June 26, 1972
The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order
by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, June 26, 1972
at 8:15 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
George Kelm
Werner E. Neuman
Daniel H. Stiehr
M. Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: Albert E. Brust
Stephen M. Slavin
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration
as follows:
Resolution authorizing the Office of Mass Transporation to apply to the U.S.
y Department of Transportation for a Grant to assist in Phase I of the State of
Illinois Commuter Parking Program. (R- 72 -13)
Certification by Village attorney of authority of Village of Deerfield to legally
apply for State grants through U.S. Department of Transportation for provision
of commuter parking facilities.
Resolution certifying that the Village will co#ly with Title VI of the United
States Civil Rights Act and with Article VII, Section 1 (c) of State Constitution
a pertaining to Open Records. (R- 72 -14)
Resolution authorizing President and Clerk to sign Gapital Grant Application for
Commuter Parking. (R- 72 -15)
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Consent Agenda be approved.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Kelm, Neuman, Stiehr, Turner (4)
Nays: Nune (0)
Discussion -Storm Sewer Priorities In addition to the large number of residents who
_Committee Report - Flooding Problems were present to express their concern about
flooding problems, the following were present:
Dr. Hal Suhdin, Baxter & Woodman; Messrs. Jack Walsh, Illinois Local Government Problems
Committee; Richard Gilbert, West Drainage Ditch Commission; Roy Stallman, East Drainage
Ditch Commission; David Hunter, Division.of WAterways; Ed Nelson, Water Conservation
President Forrest stated there would be a workshop meeting on flooding problems
on Wednesday, June 28 at 8:00 p.m. in the Village�-Hajj at which representatives of
various governmental agencies would be present. The public was invited to this meeting.
Trustee Neuman stated he was happy to see Mr. A. H. Schultz's review of the
Storm SEwer Report for the Village, and before proceeding with engineering, it was
apparent there should be further study of the whole flooding problem. Dr. Sundin stated
recommended construction would correct flooding problems due to storm sewer inadequacies,
but if there is backup of sanitary sewers the effect would be minimal. If receiving
streams are at flood stage, larger sewers will be no more effective than present sewers.
Public Works Director Klasinski stated he had requested data on flows during recent
rains from the Division of Waterways, and hopes to have this information for the meeting
on Wednesday.
Discussion was had on storm water retention basins suggested by Mr. Schultz as a
solution for alleviation of flooding. The manager stated the flood retention basin
constructed by the Metropolitan Sanitary District on the east drainage ditch south of
County Line Road would have little or no effect on Deerfield's flooding problems.
Wheeling has constructed three basins in cooperation with the Park District which were
effective during the first storm, but later storms with the soil saturated resulted in
flooded basements. He has discussed development of water retention basins with Mr.
Daon Pilger, Park Superintendent, who was not particularly enthusiastic about using park
property for this purpose. He reported the dark end School Districts will cooperate in
the construction of a berm, to solve flooding problems in the Village Green area.
He reported detailed information had been received from Baxter Laboratories on
the lagoons now under construction west of the Toll Road which, when completed,
will solve the 'flooding problem in We -Go Park Subdivision. Drainage from west
of the Toll Road is now discharged through 'two large culverts into We -Go Park.
The discharge of storm water from the Baxter lagoons will be through smaller
pipes and the restricted flow can be adequately handled by the Village's storm
sewer system.
President Forrest stated the Village's suit for condemnation of the brick-
yard property is now before the Illinois Supreme Court,. and one of the uses planned
f or this property is a flood reservoir to bed;evelopea in cooperation with the
Metropolitan Sanitary District. The Village attorney was O ked to check what
governmental agencies have the authority to condemn this property.
Mr. Ed Nelson of the Water Conservation District stated flood control
surveys on six watersheds are underway and will be completed shortly, with top
priority given to the North Branch of the Chicago River. It is hooped that final
plans for flood control will be completed by the end of the year, for action by
the County Board.
A large number of residents were present and expressed their great concern
about the continued flooding problem which, they stated, is l& -oming more severe.
Among the causes given for flooding were the Toll Road culverts, the lst National
Bank parking lot, the Holy Cross and Wilmot Junior High parking lots, Lake Eleanor
and incorrect connections of the State Bank and National Store and parking lot to
the Todd Court ',sanitary sewer resulting in the backup of sanitary sewage.
Trustee Neuman pointed out that several areas were flooded which were not
shown on the map prepared by the Village.. Trustee Kelm statedf-a major cause of
flooding from sanitary sewers was the connection of sump pumps and footing drain
tile to the sanitary sewers. He said in October 1970 an ordinance had been drafted
to require disconnection of all sump pumps and footing drain tile from sanitary
sewers, but no action was taken because of the cost to the individual homeowner.
He asked that consideration of this ordinance be put on the agenda for the next
meeting. He also proposed that consideration be given to construction of the
larger force main with increased pumping capacity from the aast'-lift station now
trather than later, and will benefit the Briarwood Vista Subdivision, and asked
that this matter also be taken up at the next meeting.
