05/05/1975 (2)May 5, 1975
The regular, meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the
Village Hall on Monday, May 5, 1975'at 8 ;12 p.m. The clerk called the roll and
reported that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
D. Jeffrey Blumenthal
Norma Gavin
Cynthia J. Marty
Walter H. Moses; Jr.
Edwin B. Seidman
Daniel H. Stiehr
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
ware Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen,
Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the minutes of the
regular meeting held April 21, 1975 be approved as corrected. (Page 146 - lines
46 and 47 "structural alteration of an existing non - conforming building" and
line 50 - "Seidman "). Motion carried unanimously....
Public Hearing- A public hearing was held on the applica-
T ravel Assist, Inc. tion of Travel Assist, Inc. for the
Approve Livery License issuance of a Certificate of Public Con -
venience and Necessity for the operation
of a livery service for the transportation of handicapped people.
Mr. Michael Friedlander, owner, described the service he will provide for
the handicapped, including those who are confined to wheelchairs. He antici-
pates the operation of a fleet of vehicles, and while he will provide service
to individuals, he expects that a majority of business will be from agencies
or a group contractual service. He has applied to the Illinois Commerce Com-
mission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity but there is some
question whether they will take jurisdiction. He said the City of Chicago has
given permission for his operation and has not defined it as a livery service.
He has submitted applications to other North Shore municipalities for Certifi-
cates of Convenience and Necessity.
Discussion was had on.fees to be charged for service, and Trustee Moses
stated he.s-aw no reason.to get into rate structures, but only that there is com-
pliance with the Village Ordinance'on Livery Service.
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Board of Trustees
approve the issuance of a Certificate of,Public Convenience and Necessity to
T ravel Assist, Inc.
Motion carried unanimously.
Wilmot School students who will fill Village offices on Student Government
Day were presented and congratulated by the President.
Ordinance -Side Yard The ordinance was presented granting a
Variation-506 Longfellow variation from the provisions of the Zoning
(0- 75 -19) Ordinance to permit the structural altera-
tion of the existing non - conforming use
with a side yard of 3 feet 1.. -1/2 'Jn._, ...and a total combined side yard of 7 feet
1171/8 inches'-af 50Ti Longfellow" requested by Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Mazzolini.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the rules be
waived to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion
carried unanimously.
Trustee Seidman then moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the ordinance
be passed as presented. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Appointments President Forrest proposed the appointment of the
following persons to Boards and Commissions:
Plan Commission: Thomas Whaley as;Chairman
Donald Wines - reappointed for 3 year term
Arthur S. Rollin - 3 year term
Board of Zoning Appeals: Donald Rosenbaum reappointed for 5 year term
Samuel Purves - 5 year term
Naomi Clampitt -term expiring in 1979
Home Rule Implementation Committee; George Kelm, Chairman
John Baer
Edward Walchli
Board of Police Commissioners: George Schleicher - 3 year term
Police Pension Board: Robert E. Sorg - 2 year term
Minibus Study Committee: James Atchison
Youth Council: Mrs. Sally Wiley - 3 year term
Dr. Henry Sarton - 3 year term
Ginny Curtin (Student)
William W..Russell - 3 year term
Human Relations Committee: Michael Mead - 3 year term
Environmental Commission.: James C. Mitchell - 3 year term
Manpower Commission: H. D. Davidson, Chairman - 3 year term
James Reed - 3 year term
Board of Building Appeals: Edward Zarek - 5 year.term
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that the above appointments
b e approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
BBA Report - Automatic.
A report
was received
from the Board of Building
Sprinkler Systems -
on a proposed
amendment to the National
Pcstponed for 2 Weeks
Code which would provide for the installa-
tion of
automatic sprinkler systems for certain
fiture structures. By
majority vote the Board
of Building
Appeals recommended that
no action be taken on
the proposed amendment
until the new
National Building Code can
be reviewed.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seideman, that consideration of the
proposed amendment be postponed for two weeks and the manager ask a member of the
Board of Building Appeals and a member of the Fire Department to be present at the
n ext meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
P.C. Report- Special Use A report from the Plan Commission recommended that
K orsvik Y Garden Spot a Special Use be granted for the multiple -use of
641 Deerfield Rd. the property at 641 Deerfield Road by the existing
Authorize Ordinance Deerfield Lawn and Garden Spot and a vacuum sales
and repair shop, and the present parking be
am epted as meeting the parking requirements.
