December 20, 1971
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the clerk in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall
on Monday, December 20, 1971 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the.roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Charles R. Bootz
Albert E. Brust
Werner E. Neuman
Stephen M. Slavin
M. Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: Bernard Forrest, President
George Kelm
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. David Newman, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that Trustee Slavin be
appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the minutes of the
N regular meeting held December 6, 1971 be approved as submitted. Motion carried
Approve Warrant No. W -71 -12 Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz,
that Warrant No. 14-71 -12 - approval of bills
including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
Approve-Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration.
1. Annual resolution authorizing work permits for maintenance repairs in
State Highway right -of -way by Village employees.' (R- 71 -17)
2. Approval of concept of delay in emergency 911 implementation.
3. Authorization for Village Attorney to make offer on Piersen property.
4. Approval or referral of Hattis problem to Environmental Commission
5. Approval of decision not to attempt Flood Insurance Qualification.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the following be added to the
Consent Agenda, and motion carried unanimously.
D -4. Authorization to have Transportation Council Director appear before Board
to explain justification for payment of bill for services.
D -14. Authorization for Mayor to sign Federal Grant request for Sewer Study.
(R= 71 -18)
D -18. Request for authorization to purchase two used aerators for Sewage Treatment
Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Consent Agenda be approved.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
Trustee Brust asked that the record show he did not vote on item D -18 on the
Consent Agenda, due to a conflict of interests.
S.C. Report- Greenwood - Crabtree A report from the Safety Council recommended
School Crossing that a crossing guard be employed at the Green-
wood- Crabtree Lane school crossing, the orange
School signs be moved farther away from the crosswalk, and 20 mph School signs be
posted. The Council also recommended that the placement of all School signs be in-
vestigated to see if they are placed a sufficient distance from crosswalks to be of
value, and to determine if there are other areas where 20 mph signs should be posted.
Relocation of the signs at the Cadwell School crossing on Pine Street was recommended.
Investigation of School signs was undertaken as a result of an accident at the Green-
wood- Crabtree school crosswalk where a kindergarten -age child was struck and severely
The manager stated the School signs are nonstandard, the State
authorizing only the 20 mph signs, but will not interfere with the non-
standard signs on residential streets. The orange School signs were requested
by the Safety Council and schools, and locations were approved by the residents.
If the signs are moved,;.-he,; asked that the Safety Council check the new loca-
tions. Mr. Joe Fielding, Greenwood Avenue, stated the orange School signs are
confusing to motorists, since the new standardized signs warning of construction
ti are the same shape and color.
N , Trustee Bootz stated that he aaw no reason why both the non - standard
v of School signs and the 20 mph signs should not be used and suggested that Mr. Paul
c') v ld Box be consulted on guidelines for proper location of signs.
U3 'a Authorize Crossing Guard Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee
a a Crabtree - Greenwood Intersection Bootz, that the Board authorize the employ-
10 �' went of a crossing guard for the Crabtree-
Greenwood school crossing. Adopted by the following vote:
o r.
� ar
o Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
A Nays: None (0)
-H cn
"o Trustee Brust stated he was concerned about considering crossing guards
:3 Cd o• on a piecemeal basis, and suggested the Chief of Police, working with the Safety
o :3 w.
U 60 Council and the schools, establish a program for crossing guards supplemented
t•r by patrol boys. When the-manager stated it was difficult to hire crossing
Q)-r4 A. guards, several' residents suggested a 3 -way stop at the Greenwood - Crabtree inter-
cc a W' section. Also proposed was a 3 -way stop at Wilmot and Hazel for the safety of
U u , children going to and from'the.swimming pool. The Safety Council was a'skedL:to
w 0- consider 3 -way stops at both locations. The Police Department will be asked to
4, o give as much protection as possible to the Greenwood - Crabtree school crossing
.(t a4 �, until a guard can be hired.
