06/02/1975161 June 2, 1975 The President being absent, the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the clerk in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, June 2, 1975 at 8 :05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and the following were Present: D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Norma Gavin Cynthia J. Marty Walter H. Moses, Jr. Edwin B. 'Seidman Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: Bernard Forrest and a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Trustee Stiehr be appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the minutes of the regular meeting held May 19, 1975 be approved as corrected. (Page 156- line 35- "will be "). Motion carried unanimously. each of The President pro tem presented to /the members,of the various Boards and Com- missions a paperweight with the Village seal thereon as a token of appreciation for. the many:'hours spent in service to the the Village. Some members were unable to be present. Mr. Nelson Culver, Chairman of the Sister City Committee, reported that Rudesheim, Germany, has been selected as Deerfield's Sister City. It is near Frank- fort in the Rhine valley and its population is about 10,000. Police Officer William Behnke presented Acting Chief Robert Davenport who presented shooting awards to the following officers: Tyro Class - K. S. Anderson; Marksman Class - M. D. Soler; Sharpshooter Class - T. A. Hill; Expert Class - L. E. Kick` Master Class - T. A. Potter; Match Class - W. E. Behnke, and; "Most Improved - R. J. Meyer. The Team Shooting award will be placed in the Trophy Cabinet in the Police Department. Report -P.W: Director Public Works Director Edmund Klasinski submitted a Progress and Status Report on objectives for fiscal 1975 -76 and'a report on the work of the Public Works Department for January through April, 1975. There are funds for an additional laboratory man, die testing of sewers is being continued, and data have been sent to Baxter & Woodman for evalu- a tion. Other matters discussed included complaints about animals, tree spraying, frequency and analysis of effluent and the new hydraulic cleaner which, in addition to sewer cleaning, can be used for many other jobs. Appoint R.C. Brandt Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, Chief of Police Eff. 6/16/75 that Richard C. Brandt be appointed Chief of Police effective June 16, 1975. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Sec. 20.501 - Eliminate 8 Parking Spaces- Deerfield Rd. (0- 75 -26) South side of Deerfield Road, North side of Deerfield Road, South side of Deerfield Road, North side of Deerfield Road, Adopted by the following vote: Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that an ordinance be passed amending Section 20.501 of the Municipal Code by adding to the list of locations where parking is prohibited at any time the following: 670 feet west of Waukegan Road westerly for 32 feet; 750 feet west of Waukegan Road westerly for 22 feet; 252 feet west of Waukegan Road westerly for 130 feet; 218 feet west of Waukegan Road westerly for 43 feet. Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, S&E.4man, Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) 1 The President pr6 tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. 162 Ordinance -Sp'., Use,Mu -1-ti- Business Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee 641 Deerfield'Road Marty, that the ordinance be passed author - (0-75-27) izing a Special Use at 641 Deerfield Road for multiple principal uses for a garden supply sales (Deerfield Lawn & Garden Spot) and a vacuum cleaner sales-.'and repair shop. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal. Gavin. Marty, Moses, Seidman , Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Sec. 8.701 & 8.702A 7 Member Safety Council -Terms (0- 75 -28) Adopted by the following vote: Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Ordinance be passed amending Sections 8.701 and 8.702A by establishing a Safety Council consisting of seven members (formerly five), and terms of appointment. Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Sec. 13.907 - Amusement Hours Seidman, that the ordinance be passed amending (0- 75 -29) Section 13.907 of the Municipal Code by pro- viding that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct any amusement designated in the preceding Section between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. on Sunday and 12:00 Midnight and 7:00 A.M. on any other day. Adopted by the following vote: Moses Ayes: Gavin, Marty, /Seidman,.Stiehr ill (5) Nays: BlumenthalxxVft xxk?a (1) Corrected 6/16/75 The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. lst Presentation - Ordinances The first presentation was made of an ordin- A doption Nat. Elec. Code of 1975 ance providing for the adoption of the & Require Rigid Heavy Walled National Electrical Code of 1975, and an Conduit ordinance amending the Municipal Code to re- quire rigid galvanized heavy walled conduit. A memorandum on the use of rigid galvani,ed heavy walled conduit was ex- pected from the Electrical Commission, but has not yet been received. The building commission /f6ported that four of the eleven