10/07/197475 October 7, 1974 and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the minutes of the regular meeting held September 16, 1974 be approved as submitted. Motion carried, Trustee Moses abstaining. Finance Director's Report A report was received from the Finance Director on the status of department activities and projects. Mr. Valentine reported he had discussed the sale of bonds for the purchase of the brickyards property with the Northern Trust and Continental Banks. The bonds are limited to an interest rate not to exceed six per cent. Both banks are willing to make an offer to purchase the bonds and will submit a good faith check. The sale can then be confirmed by the Board. Trustee Moate said he saw no necessity for haste and suggested that the matter be taken up with the Finance Committee. The President agreed and will wait for a report from the Finance Committee. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the ordinance granting a parking variation for the Marshall property be taken off the table, and put on the Consent Agenda, the parking lot having been striped. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Authorization for signature of final plat of Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 11 Authorization for signature of Pipe Line Agreement for force main installation under the Milwaukee Road tracks. Appointment to Environmental Commission to fill vacancy: Nora Pat Small - one year term Appointments to President's Ad Hoc Committee on Vandalism: School District No. 110 - Ralph Godzicki Holy Cross School - Mrs. Joan Leslie High School District No. 113 - Richard A. McCallister School District No. 109 - Martin McMahon Park District - Peter Trenchard and Donald Pilger Library Board - Mrs. Rosemary Sazonoff Youth Council - Chairman William Rauch Board of Trustees - Frederic R. Finne The Reverend John Usry Michael Reidy William Sanke Ex officio - Norris Stilphen, Warren Whitton, Thomas Creighton Authorization for President to sign Assurance of Compliance to accompany grant appli- cation for Bureau of Outdoor Recreation re: brickyard property. Ordinance granting a variation from parking requirements with respect to property at 839 Waukegan Road (Marshall). (0- 74 -62) Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Consent Agenda be approved, including passage of the above ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called.to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1974 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Frederic R. Finne Norma Gavin George Kelm Lester T. Moate Walter H. Moses, Jr. Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the minutes of the regular meeting held September 16, 1974 be approved as submitted. Motion carried, Trustee Moses abstaining. Finance Director's Report A report was received from the Finance Director on the status of department activities and projects. Mr. Valentine reported he had discussed the sale of bonds for the purchase of the brickyards property with the Northern Trust and Continental Banks. The bonds are limited to an interest rate not to exceed six per cent. Both banks are willing to make an offer to purchase the bonds and will submit a good faith check. The sale can then be confirmed by the Board. Trustee Moate said he saw no necessity for haste and suggested that the matter be taken up with the Finance Committee. The President agreed and will wait for a report from the Finance Committee. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the ordinance granting a parking variation for the Marshall property be taken off the table, and put on the Consent Agenda, the parking lot having been striped. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Authorization for signature of final plat of Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 11 Authorization for signature of Pipe Line Agreement for force main installation under the Milwaukee Road tracks. Appointment to Environmental Commission to fill vacancy: Nora Pat Small - one year term Appointments to President's Ad Hoc Committee on Vandalism: School District No. 110 - Ralph Godzicki Holy Cross School - Mrs. Joan Leslie High School District No. 113 - Richard A. McCallister School District No. 109 - Martin McMahon Park District - Peter Trenchard and Donald Pilger Library Board - Mrs. Rosemary Sazonoff Youth Council - Chairman William Rauch Board of Trustees - Frederic R. Finne The Reverend John Usry Michael Reidy William Sanke Ex officio - Norris Stilphen, Warren Whitton, Thomas Creighton Authorization for President to sign Assurance of Compliance to accompany grant appli- cation for Bureau of Outdoor Recreation re: brickyard property. Ordinance granting a variation from parking requirements with respect to property at 839 Waukegan Road (Marshall). (0- 74 -62) Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Consent Agenda be approved, including passage of the above ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: 76 Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. P.C. Report - Tanelian /Masonic _Lodge Sp. Use - Authorize Ordinance - Refer Parking to BZA T anelian, although parking does Ordinance. ,;;; _• A report from the Plan Commission recom- mended that a Special Use be approved to permit the establishment of a shoe repair shop in the Masonic Lodge building at 711 Waukegan Road, as requested by Mr. Edward not comply with the provisions of the Zoning Discussion was had on parking requirements. Plan Commission Chairman Cynthia Marty stated Mr. Tanelian will clo8e- hiis..shop'at_6:00.p.m., and the three parking spaces required for the shop will become available for Masonic a ctivities. Trustee Kelm stated.that if the parking plan recommended by the Parking Committee had been approved by ordinance, a public hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals on the question of a parking.variation would not be required, but in the absence of amended parking requirements, a public hearing must be h eld . Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance.approving the special use, and the matter of a parking variation be referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Stiehr stated a public hearing on amendments to present parking regulations will be held by the Plan Commission on Thursday, October 10th, and if proposed revisions become effective by means of an amending ordinance, no variation will be required. Mrs. Marty stated.the Plan Commission's recommenda- tions would be submitted to the Board before the next meeting. P.C. Report -PD & Resub. A report from the Plan Commission recommended K itzerow's #1 approval of the Planned Development of Lot 130 Hovland Subdivision, and resubdivision of the subject property into three lots to be known as Kitzerow's Resubidivion, Unit One, as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kitzerow, subject to the following: 1) provision for the construction of improvements on Gordon Terrace by bond or cash escrow, or.the sueccessful spread -of Special Assessment No. 112; 2) dedica- tion of the westerly 30 feet for a future street; and 3) in lieu of bond or escrow for the improvement of the future street, the Village accept a demand note with personal liability, secured by a first mortgage on the lot adjacent to the dedica- tion, and further, at the option -of the owner, a bond or cash escrow may be sub- stituted for the note and mortgage,•the bond or escrow to be in effect for five years from the date of'substitution. A lengthy discussion was had on the bond or escrow requirement for future streets in an R -1 -B Planned development, and whether a note and mortgage would provide adequate assurance that the improvements would be constructed when interior lots are resubdivided. Mr. Stucko stated that, if a note and mortgage are ac -. cepted in lieu of bond or escrow and the owner fails to pay when the street is to be constructed, a time - consuming foreclosure action will be necessary to ob- tain the funds for the improvement. If a restriction is put on the plat that no building permit would be issued for the lot adjoining the dedication, it would have the effect of rendering the lot unbuildable, but would not guarantee that the street would be put in. Trustee Kelm stated the ordinance had been amended to require a bond or escrow for a future street at the time a building permit is issued or the Village decides the street should be improved. It was his opinion a decision should be made and adhered to on bond eOF KK uirements rather than discuss the matter each - time an individual property owher.requests._approva-1 „of a' planned development. He pointed out that the dedication and bond or escrow for the improvement are necessary for the resubdivision of interior lots. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the Plan Commission's recommendation be approved if the attorney is satisfied that the Village is protected by a mortgage or some other lien, and the ordinance approving the Planned Development be -prepared.. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Stiehr (1) Nays: Finne, Gavin, Kelm;.Moate, Moses (5) f! 1 77 Mr. Stucko stated the present ordinance requires a bond or escrow, and a mortgage is not the same. Mrs. Marty said the Plan Commission was trying to find an equitable solution for the.owner of an.individual lot. Trustee Finne suggested the escrow not be required until the lot,.,is sold, but Mr. Stucko pointed out that funds might not be available at the :tlme.an owner-of an adjoining lot wishes to resubdivide, or if the owner chooses to.build.for himself. Trustee Kelm stated the Board of Trustees could not waive the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and a;public hearing on a variation must be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mr. Stucko suggested that, if the Board decides to .go forward, the ordinance be amended with respect to the bond or escrow requirements. Trustee Kelm moved,-seconded by Trustee Moses, that the matter of a bond or escrow requirement in the R -1 -B District be referred to the Plan Commission for a public hearing on whether or not the ordinance should be revised in connection with such requirement. Motion carried unanimously. Postpone Kitzerow's Resub. The Plan Commission having also.recommended approval Units 1 & 2� P.D. of the Planned Development of Lot 66, Hovland Subdivision, Ki.tzerow's Resubdivision Unit Two. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that consideration of the Kitzerow Planned Developments be postponed until aftep the report of the Plan Commission is r eceived. Motion carried unanimously. P.C. Report - Recording Fees A re Authorize Ordinance that that be recorded in the Office of the Recorder use is situated and the recording fee and the special use. Port from the Plan Commission recommended the Zoning Ordinance be amended to provide all ordinances granting.a Special Use shall of Deeds of the county in which the special expenses shall be paid by the applicant for Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the Plan Commission's recommendation be approved and the attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Report -Home Rule Study A report from the Home Rule Study Commission Committee-Authorize Referendum recommended that the Village of Deerfield become a home rule unit and the Board of Trustees submit the issue to the electorate at a referendum at the earliest possible date. The report N listed some of the advantages which would accrue to the Village if it becomes a home o rule unit, and stated the only objection that is sometimes expressed is with regard to the t t r' to issue bonded indebtedness and levy ocal taxes. *Trustee Moate pointed ei.� age has y v out �tde���o er *at present to enforce Village ordinances which may be in conflict with County. 1,,iscu9sion was had on the report ,and some of the advantages if the Village becomes a home rule unit, particularly with respect to zoning.and compliance with o Village ordinances by all other governmental units in the Village. In answer to U TrusgR L4patefs queestign u app rate. limit�tio gn Feal esiaate taxes, Mr. Stucko e e is n ra e i mi tion on re es a e ayes stated/the ome ru a unit roes not have..t�ie power to inc&r Ubt payable from ad valorem "property tax receipts maturing more than 40 years from the time it is incurred. The matter of regulations for the.sale.of alcoholic liquor in that part of the Village in Lake County may not be applicable to a home rule unit inasmuch as the regulations are the result of a referendum. Mr. Stucko will research this question. Trustee Moses stated he would not favor a. referendum unless the Board and staff are prepared to enter into a.public:relations compaign to generate support for home rule. There is an obligation to present.the cons as well as the pros, and the electorate must be motivated to come out to vote for home rule. This will entail time and expense. Trustee Moate stated he agreed with.Trustee Moses. The report was not a balanced pre- sentation, but he would be willing to try to "sell" home rule if both the proli:and cons are set out. Members of the Home Rule Study Commission stated the Commission would help in getting voter approval of home rule. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by.Trustee Gavin, that the matter of home rule be place on the ballot for a referendum at the next regular Village election, and the ordinance be prepared. Motion carried unanimously: The meeting was recessed at 9:45 p.m. and re- convened at 10:00 p.m., all members p resent. r Reconsider & Approve Kitzerow The President stated Plan Commjs_s.ion Chair7. P.D. Units 1 & 2 man Marty had informed him that Mrs. Jack Authorize Ordinance Kitzerow had asked for approval-of the planned development of Lots 66 and 130, H ovland's Subdivision (Kitzerow's Resubdivisions Units One and Two), and had stated that funds would be deposited in escrow for the installation of improve- ments in compliance with ordinance requirements. .Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr.,.that the motion to post- pone consideration of the Kitzerow resubdivisions until a further report is received from the Plan Commission be reconsidered. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by.Trustee Finne, that the Plan Commission's report--recommending approval of the planned.developments known as Kitzerow's Re- subdivisions Units One and Two be accepted with the exception that any reference to alternative security for improvements be deleted, so that the ordinance require- ment for bond or escrow for improvements is applicable, and an ordinance approving the planned developments be prepared. