10/21/1974rilw C 7� • October 21, 1974 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was.:called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, October-21, 1974 at 8:W p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Frederic R. Finne Norma Gavin Walter H. Moses, Jr. Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: George Kelm Lester T. Moate and that a quorum was - present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Mr. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, m anager. . Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the minutes of the regular meeting held October 7, 1974 be approved as corrected..(Page 77 re: Home Rule - add to first paragraph "Trustee Moate pointed out the Village has the power at present to enforce Village ordinances which may be in conflict with County ordinances ".. and insert-in 5th line, second paragraph "there is no rate limitation on real estate taxes, but "). Motion carried unanimously. Approve Warrant No. W -74 -10 Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that Warrant No. W -74 -10 - Payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) Treasurer's Report The treasurer submitted a report as of September 30, 1974, which included cash and investment statements, detail expenditures by activity, revenue and expense statement, highlight control report and cash flow statements. In response to Trustee Stiehr's question about the amount of overtime, the manager stated overtime was,not excessive. In the Water Department, overtime results from the repair of..leaks,.and in.the Street Department it is sometimes necessary to_ complete a project the same day, such as in the application of hot M ix. President Forrest asked the treasurer to watch the Sewer and Water funds c losely. Petition - Bicycle Path.-on.. Andy Klein', spokesman for students from Lake-Cook Rd. Cadwell: School, presented a petition which .requested the construction of a bicycle path on the north side of Lake-Cook-Road between Wilmot Road and the - Deerbrook Mall. The petition was circulated.by- students and was signed by both students and adults. Some adults stated they would use the bicycle path if it is constructed. Andy asked for a,sfeel-barricade between the bicycle path and roadway, or a separation between the path and road for the safety of bicyclists. He introduced the students who had helped in circulating the petition. The manager reported the Cook-County Highway Department will not put in a bicycle path or sidewalk except as a replacement. The cost of a path can be paid by the Village from Motor Fuel Tax funds. In a meeting with the Highway Depart- ment, he had stated the Village wanted a bicycle path or sidewalk on the north side of Lake -Cook Road and improvements to the Lake - Cook /Waukegan Road intersection to handle the additional traffic., He had also stated that, of the Highway Depart- ment is building a grade separation at the Northwestern Railroad crossing on Lake-Cook Road, the same should be done at the Milwaukee Road crossing. Trustee Gavin stated the matter of a bike path had been looked into before. She said the curb and gutter along Dundee Road' °was not conducive to safe bike riding and the same type of construction is planned for Lake -Cook Road. The President commended Andy Klein for his presentation, and stated the petition would be referred to the proper people. 33 Approve Settlement Mr. Thomas Foran, the Village attorney's co- Brickyard Purchase $950000 counsel with respect to the brickyard condemna- tion case, read the following proposal as a basis for settlement of the litigation: 1) The Village will'purchase approximately 77 acres of the brickyard tract (as shown on the Exhibit attached to the letter) at a cost of $950,000 payable from the proceeds of the sale of bonds previously authorized. In the event the.bonds cannot be sold, an attempt will be made to negotiate an installment purchase of the property; 2) The Village will have the right to spread 500,000 cubic yards of soil from the future excavation of the proposed storm water retention basin across that portion of the brickyard property retained by the owners (approximately 46 acres); .3) The Village will acquire a strip 100 feet wide East of the Southwest p option of the property acquired by the Village extending past the East boundary of the radio tower site. If these terms are acceptable to the Village, Mr. Foran will conduct a prove -up of the condemnation case, and thereafter, upon the sale of the bonds, the Village will deposit the $950,000 with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for payment to the owners. Mr. Foran stated the proposal is the result of lengthy litigation and negotiations and, while the Board must make the decision on acceptance or rejection, he feels it is the best settlement obtainable. He pointed out that the owners maintain that a high density development is the highest and best use of the land, and if the Village seeks to acquire the entire brickyard property, the cost may exceed the amount authorized by the bond referendum. Respogding;to residents' questions and suggestions, Mr. Foran stated that only the property acquired by the Village would be annexed, and although matters discussed in negotiations had included an option to purchase the remainder of the property, the right of first refusal, and a covenant, these were not acceptable'to the owners. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Village attorney and Mr. Foran be authorized to conduct a prove -up on the condemnation case in accordance with the letter of October 17, 1974. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) Accept Voss Proposal Re: A proposal was received from Howard W. Voss Associ- _Sale of $1000000 G.O. Bonds ates for services in connection with the sale of general obligation bonds of the Village, the fee to be paid for such services.to be $2,575. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that Howard W. Voss Associates be retained for the sale of bonds in accordance with the proposal dated August 19, 1974. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne,.Gavin, Moses,.St.iehr (4) Nays: None (0) Authorize Voss to Prepare;.., Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, Bid Notice $1000000 G.O. Bonds that Howard:W. Voss Associates be authorized to 11/4/74 Opening prepare an Official Statement (bond offering prospectus) for a November 4, 1974 bid opening for the sale of $1,000,000 general obligation bonds in accordance with the bond schedule identified as Plan No. 1-submitted October 16, 1974. Adopted by the following v ote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) The Consent Agenda, with deletsions and one addi- Approve Consent Agenda tion, was presented for consideration as follows: CONSENT AGENDA Ordinance amending Section XXII I,B;2,e of the Zoning Ordinance; Applicant to pay fee for recording Special Use Ordinances. (0- 74 -6j% Ordinance authorizing a Special Use - Edward Tanelian and Masonic Lodge Association - Multi- Purpose Use. (0- 74 -6$(-) Reappointment of Police Matrons for one year Sherry Wood Patricia Jackson Linda Leopard Terry Bentley Resolution providing for Home Rule referendum at election to be held April 15, 1975. (R- 74 -24) Ordinance establishing a Municipal Use Tax. (0- 74 -66) Trustee Stiehr moved,. seconded by Trustee Moses, that the rules be waived to permit action on the three ordinances listed above at their first presenta- tion. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee..Stiehr_ then moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the Consent Agenda be approved, including passage of the three ordinances. Adopted by the f ollowing vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinances indicating his approval thereof. 1st Presentation - Ordinances The first presentation was made of two ordin- Approving P.D. Lot 130 and 66 ances, the first approving a Planned Develop- Hovland Sub. ( Kitzerow) ment of Hovland Lot 130 and the second approving the Planned Development of Lot 66, Hovland Subdivision,, identified as Kitzerow's Resubdivisions Unit One and Unit Two. Trustee Stiehr stated.the Plan Commission had recommended a five year limitation on the bond or escrow, and the ordinance omitted this provision. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the five year limitation on bond or escrow be added to the ordinances. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Stucko will send copies of Plan Commission member James Marovitz's letter to the Board. Mr. John Bure, attorney for the Kitzerows, stated he would.like clarifica- tion and confirmation of his understanding of the conditions applicable to the Planned Developments, as follows: 1) Bond or escrow deposited for the improvements of future streets.on the 30 feet to be dedicated will be released in five years if the street is not constructed; 2) Bond or 'escrow deposited for Gordon Terrace improvements will be released upon the spreading of Special Assessment No. 112; 3) Although.the plats cannot be formally approved and recorded, Special Assess- ment No. 112 will be spread, at not'- cost to the Kitzerows, over the six lots created by the resubdivisions. Mr. Stucko stated that at the time the contract for the improvement has been let and when the Village is far enough along to have the assessment confirmed, the assessment roll can be amended to re- spread the assessments over the six lots, and the plats of resubdivision can then be recorded. Assessments will in- clude the 30 :feet to be dedicated for a future street. At Trustee Moses' request, Mr. Bure will send a letter to the Board summarizing his.statements. Mr. STucko will also write regarding the re- spread of the special assessment and other matters relating to the planned,developments. Authorize Signature ILEC Discussion was had on acceptance of the Illinois Planning & Research Grant Law Enforcement Commission's-Planning and Research grant. Chief Whitton explained the award is for one year, but the project may be extended for an additional two years with a grant not to exceed $15,875 for the first additional first year and $7,937 for the second additional year. He did not envision more than two years for,the project, but the present award is for a one year grant, and any extension is at the option of the Board. He stated a new civilian employee would be hired since no present employee has the necessary skills and there is no requirement for a re- p lacement.of present..personnel. The manager pointed out that the Planning and Research program maybe a ,prerequisite for a future equipment grant. Several members questioned whether a qualified person could be hired for a one year assignment. Chief Whitton agreed the difficulty would be in hiring the right person who will evaluate the department, submit recommendations for improvement and establish standards to measure performance. He felt a program such as this would save money in the long run.aiad provide a more affective and efficient department. A woman, who is a consultant, has expressed interest in the project. 1 1 0 After further discussion,.Trustee Moses.moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the President be authorized to.sign the grant award for one year only. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) The meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m., and re- convened at 9:45 p.m. P.C. Report - Authorize A report from the Plan Commission recommended Ordinance Approving.P.D. that approval of the final plat of Chesterfield's Laurel Hill #9 -Phase II Laurel Hill Unit 9, Phase II, be denied. The report reviewed the background of the proposed re- subdivision-which will create three non - conforming lots to the west, and the failure of the petitioner either to include the west 150 ft. of Lots 37, 38 and 39, Hovland's Subdivision as a part of the planned development or to petition for a separate planned d evelopment. Discussion was had on the Plan Commission's recommendation that approval of .the final plat be denied despite the fact that Chesterfield Development Corporation had complied with all conditions set forth in Ordinance No. 0- 73 -58, passed October 15, 1973, approving the planned development identified as Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 9, -, and the ordinance No. 0- 74 -30, passed May 20, 1974 approving development in two phases , and approving Phase I. Mr. Fred Hillman of Chesterfield Development stated he had filed a petition with the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variation in lot area requirements for the west 150 feet of Lots 37, 38 and 39, but at the public hearing the petition was dismissed. It was his understanding that when he had clear title to the east 150 feet of Lot. 38, the final plat of Phase II would be approved. Plan Commission member James Marovitz stated that in the event any of the owners of the west 150 feet of Lots 37, 38 or 39 applied for a building permit, it would be refused on the basis of a non - conforming lot, and it would then be necessary to petition the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variation in area requirements. These lots must be considered conforming until there is an approved resubdivision. Trustee Moses questioned whether conditions for approval of the final plat if . it is in conformance with the preliminary plat. Trustee Stiehr stated Mr. Hillman had complied with respect to the conditions imposed by the ordinances and had exercised good faith. Mr. Hillman stated he would attempt to get the owners.of_ the three lots to petition for a.planned development, but said it was imperative that he be allowed to proceed with Phase II. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the.,attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance for the approval of the final plat of Phase II. Motion carried unanimously. A report on this matter was-requested-from Mr. Stucko. P.C. Report -CBD Parking A report -from the Plan Commission recommended an Existing Uses :.amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit a change in the existing use of a building in the Central Business District erected prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 0 -67 -1, passed January 3, 1967, without providing additional off - street parking unless the floor area of the building is increased, and then only to the extent required by the a dditional'space. A copy of the proposed ordinance was attached. Ordinance - Zoning Amendment The ordinance was presented amending Section XVI,D Sec. XVI,D - Parking- of the Zoning Ordinance, pertaining to off - street Existing Uses. parking requirements for changes in existing uses (0- 74 -67) of buildings in the B- Business District, as recommended by the Plan Commission. Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays :. None (0) Warren & Van Pragg to A report from the Village engineer James Soyka Design Carriage Way Bridge recommended that Warren & Van Pragg, Inc., Con - sulting Engineers, be commissioned for the design of the Carriage Way bridge. Mr. Soyka explained the firm is qualified and has the manpower available to start on the project immediately. The design fee will be the standard 11 per Bent of the construction cost. Trustee Finne.moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that Warren & Van Pragg, Inc. be commissioned for the design of the Carriage Way bridge. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) The meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m., and re- convened at 9:45 p.m. P.C. Report - Authorize A report from the Plan Commission recommended Ordinance Approving.P.D. that approval of the final plat of Chesterfield's Laurel Hill #9 -Phase II Laurel Hill Unit 9, Phase II, be denied. The report reviewed the background of the proposed re- subdivision-which will create three non - conforming lots to the west, and the failure of the petitioner either to include the west 150 ft. of Lots 37, 38 and 39, Hovland's Subdivision as a part of the planned development or to petition for a separate planned d evelopment. Discussion was had on the Plan Commission's recommendation that approval of .the final plat be denied despite the fact that Chesterfield Development Corporation had complied with all conditions set forth in Ordinance No. 0- 73 -58, passed October 15, 1973, approving the planned development identified as Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 9, -, and the ordinance No. 0- 74 -30, passed May 20, 1974 approving development in two phases , and approving Phase I. Mr. Fred Hillman of Chesterfield Development stated he had filed a petition with the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variation in lot area requirements for the west 150 feet of Lots 37, 38 and 39, but at the public hearing the petition was dismissed. It was his understanding that when he had clear title to the east 150 feet of Lot. 38, the final plat of Phase II would be approved. Plan Commission member James Marovitz stated that in the event any of the owners of the west 150 feet of Lots 37, 38 or 39 applied for a building permit, it would be refused on the basis of a non - conforming lot, and it would then be necessary to petition the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variation in area requirements. These lots must be considered conforming until there is an approved resubdivision. Trustee Moses questioned whether conditions for approval of the final plat if . it is in conformance with the preliminary plat. Trustee Stiehr stated Mr. Hillman had complied with respect to the conditions imposed by the ordinances and had exercised good faith. Mr. Hillman stated he would attempt to get the owners.of_ the three lots to petition for a.planned development, but said it was imperative that he be allowed to proceed with Phase II. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the.,attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance for the approval of the final plat of Phase II. Motion carried unanimously. A report on this matter was-requested-from Mr. Stucko. P.C. Report -CBD Parking A report -from the Plan Commission recommended an Existing Uses :.amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit a change in the existing use of a building in the Central Business District erected prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 0 -67 -1, passed January 3, 1967, without providing additional off - street parking unless the floor area of the building is increased, and then only to the extent required by the a dditional'space. A copy of the proposed ordinance was attached. Ordinance - Zoning Amendment The ordinance was presented amending Section XVI,D Sec. XVI,D - Parking- of the Zoning Ordinance, pertaining to off - street Existing Uses. parking requirements for changes in existing uses (0- 74 -67) of buildings in the B- Business District, as recommended by the Plan Commission. M Mr. Dan Christiansen, President-of the Chamber of Commerce, stated the proposed ordinance was the first step.taken by the Board to encourage the mer- chants in the Central Business District to work together to improve parking, t affic flow and beautification which would benefit not only the merchants but also the Village. He reported an agreement had been reached for the removal of the fence between the parking lots of the Deerfield State Bank and Shopper's Court, and he would talk to the manager about having the necessary work done by employees of the Public Works Department. Trustee Stiehr stated it should be understood that the ordinance, if passed, was based on a reliance in the good faith of the merchants in the..Central Business District in their expressed desire to improve parking and traffic flow. Trustee Moses said that, from his own point of view, he could see no reason why the Central Business District merchants should not get together to work out cooperative parking, and while he would not oppose the proposed ordinance, it should not be said that this was the first time the Board has cooperated. Trustee Stieht moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the rules be waived to permit.action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried, Trustee Moses voting Pass. Trustee Stiehr then moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the ordinance be passed as presented. Adopted by the following vote, Trustee Moses' Pass vote being counted with the majority: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Stiehr Pass: Moses Total Four (4) N ays: None (0) BBA Report Re: Adoption of Fire Prevention Code Association Fire Prevention Code. A report from the Board of Building Appeals recommended the passage of the proposed ordinance adopting the American Insurance Fire Chief Gagne stated he had discussed the proposed ordinance with the Trustees of the Deerfield- Bannockburn.Fire Protection District and they had taken the position that the Village should not pass the ordinance because they plan to join with other Fire Protection Districts in the State to request the legislature to pass a law to permit Fire Protection Districts to adopt a Fire Prevention Code. The manager reported that.Fire District Trustee Paul .Potter had indicated concern about enforcement of a Code adopted by the Village by the Fire'Chief -who will not be compensated. He.suggested compensation of $1.00 per year. He stated that the Fire Chief and.the District-.Trustees recommend that no Code be adopted until the legislature has a chance to.act. Mr. Rolf Jensen, Chairman of the Board of Building Appeals,; urged the Board..to pass the ordinance,* as recommended by the Building Board. He stated it would affect the fire rating of the Village, and it,would be "at least a year before the legislature could take action. Trustee Gavin.moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that compensation of $1.00 per year be added-to Section Two of the ordinance.for each of the Fire Chiefs of the Deerfield - Bannockburn.and Northbrook Rural Fire Protection Districts. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance Adopting Fire. P revention Code (0- 74 -68) first presentation. Motion carried Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the rules be waived to permit action on the ordinance providing for the adoption of a fire Prevention Code at its unanimously. Trustee Moses moved,-seconded by Trustee Finne, that the ordinance be passed with the addition.of.compensation of $1.00 per.year for the Fire Chiefs. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses,..Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) The ordinance will be re -typed for signature by the President. Accept Bid Rosetti Contracting In connection with Phase II sewer improve- Phase II Sewer. Improvements ments, a letter from the attorney stated $395,521.80 the Board may award the contract to the low bidder for a portion of the work, rathex than to the lowest bidder for the entire project, which will not be undertaken at this time. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded.by Trustee Moses, that the contract for Phase I I improvements, with deletion of the :Deerpath1lft station and Cranshire- Hampton fl Q 1 1 1 1 3 Court improvements, be awarded. to Rosetti Contracting Co., the low bidder, at the bid price of $395,521:80, as recommended by the engineer. Discussion was had on the deletion of the Cranshire- Hampton Court improvement. Trustee Stiehr stated plans and specifications will be prepared for re- bidding of this project. Residents urged the Board to do all of Phase II as originally planned, and stated the area should not be penalized because an error was made in estimating the cost. It was suggested that.part of the funds allocated for storm water retention be used for this improvement. The President stated the improvement was not being dropped but merely deferred because the improvement was more costly than had been estimated. A resident stated that notice had been received from the Village that driveway drains and downspouts must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer, and if this is done flooding problems would be intensified. Trustee Moses stated and Trustee Finne agreed that it was unreasonable to ask owners to cgmply when the Village is not prepared at this time to proceed with the improvements. This matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting. The motion to award the contract for Phase II improvements to Rosetti Con- tracting Co. was.ddopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the Village engineer be directed to prepare plans and specifications of the Cranshire- Hampton Court improve- ments, including a lift station, and the Deerpath lift station for re- bidding. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Stiehr stated he wquld like to discuss these projects with the Village engineer and Baxter & Woodman before the plans are released. Authorize B & W Design Dr. H. S. Sundin of Baxter & Woodman reported Modifications, S.T'.P. that modifications in the design for sewage treat- ment plant improvements are required by the State, and if approved, for the issuance of a supplemental permit. The estimated cost for the construction of the design modifications is $150,000 to $200;000 plus $15,000 for engineering. He stated.the plans are subject to Federal review and he could give no assurance that the Federal Environmental Protection Agency will approve the project, only that the State will issue a Supplemental Permit. If the project is approved, work could get.underway..'in the spring of 1975; if not accepted, he could give no estimate of the time wheiY*�onstruction could be started. Trustee Stoehr moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that Baxter & Woodman be authorized to prepare design modifications for sewage treatment plant improvements for application to the State.for a Supplemental Permit. Mr. Richard Miller of the Sewer Committee stated he had talked with Mr. Degan of Lake County regarding tying into Lake County's sewage treatment facilities. He said there is a possibility the Village would be better off connecting to the County system than.constructing additions and improvements to the Village system. He said a report on-costs..will b& prepared by Mr. Degan, reviewed by the Sewer Committee and a report submitted by the Committee to the Board for the November 18th meeting. President Forrest stated the proposal to tie into the County system had been reviewed by the Board, and a comparison.of costs proved it would be better to expand the Village's plant. The motion to authorize Baxter & Woodman to prceed with design modifications was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin,.Moses, Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) Clerk's Reports The clerk reported that the audit report of the Police Pension Fund had been received from the Illinois Department of Insurance. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried unanimously. The clerk reported that in August 1963, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt, owners of the Volkswagen property, signed an agreement for annexation of this property when it becomes contiguous to the Village. Contiguity was established by annexation of Huehl Road on September 17, 1973 and, in addition, by the annexation of the former Strub property on July 15, 1974. The President asked that the matter of annexation of the Volkswagen property be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Recommend I.W. Colburn & Associates, R.R. Station Renovation Inc. of Chicago be recommended to architects for the renovation of Trustee Stiehr reported that, after inter- viewing five architects, the Architect- Engineering Selection Committee has recom- mended that I. W. Colburn and Associates, the North Suburban Mass Transit District as the railroad station. Trustee Finne moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that I. W. Colburn and Associates, Inc. be recommended for the project. Motion carried unanimously. Reports Trustee Finne reported he had written to Governor Walker setting out arguments why pedestrian crossing lights should be installed on north Waukegan Road for the benefit of high school students and motorists. Governor Walker referred the letter to the Highway Department, who responded that school crossing lights are not authorized for high school students, but if the Village can demonstrate that the volume of traffic is greater than represented, the Department will take the matter under consideration. Copies of the letter will be distributed to the Board. Trustee Moses stated a resident had asked him to tell the Board that the Village ought to have an ordinance to require gas stations to post current gasoline prices. In response to Trustee Stiehr's inquiry, the manager stated that bagged leaves should not be placed at the curb until the day before the regular pickup, and, to his knowledge, this requirement has not been enforced by the Police Department. He reported that comparatively few people are bagging leaves this y ear. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Stiehr and seconded by Trustee Finne, 'the" meeting was adjourned at 11:40 p.m. ATTEST: e Village Clerk APPROVED Presiden 1 1