municipalities contacted,(Wheeling, W innetka, Wilmette and Glenview) require rigid galvanized heavy walled conduit, but there had been no problems here. He also contacted contractors but none were p resent. Authorize Execution-Agreement W estenhoff & Novick, Inc. Deerfield Rd. Underpass W idening of Compensation of $52,955. Phase II, to the Upper Limit of Compensation. The Agreement with Westenhoff and Novick, Inc. was presented for the Deerfield Road underpass widening project. The Village engineer explained that Phase I, prelimi- nary stages, is subject to an Upper Limit final design and documents, is also subject Discussion was had on the widening of the underpass. Trustee Blumenthal stated it was his opinion that the widening was not a top priority and there were other projects of more importance. Trustee Seidman objected to opening the Village to greater ,truck traffic, and pointed out that the Agreement did not include the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement. The manager stated there was no guarantee that Federal funding would continue to be available and recommended that the Board proceed with the project.:.Trustee Marty pointed out that the widening of the underpass had heretofore been approved by the Board. Mrs. w illard Loarie, Oxford Road, suggested the matter be put off-and proposed... that other alternatives be explored. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the Agreement with W estenhoff and Novick, Inc. be approved and execution authorized. Adopted by the f ollowing vote: Ayes: Gavin, Marty, Moses, Xbmxr.4 Stiehr (4) Nays: Blumenthal, Seidman (2) 1 1 1 163 Traffic Lights Tkustee.:Blumenthal suggested and then moved that Deerfield & Chestnut--C; "considered';'::traffic signals be installed at the Deerfield - Corrected 6/16 Chestnut street intersection; seconded by Trustee Moses. Motion carried unanimously. P.C. Recommendation A report from the Plan Commission recommended Spec. Use -North Suburban that a Special Use permit be granted to the North Evangelical Free Church Suburban Evangelical Free Church for the expansion Authorize Ordinance of the existing Church facilities at 200 County Line Road subject to the provision of adequate screening of parking areas•from -':adjoining residential properties and approval of drainage plans by the Village engineer. The addition to the church will require the use of two lots, both owned by the church. The properties are described in metes and bounds and it was felt that the lot lines between these adjoining properties should be eliminated. Trustee Moses moved; seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance authorizing the Special Use for the North Suburban Evangelical Free Church in accordance wjth the recommendation of the Plan Commission, conditioned u pan submission of a plat-of subdivision which would eliminate the lot lines between the two properties. *if necessary. (Corrected 6/16/75) Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of the ordinance Regulating Burglar Alarm providing for reguX' tign•of•burglar. alarm-systems. Systems- Committee to Report Trustee Blumenthal stated there were-some-objection to the proposed ordinance by members of the Chamber of Commerce. Trustee Blumenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that a committee be formed consisting of a representative from the Pblice Department, the Chamber of Commerce, the merchants from Deerbrook, a home owner and a member of the Board of Trustees, to report by the next meeting; he will chair the committee. Motion carried unanimously. Atty. to Prepare Option Mr.' Wfessley Stryker has indicated.his, agreement Extension-Stryker Lot to the extension of the option to purchase his lot "on Jonquil Terrace which will expire July 10, 1975. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the attorney be instructed to preparethe appropriate letter to extend the option to purchase the Jonquil Terrace lot for one year, or preferably, t,4Q years. Motion carried unanimously. Request Policy Statement The Cook County Highway Department has agreed Cook Co. Hwy. Dept. to the installation of traffic signals at the Traffic Lights Lake - Cook /Wilmot intersection provided the Village participate in the cost by paying for the Wilmot, "leg ". If the Village will not pay a part of the costs no traffic lights will be installed. Trustee Moses moved,.seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Village attorney contact the Cook County Highway Department for a policy statement on traffic signalization. Motion carried unanimously. lst Presentation - Ordinance Sp. $4 per Yr. Sewer Charge July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1977, said The first presentation was made of an ordinance to provide for the assessment of a special annual sewer charge of $4.00 for the period commencing special charge to be paid quarterly. Trustee Gavin reported that Flag Day, June 14th, will be celebrated at the D eerbrook Shopping Center and an excellent program has been arranged. All are invited. There being no further business, on motion b Trustee Blumenthal and seconded by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 0 0 p.m. ATTEST: Approved: President Village Clerk