12/02/1974 (2)1 ®1
December 2, 1974
The regular meeting of the.President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President iii the Council Chambers of the Village
Hall on Monday, December 2, 1974 at 8:07 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the minutes of the regular meeting
held November 18, 1974 be approved as corrected (Page 96, 11th para. -Add "Upon dis-
cussion it was stated the railroad gates were activated without a train crossing ";
Page 97, 9th para., 3rd line - Strike "d'rainage','; substitute "utilities "; Page 100,
3rd para., 3rd line - Add "some of the" assets; 5th line - strike "Board ", substitute
'!Finance Committee ").
Motion -carried unanimously.
Engineer's Report The Village engineer submitted a report on
Department objectives and status of projects
for the fiscal year 1974 -75. Mr. Soyka stated he believes goals can be met by the
end of the year except the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Waukegan Road
from Birch Court to the Telegraph Road pedestrian crossing. The Department has three
employees plus the engineer, and although the engineering inspector was in the hospital
for several weeks in November, adequate inspection of projects was maintained by the
use of available manpower. Design work was halted during the inspector's absence.
Trustee Stiehr stated if Mr. Soyka is hampered by circumstances such as illness,
Baxter & Woodman should be asked to furnish temporary help.
Mr. Soyka stated the design of the north Waukegan Road sidewalk should be com-
pleted within the year. Bidding documents for Cranshire- Hampton Court storm sewer
improvements are being prepared-by Baxter & Woodman with an alternate solution, and
should be completed within thirty days and the project rebid within sixty days.
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration
as follows:
Ordinance granting a variation from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for office
use at 420 County Line Road (DiPietro). (0- 74 -76)
Ordinance amending Section 11.120(d) of the Municipal Code by adding nine intersections
deemed unsafe (Sightline Ordinance). (0- 74 -77)
Ordinance abating levy of $121,550 for Sewage Treatment Facilities Bonds for 1974,
certified copies of the ordinance to be filed with the County Clerks of Lake
and Cook Counties. (0- 74 -78)
Ordinance revising and supplementing the annual Budget for the year .1974 -75 to provide
the Police Department planning and research program Grant Award. (0- 74 -79)
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the rules be waved to
permit action on those of the above ordinances which are presented for the first time.
Trustee Moses stated he saw no urgency for passage of the ordinance granting the
variation, the waiver of rules was overused, or else the rules should be amended.
The motion to waive the rules was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Stiehr (5)
N ays : Moses (l)-
Frederic R. Finne
Norma Gavin
George Kelm
Lester T. Moate
Walter H. Moses, Jr.
Daniel H. Stiehr
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the minutes of the regular meeting
held November 18, 1974 be approved as corrected (Page 96, 11th para. -Add "Upon dis-
cussion it was stated the railroad gates were activated without a train crossing ";
Page 97, 9th para., 3rd line - Strike "d'rainage','; substitute "utilities "; Page 100,
3rd para., 3rd line - Add "some of the" assets; 5th line - strike "Board ", substitute
'!Finance Committee ").
Motion -carried unanimously.
Engineer's Report The Village engineer submitted a report on
Department objectives and status of projects
for the fiscal year 1974 -75. Mr. Soyka stated he believes goals can be met by the
end of the year except the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Waukegan Road
from Birch Court to the Telegraph Road pedestrian crossing. The Department has three
employees plus the engineer, and although the engineering inspector was in the hospital
for several weeks in November, adequate inspection of projects was maintained by the
use of available manpower. Design work was halted during the inspector's absence.
Trustee Stiehr stated if Mr. Soyka is hampered by circumstances such as illness,
Baxter & Woodman should be asked to furnish temporary help.
Mr. Soyka stated the design of the north Waukegan Road sidewalk should be com-
pleted within the year. Bidding documents for Cranshire- Hampton Court storm sewer
improvements are being prepared-by Baxter & Woodman with an alternate solution, and
should be completed within thirty days and the project rebid within sixty days.
