06/04/197317.5 June 4, 1973 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the clerk, in the absence of the President, in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, June 4, 1973 at 8:15 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Albert E. Brust Norma Gavin George Kelm Walter H. Moses, Jr. Werner E. Neuman Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: Bernard Forrest, President and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that Trustee Kelm be appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the minutes of the Board of Local Improvements meeting on May 21, 1973 and the minutes of the regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees held May 21, 1973 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing A public hearing was held'on the petition of Mr. Birks Cab Application Robert E. Birks, Birks Transportation Company, for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Con- venience and Necessity for the licensing of a taxicab service in the Village. Mr. Birks stated his application had been prompted by a letter from the Village asking if the Company would be interested in furnishing cab service in Deerfield. The company operates cabs in Wheeling, Elk Grove Village and Mount Prospect, and owns 24 cabs. He would license two cabs in Deerfield, and if business increases, will r, license one or two more cabs. All cabs are metered and radio equipped. He proposed a o charge of 85� for the first mile with an initial "pull" charge of 45�.. After the first mile, the charge is 10t per 1/6 mile, a total of 60F per mile. There is *a- msnsmum `O e�age -e -g$T -ate a charge of 10t for each additional passenger. It.is his opinion o that better service can be given if there is but one licensee, but would not ask for vrevocation of the present licenses. He will provide service to the airport, and can P pick up passengers there if called. Package delivery service will also be provided. 0 Trustee Gavin suggested that a cab stand near the airport bus stop would be more convenient than the present location at Shopper's Court. Mr. Birks proposed a cab stand at the railroad station. Trustee Neuman stressed the need to establish rates which will permit a reason- able return on the company's investment. Mr. Birks stated higher costs for gasoline may require a small increase later, but at present the rates he has proposed will be sufficient to generate enough revenue to provide satisfactory service. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the public hearing be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Authorize Ordinance -Cab Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, Rates, Age & License that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance incorporating therein the rate structure proposed by Mr. Birks for metered cabs only, and also correcting the driver's age and deleting the requirement for a chauffeur's license to conform to the State Statutes. Motion carried unanimously.. Authorize Issuance Certificate Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, Convenience & Necessity to that the manager be authorized to issue a Certifi- Birks Cab Co. cate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Birks Transportation Company upon compliance with all conditions. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Stiehr asked the manager to check other locations for cab stands. 176 The owner of Sunset Cab stated their meters have an initial "pull" rate of 65(�, and asked if this charge must' -be reduced' ,to'45�. Trustee Brust suggested, and the Board concurred, that'the matter of rates be handled a dministratively. Approve Consent Agenda by Trustee Neuman, that Subdivision Improvement Motion carried unanimou t aining Federal funding The Consent Agenda was presented for con - sideration. Trustee Brust moved, seconded consideration of the Ordinance amending Article I, Specifications, be postponed until the next meeting. sly. Also removed was the proposed procedure for ob- for underpass construction. CONSENT AGENDA Ordinance to provide for a Local Improvement Gordon- Kenmore Improvements, Special Assessment No. 112. (0- 73 -34) Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Consent Agenda be approved and the ordinance be passed. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Gavin, Kelm,; Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Appoint James Soyka The Village attorney stated the engineer for Engineer S/A 112 the Gordon - Kenmore improvements, Special Assessment No. 112, had not yet been appointed. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the Village engineer, James Soyka, be designated engineer for Special Assessment No. 112. The manager stated that Mr. Soyka would be expected to do the inspection on storm sewer construction and the connection between Park Avenue and Petersen Lane, and the additional assignment.could be more than he could handle. Mr. Soyka stated bids had been received on the Waukegan Road widening project, and this, too would require that some time be spent on inspection. He suggested that consideration be given to using the Village engineer for planning,guidance and inspection during construction, and an outside engineer be used for design work. Discussion was:had on what additional staff would be needed to free the Village engineer for work which would otherwise require the employment of a consultant. Trustee Stiehr suggested hiring a student for clerical work,checking w eight tickets and similar items which would give the necessary time to work on other projects. Trustee Neuman stated he could not approve payment of fees to a consulting engineer when additional staffing of the Engineering Department will result in substantial savings which had better be spent on projects. Mr. Soyka and the manager were asked to prepare a report for the Board's consideration on what additional staffing will be required , taking into account the projects which will be undertaken in the next several years. Table Fed. Funding Discussion was had on the procedure proposed R.R. Underpass by Mr. Gary Alstot, a resident of the Village, for obtaining Federal funding for the recon- struction of the railroad underpass on Deerfield Road under the Federal Aid Urban System program. The first step would be a letter to the Illinois Depart- ment of Transportation requesting that Deerfield Road be designated as part of the Federal Aid Urban Systeip. If Deerfield Road is so designated, Federal guide- lines and procedures must be followed for Federal funding. It is hoped the Federal program will provide 70 per cent of the cost of the project, estimated to be $1,000,000. The manager recommended that the State be requested to include Deerfield Road as part of the Federal Aid Urban System, and stressed that this step is purely exploratory. If it is approved, the Board could then decide whether to proceed with the design of the improvement. He pointed out that the height of the present underpass could cause serious problems for the Fire Department, as well as traffic congestion resulting from trucks which must use an alternate r oute . Trustee Moses questioned whether beerfield Road should be widened and stated he was in favor of getting trucks off this street. Trustees Brust and 1 977 Neuman stated it was their understanding that some control on matters such as zoning, would be taken from the Village if Deerfield Road is designated as part of the Federal Aid Urban System. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the matter be tabled until definite inforamtion on the Federal Aid Urban System program is received. Motion carried unanimously. P.W. Dept. Report months January through April Trustee Neuman suggested the last year's work were given, in his next report. Public Works Director Ed Klasinski submitted a written report on departmental activities for the 1973, and gave an oral report on the work now in progress. report would be more informative if a comparison with and Mr. Klasinski stated he would include this inforamtion Mr. Klasinski stated he was having difficulty in keeping employees in the Sewer EboDepartment; after a training period of about two months, they leave shortly thereafter Oto take a job paying a higher salary than that paid by the Village. Discussion was "O had on the adequacy of pay scales for employees of the Sewer Department. Trustee ' ,jStiehr suggested the Public Works Director make recommendations to the manager on •° salaries needed to keep employees on the job. Trustee Neuman stated sufficient funds O had been budgeted for salaries to hire additional crews during the summer, with a H reduction in wage costs during the rest of the year to keep within the total salary 3 amount. He suggested that Mr. Klasinski submit monthly reports on man -days used on o straight time and to inform the Board of any manpower shortages. Mr. Klasinski ,,agreed to submit such reports. Trustee Kelm stated the Hewitt survey should be discussed w In connection with the sump pump running time meter program, Mr. Klasinski os tated that Baxter and Woodman would come in shortly with an outline of the program, °,and he will have a map showing where the meters should be installed. The meters are `'scheduled for production as soon as the transistors arrive. Trustee Neuman asked O for a report from Baxter and Woodman as soon as possible in order to proceed with the program. co a� U a, Mr. Klasinski stated he is keeping payroll records by project, the Finance Department not having sufficient staff to do this work. One drawback is that ho pay.. V is held back and he must turn in payroll information five days before the salary checks are given to employees. He would like one week's pay held back. Trustee IB rust stated the labor distitNt or}work could be done after salaries are paid, and ;,t his work should be done by the Finance Department, not Mr. Klaskinski. Trustee Neuman commented the payroll system could be improved. ,°;Postpone Appointments