02/18/1974February 18, 1974
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village
Hall on Monday,.February 18, 1974 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Albert E. Brust
George Kelm
Walter H. Moses, Jr.
Werner E. Neuman
Daniel H. Stiehr
Absent: Norma Gavin
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. James Stucko; representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the minutes of the regular
meeting held February 4, 1974 be approved as corrected. (Typographical errors and
delete "not" - page 269, second paragraph, 6th line). Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Warrant No. W -74 -2 Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr,
that Warrant No. W -74 -2 - Payment of bills in-
cluding fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brush; Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5)
Nays: None (0)
The treasurer's report as of January 31, 1974 was received. Mr. Valentine
stated there has been but one month's collection of the higher sewer rate which
became effective December 1, 1973, but the increased revenue will be reflected in
the Sewer Fund by the end of the fiscal year. There may be some difficulty—in the
month of March when there will be three pay periods.
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented as follows:
Authorization for Village attorney to defend in law suit filed by Ulrich and Rosemary
Barker regarding no sanitary sewer service to 1680 Deerfield Road.
Authorization to increase salary for a draftsman for the Engineering Department to
$10,000 and to expend up to $1,600 for supplies and equipment.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Consent Agenda be
approved. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5)
N ays: None (0)
Mr. Stucko reported that a copy of the law suit has been sent to the Village's
insurance company.
Proclamation -Youth Employment President Forrestread and signed the Proclamation
Service Week designating the first week in March as Youth Employ-
ment Service Week.
S.C. Report Rosemary Traffic A report from the Safety Council recommended that
Authorize Ordinance signs be posted restricting left turns on Rosemary
Terrace at Orchard and Westgate without time
limitation for a trial period of 90 days. The Council further recommended that the two
30 MPH speed signs be removed.
A report from Paul C. Box and Assofiates stated the left turn restrictions would
be feasible for this street and suggested a triiziL installation with turn restrictions
limited to 7 to 9 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m., on weekdays when bypass traffic is heaviest.
D uring the trial period a check on the bypass trangfer of traffic to Warrington and
Westgate was suggested.
Trustee Stiehr stated the Safety Council's report was not responsive to his
letter of December 10, 1973 and moved that the matter be deferred until a member of
the Safety Council is present; seconded by Trustee Neuman. The motion failed by the
f ollowing vote:
Ayes: Stiehr, ijeuman (2)
Nays: Brust, Kelm, Doses. (3)-.--
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Board approve no
left turns on Rosemary Terrace at Orchard and Westgate between the hours of
7 to 9 a.m. and 3 to.6 p.m. except Saturday and Sunday, and the attorney be
directed to prepare the ordinance; dl.scussidn of this matter to be put on the
agenda after a 90 day trial period. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Moses (3)
Nays: Neuman, Stiehr (2)
BZA Report - Masonic Parking
Variation 711 Waukegan Rd.
Authorize Sp. Use & Variation
W aukegan Road.
A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals
recommended that a variation be granted to
permit 73 parking spaces in lieu of the re-
quired 85 on -site parking spaces on the
Deerfield Masonic Lodge property at 711
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the parking variation
.recommended,-by the Board of Zoning Appeals be approved, and the Village attorney
be directed to 'prepare ordinances granting the said variation and approving the
Special Use heretofore recommended by the Plan Commission, as requested by the
Deerfield Masonic Lodge.
Motion carried unanimously.
P.C. Recommendation -B Zoning President Forrest read a statement expressing
& Special Use - Former Strub Farm appreciation for the work of the Plan Commission.
_Authorize Ordinances Trustee Kelm stated the law firm with which he
is associated represents the owners of the
property to the east of the former Strub farm and therefore he would abstain from
any consideration or decision on matters relating to the former Strub property.