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration
as follows:
Ordinance granting a variation from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for office
use at 420 County Line Road (DiPietro). (0- 74 -76)
Ordinance amending Section 11.120(d) of the Municipal Code by adding nine intersections
deemed unsafe (Sightline Ordinance). (0- 74 -77)
Ordinance abating levy of $121,550 for Sewage Treatment Facilities Bonds for 1974,
certified copies of the ordinance to be filed with the County Clerks of Lake
and Cook Counties. (0- 74 -78)
Ordinance revising and supplementing the annual Budget for the year .1974 -75 to provide
the Police Department planning and research program Grant Award. (0- 74 -79)
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the rules be waved to
permit action on those of the above ordinances which are presented for the first time.
Trustee Moses stated he saw no urgency for passage of the ordinance granting the
variation, the waiver of rules was overused, or else the rules should be amended.
The motion to waive the rules was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Stiehr (5)
N ays : Moses (l)-
Trustee Kelm then moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the Consent
Agenda be approve4, including passage of the ordinances. Adopted by the
f ollowing vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinances indicating his approval thereof.
Discussion -Help
Line A letter and
revised financial
report was
received from the Reverend Mr.
Harry Nicol,
of the North Shore
Help Line.
The Village's
contribution of,$100 per.month is
shown, as well as
total Village
of $1,200 for the period November
1973 through October
Trustee Moate suggested the December .payment not be sent before the next
meeting. Trustee Moses stated payments to Help Line should not be cut off with-
out notice, to give.'' them the opportunity to be present. Several members stated
they would like a report on total income and expenditures, showing contributors,
amounts contributed, and how many people have availed themselves of this service.
President Forrest stated some information has been received, but complete in-
formation will be requested for discussion at the next meeting. He directed the
treasurer to hold the December payment. The matter will be on the agenda for the
next meeting.
Reports= Hazel -RR Crossing A report from the Chief of Police stated 12
Crossing Guard Request- crossing guards are employed during the
school year, and an additional 2 guards
during the summer at crossings near the 2 Park District swimming pools. He
recommended that a study of the Hazel Avenue crossing area be conducted by the
traffic consultant, Paul C. Box Associates, and the installation of crossing
gates and sidewalk on the north side of the Hazel Avenue crossing be reviewed
by the Board and traffic consultant.
In response to letters sent by the manager to Holy Cross School and
District 109 regarding student crossing guards at the Hazel Avenue crossing,
the principal-of Holy Cross School stated they did not approve placing this
responsibility on a student. The manager stated-School Board No.109 was
meeting tonight and would consider this request, although student crossing
guards were not favored previously.
The manager reported that the railroad had indicated that pedestrian
crossing gates on the north side of the,-Hazel Avenue crossing would cost
$7,000 plus $435 annual operating expense, and would take about a year to in-
stall. The sidewalk would cost about $800. The relocation of the crossover
spur to the north would change the actuation of the gates, but there is no
definite information on this point. Village employees and the railroad fore-
man have inspected the Greenwood, Hazel and Osterman crossings. Temporary
repairs will be made this week, and permanent repairs next spring.
A report from Paul C. Box Associates on the Hazel-Chestnut-Railroad-
Park intersections stated the potential hazards do not warrant adult crossing
guards, and recommended the following:.l) Install sidewalk and pedestrian gates
on the north side of Hazel, .between Chestnut and Park; 2) Install missing side-
walk on the north side of Hazel, west of Waukegan Road; 3) Paint east /west
crosswalks on the north side of Hazel -at Chestnut and Park; 4) Abandon north/
south crossings at Chestnut and.Park,.and 5) Keep street approaches to tracks
well salted and maintained in winter.
Trustee Moses stated the excellent report showed that crossing guards
are not needed at this location, and the question to be resolved was whether
the Village should apply for funds now for the installations recommended in
the report.
Manager to Determine Timing Mr. Box stated that, if the Board chooses
& Funding - Sidewalks & Gates to go ahead with the gates, there will be
delays in getting funding, and explained
procedures to be followed in applying for funds. He did not know if Motor
Fuel Tax funds can be used for this purpose;;
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the manager be
directed to take initial steps to determine funding and timing for the installa-
tion of pedestrian crossing gates and sidewalks.
Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion -Hazel Ave. A lengthy discussion was had on the Hazel Avenue
'Crossing Guards, etc. crossing and whether crossing guards are needed
there, as recommended by the Safety Council.
Residents of the area urged that an experienced adult crossing guard be stationed
there for a long enough period to determine the effect of adult supervision at this
hazardous location. Mr. Willard Alroth, an associate of Paul Box, stated that if
the recommendations for crossing gates and sidewalks are followed, safe school routes
can be established for students.
Trustee Finne suggested that a crossing guard from some location not so dangerous
be assigned to the Hazel Avenue crossing as a temporary measure. The manager stated
the rationale for the construction of sidewalks on the west side of Wilmot Road was
to eliminate the crossing guard at the Wilmot- Greenwood intersection. Trustee Finne
said if the guard is not needed there he should be transferred or the job eliminated.
President Forrest said the Safety Council should review the need fora guard at the
Wilmot-Greenwood intersection before any decision is made. Questioned about the
Deerfield Road underpass project and the re- routing of traffic during construction,
Mr. Box stated he would recommend guards at that time.
Trustee Finne moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to move the
crossing guard from the Wilmot- Greenwood intersection to the Chestnut Street side of
the Hazel Avenue crossing for.30 days, and report on the guard's effectiveness. The
motion failed for lack of a second.
Trustee Moses moved that an additional crossing guard be hired for 30 days,
and the Safety Council be requested to study the Wilmot - Greenwood intersection.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
Trustee Moses asked that signs giving notice of the dangerous intersection be
put up by Public Works employees. .Mr. Alroth said, that with the delay in the
installation of sidewalks and crossing gates, such signs would provide some guidance.
It was pointed out that, if there are too many signs, they are-often disregarded
by motorists. Mr. Box stated observance depended on the type of sign; school
crossing, reduce speed, hazardous intersections and similar signs are usually obeyed.
The President stated comments had.been made that stop signs were often - disregarded
and asked for Police Department surveillance and enforcement of stop sign violations.
The meeting was recessed at 9:25 p.m., and re- convened at 9:35 p.m., all
members present.
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. The ordinance was presented amending Section
Stop Signs -Pine and Laurel 20.203(b) of the Municipal Code by adding the
(0- 74 -80) following to the list of designated stop streets:
Pine Street at Laurel Avenue, and Pine Street at
Gordon Avenue.
The report from Paul C. Box Associates on Pine Street traffic recommended the
following: 1)> Do not install 4 -way Stop signs at either Laurel or Gordon; 2) Paint
centerline on Pine Street.from Lake: -Cook to Deerfield Road; 3) Post the two curves
between Hackberry and Lake -Cook with.curve signs and 25 MPH advisory speed signs;
4) Paint a pedestrian crosswalk on the north side of Laurel at Pine; 5) Post a
northbound and southbound 20 MPH school.sign regulation on Pine at Laurel; and 6)
Institute a strong speed enforcement,policy on Pine Street. In addition, it was
recommended that northbound and southbound "20 Miles Per Hour When Children are
Present" signs be posted at Laurel Avenue if the crosswalk is established.
Mr. Box stated the proposed stop signs do not meet State standards for such
signs. Chief Whitton stated if.the stop signs are erected, arrest tickets will be
issued to violators, but the ticket will be thrown out by the Court if a question is
raised on the legality of the sign. .Mr. Alroth said the recommendation to paint a
crosswalk at Laurel and post "20 miles per hour when children are present" signs
was based on the school routing patt.ern.;..if there is a 4 -way stop at Laurel, it
would preclude the 20 mph signs. Trustee.Gavin stated one of the reasons for no
parking on curves is that bicyclists ride outside the parked cars, which is dangerous,
and it is also dangerous to ride bikes on the, Mr. Box said he was, in
general, opposed to parking on the streets,/heu was reluctant to recommend any
no parking zone in front of single family homes.
