12/18/1972 (2)10
December 18, 1972
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village
Hall on Monday, December 18, 1972 at 8:35 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Albert E. Brust
Werner E. Neuman
Stephen M. Slavin
Daniel H. Stiehr
M. Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: Goerge Kelm
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Mr. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Mrs. Marjorie Emery, representing the
V illage manager.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the minutes of the
regular meeting held December 4, 1972 be approved as submitted. Motion carried
u nanimously.
Approve Warrant No. W -72 -12 Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
that Warrant No. W -72 -12 - Payment of bills,
including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Brust asked that the list of bills be distributed to members more
than two days prior to the meeting at which they are to be approved.
Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration,
and items were added at the request of Trustees
N euman and Slavin.
Ordinance amending Section 20.312 of the Municipal Code; Strike left turn
prohibition from Municipal Parking Lot onto Rosemary Terrace. (0- 72 -65)
Report and recommendation of Village attorney on Flood Plain fill on former
Dewey property on County Line Road.
Board of Zoning Appeals recommendation on rear yard variation at 2 Mulberry
East; approved and preparation of ordinance authorized.
Safety Council recommendation for traffic study at Deerfield -- Wilmot intersection;
Plan Commission recommendation on terminating retainer agreement with Carl
Gardner & Associates; approved.
Award of bid for Video.Tape system for Police Department to Columbia Video
Systems, Highland Park - $3,421.25 for Panasonic equipment.
Resolution authorizing Village to enter into joint purchasing agreement ;with
State of Illinois. (R- 72 -23)
Appointment of Home Rule Study Committee:
Trustee Albert E. Brust
Trustee George Kelm
Joseph Koss
Roger Mandel
Mrs. Norma Gavin
Walter Shields, Jr.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the rules be waived to permit
action on the ordinance at its first presentation..
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the Consent
Agenda be approved, including passage of the Ordinance. Adopted by the
f ollowing vote:
Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Discussion - Resolutions of A resolution was received from the Citizens'
Citizens'Flood Control and Flood Control and Prevention Advisory Com-
Prevention Advisory Committee mittee, recommending that the present ordin
nance relating to building on a flood plain
be amended to prohibit buildi%g in the "flood- way ", in accordance with a map
now being prepared by the Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agri-
The pros and cons of the recommended amendment were discussed. The
Village attorney suggested the matter be referred to him to determine whether
a prohibition on building in a flood -way or a requirement of notice to a pro-
spective owner would be the better course of action to be taken by the Board.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Soil Conserva-
tion Service be requested to furnish an appropriate map showing flood -ways.
Motion carried unanimously.
A second resolution from the Committee requested the President and Village
Board to suggest to the Lake County Board that the present Commissioners of the
West Skokie Drainage District be appointed Commissioners of the Union Drainage
District, now defunct, and that a study be made as to the feasibility of com-
bining both districts.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the County Board
be requested to make these appointments as recommended by the Committee.
Motion carried unanimously.
Another resolution from the Committee recommended that the President
contact all Lake County municipalities, advising then of the Committee's
studies of flooding problems, water retention basins, and implementation pro-
grams, and to urge that each municipality form a Citizens' Advisory Committee
similar to Deerfield's.
Two resolution from the Citizens' Flood Control and Prevention Advisory
Committee requested the President and Board of Trustees to study the possibility
of advancing funds to the West Skokie Drainage District and Union Drainage
District X61, West Fork, North Branch, Chicago River, in anticipation of future
assessments in order to facilitate prompt action by these Districts in cleaning
up their waterways, and to request similar participation by other municipalities
included in these Districts' jurisdictions.
The Village attorney stated he did not think the Village could /advance
funds to the Drainage Districts, but will check and report to the Board. He
will also investigate the legal aspects of combining the two east drainage
d itch districts.
P.C. Report- Proposed A report from the Plan Commission recommended
Sign Ordinance that the proposed Sign Ordinance not be passed..
The Commissinn suggested that in the event a
new Sign Ordinance is to be rpepared; the Village attorney consult with the Plan
Commission prior to drafting, in order that members suggestions may be passed
on to him.
Plan:.Commission Chairman Cynthia Marty statedNno one had attended the
public hearing on the proposed ordinance, the Commission had received no guid-
ance, and only after the public hearing was the Board of Zoning Appeals'
recommendation seen by members of the Commission.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Board accept
the Plan Commission's recommendation, and the Plan Commission be directed to
meet with the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Village attorney to try to come
up with a mutually acceptable ordinance.