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Sec. 21.003 -$1 Vehicle.Tag Fee for Sr. Citizens (0- 74 -63) The ordinance was presented amending Section 21.003.of.the Municipal Code to establish an - annual fee of $1.00 for a non - commercial vehicle license for residents of age 65 or more.for the first vehicle licensed in each year, the fee for additional.vehicles owned'by such resident to be charged at the rates heretofore established by ordinance.' The Village treasurer stated he had no information on how many people would be affected by the proposed amendment, or how many were in need of financial assist - t -ance. Trustee Finne stated the $1.00 fee should be limited to residents of 65 or over who own cars, and moved that the word "for" in the first line of the amend- ment be changed to read "owned.by "; seconded by Trustee Gavin, and .the;,motion carried unanimously. Trustee Finne moved, seconded.by.Trustee Gavin, that the ordinance be passed. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Stiehr, Forrest (4) Nays: Kelm, Moate, Moses (3) - The.ordinance will be re -typed for the President's approval. Re:F:ire;'Prevention Code Mr. Rolf Jensen of the Board of Building Adoption-Referred to Bldg.. Appeals reported the Board had reviewed the Bd., D -B & Northbrook Dists. ordinance adoption.the Deerfield- Bannockburn .Fire. Prevention Code, and it is their judg- ment the Ordinance in its present form ..should not be adopted. He recommended that no action be taken until an ordinance can.be worked out which is compatible with present Village ordinances. and can =be enforced. The manager stated the Northbrook.Fire.Protection District does not want to enforce a Deerfield Code in that part..of...the Village which lies in Cook County, and Chief Gagne of the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire District does not want to enforce the Code outside the District. .,Messrs.* Stucko and Houpt have stated the Board of Trustees cannot pass two..ordinances.,...and suggested the adoption of the American Insurance Association Fire Prp�yentio.n Code, 1970 edition. Mr. Jensen stated the American Insurance Association Code -has been adopted by many munici- -p alities. It was written by the same group, who wrote the National Building Code, and therefore, prohlems of consistency would.be removed. 1.1 adopted, .the.Board could contract with the Northbrook Rural Fire Protection District for enforcement in Deerf eld•in Cook County and enforcement in Lake.County by the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Protection District. He.stated the Code should be reviewed with regard to enforcement and appeals; and perhaps-some minor changes may be n ecessary. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the matter of adoption of the American Insurance Association Fire Prevention Code be referred to'the Board of Building Appeals, the.Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Protection District and the Northbrook Rural Fire Protection District. Motion carried unanimously. i 1 79 Re: Carriage Way Bridge A report from the Village engineer estimated the Authorize Plans & Specs cost of.the proposed Carriage Way bridge to be $62,657 for construction plus $9,400 for engineering and inspection, a total of $72,057. The State has advised that the plans for a bridge must be prepared by a Registered Structural Engineer, and therefore the work cannot be done by the Village. Preparation of plans by the State or County would have a low priority and it would be 3 to 5 years before the work would be started. The cost of the bridge can be paid from Motor Fuel Tax funds. President Forrest explained that the bridge and the extension of Carlisle Avenue are part of .the Comprehensive Plan.' Construction of the bridge is being considered at this time because an Agreement with the Blietz organization to pay $20,000 for the bridge will expire'in March,, 1976 if,construction is not started by that date, and 'Mr. Bruce Blietz is unwilling to.extend the Agreement. He pointed out there is only one deadend street for ingress and egress.from Colony Point, ad-is" also the case with King's. Cove, and is a potentially hazardous condition. Trustee Kelm stressed the fact that only the construction of the bridge was under consideration in order to save the $20,000 payment from Mr. Blietz. Several residents expressed strong opposition to the construction of the bridge and particular objection to.the.connection of Carlisle Avenue which would open it to traffic between County Line Road and - Deerfield Road. It was stated that the Homart development on County Line Road was sufficient reason to reconsider the Comprehensive Plan. A member of School Board No..109 and Dr. William Fenelon, Superintendent, stated they would like to have the bridge and Carlisle connection constructed. Dr. Fenelon stated it costs the District $12,000 per year to bus children from Colony Point to the Briarwood School, which.was' built with the understanding that Carlisle would go through to County Line Road. The street