Discussion was had on the proposed stop signs. Concerned residents _stated
the signs were needed for the safety of.children.and to reduce the excessive, speed on
Pine Street. It was pointed out that Pine Street is crossed all year, including the
summer when children go to the parks and swimming pool. With carriage walks, children
are within a few feet of the fast moving traffic. After snowplowing the street the
carriage walks are often unusable and children must walk in the street. Traffic on
Pine Street, already heavy.,.,--will be increased when Lake -Cook Road is_ widened
and many north -south streets will be blocked-off. While the Police Department
is to be commended for the low accident rate in Deerfield, the accident rate
on Pine Street is higher and does not-.count-the near misses,.or theskidding:on
curves. Damage to lawns and shrubbery, caused by skidding cars, is often not
reported. A painted crosswalk without stop signs may give a false sense of
security to children crossing the street. It was pointed out that the occasional
motorist who does not stop at stop signs will at least slow down. The residents,
except one who was opposed to the std
p signs and no parking on curves, urged
the Board.to authorize stop signs at both the Laurel and Gordon intersections.
A resident stated the stop sign is needed at Gordon because of the excessive
speed of traffic coming off Lake -Cook Road. Trustee Kelm stated stop signs
at Gordon were wholly unncessary although the stop signs at Laurel were more
d eba table.
Trustee Finne moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the ordinance be
passed authorizing stop signs at Laurel and Gordon Avenues on Pine Street.
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the stop signs at
Gordon Avenue on Pine Street be deleted from the ordinance. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (5)
Nays: Gavin (1)
Trustee Gavin stated she would agree with Trustee Kelm but felt the strong
enforcement of Speed limits recommended by Mr. Box was not possible due to the
number of members of the Police Department. Mr. Bqx believes most violators
are residents, and she felt that the issuance-of a few speeding tickets would
be a strong deterrent and would be effective in reducing speeding.
The Ordinance adding stop signs on Pine Street at Laurel Avenue was
passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6)
N ays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating .his approval thereof.
Approve Painted Crosswalk Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee
Finne, that a crosswalk be painted at Laurel
Avenue as recommended by Mr. BbX.
Motion carried unanimously.
No Stop Signs
Fine at Gordork-
Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by Trustee ;.
Moses, that an ordinance b.e prepared to add
stop signs on Pine Street at Gordon Avenue.
Residents urged that stop signs be erected on Pine Street at this inter-
section due to acceleration of cars coming off Lake -Cook Road. Trustee Kelm
stated the more stop signs there are on a street, the more motorists speed up
between signs. The effect of stop signs at this location was further discussed.
The motion failed by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin (2)
Nays: Kelm, IIoate, Moses, Stiehr (4)
Approve School Zone Signs Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee
on Pine - Laurel to Dartmouth :Gavin, that, despite State warrants, School
Zone signs be installed on both sides of
Pine Street between Laurel Avenue to Dartmouth Lane. Adopted by the following
v ote:
Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4)
N ays: Kelm (1)
Pass: Moate (1)
Discussion was had on strict enforcement of the 30 miles per hour speed
limit. Trustee Moses recommended that 25 miles per hour advisory speed signs be
posted. Chief Whitton stated police officers were hesitant to issue speeding
tickets unless the speed limit is exceed by 10 miles per hour since the Court
usually dismisses these cases. A resident stated tickets should be given to
all drivers going over 35 miles per hour. Trustee Moses asked if the inconven-
ience of having to go to Court would not act as a deterrent, even though the
Court throws out the case. Trustee-Moate stated he would be reluctant to ask police
officers to give tickets when they know the case will be dismissed. Chief Whitton
stated warning tickets are given and the Court would probably.take cognizance of
an established pattern of speeding and not dismiss the case. A resident asked for
enforcement of the 30 miles per hour speed limit to the letter of the law as an
effective means for reducing speeding if a police officer can be spared for this duty.
President Forrest asked for continued surveillance of Pine Street traffic with
reports to the Board.
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. The ordinance was presented amending Section 20.501
No Parking on Pine at Curves of the Municipal Code to prohibit parking at any
(0- 74 -81.) time on both sides of Pine Street hetween 127 and
209 Pine Street and 255 and 301 Pine Street.
Mr. Box stated that he had not opposed the no parking zones but pointed out that
the parking ban may increase speeding.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the ordinance be passed as
p resented:
Mrs. H. W. Byers, 132 Pine, stated she was ,opposed to no parking on curves on a
24 hour per day basis. If people are concerned, they should not park there.