Trustee Blumenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the recommendation of
the Plan Commission be accepted, and the attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance
granting the Special Use.
Motion carried unanimously.
Re: Flodstrom Annexation
1st Presentation - ordinances
Amexation, Zoning -& Variations
Mr. Stucko reported that Mr. Sven Flodstrom has
been out of town and the Annexation petition and
Annexation Agreement have not been signed.
The first presentation was made of the ordinance annexing the Flodstrom property
at 2751 Lake -Cook Road to the Village, the ordinance amending the Zoning Map by
cl:a:ssff.'ying the said property as an Office and Research district, and the ordinance
granti`n$ var atf ns<19rom the provisions .o.f,_ the, Zoning Ordinance with respect
to the subject property.
Report -Area Grade`Coiitract•
The Village engineer reported that Area
C ranshire- Hampton- Deerpath
Grade, Inc, had not signed the contract
Sewer Improvements & Lift
for Cranshire = Hampton= Deefpath storm sewer
Stations - Rescind Contract
improvements and lift stations, and has
been unable to provide a Performance Bond.
Bcth he and Baxter & Woodman recommend that the contract be awarded to the Nu -Way
Crntracting Corporation, the next
low bidder, at the bid price of $83,926.00.
Tle difference between Area Grade's
bid of $76,146 and Nu -Way's bid of $83,926
is $7,780, but forfeiture of Area
Grades proposal guaranty of $7,600 will cover
all but $180.00 of the additional
cost if the contract is awarded to Nu -Way. By
letter dated April 23, 1975 Nu -Way
agreed to acceptance of the contract for a
period of 15 days from the date of
the letter.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the contract awarded
to Area Grade,. Inc. for Cranshire - Hampton - Deerpath storm sewer improvements and
lift stations be rescinded. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
Declare Area Grade Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee
Proposal Guaranty Forfeit Stiehr, that Area Grade, Inc.'s proposal
guaranty of $7,600,00 be declared forfeit.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman. Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
Accept Bid -Award Contract Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee
to Nu -Way $83,926 Stiehr, that the bid of $83,926.00 be'
accepted,and the contract awarded to Nu-
Way Contracting Corporation for Cranshire - Hampton- Deerpath storm sewer improve-
ments and lift stations, pursuant to the authority of the Board of Trustees to
approve without bids. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
OK Original Plans The Village engineer reported that he, Public
S.T.P. Chlorine Works Director Ed Klasinski and Baxter &
Woodman engineers James Johnson and Ed
Woodson had inspected the on -site hypochlorite.generation- systefn at "the,Waterloo,
Iowa sewage treatment plant. Different cost information was received from the
Waterloo Plant Superintendent than had previously supplied by the equipment manu-
facturers, and based on this information, Baxter & Woodman stated any potential
savings did not warrant the estimated $66,700 additional construction cost for
the on -site generating system. Mr. Soyka stated that information from Common-
wealth Edison on costs for electricity and the price for a very pure solar evapor-
ated salt will bring the on -site chlorine cost to 20� per pound. The Village is
paying 12(,, per pound at present. He recommended that the use of gas chlorine be
c ontinued.
President Forrest stated Commonwealth Edison may increase rates, and-salt
mist be obtained from Salt Lake City; further, the Federal Government may say that
chlorine is not the best thing to use. Trustee Seidman stated he felt chlorine
treatment may be prohibited since research indicates`"that_�chlotine may be a
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that a letter be sent
to Baxter & Woodman, directing them to proceed with the original plans for chlorine
t reatment.
Motion carried unanimously.
Continue Present Policy Trustee Gavin stated she did not know if the
A ppts. to Bds. & Commissions present policy which permits the appointment
of only one member of a family to the various
advisory Boards and Commissions is valid, but there are people who would like to
apply who are precluded from doing so by this policy. Appointments to the Board of
Zming Appeals and the Plan Commission could be excluded from a policy which would
permit appointment of more than one member of a family. Trustee Seideman stated a
member of the family of a Trustee should not
Appeals or to the Plan Commission, but in his
or commissions would be proper.
be appointment to the Board of Zoning
opinion, appointments to other boards
The President stated he had established the policy in order to obtain the
bm adest participation in Village affairs.
Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Board adopt a
policy whereby more than one member of a family may be appointed to an advisory board
or commission with the exception of the appointment of a member of the family of a
Trustee to the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Plan Commission. The motion failed
by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Seidman (3)
Nays: Marty, Moses, Stiehr, Forrest (4)
Approve Ernst & Ernst A letter from Ernst & Ernst quoted a fee of
1974-75 Audit approximately $10,200 for the annual audit of the
Village's financial records;- including the -
Sipplemental Report. The treasurer recommended that Ernst & Ernst be authorized to
audit Village accounts, and stated that some municipalities pay more and others less
thin the fee charged by Ernst & Ernst.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that Ernst & Ernst be authorized
to audit the Village's financial records for 1974 -75 at a cost not to exceed $10,200.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
Najs: None (0)
Solicit Proposals - Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman,
1975 -76 Audit that the treasurer solicit proposals and price
quotations by January 1, 1976 for next year's
Motion carried unanimously.
Refer Truck Prohibition
on.Pine to Safety Council
be established which would prohibit
far local pickups and deliveries.
Trustee Gavin reported she had observed many
large trucks on Pine Street apparently going to
Lake -Cook Road. She suggested that a load limit
the use of Pine Street by large trucks except
Trustee Stiehr suggested getting traffic counts on trucks going through Deerfield
aid on Pine Street and whether these trucks are serving local industries and residents..
T:ustee Seidman suggested the Safety.Council be asked to make the traffic count.
Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the matter be referred to
tle Safety Council, and she will write the letter of referral.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Johns - Manville Settle- The manager reported that the roof on the Police
melt $3234 for Police Addition Department addition, guaranteed for 25 years,
Ramf- Authorize Replacement Bids has deteriorated. The manufacturer of the shingles,
Johns- Manville Corporation, has proposed a settle-
m(nt of $3,234.00 which includes a rebate of $600 for removal of the present shingles.
The building commissioner has estimated the cost of replacement to be approximately
$-%000. The.manager'recommended acceptance of_thd. Johns-Manville-settlement and
solicitation of bids for replacement.
Trustee Moses pointed out that the acceptance of the Johns-Manville offer must be
s tned within 60 days from the date of the letter, Marh 25, 1975. If bids for
r Eplacement are in accordance with the estimate there would be no problem. However,
if the Johns - Manville offer is accepted and-bids are higher than estimated costs,
the Village would have no further recourse and could not file suit.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Johns - Manville offer
be accepted and the Village go out for bids for the removal and replacement of roofing.
Ad)pted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
NWs: None (0)
i r, q
a.. 6o
Typo--correction 5/19/75 *president
Family Day Request -1 Day Mr. James Atchison, *present, and Mr. Duane
Beer License - Discussion Ebbert, treasurer of the Deerfield Family
Financial Problems Day Committee were present to discuss the
Committee's request for the issuance of a
ore -day beer license for the serving of beer in the parking lot behind the Police
Department on July 4th, Deerfield Family Day, and for consideration of alterna-
tires to the financial problems faced by the Family Day Committee.
President Forrest stated the Village is having problems with the enforce-
ment of present liquor licensing laws and he felt there could be more problems
if the sale of beer is permitted in the Village Hall parking lot. He pointed
out that the American Legion has a license for the sale of beer. Mr. Atchison
stated the Committee is developing plans but he could say that beer sales in
the parking lot would be staffed by Family Day people.
Dr. Henry Sarton, a member of the Legion, stated he did not believe a
precedent should-be set by permitting the serving of beer in the parking lot.
Hesaid the Legion has an annual beer license, and in addition to working with
the Family Day Committee, has given a contribution each year. Mr. Atchison
stated the location of the Legion Hall was a disadvantage and it was felt more
beer would be sold if ft is available'eloser.to activities-,in Jewett Park. He
said the Family Day committee has no information on the profits from beer sales
but last year the Legion contributed $180.