Trustee Neuman stated that so much time had been spent on the proposed
sign ordinance that he would prefer that the matter be kept open until there has
been discussion with the Village attorney. Mrs. Marty stated the Plan Commission
had spent approximately eight hours on the ordinance, and while only the first section
had been reviewed, there was unanimous agreement by the Commissian that the ordinance
was not acceptable. Trustee Neuman suggested the Plan Commission ask for help or
guidance in the future under similar circumstances.
Trustee Neuman then moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the proposed Sign
Ordinance be tabled until the Plan Commission has met with the attorney and Board
of Zoning Appeals for discussion of the ordinance. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: Stiehr (1)
BZA Report -Sign A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recom-
7082 Waukegan Tabled mended that a variation be granted to permit the
erection and maintenance of a double faced
illuminated sign projecting six feet from the wall of the building at 7082 Waukegan
Road, as requested by Mr. Demetre 9arantopoulos, subject to the petitioner ohtaining
a letter of authorization for the sign from the owner of the property.
By reason of a question as to whether the sign would project over the public
sidewalk, Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the matter be tabled
until a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals is present.
Motion carried unanimously.
Adopt Program -Sewer & STP Discussion was had on the revised program of storm
Improvements and sanitary sewer improvements, flood control
land acquisition, treatment plant expansion, and
related matters,. and whether a bond referendum should be held prior to approval of
Federal and State grants for which applications have been filed. Several members
stated it was their opinion the referendum would have no effect on approval of
grants, and felt the Board should proceed with the special election.
Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the program as submitted
be adopted as the official plan for improvement and expansion of the sewer system
and sewage treatment plant.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance - Special Election
Feb. 24, 1973 -Sewer Improvement
& Sewage Treatment Facilities
Bonds - $1080,000 & $3300000
(0- 72 -66)
Discussion was had on a date for a special election
and decision was made that February 24, 1973
was an appropriate date and would afford ample
time to acquaint the voters with the program.
A map and brochure will be prepared to explain
the work to be accomplished.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the ordinance be passed
providing for the submission to the voters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook
Counties, Illinois, of the questions of issuing $1,080,000 Sewer Improvement Bonds
and $3,300,000 Sewage Treatment Facilities Bonds at a special election to be held in
and for said Village on the 24th day of February, 1973; and the same judges of
election be appointed who have served in previous Village elections. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Publish Sample
Ballots in
Trustee Brust moved,
seconded by Trustee Turner,
Deerfield Life
& Review
that Sample Ballots
for the special election on
February 24, 1973 be
published in both the
Deerfield Life,
the Village's
official publication, and
in the Deerfield Review.
Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
Authorize Ordinance- Vacation Discussion was had on an ordinance vacating
of Portion of Berkley Ct.. Berkley Court from the east side of Wilmot Road
extending east 450 feet to Park District property.
Trustee Neuman suggested the matter be tabled until the abutting property owners
indicate whether the appraised price of $5600 for the north 28 feet and $5600 for
the south 28 feet is acceptable.
Trustee Kelm entered the meeting at 9:40 p.m. and was present thereafter.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by.Trustee Stiehr, that the Village
attorney prepare an ordinance vacating Berkley Court extending east from
Wilmot Road, retaining a 10 ft. easement for a public walkway to the park,
the Village to be compensated at the appraised price of $5600 by each of the
abutting property owners. Adopted by the following vote, the "Pass" votes
being counted with the Majority:
Ayes: Brust, Stiehr, Forrest (3)
Nays: 81avain, Turner (2)
Pass Kelm, Neuman (2)
Re: Park Ave. Relocation Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee
& Pa�lcing Plan Turner, that consideration of plans for the
relocation of Park Avenue and parking facilities
be tabled until there has been further discussions with the Board of Park
Commissioners. The motion failed by the following vote:
Ayes: Neuman, Turner (2)
Nays: Brust, Kelm, Slavin, Stiehr (4)
Decision was made to ask.the Park Commissioners to attend thisi_ meeting
to discuss the matter.
Approve Final Plat Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm,
Scheer Resubdivision that the final plat of the Scheer Resub-
division be approved and execution thereof
authorized. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Stiehr, Turner (5)
Nays: Slavin (1)
Appoint Finance Committee President Forrest appointed Trustees Brust,
M Neuman and Turner to the Finance Committee to
(1) develop a pay classification plan, getting bids, etc.; (2) develop a cost
accounting system with Mr. A. A. Pristave, as heretofore authorized by the
Board, and (3) revise the Budget in order that it be more understandable.
