02/17/1975February 17, 1975
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village
Hall on Monday, February 17, 1975 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Fredric R. Finne
Norma Gavin
George Kelm
Lester T. Moate
Walter H. Moses, Jr.
d Daniel H. Stiehr
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. James Stucko, representing the.Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the minutes of the
regular meeting held February 3, 1975 be approved as submitted. Motion carried
Approve Warrant No. W -75 -2 Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Finne,
that Warrant No. W -75 -2 - Payment of bills, in-
cluding fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved: Adopted by the following
v ote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6)
Nays: None (0)
The treasurer's report dated January 31, 1975 was received and included cash
and investment statements, detail expenditures by activity, revenue and expense
statement, highlight control report and cash flow statements.
Police Report Acting Police Chief Larry Tousignant submitted
a- report outlining 1974 -75 objectives, with an
explanatory sentence on progress for each item. He also submitted a statistical
report showing the number of incidents reported to the Police Department in 1974,
with figures of 1973 and 1972 included for comparison.
Request -Blood Donors Mr. Roy Kissling, Chairman of the Deerfield Blood
Bank, requested the President and Board of
Trustees to sign pledge cards for blood donations. The program was successful last
year, 200 pints of blood having been given by Trinity College students. The next
drive is March 2nd, and donations are required in order that blood.may be available
to every resident of the Village, when needed. He distributed pledge cards to the
Board and members of the audience.
Request Village to Join Mrs. Eleanor Wolf of the Greater Lake County
Greater Lake Co. Transit Dist. Transit District stated she had been invited by
by President Forrest to present information on
the Transit District, the Trustees of the District having voted to invite the
Village to join. An application for $5,500,000 for transportation has been filed
with the Regional Transportation Authority. The technical study is about 45 per cent
completed at this time. The District is planning a county -wide transportation'system
and a $132,000 study is now underway. There is no conflict in joining the Greater
Lake County Transit District and being a part of another Transit District. The
District cannot become a taxing body except by County -wide referendum and no taxes
can be levied outside the District. She described plans for bus service and stated
the buses would be owned by the Greater Lake County Transit District and licensed to
and routed by a reliable operator. The District will work with the Village and its
mini-bus committee in planning bus service. In addition to capital grants, the
Reports- Treasurer &
Trustee Kelm reported
that the treasurer and
Finance Committee
Finance Committee had
looked into Water Fund
revenues and had reached the conclusion that
the increase in water rates have
produced adequate funds
to enable development of
the Capital Fund required by the
Revenue Bond Ordinance.
Sufficient funds for a
$9,000 addition to this fund will
be available and these
transfers will continue in
subsequent years until $52,000 is
reached, when no further
additions are necessary.
Trustee Moate stated the water rates
should be looked at
within a year since rates
are based on how much is paid to
Highland Park for water.
The treasurer's report dated January 31, 1975 was received and included cash
and investment statements, detail expenditures by activity, revenue and expense
statement, highlight control report and cash flow statements.
Police Report Acting Police Chief Larry Tousignant submitted
a- report outlining 1974 -75 objectives, with an
explanatory sentence on progress for each item. He also submitted a statistical
report showing the number of incidents reported to the Police Department in 1974,
with figures of 1973 and 1972 included for comparison.
Request -Blood Donors Mr. Roy Kissling, Chairman of the Deerfield Blood
Bank, requested the President and Board of
Trustees to sign pledge cards for blood donations. The program was successful last
year, 200 pints of blood having been given by Trinity College students. The next
drive is March 2nd, and donations are required in order that blood.may be available
to every resident of the Village, when needed. He distributed pledge cards to the
Board and members of the audience.