Trustee Moses stated the sale of beer an municipal property is prohibited
by Statute. Mr. Stucko concurred and added that beer cannot be sold within 300
feet of a church and the Village ordinance requires that alcoholic liquor can
only be sold within a building.
Discussion was had on a possible deficit which could amount to as much as
$4,000. Mr. Ebbert stated the major sources of income were from sales in the
pwk and donations from residents who were solicited for',contribirtions which
wwe sent out with water billings. The first contributions from water billings
have been less than last year, and most expenses have gone up. Trustee Gavin
stated Northbrook industry subsidizes-Northbrook Family Day and in- Highland Park
the Chamber of Commerce gives a subsidy. Mr. Ebbert stated he hopes industry
wi1.1 pay for the Free Street Theater. This year there will be Bingo for the
first time and more fireworks and other attractions. Trustee Gavin stated
Bingo licenses run for five days and Bingo has been profitable in other places.
Ste suggested that Bingo for the five day license period could provide additional
Mr. Atchison suggested that the Board underwrite some of the costs if there
is a deficit. He pointed out that heretofore Family Day has been financed by
drnations from residents and organizations. Trustee Moses suggested a publicity
campaign giving information on the amount.needed for Family Day, and if adequate
durations are not received Family Day may.have to be abandoned.
Trustee Seidman stated he did not feel-it would be serious to wait until
after the middlp- of July for any request.for :funds to meet a deficit. Trustee
Moses agreed and said at that time expenses and receipts would be known, but
tte Family Day committee should not feel that.any promises have been made.
The meeting was recessed at 9;50 p.m. and re-convened at 10 :00 p.m.,
all members present.
Dr. Henry Sarton, as a representative of.the.American Legion, invited all
to attend the Memorial Day celebration on May-30th to.pay-.homage to the war dead.
Cars for the parade will be provided for Village officials and President Forrest
wi1l give the Memorial Day address.
Alprove Commercial Scavenger A request for a commercial scavenger license
Licenses-N. Suburban Disposal was received from North Suburban Disposal
& Charles Lenz & Sons Corporation. Trustee Moses stated that
Section 17.705 of the Municipal Code
required the filing of a $5,000 Performance Bond before issuance of a license
aids none had been provided. A company representative stated he was not aware
of this requirement but the company would furnish a performance bond.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that a commercial scavenger
license be issued to North Suburban Disposal Corporation subject to the filing of
a$5,000 Performance Bond in accordance with Section 17.705 of the Municipal Code.
Motion carried unanimously.
A request for a commercial scavenger license was received from Charles Lenz &
Srns, Inc.
Trustee Moses stated that all ordinance.requirements were met, and moved,
seconded by Trustee Stiehr, -that a commercial scavenger license be issued to Charles
Lanz & Sons, Inc.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the attorney be
directed to prepare a burglar and holdup alarm systems ordinance.
Motion carried unanimously.
Request for Sunday Carnival The-owner of Greater American Carnival requested
Denied- Authorize Ordinance that he be permitted to operate a carnival at
Deleting Sunday Deerbrook Shopping Center.(Montgomery Ward)
on Sunday, May 11, 1975, although operation on
3inday is prohibited by Section 13.907 of.the Municipal Code. A permit for the
carnival has been issued for May 7 - 10,.inclusive, and he asked the Board to waive
tle prohibition against the Sunday operation.
Mr. Stucko stated the passage of an ordinance to permit the operation of a
canival on Sundays would be required and he saw no way this could be accomplished
bd ore May 11th. Trustee Moses stated the Board could not tell the owner to violate
tle present ordinance, but he felt the ordinance should be changed to permit carnivals
on Sundays. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, Evergreen Place, asked how many parking spaces
am used by the carnival, and .stated that if 'the carnival. is i,71-front of the Ward
store , this was not being a good neighbor-to the residents of the Countryside Sub -
d kision across Waukegan Road. Planning Aide.James Burke said Lake County has
carnivals as a temporary use, and suggested -that carnivals be listed as a temporary
use in the Village-ordinance, to be reviewed by.-the building commissioner.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by�Trus,tee.Seidman, that the attorney be directed
to prepare an ordinance to permit carnivals on'.Sundays and perhaps to change the
closing hour to 10;00 p.rA.