Trustee Neuman stated he was convinced that storm water infiltration into
the sanitary sewers was a major problem, but was not convinced that connection
of footing drain tile was a main source of the infiltration. It was his opinion
that not more than 10 per cent of storm water in sanitary sewers came from
footing tile. He stated a comprehensive plan for flood control was necessary
for permanent relief, including the proper use of land, and upstream water re-
tention basins.
Mr. Richard Gilbert, Commissioner of Union Drainage District No. 1, stated
a maintenance assessment of $25,000 for the west ditch is now being heard by the
County Court, which will be spread~; if confirmed, on the basis of $5.00 per lot
and $7.00 per acre. The assessment is objected to by a property owner, and it
is doubtful, if approved by the Court, that any work can be done this year. The
assessment is for maintenance only, and will cover removal of debrisand vegetation
which impedes stream flow. He stated the cost of enlarging and deepening the
channel would be prohibitive at this time, and unless similar work is undertaken
up and downstream, would accomplish little in relieving flooding.
Further discussion ensued on areas which have been flooded. Trustee
Neuman stated these problem areas must be pinpointed and suggested a post card
survey. Residents would be asked to answer - questions on whether there has been
flooding in the past six months, whether flooding was from sanitary or storm
sewers, and the depth of water and any other pertinent information.
Trustee Neuman then moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that a post card
survey be conducted as outlined above to be sent out with the next three mailings
of water and sewer bills, to ascertain the locations of flooding problems.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Stiehr suggested additional questions - how much water outside,
how deep, and how long did it take to go down. Trustee Neuman stated he would
prefer getting this information as soon as possible, but knew no other way than
through the water billings. It was suggested that the local newspapers print
the questionnaire. Dr. Sundin stated it was difficult to interpret the information
received in a post card survey, since many do not really understand the questions,
and for that reason Baxter & Woodman had elected not to undertake this type of
s urvey.
It was suggested that citizens do some of the leg work involved in the survey
in order that accurate information be provided. Homeowner Associations were also
suggested as a source of help, and Trustee Neuman proposed that every resident present
leave his name and address and stated whether flooding was from sanitary or storm sewers.
A resident proposed that a committee be formed at Wednesday's meeting to start work
on the survey. Dr. Sundin was asked to assist in the wording of questions.
President Forrest proposed a moratorium on building if it can legally be done,
and asked that this matter be on the agenda for the next meeting. Several residents
expressed approval of this proposal.,;
President Forrest stated the Metropolitan Sanitary District is encourdg3ng the
construction of storm water retention basins, and he has asked the Village attorney
to prepare an ordinance similar to the Sanitary District's which will require developers
to put in storm water retention facilities on their property.
Trustee Kelm stated two of the three members of the Storm Sewer Priorities
Committee recommended that engineering stddies be made for storm sewer improvements
in locations designated in their report, and that ;'Baxter & Woodman be authorized to
proceed with the engineering. The committee made no recommendations on financing.
Trustee Neuman stated Baxter & Woodman were overloaded at this time and he was
therefore opposed to giving the firm this additional work. He is getting the names of
engineering firms who can give better service than Baxter & Woodman can at present. ,
He then moved that the matter be tabled until the next Board meeting, when he will
have additional information. The motion failed for lack of a second.
Dr. Sundin reviewed the work performed by Baxter & Woodman and dates of comple-
tion. He stated plans for sewage treatment plant improvements and enlargement were
cdelaydd by the failure of the Environmental Protection Agency and Pollution Control
Board to establish standards for sewage treatment, which have now been determined.
Implementation of Phase I and II of the sewer report await authorization by the Board.
Mr. Walsh stated he will help coordinate the work of other governmental agencies
that may be of assistance in this problem, and will see to it that the Toll Road
Commission is represented at the meeting on Wednesday night.
Table Dutch Elm Report The manager stated Trustee Brust's report
on Dutch Elm Disease control had been referred
to the Environmental Commission. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that
consideration of Trustee Brust's report be postponed until the next meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
Oppose H.P. Rezoning The manager reported that Building Commission
Smalley had opposed a petit&oned rezoning for
a multiple- family and commercial development in Highland Park adjacent to the corporate
limits.6f Deerfield. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Board
approved Mr. Smalley's statement at the Highland Park Plan Commission hearing, and the
Board go on record as opposing the development. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Neuman, Stiehr, Turner (3)
Nays: Kelm (1)
Trustee Kelm questioned whether it was appropriate to take any action on a
matter that concerned another municipality.
Trustee Neuman moved, secnnded by Trustee Turner, that the regular meeting to
be held Monday, July 3td be adjourned to the following Monday. July 10th. Motion
carried unanimmously.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Turner, seconded by Trustee
Neuman, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :20 p.m.
Village Clerk