The President being absent, Trustee Brust moved, ,W seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that appointments to .tithe various Commissions and Boards be postponed to the next meeting. InMotion carried unanimously. °,°1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance � Sp. Use -815 Waukegan authorizing a Special Use, 815 Waukegan Road O(Wilson Bldg.) Tabled. (Wilson Building - Multi - Businessand Office Use). The manager reported that the Deerfield State 4JBank had striped the parking*4ret and sufficient parking spaces had been provided to pconform to ordinance requirements. The Village attorney stated the wank is undertaking oa restudy of its parking facilities as well as the parking in the northeast quadrant *of the Village's business district, and will discuss it with the Village at a later date.. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the ordinance be tabled. Motion carried unanimously. Box Report - Wilmot /Deerfield Mr. Willard Alroth of Paul Box Associates summarized Traffic Controls, Deerfield/ his written report dated June 1, 1973 on the Deer - Carlisle Pedestrian.Crossing field /Wilmot Road intersection traffic control needs and the Deerfield Road pedestrian crossing to Atkins Park. He concurred with the Safety Council's recommendation that two adult crossing guards be used at the Wilmot /Deerfield intersection during school hours and one guard during the summer for swimming and playground use. Only the north, south and east crosswalks should be used. Traffic lights should be installed at this inter- section with "Walk" signals and "push button" actuation. In addition, Deerfield Road should be widened on the north side east of Wilmot Road, and Wilmot Road widened on the east side north of Deerfield Road. Mr. Alroth recommended an adult guard at the Deerfield Road crossing to the swimming pool and playground at Atkins Park, and that the crosswalk be located east (78 cE Brierhill Road with "Crosswalk" and "Playground" signs. in advance of the crossing. When Carlisle Avenue is extended through to County Line Road traffic lights should be installed and the crosswalk moved to the west side of the Carlisle- Heather intersection. A lengthy discussion was had on pedestrian safety at the hazardous Deerfield /Wilmot intersection. Trustee Moses stated it was his opinion the 4 -way stop signs provided greater safety for children.'_ A period with all red signals was proposed to permit pedestrians to cross in all directions with no interference from traffic was proposed, with manual or cycle actuation. Mr. Alroth said this type of signal has been used where there is very heavy pedes- trian volume crossing in random directions, but these signals are now being phased out. He doubted the State would approve this type of installation. Trustee Kelm suggested that inquiry be made to the State whether some form of blinking or total red signals would be approved. High speed traffic on Deerfield Road from the west with little enforce- ment of the speed limit was mentioned as a particular hazard. A resident suggested the installation of a Stop sign at Castlewood Lane for eastbound traffic as an effective means to slow traffic approaching the Deerfield /Wilmot intersection. The Chief of Police stated the short distance between the west Village limits and the intersection gave little room for enforcement of the speed limits. Installation of 12 inch red lenses was suggested for greater safety. Refer Deerfield /Wilmot Report to S.C. intersection be referred back after studying the Box report. i mously. Trustee Brust stated he was not prepared to vote on the matter, and moved that the question of traffic controls at the DeerfieldjWilmot to the Safety Council for its recommendation Seconded by Trustee Moses, and carried unan- Approve Crossing Guard Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Afkins Parkfor Summer Brust, that the Board accept the recommendation of Mr. Box for a crossing guard at Atkins Park for the summer months with the crosswalk located as recommended. Adopted by the following vote, Trustee Brust's Pass vote being counted with the Majority: Ayes: Kelm, Moses, Neuman (3) Nays: Gavin, Stiehr (2) Pass: Brust (1) Chief of Police Whitton stated Park Superintendent Don Pilger has recommended that the crossing guard at Atkins Park be present from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. He pointed out that the crossing guard at Atkins Park and the gddtd at th& Wilmdtj.Deeifield intersection would each cost $1,200 and nothing had been said about funds. Trustee Moses stated it was his understanding that the Park District was willing to contribute one -half the cost, and asked the manager to contact the Park Board regarding a contribution. Mr. Alroth reported there was a section of missing sidewalk on the south side of Deerfield Road east of Earlisle Avenue, and this missing section should be installed. Discussion - Scavenger Discussion was had on the proposal from Van Proposal on