Motion carried unanimously.
Authorize Ordinance- iliminate In connection with.the resurfacing. of Deerfield
8 Deerfield Rd. Parking Spaces. Road from the underpass to Rosemary Terrace,
the Village engineer recommended that 8 of the
16 parking spaces be "eliminated.as shown on the attached sketch.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the attorney be directed
to prepare an ordinance eliminating the 8 parking spaces as.recommended by the
en ineer.
Motion carried unanimously.
The President stated drivers should stop before turning right on red and asked
fa: enforcement of this law. Trustee Moses stated there is also a problem with
d3ivers who turn right on the green arrow for left turns.
Authorize Condemnation A letter from the attorney for Kleinschmidt,
Kleinschmidt Sewer Easement Division of SCM Corporation, stated that
the grant of easement for the installation of
a sanitary sewer had been signed by an employee who had no official capacity or.
atthority to sign, and therefore was not - valid. He also stated that Kleinschmidt is
President Forrest stated
the contract for residential scavenger service will
eipire December 31, 1975, and
asked that bid proposals be prepared for a new contract.
Specifications will be sent to
all licensees.
P.D. Recommendation re"
The Police Department submitted an ordinance
Burglar & Holdup Alarm
regulating burglar and holdup alarm businesses,
S}stems Ordinance
systems amd users and recommended passage of a
Authorize Ordinance
similar ordinance. Sgt. Davenport stated the
proposed ordinance was similar to that in effect in
Oakland, California, and has.been
approved by_ several police organizations. He
answered members' questions on
fees., fines and costs for installations. He estimated
the cost of answering an alarm
to be $22 per call. Of the 809 alarm signals in
1974 less than 10 were valid;
.the remainder were due to human error.or system
failure. The President stated
he felt the minimum fine of, $5.00 for violations was
rot realistic.
Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the attorney be
directed to prepare a burglar and holdup alarm systems ordinance.
Motion carried unanimously.
Request for Sunday Carnival The-owner of Greater American Carnival requested
Denied- Authorize Ordinance that he be permitted to operate a carnival at
Deleting Sunday Deerbrook Shopping Center.(Montgomery Ward)
on Sunday, May 11, 1975, although operation on
3inday is prohibited by Section 13.907 of.the Municipal Code. A permit for the
carnival has been issued for May 7 - 10,.inclusive, and he asked the Board to waive
tle prohibition against the Sunday operation.
Mr. Stucko stated the passage of an ordinance to permit the operation of a
canival on Sundays would be required and he saw no way this could be accomplished
bd ore May 11th. Trustee Moses stated the Board could not tell the owner to violate
tle present ordinance, but he felt the ordinance should be changed to permit carnivals
on Sundays. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, Evergreen Place, asked how many parking spaces
am used by the carnival, and .stated that if 'the carnival. is i,71-front of the Ward
store , this was not being a good neighbor-to the residents of the Countryside Sub -
d kision across Waukegan Road. Planning Aide.James Burke said Lake County has
carnivals as a temporary use, and suggested -that carnivals be listed as a temporary
use in the Village-ordinance, to be reviewed by.-the building commissioner.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by�Trus,tee.Seidman, that the attorney be directed
to prepare an ordinance to permit carnivals on'.Sundays and perhaps to change the
closing hour to 10;00 p.rA.
Motion carried unanimously.
Authorize Ordinance- iliminate In connection with.the resurfacing. of Deerfield
8 Deerfield Rd. Parking Spaces. Road from the underpass to Rosemary Terrace,
the Village engineer recommended that 8 of the
16 parking spaces be "eliminated.as shown on the attached sketch.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the attorney be directed
to prepare an ordinance eliminating the 8 parking spaces as.recommended by the
en ineer.
Motion carried unanimously.
The President stated drivers should stop before turning right on red and asked
fa: enforcement of this law. Trustee Moses stated there is also a problem with
d3ivers who turn right on the green arrow for left turns.
Authorize Condemnation A letter from the attorney for Kleinschmidt,
Kleinschmidt Sewer Easement Division of SCM Corporation, stated that
the grant of easement for the installation of
a sanitary sewer had been signed by an employee who had no official capacity or.
atthority to sign, and therefore was not - valid. He also stated that Kleinschmidt is
unable to grant the easement without adequate consideration.