would also.make the swimming pool and playground f acilities.more accessible to children from Briarwood Vista. It was suggested by a resident of Briarwood Vista that-.the Carlisle extension be put in to deadend at the B riarwood School. A resident of Carriage Way stated he favored construction of the bridge in order to provide another access street to King's Cove and Colony Point. He stated there had been a cave -in on Carriage Way and only one -half the street was open to traffic for several months which, in an'emergency, could have resulted in a hazard to the safety of residents of King's Cove. Trustee Finne stated the Board could authorize .the erection of stop signs to.control traffic. _Trustee Moate said he was sympathetic to the people who.were concerned about traffic, but was impressed with the comments regarding safety and felt the bridge should be constructed. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the Village engineer be authorized to select a structural engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the bridge. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) Nays:.None (0) Postpone Bid Award In connection with bids for Phase II storm sewer Phase II Sewer Project improvements,.the manager stated that funds are not available for the entire project as originally planned, and the scope of the improvements, must -be adjusted. He and the Village engineer proposed that the Cranshire. and Hampton Court improvements and the pumping stations be eliminated. If these - deletions are accepted, it was recommended that the low bid of $395,,521.80 submitted by Rossetti Contracting Co. be accepted, and bids f or,the additional work can be advertised.at a later date when funding has been clari- fied. If.the entire project is to be-undertaken the low bidders are Bari Sewer and Water and National Sewer and Wa.ter,.who.submitted a joint bid of $497,383.40. Only 17 homes would benefit from the Cranshire- Hampton Court- improvements and the cost per home seems excessive when companed.with the number of homes that will benefit from other phases of the project. The- .original - estimate for this work was $14,400, but Mr. Wheelock of Baxter & Woodman stated that alleviation of the flooding problem was more complex and costly than it had.appeared from.preliminary investigation. He pointed out the houses were built in the flood plain, and the street and sidewalk elevations must be raied. Residents of the Hampton and Cranshire Court area urged the Board not to eliminate the improvement, and disputed the statement that only 17 homes would benefit. They stated the improvement.would benefit approximately 100 homes. They had voted in favor of the bond issue because_storm.sewer improvements in this area were included. One resident stated raw sewage backed up into homes and public health was involved. President Forrest urged the residents to disconnect illegal connection of driveway drains and downspouts,,and stated the improvement was not being dropped but merely MAI C@M deferred until financing has been clarified. The Village engineer stated it.was possible that better prices would be obtained if the Cranshire - Hampton improvements and the pumping stations were rebid as separate projects. These projects can be rebid within 30 days. Discussion was had on bond funds available for sewer improvements. The manager stated an application had,been filed.for a Federal grant of $80,000 for work done on the sewage treatment plant, and if it is received the funds could be used for these improvements. Mr. James O'Donoghue, an attorney, stated the Board could make no changes in specifications prior to the award of the.bid, and .t6 do so would be a viola- tion of.the bond ordinance. Mr. Stucko stated that a municipality has the power to abandon, delay or delete certain sections.after bids have been reviewed. Mr. O'Donoghue asked the clerk.to send.copies.of.the ordinances relating to the referendum and the issuance of bonds to him. After further discussion, Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that a decision on bids be postponed until the next meeting to permit counsel to give a written opinion on deletion of items. Motion carried unanimously. NIMLO Recodification Report Mr. Stucko stated no changes would be required in the recodification of the Municipal Code being prepared by the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers (NIMLO) if the Village becomes a home rule unit. He stated he assumed it would be at Village expense if the Village.attorney goes to Washington to review the Code prior to publication, as recommended by NIMLO. Re: Pedestrian Tunnel A letter from the North Suburban Mass Transit at R.R. Station The manager stated i and to erect a fence ity of the station. f ar too low, in his District- requested reconsideration of the pedestrian tunnel at the railroad station. t is planned to relocate the crossover north of Hazel Avenue to