4J " P
+1 o
co Construction of. a sidewalk on the west side of Crabtree Lane to Green -
o P wood Avenue was suggested, and the manager was asked to give a report on this
o o proposal at the next meeting. Mr. Fielding suggested that a "Dead End" or "No
a 3 Ca Outlet" sign be posted on Crabtree Lane at Greenwood to eliminate the turning
traffic that enters Crabtree Lane because the driver is not aware it is a dead
W end street. The manager will arrange for the installation of a "Dead End Street"
sign. (* Addition to minutes 1/3/72)
Z a,
Q) 4J P Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, the the Safety Council's
0 recommendations on proper placement of School signs and the posting of 20 mph
m signs be implemented.
H co +1
Motion carried unanimously..
Approve Signs - Deerfield Rd. A report from the-Safety Council recommended
at Castlewood that signs be placed at the top of the Deer-
field Road overpass on the Toll Road and /or
at the exit from the Toll Road warning'motorists of children crossing Deerfield
Road at Castlewood going to the Wilmot Junior High School. The President of the
PTA had written that children continue to cross at Castlewood despite parental
and school warnings to use Wilmot Road where there is a 4 -way stop and a crossing
guard is stationed.. Continued urging that children use Wilmot Road was also
Trustee Brust stated it was apparent that the school is not effectively
communicating with the students.. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman,
that the Village, through the President, ask the 110 School Board to establish
an effective safety program for children going to Wilmot Junior High School.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that signs be installed
as recommended by-the Safety Council.. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: Brust (1)
Safety Council member Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph stated the PTAs and schools
provide lists of approved locations for children to cross, and it was her opinion
that the only solution to the problem was to see to it that the children stop
violating the school's directive. Trustee Neuman stated he agreed that it was a
disciplinary problem for the schools and parents, but felt it was better to post
signs to alert drivers than to have an accident.
`de W
S.C. Report - Osterman Sidewalks A report from the Safety Council stated a letter
had been received urgning the Council to recommend
the installation of sidewalks at 11223, 1116 and 1117 Osterman AVenue to the ditch.
The Council made no specific recommendation for this area at this time although they
continue to favor the construction of sidewalks throughout the Village. The Council
requested the Board to set a policy concerning sidewalks.
Trustee Bootz stated a sidewalk policy was needed and in his opinion all streets
in the Village should be improved with sidewalks.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the matter be tabled.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the question of a policy
on sidewalks be taken up at a workshop meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
S.C. Report - Eliminate 5 Parking. A report from the Safety Council reiterated its
Spaces - Deerfield Rd., No Parking original recommendation for the elimination of
Signs, N. Waukegan Road. five parking spaces on the south side of Deerfield
Authorize Ordinance Road east of the Ford Pharmacy parking lot exit,
and the posting of No Parking signs on the east
side of Waukegan Road from Greenwood Court northerly to the Village limits.
Table Analysis Corner Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust,
Sight Distances that analysis of corner sight distance by Traffic
Engineer Box be tabled and removed from the
agenda until the report from Mr. Box is received.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resignation H. Murtfeldt Mr. Harold Murtfeldt having submitted his
R.E. Review Board resignation from the Real Estate Review Board,
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
that a letter be sent to Mr. Murtfeldt thanking him for his services to the village,
and the Manpower Commission be notified of the vacancy.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance- Zoning Map Amend. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz,
3 Parcels- Rosewodd,l Ave. that the ordinance be passed amending the Zoning
(0- 71 -54) Map by rezoning and reclassifying the Benson,
Orchard and Heimbruch parcels on Rosewood Avenue
from the R -3 Single - family District to the R -1 -B Single - family District. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance Approving PUD Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
Orchard Property that the ordinance be passed approving a Planned
(0- 71 -55) Unit Development and preliminary plat of sub-
division of the Orchard property on the north
side of Rosewood Avenue. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Table Ordinance Re: Truck Traffic Trustee Neuman moved., seconded by Trustee Turner,
Wilmot Rd. & Deerfield Rd. that the ordinance prohibiting trucks over 12 ft.
