07/03/1978259 July 3, 1978 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, July 3, 1978 at 8:10 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Norma Gavin Jerold L. Heisler Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson Absent: Cynthia J. Marty and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Herbert Linn, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. The President asked for a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Richard Ross, a member of the Village Center Development and Redevelopment Commission, a director of the Chamber of Commerce and an outstanding member of the community. President Forrest 00 gave a brief eulogy and expressed the Board's sympathy to the family. co Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the minutes of the regular meeting held June 19, 1978 be approved as corrected. (Page 256 -line 51 - Add "Mrs. Fritz said the contract purchaser will pay a residential price for the acreage "; Page 258 -line 24 - Add "plus the Wagner residence. ") Motion carried unanimously. Postpone Annexation Hearing Trustee Blumenthal moved, seconded by Trustee 8/7/78 Gavin, that the Public Hearing on the annexation of 6.8 acres adjacent to Tennaqua be postponed to August 7, 1978, at the request of the petitioner, Mr. Vincent Vecchione. Motion carried unanimously. Engineer's Report The engineer submitted a report on the status of Departmental Objectives departmental objectives. He said the plans for Phase II parking would be available in about two weeks. Resurfacing of streets has been completed. The telephone company has made application for installation of a main cable down Wilmot to Lake =Cook Road. The President suggested the application be held up for two weeks, all information be brought to the next meeting, and a telephone representative be invited to attend. The engineer stated a letter had been received from the Glenview State Bank which stated renewal of the letter of credit should have been requested one month before expiration. The letter of credit should have been renewed for $11,000 but only $3,100 was retained. Mr. Linn said if the subdivider fails to complete the work, the Village should be able to draw the balance. The President requested Mr. Linn to give a draft of a letter of credit or cash escrow which would protect the Village. The matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Accept Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration as follows: CONSENT AGENDA First presentation: Ordinance amending the Municipal Code provisions on hitchhiking. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that the Consent Agenda be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Report -Elm Street Improvements The Village engineer reported that Mr. Mark Howland, Elm Street, had stated that 12 of the 16 property owners on Elm Street had indicated they were willing to participate in the improvement cost for reconstruction of Elm Street. A letter from Mr. James Stucko stated the Federal government will pay 70 per cent of the total cost of the improvement, the balance being shared by the residents and the Village. The conditions of the grant require that funds be available for the balance of the cost at the outset of the project, and therefore a special assessment, with a ten year installment payments, is not possible. Mr. David Newman, who is responsible for 260 special assessment proceedings, suggested the establishment of a special tax district which will allow the property owner to deduct from his federal income taxes the amount levied by the County Clerk. The letter gave the advantages and disadvantages of establishment of the special tax district. Trustee Blumenthal suggested the Village advance funds for the 30 per cent of the improvement, and the property owners sign notes which would be a lien on the property. Mr. Howland said it was very doubtful that the property owners would sign notes, but would favor a special tax district. It was pointed out that the tax due in a special tax district was based on the value of the property. It was proposed that the Village buy the special assessment bonds and pay off the special assessments, thus having the 30 per cent available at the outset in order the get the 70 per cent Federal grant. The matter will be checked out and reported at the next meeting. Atty's Report- Meadow Lane A letter from Mr. Stucko stated that in his opinion that the Village can treat that portion of Meadow Lane which is adjacent to the border of Clavinia Subdivision as being within the corporate limits of Deerfield. Mr. David Veatch, who has asked per - mssion to extend water and sewer mains outside.the.corporate limits to serve his property, must get permission for the extensions. The manager said letters have been sent to Mr. Veatch and the Township. Approve Contract Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee 831 Deerfield Rd. Seidmanm that the Contract for the purchase of 831 Deerfield Road be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin. Heisler, Seidman, Swanson (5) Nays: None (0) Approve 208 Water Quality Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, Management Agency Implementation that the 208 Water Quality Management Agency Implementation Statement be accepted and approved as written by the Village of Deerfield. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution Oppose HB 2754 Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Gun Club Noise EPA Blumenthal, that a Resolution be adopted opposing House Bill 2754 which exempts gun clubs in existence prior to 1975 from the Environmental Protection Agency Noise Regulations, certified copies of the said Resolution to be sent to Deerfield's legislators and the Governor' office. Motion carried unanimously. The clerk said the bill had been passed by the House and Senate, and she was told to send the Resolution only to the Governor. Clerk's Reports The clerk reported that a letter was received from Sterling Codifiers which stated new printing equipment has brought about delays in the printing of ordinances, but they would be sent as soon as possible. The new Zoning Ordinance includes a provision that where two or more lots of record with continuous frontage and single ownership and do not meet the require- ments of width and area of the Zoning Ordinance, they shallbe considered a single zoning lot. The clerk said she felt that, with many lots that do not meet present standards in the older part of town, the provision should be looked into. Also there is no definition of "kennel" which has been used in the past to limit the . number of dogs an owner may keep on one property. The clerk said the wrong owner has been sent letters regarding the State's and Historical Society's designation of the residence at 1267 Berkley Court as a Historical Structure, and were brought to her only last Saturday. The name should be corrected to reflect proper ownership. Reports In response to Trustee Seidman's question, it was stated that Mr. Stucko is working on a policy statement on signs. Trustee Seidman proposed that an ordinance creating • G license be prepared if the Governor signs the bill authorizing the issuance of • liquor license to churches and private schools. There being no futher business on motion by Trustee Gavin and seconded by Trustee Gavin, the meeting was adjourned 9:20 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Village Clerk