Expanded Service Der Molen Disposal Company for expanded scavenger service. The manager stated the company would pick up all bagged leaves, up to four tied bundles of brush and small items, all from the curb, on regular service days throughout the year. Bulk items (furniture, washers, etc.) would be picked up twice each hear, in April and again in September or October. The chargefor this expanded service would be 75C per month for once a week service and 68c per month for twice a week service. In order to keep the added cost to the homeowner to a minimum, he proposed a reduction in the billing expense from 4 per cent to 1 per cent. This would establish a new rate of $6.26 for twice a week service and $4.47 for once a week service, in increase of 8.8 per cent and 16 per cent, respectively. Trustee Brust stated the entire contract should be renegotiated and simplified if'expanded service is to be provided and rates increased. Trustee Gavin suggested a once a month pickup of large items, as is done in Park Forest. Mr. Gene Kieft, manager of Van Der Molen Disposal, stated the present contract makes no provision for the pick up of brush, and all items must be placed in containers. Residents will receive much more satidfactory service if leaves and brush are picked up on all regular service days, and bulk items removed twice a year. Special pickups will be made at an additional charge. �I 179 Trustee Neuman stated that at the time the Budget had been discussed, the Board had decided the spring cleanup should be undertaken by Village employees this year, and bids be requested for next year's cleanup. The proposal submitted by Van Der Molen Company did not comply with what the Board had.requested - a bid on the annual spring cleanup. If additional services are to be provided, the contract must be renegotiated to establish new rates and the type of service to be furnished. Trustee Moses asked that a copy of the contract be sent to each Board member, and discussion of the matter be postponed until an opportunity to review the contract has been provided. Mr. James Clavey, Westgate Road, stated he would prefer that rates remain unchanged; those people wanting additional services should pay for it, and not increase r ates for all. President pro tem Kelm stated some members had indicated they would like to review the scavenger ordinance and contract, and asked the manager to send copies to each member. If there are any suggestions on the contract or service, they should be submitted to the manager so they can be summarized for the next distribution. 1st Presentation -Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Payment to Park District approving payment of $56,306 to the Deetfield Park District for the dedication of certain real estate. for street right -of -way. The Ordinance was prepared by the Village attorney and has been approved by the Park Board. Trustee Brust stated he was opposed to any payment to the Park District until an agreement has been negotiated. He wants to see the layout of the street and parking area, a schedule for completion, and a determination on what is to be paid by the Village. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that this presentation stand as a first reading. Adopted by the following-vote: ' Ayes: Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (4) N ays: Brust, Gavin (2) Ratify CCPA Agreement The Village negotiating Committee recommended ratification of the Agreement with the Combined Counties Police Association, the said contract to be retroactive to May 1, 1973, 75 per cent of the cost of family health and hospitalization insurance to be paid by the Village , and in the second year of the Contract, wages to be re- negotiated if the cost of liming has increased by more than five per cent. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the agreement as amended, be ratified. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Stiehr (5) Nays: None (0) Pass: Neuman (1) Appoint Police Hatrons The Chief of Police requested the appointment of Linda Leopard, Sherry Wood, Patricia Jackson, Pamela Whitmore as Police Matrons. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that these appoint- ments be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Accept Bid - Bolander The manager reported three bids had been received $160697 - Waukegan Widening for the. widening of Waukegan Road, MET Section Sec. 32 CS 32 CS. The engineer's estimate of cost was $136,849 in 1971; the lowest bid, submitted by Eric Bolander Construction Company was $160,697. The Village engineer recommended the project not be re -bid and the low bid be accepted. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the low bid of $160,697 submitted by Eric Bolander Construction Lompany be accepted. Adopted by the following v ote: Ayes: Brust, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Moses and seconded by Trustee the meeting was adjourned at 11:1 .m. ATTEST: APPROVED:,, o,-- w� -y.-� ��- President Village Clerk