January 15, 1973
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village
Hall on Monday, January 15, 1973 at 8:15 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Albert E. Brust
George Kelm
Werner E. Neuman
Stephen M. Slavin
Daniel H. Stiehr
M. Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meetings. Also present were
Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the minutes of the regular
meeting held January 2, 1973 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
ARprove Warrant No. W -73 -1 Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr,
that Warrant No. W -73 -1 - Payment of bills,
including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (6)
N ays: None (0)
Discussion - Drainage Districts Discussion was had with Commissioners of Union
Drainage District No. 1 (west ditch) and the
West Skokie Drainage District (east ditch), regarding maintenanance of the ditches,
the .. %possibility of the Village advancing funds, and the appointment of Commissioners
for the defunct Union Drainage District (east drainage ditch, south of Deerfield Road).
Mr. Richard Buxbaum, Commissioner of Union Drainage District No. 1, stated the
engineer for the District, James Anderson Company of Lake Forest, is preparing speci-
fications for maintenance work to restore the ditch to approximately its 1957 condition
when a major maintenance project was completed. The estimated cost of this'.Work is
$25,000. A petition will be filed with the Circuit Court for this assessment and an
annual maintenance assessment of $3,000. The estimated cost to property owners will be
$5 per lot and $7 per acre. It the assessments are approved by the Court, bills will
be sent early in the summer, but payments will not be received until fall. If the
Village will advance funds for this work, a start can be made several months earlier
than would otherwise be possible. Details of the work and costs will be submitted to
the Village when the assessment is approved by the Court, and an agreement for re-
imbursement of funds advanced can be worked out at that time. There is approximately
six miles of drainage ditch within the district. The proposed maintenance work -
clearing of brush and trees, removal of debris and some silting, will increase the
stream capacity by 15 to 20 per cent, the engineer estimates. Mr. Buxbaum stated it
was the.opinion of the District's attorney and engineer that the assessment would
be approved by the Court. It was suggested the Village's support of the assessment
might be helpful in getting Court approval.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney be
authorized to appear in support of the petition for the assessment at the Court
hearing on the matter. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Stiehr, Turner (5)
N ays: Slavin (1)
Trustee Slavin stated it was his opinion that submitting a resolution in support
of the assessment would be just as effective as having the attorney appear. Trustee
Kelm suggested a resolution be prepared for adoptio n'at the next meeting. The
Village attorney stated he would check with the attorney for the Drainage District
for his recommendation on what action the Village should take, and will report at the
next meeting.
Commissioner Roy Stallman of the West Skokie Drainage District stated the
Commission had scheduled a meeting with the District's attorney and engineer to discuss
plans for a maintenance assessment similar to that proposed by the Union Drainage
District No. 1 The West Skokie District extends from Rondout to Deerfield Road.
County Board member Millicent Berliant stated the question of appoint-
ment of the Commissioners of the West Skokie Drainage District as Commissioners
of the defunct Union Drainage District had been referred to the State's Attorney.
She said the County is getting involved in legislation to consolidate and
eliminate drainage districts. County Board member Mariellen Sabato was also
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for con -
sideration, with additions and deletions
proposed by Trustees Brust, Slavin and Neuman.
Ordinance amending Sections 13.705 and 13.710 of the Municipal Code
(Prohibited Pictures and Penalty). (0 -73 -3)
Annual Resolution for State Highway Work Permit. (R -73 -1)
Release of escrow for Gordon Terrace and Laurel Hill Unit #5 under-
ground improvements.
Report of Village attorney re: Terms of lease with Park District for
Annex. (Adult supervision for Youth Center not required.)
of Plan Commission
Recommendation /for approval of Chesterfield 11 lot Planned Unit Devel-
opment with cul -de -sac width variation; authorize preparation of ordinance.
Recommendation,of.Board of Zoning Appeals for approval of lot size
variation for Chesterfield Planned Unit Development; authorize ordinance.
Recommendation of Plan Commission on amendment to Deerbrook Annexation
Agreement re: bowling alley location.
Recommendation of the Environmental Commission re: Noise ordinance.
Recommendation of Human Relations Commission re: Amendment to Ordinance
No. 0- 64 -21, creating Human Relations Commission; authorize ordinance.
Recommendation of Safety Council to post School Speed Zone Signs on
Warrington Road and Walden Place.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the rules be waived to
permit action on the above ordinance at tis first presentation. Motion carried
Trustee Slavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Consent
Agenda be approved, include passage of the Ordinance. Adopted by the following
v ote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (6)
N ays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Receipt was acknowledged of a letter from the Village treasurer, who stated
that if the pre-list of bills is to be distributed to Board members one week
earlier than at present, an additional employee will be required.