Request Village to Join Mrs. Eleanor Wolf of the Greater Lake County
Greater Lake Co. Transit Dist. Transit District stated she had been invited by
by President Forrest to present information on
the Transit District, the Trustees of the District having voted to invite the
Village to join. An application for $5,500,000 for transportation has been filed
with the Regional Transportation Authority. The technical study is about 45 per cent
completed at this time. The District is planning a county -wide transportation'system
and a $132,000 study is now underway. There is no conflict in joining the Greater
Lake County Transit District and being a part of another Transit District. The
District cannot become a taxing body except by County -wide referendum and no taxes
can be levied outside the District. She described plans for bus service and stated
the buses would be owned by the Greater Lake County Transit District and licensed to
and routed by a reliable operator. The District will work with the Village and its
mini-bus committee in planning bus service. In addition to capital grants, the
District will file an operating fund deficit application. She asked the
Board to pass a resolution to join the Greater Lake County Transit-District.
The President asked Mrs. Wolf to send a sample resolution, and to
submit the proposal in writing.
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda, with two deletions and
one addition, was presented for consideration
a s follows:
Authorization to release $14,922.85 escrow funds to W. T. Bowler & Associates
for work completed in Laurel Hill No. 11.
Letter from Representative Deuster re: House Bill 80 relative to proposed
legislation on liquor referendum.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the Consent
Agenda be approved. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
1st Presentation - Flodstrom The first presentation was made of an ordin-
Rezoning & Variations ance amending the Zoning Map by zoning and
Postpone Final Action classifying the Flodstrom property (4.58
acres west of North Shore Gas property) in
the Office and Research district, and the ordinance granting variations from the
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance with the respect to the said property.
x Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that action on the ordin-
Ln a nces be postponed until the report on annexation of the Flodstrom property is
received from the Plan Commission.
M Motion carried unanimously.
P.C. Report *Kock Sp. Use
1 308 Hackberry Day Nursery
P etition Denied
from Plan Commission member
g ranted.
A report from the Plan Commission recommended
denial of the petition of Mrs. Joanne *Kock
for a Special Use for an outdoor day nursery
at 1308 Hackberry Road. A minority report
James Marovitz recommended that the Special Use be
Discussion was had on standards to be employed in determining whether a
Special Use should be granted. Mr. Stucko stated that, in all zoning matters,
the burden of proof is on the petitioner. It is the duty of the applicant to
show: 1) need; 2) the public health and welfare will not be adversely affected;
and 3) the proposed use wil not cause appreciable injury to nearby properties.
Mr. Robert K. Polovin, attorney for the petitioner, spoke at length on
the need for the proposed outdoor day nursery and gave reasons why the special
use should be approved by the Board. Mrs. Joanne *Kock, the petitioner, also
spoke on the need for the day nursery and pointed out that the proposed special
use was for only eight weeks in the summer from 9:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m.
Those residents who spoke opposing the granting of the special use included
Mr. Richard Roman, 1315 Dartmouth, Mrs. Lois Weichmann, 1307 Hackberry,Mrs. Peg
O'Connell, 1300 Hackberry, and Mr. Lee Hames, 1324 Hackberry. Reasons stated
for objections included: noise, traffic, adverse effect on property values in
the neighborhood and the detrimental effect on the residential character of
t he area.
After discussion by the Board of Trustees, Trustee Finne moved, seconded
by Trustee Gavin, that the majority report of the Plan Commission be accepted
and the petition of Mrs. Joanne *Kock, 1308 Hackberry, for a Special Use for
a nursery school be denied.
Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:45 p.m., all
m embers present.
P.C. & BZA Reports
P.D. & Variation, l250 Gordon
Authorize Ordinances
A report from the Plan Commission recommended
approval of a three lot Planned Development
of property at 1250 Gordon Terrace, Lot 26.
Hovland Subdivision, as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frost and Chesterfield Corpora -
t ion.
A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a variation be
granted to permit a lot area of 10,618 square feet in-Lot 3 of the proposed Planned
Development, in lieu of the required 10,800. square feet.
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the recommendations of the
Plan Commission abd Board of Zoning Appeals be accepted, and the ordinances be prepared
in accordance therewith.