Trustee Moses stated he did not think it proper to have anyone but the
Village attorney prepare grants of easement, and he presumed this could be done
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the attorney be
atthorized to institute condemnation proceedings for the easement needed for
the installation of the sanitary sewer main across the Kleinschmidt property.
Acbpted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
Nays: None (0)
Accept Bid Meade Electric 'The Village engineer recommended acceptance
Deerfield- Kenton Traffic and award of.the contract to Meade Electric
Snal Modification -MFT 37 -TL -CS Company for traffic signal modification at
Deerfield and Kenton Road, Motor Fuel Tax
pmject 37- TL -CS. Meade Electric bid of $17,857.50 includes $550 for the removal
and replacement of two sections of sidewalk. He recommended that this work be
deleted from the contract and be done by Public Works employees at a very nominal
Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the bid be accepted
and contract awarded to Meade Electric Company with $550 deleted for--.'removal and
rq)lacement of the sidewalk. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
Nags: None (0)
Report- Tentative Agreement Trustee Stiehr stated that the tentative
Police Contract agreement on the Police Contract seemed to
him to be a reasonable settlement. The two
year contract provides for an 8 per cent increase in wages to be re- opened at the
eni of the first year. The agreement also provides for one additional paid
holiday, three weeks vacation after 60 months, codification of the present educa-
t:bnal reimbursement policy, payment of health and hopitalization insurace for
an officer on disability pension for a duty related injury, increased uniform
allowance, reimbursement for personal property damage and payment for use of
the officers personal vehicle. The manager stated action on ratification of the
contract will be taken when the contract has been prepared.
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend.
Se:. 7.001 Police Dept. Structure
((3.75 -20)
consists of the Chief of Police, one
patrolman. President Forrest stated
tle present ordinance should be amens
The ordinance was presented which was prepared
at the,.direction of the President, and
amends.Sec.tion 7.001 of the Municipal Code
and provides for a Police Department which
lieutenant, five sergeants, and twenty -two
several policemen had resigned and he felt
Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the rules be waived
to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried
Trustee Gavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the ordinance
be passed as presented. Adopted by the following vote;
Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Moses, Seidman, Stiehr (6)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the
indicating his approval thereof.
Reports - Communications
Illinois Municipal League will hold a
for newly elected officials at
the Arlington Towers, Arlington
on June 13 and 14, 1975. Those wishing
to attend should notify the treasurer who
will send a check for registration fees.
President Forrest reported that $250,000 had been received from the State
fcr the purchase of the brickyard property.
The President reported that he had sent invitations to the mayors of
camnunities to a Flag Day celebration at the Deerbrook Shopping Center on
June 14th. All residents are also invited to attend.
President Forrest reported there had been problems with the sale of liquor
to minors, and he has written to all licensees asking them to tighten up procedures.
The manager reported that the Lake County Comprehansive Employment and
Training Act Program has'approved.the finding of a Sewage Treatment Laboratory
Te;hnician and applicants will be reviewed and the position filled by June 1, 1975.
The County will pay the salary and fringe benefits for the first six months but
will carry the costs for a full year.
The manager reported that the name "Sunset Cab" has been changed and is now
called the North Suburban Cab Company.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the President be
atthorized to sign the agreement when all owners have signed.
Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Marty and seconded
by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
75, /
Village Clerk-
Pre 'dent
The Police Department is cooperating in the "Lock
It and Packet the Key"
program sponsored-by the
Optimist Club of Deerfield.
Authorize Execution of Agreement
President Forrest reported that the Agreement on
Pakage Sewage Treatment
Plant the Package Sewage Treatment plant has been
prepared by Mr. James
O'Halloran and is satis-
fm tory to all parties.
The developers have been advised
that the Village cannot
guarantee enforcement of
a recapture ordinance which will
be passed. Dr. William
Birns has been added as a
signatory. The Agreement would
have been signed by the
developers but all were
not available.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the President be
atthorized to sign the agreement when all owners have signed.
Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Marty and seconded
by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
75, /
Village Clerk-
Pre 'dent