Table Restaurant Sign Variation With reference to an ordinance granting a
Ordinance to 2nd Meeting in Feb. variation to permit the erection of a pro-
jecting sign for the restaurant at 708
Waukegan Road, Trustee Neuman stated the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals
had met to discuss a proposed sign ordinance. The Village attorney was directed
to re -draft the proposed ordinance incorporating therein the suggestions made at
the meeting. If the variation ordinance is passed at this time, the petitioner
will have expended funds without knowing whether the sign will become non - conforming
under a new sign ordinance and must be phased out within a given period.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the ordinance granting
the variation be tabled until a statement is received from the Plan Commission
o n whether the projecting sign will become non - conforming under the new sign ordin-
ance; said statemant to be submitted by the Plan Commission before the Board's
s econd meeting in February. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brunt, Neuman, Stiehr, Forrest (4)
Nays: Kelm, Slavin, Turner (3)
Approve S.T.P. Design Discussion was had on the design basis of 34,000
for 30,000 Population population for sewage treatment plant additions
and improvements. Dr. Sundin stated this was the
figure used in the 1971 Baxter & Woodman report on the sewer systems, which was based
on a potential population of 26,000 within the present corporate limits, plus an
additional 8,000 to allow for the possible development of Briarwood Country Club,
annexation and development of the brickyards (6,000), and service to a small portion
o f Bannockburn.
Trustee Brust said the Comprehensive Plan explicitly stated the projected popu-
lation of the Village at saturation was 25,000, and he saw no reason why the sewage
treatment plant should not be designed on that basis, with a "cushion" of 3,000, as
recommended by the engineer. Dr. Sundin stated the difference in total plant cost
between a population of 34,000 and 28,000 would be approximately $150,000. Several
members stated their concern that a plant designed for a larger population could bring
about pressure from developers for a more intensive land use.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the engineer be directed
to design the sewage treatment plant additions and improvements based on a population
of *25,000, as--stated in the Comprehensive Plan, plus a :'cushion" of an additional
3,000, the equivalent of a total population of 28,000.
After further discussion of the design
Trustee Slavin, that the motion be amended to
lation, *27,000 plus a "cushion "of 3,000. Ado
Ayes: Kelm, Slavin, Stiehr, Forrest (4)
Nays: Brust, Neuman, Turner (3)
capacity, Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by
provide a plant design for 30,000 popu-
3ted by the following vote:
* Correction 2/5/73 - Population 25,000
+ 3,000 population equivalent for Sara
Lee + 2,000 population equival. "cushion"
The motion as amended was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr (4)
N ays: Brust, Turner (2)
S.T.P. Grant Application Discussion was had on the application for Federal
Refer Env. Statement to and State grants for sewage treatment plant
Env. Com. improvements. Dr. Sundin reported present Federal
grants are for 75 per cent of the cost, and State
grants 25 per cent.. There will be a change in these percentages, but no firm guide-
lines have been established. Allowance may be made for some types of improvements
to the sanitary sewer system. The population figure in the application will be
changed from 34,000 to 30,000, but no change will be made in the cost.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Environmental Assess-
ment part of the Grant Application be referred to Deerfield's Environmental Commission
for comments, without delaying the Grant Application.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman will prepare the referral letter.
Resolution - Authorize Execution Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
Grant Application, etc. that a Resolution be adopted designating and
(R "' -73 -2) authorizing Village President Bernard Forrest to
execute all documents relating to the application,
acceptance and administration of State and Federal grants, agreement to enact an
industrial waste cost recovery system, and authorization for the preparation of a
project operating manual and the necessary training and instruction for operating per-
sonnel. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (6)
Nays: None (0)
Project Completion Dr. Sundin reported briefly on the percentages
Joint Sara Lee Sludge Disposal of completion of plans for the several sewerage
projects. He is awaiting instructions from the
Board on some phases of the sewer work. The grant application was approved at this
The manager's report on a meeting with representatives of Sara Lee regarding
joint Village -Sara Lee sludge digestion was discussed briefly. Trustee Stiehr proposed
a workshop meeting with Sara Lee on January 22nd.
Approve Eng.'s:Recommendation A letter from Baxter & Woodman recommended
Re: We -Go Storm Sewer Const. that the Board consider authorizing DiPietro
Plumbing Corporation to install the 27 inch
storm sewer from the Toll Road culverts at the same time the company is install-
ing the line on United Conveyor property. If the We -Go extension is installed
later as a separate project, it is likely the cost will be greater because of
additional move -in and move -out costs. The recommendation is contingent on agree-
ment of DiPietro Plumbing to perform the additional work at the quoted prices.