Appoint Wm. Phillips to President Forrest proposed the appointment
Plan Commission *Human Relations of Mr. William Phillips, 333 Willow Street,
o to the plaa Commission for the term expiring
in April, 1973. * Human Relations
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that Mr. Phillips'
appointment be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
Reports Trustee Brust stated Mr. A. A. Pristave
would begin work this week on a financial
reporting and cost accounting system. On January 13th, the Finance Committee
will meet with the manager and treasurer to discuss preparation of the Budget.
It will take about a month.to fully develop a revised budget, but could have
a prototype ready by the lst of March.
Sewer & Water Rates Trustee Brust stated that last year, when
there was a deficit in the Sewer Fund, he
had commented that a change in the curve of rates be considered and big volume
users pay at a rate more comparable to that paid by small users. The deficit
has been eliminated by a new rate schedule worked out by the manager and
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the manager be
directed to develop a new rate scedule for the operation of the Sewer Depart-
ment to be completed by February 1, 1973, and to include a breakdown on the
d eficit and a chaage in the curve of the rate schedule.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman stated he would like to see the impact of a uniform rate
for sewer and water. If large volume users are billed at the same rate as the
small user, it may be possible to lower the uniform rate. He stated he did not
know how valid it was to establish the annual sewer service charge for resi-
dences based on the amount of water used during the billing period which in-
eludes the month of January, since most water used ends up in either the storm
or sanitary sewer system. Trustee Slavin asked that this alternate information
be included in the manager's report.
Discussion -Plan D Ult. Park Board members Peter Trenchard, Marge Bux-
Park Ave. Relocation & baum, Dudley Dewey and Park Superintendent Don
_Parking Pilger entered the meeting to discuss plans for
relocation of Park Avenue and parking facilities.
Plan D ultimate prepared by Paul Box and Associates was reviewed. Mr. Trenchard
stated the Park Board had three objectives: (1) not to reduce the size of Jewett
Park; (2) provide adequate parking, and (3) to cooperate with the Village in whatever
way is possible so as to provide the best plan possible for the movement of traffic,
and Plan D ultimate seemed best to accomplish these objectives provided the Village
would agree to replace land taken from the park with other park land. If the
Village Board would accept this condition, he was sure the Park Board would approve
the plan.
Trustees Stiehr and Brust pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan provided
that land taken from the park would be replaced by acquisition of an equal area
along Hazel Avenue. Mr. Trenchard stated he did not envision immediate acquisition
of property on Hazel Avenue, but felt there should be a definite commitment - that the
land will be acquired within a reasonable time as it becomes available. He did not
think a majority of the Park Board would approve Plan D ultimate without definite
assurances that land taken would be replaced.
Trustee Stiehr stated the amount of land to be replaced could be negotiated.
He then moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Board approve the concept of
Plan D ultimate. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Kelm, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (4►)
Nays: Brust, Neuman (2)
Trustee Neuman stated he felt.a plan could be developed to provide necessary
parking and reasonable traffic flow, without speeding, with less encroachment on
the park.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that Feddral Revenue sharing
funds be allocated to purchase property along Hazel Avenue until sufficient funds
are accumulated to replace land taken from Jewett Park. The motion failed by the
following vote:
Ayes: TUrnet, Neuman (2)
Nays: Brust, Kelm, Slavin, Stiehr (4)
After further discussion, the Board approved Trustee Slavin's suggestion that
the manager and President meet with the Park Board to workout a mutually acceptable
plan, and report back to the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Pilger stated parking for the community building must be put in, and the
Park Board must have some assurance that the street will be in shortly. Trustee
Brust stated the original instructions to Mr. Box provided for a sequential plan
for development.
R.R. Station Trustee Brust stated correspondence of Mr. Howard
Kane and the Milwaukee Railroad indicated the
railroad did not see fit to cooperate with the Village. He said the condition of
the station and parking lot are deplorable, and suggested a letter be sent to the
railroad asking for better maintenance of these facilities. He stated if the
railroad will 'not provide maintenance (snow plowing, filling holes, etc.) he
proposed the work be done by the Village and court action instituted to recover costs.
Sidewalks Trustee Neuman stated snow had been removed from
the sidewalk in front of the Village Hall,
but stopped at the edge of the Township property. He suggested that, if manpower is
available, Village employees clear walks in front of the Township building and
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin and seconded
by Trustee Neuman, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Village Clerk