A report from the Plan Commission recommended that the former Strub farm of
23 acres located south of County Line Road and west of Hueh1 Road, now owned by
Messrs. James O'Halloran, S. Guy Fishman, Edwin McGuire and Josef Ciesel, be
classified, upon annexation, as a B- Business District with a Special Use as a
planned development for the easterly five acres in accordance with the plans sub-
mitted by the developers.: The balance of the property shall be classified as a
B - Business District with a Special Use which would permit the constructinn of two
five -story buildings and other uses and conditions as set forth in a proposed
annexation agreement.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the recommendation
of the Plan Commission be accepted and the Village attorney prepare the ordinance.
Trustee trust stated he could not accept the Plan Commission's recommendation.
The recommended'zoning classification does not conform to the Village's Compre-
hensive Plan, will set a precedent for development of vacant property to the east,
and will adversely affett property values north of Lake -Cook Road. He said no
hardship has been demonstrated by the petitioner to warrant a change from the single-
family classification shown on the Comprehensive Plan Map, nor has there been any
demonstrated community need for the proposed facilities. The Village's annexation
of Huehl Road precludes the annexation of the property by Northbrook. Other ob-
j ections included increased traffic, the five story buildings, the possible increase
in cost for acquisition of the brickyard property and the upgrading of the area by
the removal of the gas company's storage tower. He suggested that 1) the village
attorney be directed to redraft the annexation agreement to provide for an 0 & R
classification and the 0 & R regulations be amended to permit a planned development;
2) building height be limited to 35 ft. with land coverage of 30 per cent and a
five acre minimum for each principal use; and 3) if these conditions are not an
acceptable compromise to the petitioner, he recommended the annexation request be
denied and the subject property be added to the Northeastern Illinois Planning
Commission study area.
Trustee Moses pointed out that a single - family residential development would
require the busing of school children to Cook County schools, and stated he was
more concerned about the density than about five story buildings. While he agreed
that planned developments should be permitted in 0 & R districts as well as Busi-
ness districts, he pointed out the proposed development of the subject property was
r estricted to those uses set forth in the annexation agreement. Trustee Stiehr
stated the single - family designation shown on the Comprehensive Plan Map was a bar=
gaining point for any type of development and felt the proposed plan was a reasonable
use of the property. Whether zoned 0 & R or Bug ine §s ; = the deuelopfdeftt o!f the property
would be controlled by the annexation agreement. Trustee Neuman expressed approval of
the proposed development.
A letter from Mrs. Joan Kuch of the Deerfield Park Civic Association stated
there was no unanimity among members regarding annexation, but asked that any annexation
agreement be written to preclude any misunderstanding on height and dengity limitations.
The Association asked for traffic restrictions to prevent the use of Pine Street and
Birchwood Avenue as major thoroughfares,
Mr. Louis Goldman, 130 Burr Oak Court, presented petitions signed by 300 residents
who, although in favor of annexation of the subject property. were opposed to the proposed
high-rise buildings or to any zoning classification not in conformity with the Compre-
hensive Plan, or to the development of .the property before Lake -Cook Road is improved.
Residents who spoke in opposition to the proposed development included Messrs. Marvin
Glassman, 517 Pine; S. Olson, Osterman Avenue; Lawrence Feldman, 380 Castlewood; Alan
A ltheimer, 301 Earl Court; Ronald Futterman, 1349 Rosewood; and Morris Dyner, 1401
Dartmouth. Reasons given for opposing the development included the five story building
height, increased traffic particularly on Pine Street, setting a precedent for similar
developments to the east, and depreciation of residential property values north of
Lake -Cook Road. It was suggested that turns from Lake -Cook Road at Pine Street be pro-
hibited during peak traffic hours.
Mr. Willard Alroth of Paul C. Box and Associates, who had prepared a projection
of traffic impact and possible future developments south of Eakei�Cook Road, stated
that turn,;restiictions could be posted at both Pine and Birchwood, but these restrictions
could be a problem to residents who live in the area. He recommended that, in addition
to height and land coverage limitations, a floor area�:rati:o�(F.A;IR.) of .35 to .40
be maintained. Mr. James O'Halloran, one of the owners, stated the F.A.R. for Phases
II and III combined will not exceed .375, but is exceeded somewhat in Phase I.