Easements and plans should be taken care of before the work is started. Presi-
dent Forrest stated it is hoped that funds will be obtained from the referendum.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Board approve
p roceeditig -iri- accordance with the recommendation of the engineer after getting
a credit adjustment. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (6)
N ays: None (0)
Trustee Stiehr suggested that the manager contact the Toll Road Commission
to ask if they would restrict the flow through the culverts in order to slow
down flood waters into the We -Go Park area. He stated it appeared that the drain-
age from the Hattis Building parking lot had been changed from its natural flow,
and asked that this be checked.
Bldg. Commissioner Report Building Commissioner Charles Smalley sub -
witted a written report on Building Department
operations. Mr.. Smalley reported that he hoped the part -time draftsman, working
30 hours per week, would be caught up on major items to be added to the Plat Book
within the year. Trustee Brust stated this was excellent part -time work for a
person going through school, and suggested the upcoming Budget provide for at
least two part -time draftsmen. Mr. Smalley stated the present part -time man
would be available for full -time work for some time and suggested this idea be
Discussion was had on inspections and Mr. Smalley stated that during the
building season the department is hard pressed to keep up on inspections. If
the building inspector is not available for a scheduled inspection, he goes -out
in order that there be no undue delay for the builder. Inspection of air con-
ditioner installations, swimming pools and similar minor items are often delayed
until the off - season, although location is always inspected quickly for conform-
ance with zoning requirements. Sewer and plumbing inspections are made by a part -
time qualified inspector and State of Illin ois and Village Codes are strictly
Mr. Smalley keeps a list of contractors and rejections, and more frequent
.inspections are made where the contractor is known to be a poor performer. Trustee
Neuman asked Mr. Smalley to keep a record of the number of times a requested
inspection is delayed because manpower is not available. This information will
be helpful to the Board in determining whether an additional inspector should be
President Forrest asked Mr. Smalley to check the Village Plumbing Code
and report as soon as possible on plumbing Code regarding entrance of storm water
into sanitary sewers. He also asked him- to check whether screening of industrial
property adjacent to Elm Street can be rquired under the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Smalley was commended for an excellent report.
The meeting was recessed at 10:10 p.m. and reconvened at 10:28 p.m.,
all members present.
Re: Traffic Lights Public Works Director Ed Klasinski reported
that the sensing unit for the traffic lights
at Kenton- Kipling- Deerfield Roads had been disturbed by vibration from traffic,
has now been packed in foam rubber and should now function properly. All other
signals have been checked and repairs made where necessary. Trustee Kelm stated
these traffic activated devices are expensive, and if they cannot be made to
operate properly a complaint should be made to the manufacturer. President
Forrest asked the Public Works Department and Police Department to report all mal-
functions of traffic signals. Mr. Klasinski stated he planned to sent a man to
take the course given by the Eagle Company, manufacturer of traffic control equip-
ment, in order that necessary repairs may be made by a Village employee, rather
than calling a contractor.
S.C. Recommendation- A report from the Safety Council recommended
Kenton - Deerfield that southbound left turns from Kenton Road on
Authorize Ordinance to Deerfield Road be prohibited because of traffic
problems created by the offset Kipling intersection.
The Council also recommended the use of a 12 inch lens on the stop lights.
Mr. Paul Box's recommendations for this intersection were discussed briefly.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the manager be directed to
get cost estimates on moving controls to Kenton, an additional light, and the costs
of 12 inch lenses.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that an ordinance be prepared
prohibiting south bound left turns from Kenton Road, in accordance with the recommenda-
tion of the Safety Council.
Motion carried unanimously.
Re: Flood Control Committee In connection with the Sewer Bond referendum on
& Bond Referendum February 24, 1973, Mr. William Healy, Chairman of
The Citizens Flood Control Committee, suggested
that all organizations be contacted, requesting that an opportunity be given for
the President or member of the Board to appear before them to explain and answer
questions on the referendum. Other suggestions were: a newspaper campaign to
inform the public; letters sent to people affected by flooding; and quadrant meetings
explaining the referendum.
Trustee Brust suggested the Citizens' Committeee should participate, as well
as the President and Board of Trustees ; they ccould be very effective in promoting
passage of the bond issue. The cost of mailing brochures to every resident was
discussed, and the manager was directed to get this information.. Trustee Neuman
suggested if the cost of mailing appeared to be too high, some organzation such as
the Girl Scouts could distribute the- brochures. This matter will be kept on the
agenda for progress reports.
Approve Salary Administration Trustee Neuman reported the Finance Committee had
Program by"Hewitt Associates prepared a list of 10 objectives for a salary
$10,000 - Finance Com. Liaison administration program for Village employees,
and had submitted this list to three firm for
proposals. After reviewing the proposals, the Finance Committee unanimously
recommends that Hewitt Associates'proposal be accepted. The maximum cost is $10,000
and will be completed by March 31, 1973.