in height on Deerfield Road between Wilmot and
Waukegan Roads be tabled, alletter regarding the proposed ordinance having been re-
ceived from the President of Riverwoods.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Brust
moved, seconded
by Trustee Bootz, that the Safety Council's
report be approved,
and the ordinance
be prepared to implement the Council's recom-
mendation. Adopted
by the following
Ayes: Bootz, Brust,
Neuman, Slavin
Nays: Turner (1)
Table Analysis Corner Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust,
Sight Distances that analysis of corner sight distance by Traffic
Engineer Box be tabled and removed from the
agenda until the report from Mr. Box is received.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resignation H. Murtfeldt Mr. Harold Murtfeldt having submitted his
R.E. Review Board resignation from the Real Estate Review Board,
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
that a letter be sent to Mr. Murtfeldt thanking him for his services to the village,
and the Manpower Commission be notified of the vacancy.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance- Zoning Map Amend. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz,
3 Parcels- Rosewodd,l Ave. that the ordinance be passed amending the Zoning
(0- 71 -54) Map by rezoning and reclassifying the Benson,
Orchard and Heimbruch parcels on Rosewood Avenue
from the R -3 Single - family District to the R -1 -B Single - family District. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance Approving PUD Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
Orchard Property that the ordinance be passed approving a Planned
(0- 71 -55) Unit Development and preliminary plat of sub-
division of the Orchard property on the north
side of Rosewood Avenue. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Table Ordinance Re: Truck Traffic Trustee Neuman moved., seconded by Trustee Turner,
Wilmot Rd. & Deerfield Rd. that the ordinance prohibiting trucks over 12 ft.
in height on Deerfield Road between Wilmot and
Waukegan Roads be tabled, alletter regarding the proposed ordinance having been re-
ceived from the President of Riverwoods.
Motion carried unanimously.
_ V
The Board approved the suggestion of the Safety Council Chairman that a
count be made of trucks bypassing the Milwaukee Road underpassand Trustee Neu -
man's suggestion that the Boy Scouts be asked to make this count. Trustee
Neuman proposed that the Board meet with the Riverwoods Board to discuss the pro-
posed truck traffic ordinance. The manager was directed to arrange for the truck
traffic count and a meeting with the Riverwoods Board.
Reconsider & Pass Trustee Neuman moved reconsideration of
Ordinance -Mun.. Code Amend. the ordinance pertaining to the construc-
NBC Amend; Re: Bldgs. tion of buildings of 2,500 sq. ft. or less
2500 Sq. Ft. in Fire Limits within the Fire Limits. Seconded by Trustee
(0- 71 -56) Brust, and carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman then moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the ordinance
be amended by substituting the word "assemblies" in lieu of "framing" in para-
graph 2- thereof, and correcting the Section number of the National Building
Code as stated to read 400.6 -m. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman then moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the ordinance
be passed amending Section 22.102 of the Municipal Code to permit the construc-
tion of one -story buildings of 2,500 sq. ft. or less within the Fire Limits
utilizing ordinary construction as provided in Section 600.4 -m of the National
Building Code provided additional requirements are met. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Neuman recommended that the Board read the letter from Rolf
Jensen & Associates regarding the Building Code.
The President pro tem signed the ordinance Vidicating his approval thereof.
Discussion of the Building Code, structures under 2,500 sq: ft., which
had been put on the agenda at the request of Trustee Kelm, was tabled on motion
by Trustee Bootz, seconded by Trustee Turner, and carried unanimously.
Ordinance to Sell Real EState The ordinance was presented offering for sale
(0- 71 -57) a parcel of land approximately .23 acres in
area near the end of Woodvale Avenue, and
providing for publication of Notice and terms of sale, and return of bids on
January 3, 1972:
Trustee Neuman pointed out that if the property is sold and added to
an adjoining tract, a variation would still be required. Mr. Bernard Bulgrin,
who hopes to purchase the property, stated only a sideyard variation, adjacent to
the 50 ft. ditch easement, would be required. Both the building commissioner and
the Plan Commission would recommend approval of the variation., He asked the Board
to waive the second presentation of the ordinance.
Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the rules be waived
to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Upon roll call, the
motion failed, the affirmative vote of a majority of those elected 'being required:
Ayes: Bootz, Slavin, Turner (3)
Nays: Brust, Neuman (2)
Plan Commission Chairman Dan Stiehr stated Mr. Bulgrin's proposal had been
discussed at two public hearings and the Plan Commission had voted not to oppose
it. Flood plain requirements have been met and a drainage problem solved by
modification of plans. Mr. Bulgrin has agreed to grant an easement for the water
main which extends across the property.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the previous motion
on waiving the rules be reconsidered. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, trust, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: Neuman (1)
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the rules be waived
to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Boot ;, trust, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: Neuman (1)
Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the ordinance to sell
real estate be passed. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: Neuman (1)
President pro tem Slavin signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
The meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:43 p.m.
Approve Bldg. Permit The manager stated the proposed parking layout
Drive -in Windows of the Deerfield State Bank parking lot had been
Deerfield State Bank referred to Mr. Paul Box who has expressed some
concern about the plan.
Mr. Don Morrison, a director of the bank, stated approval of the parking plan
was of no immediate concern since they had expressed their willingness to work with
the Village on a mutually acceptable plan. He asked the Board to authorize the
issuance of a building permit for three drive -in windows since there will be a delay
of four to five months between time of ordering and delivery of the windows. There
is full compliance with all Village requirements for issuance of the permit.
Several members stated they could see no justification to hold up the issuance
of a building permit which complies with Village ordinances because the parking lot
R11 plan has not been resolved. Discussion was had on the parking problem in the north-
east quadrant, the fence between the bank and Shoppers Court parking lots, the con -
tinued vacancy of the building at the north side of the bank parking lot, and traffic
hazards on Waukegan Road at the bank driveway. It was pointed out that if left turns
from the bank driveway are a traffic hamrd, such turns can be prohibited by the Village.
Mr. Morrison stated the bank.will cooperate fully to resolve the parking problem
in the northeast quadrant and will remove the fence if assured that the bank parking
lot will not be used as a roadway for traffic bypassing the Waukegan - Deerfield Road
intersection. Regarding the continued vacancy of the building formerly occupied by
Wilson's Frozen Fodds, he suggested the Village attorney draft whatever the Board
wants, and the bank would execute it. The bahk is trying to purchase additional property
and therefore would be unwilling to demolish the former Wilson building which has
several potential uses if additional land is.acquired for parking.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the building permit for
the drive -in windows be approved subject to receipt of a covenant or other document
regarding the vacancy of the former Wilson building. Adopted_by the following vote:
Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays; Bootz (1)
Accept Grand Spaulding Bid The manager reported three bids had been received
4 Squad Cars $11807.60 on four 1972 squad cars, and recommended acceptance
of the low bid of $11,807.60 submitted by Grand
Spaulding Dodge, Inc. for four Dodge Polaras with trade -ins and optionals.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the low bid submitted
by .Grand Spaulding Dodge, Inc. be accepted. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: None (0)
A proposed ordinance establishing fire lanes at the Montgomery Ward store in
Deerbrook Shopping Center had not been received. Trustee Brust suggested the proposed
ordinance include all of Phase II of the Center.
Oppose Rezoning SE Corner A notice was received from the Lake County Zoning
Deerfield & Sanders to Business Board of Appeals, that a hearing will be held on
January 9, 1972 on the petition of Wheeling Trust
& Savings Bank, trustee, to rezone property at the southeast dorner of Deerfield an d
Sanders Road from the SR Suburban Residential to the CB Community Business slassifi-
c ation.
. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village register its
opposition to the proposed rezoning by means of a resolution.
Motion carried unanimously.
Table Grant Application Trustee Neuman stated he had discussed the
Police Community Relations Unit application for a grant for a Police Community
Relations Unit with the Chief of Police and
had expected he would be present to answer questions. He had learned the
High School.Board of Education had not been informed about the proposed program,
and no policeman could be assigned to k school without the approval of the School
Board. The manager stated that if the grant is approved, the Board can accept
or reject it and the school administrative staff had approved the proposed program..
Discussion was had on the function of the Community Relations Unit and the Youth
Worker, and'Trustee Brust expressed concern that the Board would be committed to
future expenditures without sufficient study. Several members stated the School
Boards should be advised of the proposed program and application for a grant.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the matter be
tabled until the next meeting, and the Chief of Police be requested to be present.