prevent pedestrians from crossing the tracks in the vicin- Trustee Moses stated the $20,000 cost for the tunnel was opinion. Trustee Moses moved,.seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that a letter be written to the Transit District-stating that atsuch.time.as the switches are moved so that crossing of the tracks can be prohibited, the Board will consider the pedes- trian tunnel. Motion carried unanimously. Accept Bid Garage Fence Trustee.Kelm_ moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, Villa-Park Fence - $8767.90 the the low bid of $8,767.90 submitted by Villa,-Park Fence be accepted for the installa- tion of fencing around the Village garage, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. Adopted by the following vote: a Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) Accept Bid. Truck & Sewer.Ro.dder Trustee Finne moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, Schuster Equip. $18392,85 that the low bid of $18,392.85 for a truck .. ..chassis and sewer cleaner submitted by Schuster Equipment Company be accepted,.as recommended by the Director of Public Works. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) Jaycee Request.for.Sale of A letter..was received from the Jaycees Pumpkins on Streets requesting permission to sell pumpkins on Village.streets. The section of the Muni- cipal Code prohibiting the sale.of food for human consumption on any public street was reviewed. Trustee Moses moved, seconded,by.Trus.tee Gavin, that a letter be sent to the Jaycees that the decision..to.sell pumpkins if theirs and there is no ordinance that relates thereto. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Moses (2) Nays: Finne, Gavin, Moate, Stiehr (4) L' 1 1 1 1 U Discussion was had on whether pumpkins are edible, Trustee Moate pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce is opposed.to the project as being detrimental to the businessmen, and he stated pumpkins are edible. Trustee Finne moved, seconded.by.Trustee Kelm, that a copy of the ordinance be sent to the Jaycees with a covering letter. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin., Kelm, Moate (4) ' Nays: Moses, Stiehr (2) MFT Resolution - $18,000 for _Wilmot Midblock Pedestrian _Lights -Sec: 38 -TL -CS (R- 74 -24) Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that a resolution-be passed appropriating $18,000 from Motor Fuel Tax funds for a midblock pedestrian signal on Wilmot Road between WeGo Trail and Hackberry Road, to be designated as Section 38- TL-CS. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) Clerk's Reports The clerk reported that a proper petition for annexation of the Florence Avenue properties had been received and the Annexation and Special Use ordinances had been recorded. The recording fee $67 ,'50 was paid by the Village attorney and will be listed on the next s tatement. A number of senior:citizens.have called to object to treats or tricks, stating the cost of treats was burdensome for people on fixed incomes and retaliation was-feared if n o`treats are given. It was suggested that children be instructed to go only to those homes where porch lights are lit. A letter was received from the Cook County Highway Department requesting the Village to allow ample "shut down" time for the relocation of the water main on Lake- Cook Road. Plans for the project have been turned over to the Village engineer. Copies of the letter will be sent to the Board of Trustees. The Salvation Army requested permission to sell "War Cry" on two days between November 4 and December 24, as permitted for many years. The Chief of Police will set the hours during which sale will be permitted. The clerk has signed the certificates for Special Assessment No.. 112, Gordon and Kenmore improvements, and a Court hearing on the assessment will be scheduled. Authorize Ordinance 1% Use Tax a one per cent use tax on personal registered with an Illinois agency. A notice was received from the Illinois Department of Revenue stating the legislation has been enacted to authorize a municipality or county to impose property purchased at retail outside Illinois and Trustee Kelm moved, seconded.by Trustee Moses, that the attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance imposing a use tax. Motion carried unanimously. The manager reported that employees of the Public Works Department had scrubbed the railroad station preparatory to painting. A sign will be put up stating the station is maintained by the Village. Copies of plans have been sent to architects for proposals for station improvements. They will be interviewed on Thursday and a report will be submitted for the next meeting. Trustee Moses stated the stationmaster has indicates he will sweep the station. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee'Stiehr and seconded by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 12:10 a.m. APPROVED: President A TTEST: Village Clerk