Discussion was had on traffic controls which may be required but are not covered
in the annexation agreement. Trustee Stiehr stated that Pine Street is a secondary
street with a 35 ft. pavement and plans for widening Lake =Cook Road include signaliza-
tion at Pine Street.
The question of 0 & R or Business zoning for the property was discussed. Mr.
O'Halloran stated he would be willing to accept an 0 & R classification as long as
each of the special uses in the annexation agreement will.be permitted.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the motion be amended by
adding that in the event the Village should subsequently amend the 0 & R regulations
to permit planned developments, then the parties to the agreement shall agree to change
the classification from B to 0 & R as long as the uses remain the same.
Motion carried unanimously, Trustee Kelm abstaining.
The motion as amended was adopted by the following vote, Trustee Brust's "Pass"
vote being counted with the Majority:
Ayes: Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (3)
Nays: None (0)
Pass: Brust (1)
Abstaining: Kelm (1)
0 & R Referred to P.C. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust,
that the Plan Commission be instructed to proceed
to study and develop a provision for planned developments in 0 & R District.
Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was recessed at 10:15 p.m. and reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
1st Presentation - Ordinance
Re: Reciptocal. Cab Licensing
a greements.
The first presentation was made of an ordinance
amending Article VIII of Chapter 17 of the Municipal
Code to provide for reciprocal taxicab licensing
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the 8th line of Section
17.801;12 be changed to read" the Village President may rescind - - -" (underscored
word added).
Motion carried unanimously.
,The manager s•tated.copiee:of the proposed ordinance had been sent to Northbrook
and Highland Park for their comments.
27 6
G. B. Anderson to Prepare A report from the Village Engineer recommended
Plans & Specs. Gordon Improvement that George B. Anderson S Associates be author -
S/A 112 ized to prepare plans and specifications for
Gordon Terrace improvements, Special Assessment
No. 112. Inspections of the work will be performed by the Village. The firm
projects a completion time of 75 to 90 days; if the work is done in-- house,come-
1 etion would be between August 1 and September 1 if necessary equipment is ordered
now. Discussion was had on delays on other projects which may occur if the plans
and specifications are prepared by the engineer.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Board accept
the engineer's recommendation, and George B. Anderson and Associates be authorized
to prepare plans and specifications for Gordon Terrace improvements. Special Assess-
ment No. 112. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5)
N ays: None (0)
Approve Release Agreement' The Release Agreement on Lot 29, Clavinia Sub-
Lot 29, Clavinia #4 division Unit 4. The Agreement removes the
reservation of this lot for a possible future
street, which expired October 7, 1973.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the word "desires" in
the first line of Section C be changed to "agrees ". Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Kelm moved,.seconded by Trustee Moses, that the Release Agreement
be approved and execution thereof authorized. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5)
N ays: None (0)
Fail to Support RTA Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm,
that the Board go on record as supporting the
Regional Transp'orlation Authority and urging citizens of the Village to support it
in the March 19th referendum, and an appropriate Resolution be passed.
Trustee Brust stated that, as a driver, he resented the use of gas tax
funds for the RTA. President Forrest stated he had not yet made up his mind
a bout the RTA.
The motion failed for lack of a majority, the following vote being recorded:
Ayes: Kelm, Moses, Neuman (3)
Nays: Brust, Stiehr, Forrest (3)
Margate- Meadowbtook Stop Trustee Neuman reported that the stop sign
Sign to S.C. at the Margate- Meadowbrook intersection had
been removed.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the Village attorney
prepare' an ordinance to remove this stop sign.
Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the -motnnn be amended
to provide that the matter first be referred to the Safety Council. Motion
carried unanimously.
The motion as amended was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (4)
N ays: Kelm (1)
Traffic control at gas stationscwas discussed briefly.
Trustee Neuman stated that the first week in April is Spring Vacation,
and suggested that the meeting scheduled for April 1 be adjourned to April 8.
The Board approved this suggestion.,'
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by
Trustee Moses and seconded by Trustee Stiehr, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
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