Motion carried unanimously.
Report- Covenants The clerk reported that a letter, which was read
Goodyear Property to and approved by the President, had been sent
to the Chicago Title and Trust Company, agreeing
to the deletion of all references to "restaurant" in Covenants from John Mallin and
Ace Hosts of Illinois,-Inc. A' Goodyear Tire store is now built on the property,
but originally, a Roy Rogers restaurant was planned. The attorney for Goodyear
has been requested to prepare amendments of the Covenants for approval by the Board,
and then recorded. Mr. 'Stucko confirmed the report.
Resolution Object to Conditional Trustee Finne moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr,
Use-Tennis Cts.& Restaurant that the Resolution be passed objecting to the
Rte.22 E of Trinity College Conditional Use requested for outdoor tennis
courts and a restaurant /snack bar for the property
on the south side of Half Day Road (Route 22), east of Trinity College; certified
copies to be sent to the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals, the Lake County Board
and the County Clerk of Lake County. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moate, Stiehr (4)
N ays: Kelm, Moses (2)
The President signed the Resolution indicating his approval thereof.
Approve Family Day Request Mr. James Atchison of the Family Day Committee
for Funds with Water Bills requested Board approval to include with water
billings the Committee's notice for contributions
for Deerfield Family Day. President Forrest stated that this has been authorized
in the past although there has been some opposition.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that notice of the Family
Day Committee's request for contributions be sent with water bills. Adopted by the
f ollowing vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Stiehr (5)
N ays: Moate (1)
Postpone Bid Award- Automotive The manager reported that, although bids had been
Diagnostic Equipment received for electronic automotive diagnostic
equipment, the mechanic felt that additional
data should be obtained.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded Stiehr, that consideration of bids be postponed
and the matter be put on the agenda for the March 3rd regular meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
Postpone Bid Award - Cranshire, Letters from Baxter & Woodman and the Village
Hampton, Deerpath Sewer engineer recommended acceptance of the low bid
Improvements-Phase II of $76,146.00 submitted by Area Grade, Inc. for
Phase II improvements to Cranshire, Hampton and
D eerpath sewers, with completion in 400 days.
The Village engineer stated the contractor would like to start work in June,
and while the work itself will not take long, he will have to wait for the pumps.
The manager stated funds for the improvement will come from the bond issue. Trustee
Moate stated it was his understanding from the treasurer's report that there is not
enough money in the bond funds.
Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the matter be postponed
to the next .meeting for additional information from the treasurer.
Motion carried unanimously.
The President asked for a comparison of previous bids and number of homes
b enefitted.
Accept Bid Virgil Cook & Sons The Village engineer recommended acceptance
$15642.75 Wilmot Pedestrian of the low bid of $15,642.75 submitted by
Signal MFT 38 -TL -CS Virgil Cook & Sons for installation of the
Authorize Contract Execution mid -block pedestrian signal on Wilmot Road,
Motor Fuel Tax project 38- TL -CS.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the low bid of
$15,642.75 from Virgil Cook & Sons be accepted and execution of the contract
be authorized. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
Discussion -On -Site Generation
of Chlorine at STP
m ent plant as an addition to plant
generation would avoid the hazards
cost would be paid by Federal gran
f erence in timing.
Discussion was had on the Baxter & Woodman
and Village engineer ,'•s reports on On -site
generation of chlorine at the sewage treat -
improvements. The manager stated on -site
of storing chlorine and 75 per cent of the
. He did not think it would make any dif-
The cost of maintaining _thO�system.was'asked by Trustee Finne. The Village
engineer stated he did not know of any other installation in Illinois and
could give no information on maintenance costs. President Forrest asked him
to check with commercial companies, investigate maintenance,costs,.etc., and
f et assurances from Baxter & Woodman that, should on -site generation of chlorine
be approved, it would cause no delays.
The matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Re: Easements -E. Side Discussion was had on the easements required
Sewer Replacement for the replacement of the east side.-sani-
tary interceptor sewer and the letter from .
the attorney for the West Skokie Drainage District who stated the District has
a 100 foot easement for drainage purposes and advising that the Commissioners
of the District will not.give permission to the Village to install sanitary
,,sewers on the easement.
M Mr. Stucko state& that, as a basic principle, when a party possesses an
`"'e asement, it does not enable another party to use the same easement, but the
'Village does have the power of condemnation.
President Forrest suggested the Drainage Commission be contacted and
' ry to get easements. He asked that the matter be removed from the agenda
p, ntil such time as reports are ready.
Clerk's Reports The clerk reported that permission has been
obtained for the use of Wilmot, South Park,
* K ipling, Walden, Maplewood and Woodland Park Schools, which, with the Village
Hall will provide eight polling places for the April 15th election.
Reports - Communications The President reported that letters of
resignation had been received from Mr.
Thomas Fennell, a member of the Plan Commission whose term expires in 1975,
and from Mr. James Katz, a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Village engineer James Soyka stated he had talked with Mr. Bruce Blietz
who had indicated he would cooperate with the Village in selling the right-
of-way for the Carriage Way bridge, without condemnation.
Mr. Soyka reported the BOD test results for the month of January were
above the maximum limit and there would be no point in applying to the State
for waivers. The manager stated tests were conducted by the Village, Sara
Lee and an outside testing firm, and although the outside firm test results
were higher,.the results of-the three tests- -'were consistent. Temperatures,
although not extraordinarly low, may have some effect on the efficiency of
the treatment. Them appears to be no basis of comparison between precipita-
tion and BOD test results. Installation of a package ti:eatment plant will be
necessary and the Village has a permit for this installation. The Agreement
on the package treatment plant must be worked up by the developers.
Resignation - Trustee Finne Trustee Finne reported he had submitted
a letter of resignation, amended to become
effective February 27, 1975. He thanked the Board for appointing him and
stated he was honored to serve. He also thanked the staff for unfailing
courteous treatment.
As a token of appreciation, President Forrest presented a placque to Trustee
F inne .
Reports Trustee Gavin submitted a report on a meeting
sponsored by the League of Women Voters at which
Mr. Robert Ducharme spoke on the 208 Water Planning program through NIPC. She
suggested the Village request the President of the Lake County Municipal League
And the Chairman of the County Board to appoint someone from Deerfield to the 52
member NIPC policy advisory committee. She proposed they be requested to appoint
former Trustee Werner Neuman, who is both articulate and knowledgeable.
Trustee Stiehr stated he was opposed in principle to the development of such
super bodies. Trustee Gavin stated NIPC was the agency through which many things
must be cleared and the trend was for overall planning on many matters by some
larger agency such as NIPC.
President Forrest stated this matter would be put on the agenda.
The manager reported that he and the manager from Northbrook had met with a
NIPC representative to discuss planning the development of land in the unincorporated
area between municipalities. Little was accomplished.and the managers suggested
that NIPC send letters to,the presidents and mayors of the municipalities.
The manager reported that 24 hour service is being provided by AAA Cab Company.
He reported he had received a call from the Lake County Public:Works Department
regarding acquisition of the brickyard property by the Lake County Forest Preserve
District how would take over payments on the bonds. After discussing the matter
with President Forrest, he has provided all information to Lake County. Trustee
Stiehr said there is another site on the east side that the Deerfield Park District
is looking at, and asked if there was any way to interest the Forest Preserve Dis-
trict in acquiring this property. The manager stated the District is interested only
in sites for storm water retention.
The manager suggested March 7th for.a.workshop meeting on the preliminary budget.
He also proposed a meeting on objectives, and this was approved.
Trustee Kelm suggested that someone contact the chairman of the Home Rule
committee to get promotional material before the voters.
There being no further business, on motion.by Trustee Moses and seconded by
Trustee Stiehr, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Village Clerk