Mr. Tom Wood and Robert Istnick of Hewitt Associates were present to answer
questions about the program. Discussion was had on the need for this type of program.
Trustee Turner stated his company had the same debate when a salary administration
program was considered, but.even those who had opposed it conceded it was an excellent
after it was implemented.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the Board accept the
proposal submitted by Hewitt Associates at a cost not to exceed $10,000, with a
March 31, 1973 completion date. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Turner (4)
Nays: Slavin, Stiehr (2)
Report- Accounting Procedures Trustee Brust reported the Finance Committee
had met in a preliminary all -day session to
review the financial reporting system. A proposed chart of accounts will be completed
.within the week so that figures can be accumulated for the new budget. The final
system should be completed within the first week of February, and hoped a workshop
meeting could be held as soon as possible thereafter.
Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin,
that the Finance Committee
be designated as official liaison with Hewitt Assocaites
for the project.
Motion carried
Neuman stated the President and Board will
be provided full information
as work on the
program progresses. The Finance Committee
will recommend transfer
of funds to cover the cost'of.the program, and report at
the next meeting.
Report- Accounting Procedures Trustee Brust reported the Finance Committee
had met in a preliminary all -day session to
review the financial reporting system. A proposed chart of accounts will be completed
.within the week so that figures can be accumulated for the new budget. The final
system should be completed within the first week of February, and hoped a workshop
meeting could be held as soon as possible thereafter.
Request Proposals for Trustee Slavin left the meeting at 11 :30 p.m.
Annual Audit, because of possible conflict of interests
in the discussion of auditors.
Trustee Turner stated he felt it was good practice to change auditors
from time to time, and recommended that proposals be solicited from four or
five Certified Public Accountant firms. Discussion was had on the advantages
and disadvant i ages of changing auditors.
Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that proposals be
o btained from CPA firms for the annual audit.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Slavin re- entered the meeting at 11:35 and was present thereafter.
Reports-- Communications President Forrest stated that, as a result
of the meeting of the Finance Committee, the
Board should discuss what bank or banks shall be used for Village funds, there
now being too many accounts.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that Plan Commission
reports be tabled until the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Environmental
M Commission's report on Dutch Elm disease control be tabled until the next meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
oo A letter from Mr. Howard Kane transmitted a.check for*$25.00 he received
W ui for attending meetings of the North Suburban Mass Transit District asDeerfield's
u � representative. Subsequent checks he receives will also be endorsed to the
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the check be
accepted with the thanks of the Board. Motion carried unanimously.
President Forrest reported he had attended a meeting on CATV, and it had
been suggested that bids on a CATV franchise be solicited. Trustee Neuman
stated he understood this matter had been tabled pending a legal decision,
and asked for a legal opinion from the Village attorney to report at the next
$50.00 Fee Special Use The Village attorney reported the $50.00
Petitions fee had been inadvertently omitted from the
Plan Commission's recommendation on the
amendment of procedures on Special Use petitions, and the Commission had asked
that the fee be put back in.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Board adopt
as an administrative procedure that all petitions for a Special Use be accompanied
by a fee of $50.00
Motion carried unanimously.
Implement Youth Jury Plan Trustee Neuman stated he was very much in
favor of a Youth Jury program such as has
proved successful in Hinsdale and other communities. Both the Chief of Police
and.the Youth Worker are in favor of the program.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Village
attorney be instructed to prepare whatever ordinances are necessary to imple-
m ent the program.
Motion carried unanimously.
Reports - Communications Trustee Neuman stated the reports from the
Chief of Police had been very helpful, and
Mr. Smalley's report at this meeting had been very informative. He suggested
that all Department heads be asked to prepare monthly summaries of activities,
including future plans, which should prove most helpful to the Board.
A meeting on parking in the Northeast quadrant will be held on January
29, 1973.
Trustee Brust stated the response from the Milwaukee Road regarding conditions
at the station was inadequate, and he felt some pressure should be applied. The
manager stated the railroad had written that they would arrange for chuck holes to
be filled, and will plow snow. Trustee Brust stated lights at the station were
burned out and had not been replaced. The manager will asked for replacement of
burnt out light bulbs.
Receipt was acknowledged of a letter regarding the Fire District and Federal
A memorandum was received from Intern Ken Hughes regarding a reporting system
he has prepared to keep track of every project undertaken by the Village. Trustee
Brust suggested this informationr,might be fed into the new accounting systev.
Trustee Slavin asked for a report from the dog catcher on enforcement of
the Village ordinance pertaining to dogs running at large. Trustee Neuman pointed
the Village has a part -time dog catcher who goes out when he gets a call. President
Forrest suggested the Board may want to increase the amount budgeted for this
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin and seconded
by Trustee Brust, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 p.m.
Village Clerk