore'sf Trustee Marty, that the report and recom- Avenue mendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals be accepted and that the Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. The motion carried unanimously. Approval of Preliminary Plat - The owner of Lot 106 at the corner of Lipowich PRD - Kenmore Avenue Kenmore and Gordon Terrace, Mr. Noble, between Gordon and Laurel stated that if a road were to be constructed straight through;this`area • it•would prohibit his subdividing his property into three lots. However, if a cul de sac were constructed it would enable him to subdivide at some future date should he so desire. This present request of Mr. Lipowich does not now affect Mr. Noble but it was his desire to point out the future possibility. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Plan Commission's report be accepted and the Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordin- ance. Motion carried unanimously. Special Use for Wilmot The Plan Commission s' report and recom- Administration Building mendation was-. discussed. Village Attorney James Stuckolldft the meeting as a member of his law firm was directly involved in this request and Mr. Stucko took no part in the consideration of the special use. Congregation Bnai Tikva would be the prime lessee, with the Park District and the Girl Scouts also using portions of the building. Discussion regarding possible parking problems ensued, with Mr. Marshall LeSueur represent St. Gregory's Church in the discussion. Because of the fact that services are held at different times and also the High Holy Days will not be celebrated by services at the school building, there appears to be no problem. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Special Use be approved and the necessary ordinance be prepared by the Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Village Center Development After discussion, it was the decision Commission - Recommendation of the President and Board that the Village `re: Village Center boundaries Center boundaries not be amended inasmuch as the present boundaries were set up after public discussion and input of many residents. The Manager was instructed to so inform the Village Center Development Commission. 269 Village Center Development The report and recommendation were dis- Commission - re: Real Estate cussed. Trustee Marty moved, seconded Transaction Tax recommendation by Trustee Seidman, that this report be ,� referred to the Finance Committee for study and report, and the VCDC so notified by the Village Manager. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution to Save Fort Sheridan The Lake County Economic Development and Great Lakes Naval Base Commission's request that the Village adopt the Resolution was discussed, with Trustee Marty stating that since Deerfield is practicing economies to relieve taxpayers' of expenditures, she could not then vote to adopt this Resolution. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that the Resolution be adopted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal, Heisler, Seidman, Forrest (4) Nays: Marty (1) Lease for AAA Cab Mr. Fred Barth, representing the owner for space at station of Triple A Cab Company, stated that the cost of the move to Deerfield would be high and referred to the original request for six months' free rental. After discussion, it was agreed that the proposed lease as drawn by the Village be forwarded to the owner, Mr. White, for his comments, in writing, to be discussed at the next meeting. Lease for Western Union Mr. Seidman moved, seconded by Mrs. for space at station Marty, that the Mayor be authorized to sign the lease with Western Union. The motion carried unanimously, and the Manager was directed to forward the lease to Western Union for their approval. Award of bid for Chain Link Fence The bid for the chain link fence was . U. S. Steel Supply - $5,738.00 awarded to U. S. Steel Supply at a bid price of $5,738, on motion of Mrs. Marty, seconded by Mr. Heisler. Motion carried unanimously. Petition for Special Attorney Stucko pointed out that not all of Assessment for the property owners had petitioned for this Country Lane special assessment. Rather than have the Village involve itself in the land acquisition necessary to install such an improvement, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that The Village Manager be directed to contact those who signed the petition for special'i assessment to explain the Village's viewpoint and further, when the land is available, the Board would again consider the petition. The motion carried unanimously. Ordinance authorizing First reading was had on this ordinance, Special Use for PRD, there being no comment nor discussion ne corner Kenmore and from the audience. CD Lake -Cook. Ordinance amending There being no discussion or comment Subdivision Code to from the audience' regarding this proposed grant variations for ordinance, first reading was had. PRD -ne corner of Kenmore and Lake -Cook Tax Levy Ordinance First reading was had on the Tax Levy Ordinance. Purchase -of Property.. Mrs. Marty moved, seconded by Mr. from Village Library Seidman, that the Village Clerk and the President be authorized to execute the purchase agreement on behalf of the Village and that it be submitted to the Library Board for their approval. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal, Heisler, Marty, Seidman. (4) Nays: None (0) Resolution to Save Fort Sheridan The Lake County Economic Development and Great Lakes Naval Base Commission's request that the Village adopt the Resolution was discussed, with Trustee Marty stating that since Deerfield is practicing economies to relieve taxpayers' of expenditures, she could not then vote to adopt this Resolution. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that the Resolution be adopted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal, Heisler, Seidman, Forrest (4) Nays: Marty (1) Lease for AAA Cab Mr. Fred Barth, representing the owner for space at station of Triple A Cab Company, stated that the cost of the move to Deerfield would be high and referred to the original request for six months' free rental. After discussion, it was agreed that the proposed lease as drawn by the Village be forwarded to the owner, Mr. White, for his comments, in writing, to be discussed at the next meeting. Lease for Western Union Mr. Seidman moved, seconded by Mrs. for space at station Marty, that the Mayor be authorized to sign the lease with Western Union. The motion carried unanimously, and the Manager was directed to forward the lease to Western Union for their approval. Award of bid for Chain Link Fence The bid for the chain link fence was . U. S. Steel Supply - $5,738.00 awarded to U. S. Steel Supply at a bid price of $5,738, on motion of Mrs. Marty, seconded by Mr. Heisler. Motion carried unanimously. 270 President Forrest and the Board of Trustees directed that flowers be sent to Mrs. Catherine Price. Village Manager's Reports: The Manager reported that he had received a request from Mr. Hejna, Attorney representing the Village of Bannockburn, requesting certain information relative to the provision of sewerage to Bannockburn by Deerfield. He was author- ized to provide the requested information. He referred to minutes of the July meeting of the Lake County Plats Committee relative to plat approval by municipalities within the jurisdictional. mile and a half of their boundaries. He was authorized to contact the Municipal League in this regard to alert them to possibile iintroduction of legislation to remove this approval from municipalities. He also reported that there was an article in a recent issue of theMunicipal Review relative to automatic inclusion of municipalities in Soil Conservation Districts. Since Deerfield has never been in such a District, he was directed to ascertain whether it was .necessary for the Village to opt out of such inclusion. A letter was received from the League of Women Voters asking that the Village join with other communities in the "bottle bill". It was noted that a meeting to discuss this proposal is scheduled for the City Hall in Highland Park on August 10, 1978, at 7:30 P . M, The Mayor was authorized to sign a General Revenue Sharing document, stating that the Village of Deerfield is complying with all regulations. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was ad- journed at 11:15 P.M., on motion of Trustee Seidman, seconded by Trustee Heisler. APPROVED' President ATTEST: Deputy Village Cl k I� �u