04/23/1973156 April 23, 1973 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, April 23, 1973 at 8:10 p.m. The clerk called the roll.and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest George Kelm Werner E. Neuman Stephen M. Slavin Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: Albert E. Brust M. Jay Turner, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Approve Waukegan /Lake -Cook The recommendations of Mr. Paul Box, traffic Intersection Improvements & consultant, dated April 12, 1973, for temporary Waukegan Rd. Widening pavement and signal improvements at the Waukegan/ Lake -Cook intersection were reviewed, the Village's share of the cost being $12,000. The plans for widening Waukegan Road from a point 1000 ft. south of the intersection to the Edens Spur were also re- viewed inasmuch as the State will require that this work be done if the State is to pay part of the cost for temporary improvements at the intersection. Mr. Box stated the cost for both projects, including traffic signals at Chestnut /Waukegan, will be $187,000, of which $52,000 will be paid by the State in accordance with the agreement dated May 15, 1972, plus installation cost of the temporary type traffic signals at the intersection. Discussion was had on the widening of Waukegan Road and traffic signals at Waukegan /Chestnut, which is the second Deerbrook driveway from the north. Mr. Box stated the Board could prohibit left turns from...the�Oinorth-�driveway. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Board authorize proceeding with the work outlined in Mr. Box's letter of April 12, 1973 at costs indicated therein. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the motion be amended to provide that if the State does not agree to pay part of the.cost of temporary signalization improvements at the Waukegan /Lake --Cook intersection, the project be held in abeyance. Adopted by the following vote; Ayes: Kelm, Slavin, Stiehr (3) Nays: Neuman (1) The motion as amended carried•wi.th-'the- following vote recorded: Ayes: Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) Approve Expenditure for A report from the Chief of Police listed Youth Worker Office in •basic requirements for an office for the Old Library Bldg. Youth Worker, and recommended the Park Dis- �" "J• ' - J 'k tr-ict Recreation Center, now under construc- tion as the most desirable location. The next best location would be an office in the old library building, but remodeling would be required to afford the pri- va-cy which is essential. The manager reported there had been discussions with Park Superintendent Don Pilger regarding office space for the Youth Worker in the Park District building. Mr. Pilger had stated there would be adequate spece for the office but Park Board approval would be required. The Village would have to put in partitions for the private office. President Forrest stated he had talked to Park Board President Peter Trenchard who was generally in favor of the concept. Trustee Neuman stated it would be some time before the Park District building is completed -, "and an adequate office for the Youth Worker must be provided now. The High School was suggested as an alternative location. The Youth Worker, Tom Creighton, stated the High School would not be open evenings and its location would present transportation problems. He stated he would prefer an office in the library building if a separate entrance can be provided. i 1 I .57 After discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of an office in the old library building, Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Board authorize the expenditure from surplus funds for the remodeling of the building to provide an office for the Youth Worker, with a separate entrance. Adopted by the f ollowing vote: Ayes: Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) Public Hearing on Budget Pursuant to notice thereof, as required by law, a public hearing was held on the Budget for the year May 1, 1973 to April 30, 1974, inclusive. The manager stated final figures on police salaries are still being negotiated, and changes in the budget for the Police Department have been made due to denial of grant applications for a Community Relations officer by the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission. Sgt. Larry Tousignant objected to the compensation program for sergeants as developed by Hewitt Associates. He stated clarification was needed, and provided a list of salaries paid to sergeants in nearby communities. He felt the program did n6t,.provide adequate incentive or opportunity for salary increases, Trustee Neuman stated a professional job had been done by Hewitt Associates, and the salary program had been designed to be flexible and fair, with review procedures provided. He stated there may be some inequities which can be adjusted, although Hewitt had established job levels in relation to each other with salaries for each job comparable to those paid in other communities and industries in the area. Other items discussed included the occupancy charge and amount budgeted for Civil Defense. The manager stated that the Fire Department may be willing to pay part of the cost of the emergency signal. Trustee Neuman stated it was too late to re- number and reorganize pages as suggested by Trustee Kelm for clarification. but asked that all totals be checked for accuracy. Discussion was had on a salary ordinance. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Village attorney prepare the ordinance required to implement the salary ranges as set forth in the Hewitt report, and any other additional documenta- t ion required. Motion carried unanimously. The estimated deficit of $41,000 in the Sewer Fund was discussed. President Forrest stated it would be necessary to either increase sewer rates or make up the deficit from General Fund surplus, as was done last year. Trustee Slavin stated sewer rates should be discussed but there should be a policy determination. Trustee Slavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Board adopt a policy- 9f..mak ng; the Sewer Department self- supporting. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Neuman, Slavin, Forrest (3) N ays: Kelm, .Stiehr (2)" Trustee Neuman suggested a date be set for discussion of sewer rates and the renovation of sanitary sewers. The hearing on the budget was closed at 10:35 p.m. Canvasd Election The clerk announced that the judges of-election in each precinct had duly delivered the returns, ballots and tally sheets in connection with the election for village officials held on April 17, 1973. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the returns of the election be canvassed. Motion carried unanimously. The returns were duly reviewed and canvassed and showed the following votes were cast in favor of the following persons for the offices and terms indicated: Precinct No. For Village President" Bernard Forrest Albert Roy Kissling W. Neuman Albert Brust L ucille Loarie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 102 146 98 163 225 243 106 164 1247 82 57 88 67 152 57 90 205 798 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 158 Precinct No. For Village Clerk Catherine B. Price For Village Trustee Norma Gavin Walter H. Moses. Jr. Daniel H. Stiehr M. Jay Turner,Jr. George Schliecher Alan Root William Sanke J ames DePetro James Roach John Suter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 156 181 146 201 308 257 167 316 1732 136 144 124 162 264 207 139 273 1449 133 141 121 152 245 223 132 204 1351 134 106 123 181 276 255 135 265 1514 94 106 93 123 196 135 98 216 1061 1 '74 118 758 Bruce L. Felknor 48 50 44 1 71 68 40 113 481 Sandra Schlachtmeyer 1 48 1 28 45 1 26 55 4 Jean A. Kelm 105 5 79 131 212 168 1 181 1104 Rachel M. Birchard 1 19 43 27 40 32 1 53 250 1 17 18 17 15 34 1 25 31 1 Total Votes Cast - 2141 Total Defective -, Ballots - 40 For Library Director Full Six -Year Terms Lois Lindquist 66 50 65 77 130 109 76 119 692 Barbara Niesen 56 59 65 114 153 119 '74 118 758 Bruce L. Felknor 48 50 44 47 71 68 40 113 481 Sandra Schlachtmeyer 23 48 25 28 45 28 26 55 278 Jean A. Kelm 105 132 79 131 212 168 96 181 1104 Rachel M. Birchard 17 19 43 27 40 32 19 53 250 Esther D. Neukranz 17 18 17 15 34 22 25 31 179 Donald McCurry 1 1 Rosemary Sazanoff 1 1 R onald P. Paja 1 1 Irene J. Pala 1 1 Alan Root 1 1 For Library Director To Serve Until April 15, 1975 Donald McCurrey 84 105 103 127 236 164 108 212 1139 Harold H. Heisler 79 63 69 76 135 103 58 115 698 Sherman Beverly, Jr. 97 78 63 86 109 85 67 145 730 Fred A. Gahl, Jr. 62 91 71 108 148 122 84 152 838 Carol Reilly 1 1 A lice Zareck 1 1 Alan S. Paj a 1 1 R onald Paj a 1 1 G ail Marovitz 1 1 A lan Root 1 1 Total Votes Cast - 2141 Total Defective Ballots" -,'7.5 Ordinance Canvassing Election The ordinance was presented canvassing the (0- 73 -26) results of the regular election held April 17, 1973 and declaring the following persons elected to the offices and for the terms set opposite their names: Village President ................. Village Clerk .................... Three Village Trustees ............ Two Library Directors for full Six -Year Terms ......... Two Library Directors to serve until April 15, 1975 .................. Bernard Forrest Catherine B. Price Daniel H. Stiehr Norma Gavin Walter H. Moses, Jr. Jean A. Kelm Barbara Niesen Donald McCurry Fred A. Gahl, Jr. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the rules be waived to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. 1 159 a Trustee Slavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the ordinance be passed as presented. ADopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Neuman, Slavin,'Stiehr (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin and seconded by Trustee Neuman, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. i APPROVED: Presiden ATTEST: Village Clerk