Trustee Finne moved that the ordinance be amended to prohibit parking between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Monday through Friday. The motion failed for lack of
a second.
The motion to pass the ordinance as presented was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Finne, Kelm, Moses, Forrest (4)
Nays: Gavin, Moate, Stiehr (3)
The President signed.the ordinance indicating hZ approval thereof.
Several residents asked for a reduction in the speed limit on Pine Street.
Trustee Moate stated it was his understanding that the speed limit would have to be
raised if a survey showed that traffic was faster. The President said Pine Street
traffic w(iu'.d be watched to see what the effect would be from Police Department
enforcement of the speed limit. A resident suggested the Police Department survey
Pine Street traffic at 5:30 to 6:00 at night when much speeding occurs. In response
to a question about proper procedures to bring about reconsideration of stop signs
on Pine at Gordon Avenue, the president stated the Board had made its decision and
nothing would be accomplished by bringing up the matter again.
A resident proposed that "Warning - Stop Sign Ahead" signs be posted on Pine
Street at appropriate locations. Mr. Box said these signs are needed if visibility
is limited, and while there would be nothing wrong in putting up the signs they may
do no good.
Clerk's Reports-��, The clerk reported she., had prepared and certified
copies of documents reqired for Chapman & Cutler's
opinion on the issuance of the Village's $1,000,000 Land Acquisition bonds.
Ordinances designating Stop streets have been reviewed, corrections made where
necessary, and will be sent to NIMLO to be included in the recodification of the
Municipal Code.
Authorize Ordinance Trustee Kelm stated the manager's survey of other
Cab Drivers -18 Yrs, of Age communities' requirements on age for cab drivers
showed that only Wheeling and Deerfield required
a minimum age of 21 years. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that an ordinance
be prepared reducing the age requirement for cab drivers to 18 years.
Motion carried unanimously.
Reports The manager reported that a Certificate of
Convenience and Necessity had been issued to
AAA cab, but he did not believe the company provided 24 per day service. Trustee
Moses stated that Sunset Cab had answered his telephone cal,-;at 1:30 a.m. but no cab
was there. Trustee Finne asked the manager to check, and if AAA Cab complies there
is no reason to change the ordinance.
*Trustee Moate stated that the Water. -Fund charges some depreciation but the
auditors said that the amount set-aside for - depreciation was less than the minimum
required by ordinance. The treasurer stated that, with the increased water rates,
there will be enough. *Corrected 12/16/74, see Page 107 for correction.
The manager reported that the North Suburban Mass Transit District Board
had approved the selection of the architect for the renovation of the railroad
s tation.
The President asked about the razing of the building on the former Bleimehl
property and a "no prejudice" letter. The manager reported the State has said they
will reimburse the Village, but approval for the removal has not been received from
Trustee Gavin reported the committee had met and reviewed the revised Per-
sonnel Rules. Recommendations on changes and additions will be submitted.
The manager reported that a notice on a hearing on December 10, 1974 at the
Highland Park Holiday Inn had been received from the Illinois Department of
Transportatiori,Division of Waterways. They would like tacit approval of raising
elevations one foot above flood level and want acceptance by the Federal govern-
ment. The Board authorized a statement opposing the one foot elevation.
Discussion was had on the carriage walks on Pine Street and whether they
should be replaced by a 5 foot sidewalk to conform to current Village standards.
Trustee Kelm stated trees had been planted in parkways and they would have to
be moved if the walk is relocated. The manager said the sidewalk could be put
in closer than 1 foot off the property line.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that a survey be made
of Pine Street carriage walks, the number of trees that would have to be moved,
and an estimate of cost for replacement of the carriage walks with a 5 foot
sidewalk conforming to present standards, the report to be submitted by
F ebruary 1, 1975.
Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Stiehr and seconded
by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
APPROVED : K-, � 7'
Preside t
Village Clerk