Motion carried unanimously.
Re: Box Traffic Safety The manager reported a report had been
Priorities received from Mr. Paul Box on priorities
for implementation of Traffic Safety Study
recommendations, with four categories: follow -up work with no cost; projects
with a cost of $2,000 or less; projects with a cost of from $2,000 to $25,000;
and projects with costs of more than $25,000.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the report be accepted
and referred to the manager for review and recommendations on implementation.
Motion carried unanimously. _
Salary Study Not Approved The President pro tem stated there had been
considerable dissatisfaction with last year's
budget procedures and as a result proposals for a,•salaay study and evaluation
had been received from Northern Illinois University, Wolf and Co., Ernst & Ernst
and Yarger Associates. Discussion was had on the pros and cons of a survey by
an outside agency.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the proposal sub-
mitted by Northern Illinois University in the letter dated November 24, 1971
be accepted as recommended by the manager. The motion failed for lack of a
majority, the following vote being recorded with Trustee Slavin abstaining
because of business connections with Wolf and Co. and Ernst and Ernst:
Ayes: Neuman, Turner (2)
Nays: Bootz, Brust (2)
Abstaining: Slavin (1)
Manager to Prepare Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee
Salary Schedule Brust, that the manager prepare a salary
schedule with the internal staff for
review by the Board.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that letters of thanks
be sent to the firms who submitted proposals for a salary study.
Motion carried unanimously.
TAble Tree Planting & Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee
Capital Expenditere Priorities Turner, that discussion of the tree planting
program be tabled.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman moved, seoonded by Trustee Brust, that discussion of
priorities for Capital Improvement expenditures be tabled.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Neuman suggested that in the letter of transmittal with the
application for a grant for the sewer study, a paragaph be included to point out
that the study would be of value not only to the Village but to other municipali-
ties throughout the country that have the same problem of storm water infiltration..
Approve Payment $33950 to Valenti
A request
was received
for payment of the
Deerbrook Storm Sewer - Owner
share of the
cost of the Deerbrook
to Maintain
Storm Sewer,.as
provided by the
U. le 4
Annexation Agreement. A letter from the engineer stated that, since the sewer is
constructed of corrugated metal pipe, the Village will not be responsible for main-
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that payment of $33,950 be
approved to Valenti Builders, Inc., Mr. Valenti to submit in recordable form a
maintenance agreement.accepting full responsibility for the storm sewer. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
Approve Expenditure $10,000 The manager.submitted a report on the construction
Chestnut Sidewalks of sidewalks on the west side of Chestnut Street
from Greenwood Avenue to North Avenue. If the
walks are installed by Special Assessments, there would be a maximum saving of approxi-
mately $612, since all walks are along rear or side lot lines. The estimated cost
of the improvement is $10,000.
Trustee-Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village proceed with
the construction of the Chestnut Street sidewalk on a cash basis, the Village to pay
the estimated construction cost of $10,000 from General Corporate Funds. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
N ays: Brust (1)
The manager stated letters would be sent to property owners on Chestnut Street
south of Greenwood Avenue requesting them to repair sidewalks under the Village's
50/50 sidewalk program.
Ordinance - Sign Variation An ordinance was presented granting a variation
1st National Bank from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance
(0- 71 -58) to permit the construction and maintenance of
a free - standing, double faced sign, each face
not to exceed 23 sq. ft. in area, to be located not nearer than two feet from the
property line at 725 Waukegan Road, as requested by the First National Bank of Deer -
f field.
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the rules be waived to
permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Brust then moved, seconded:'by Trustee Bootz, that the ordinance granting
the variation be passed. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Boot ;, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
The President pro tem signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Budget Wo`rkshop:)Meeting A workshop meeting for discussion of the budget
Jan. 4 was scheduled for Tuesday, January 4th. It was
suggested that the Village attorney prepare a
report on the impact on salaries of Phase II.
Table School Consolidation
Motion carried unanimously.
1st Presentation - Ordinance
Non - Discrimination
Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman,
that discussion of School consolidation bb tabled
The first presentation was made of an ordinance
on non - discrimination, as recommended by the
Human Relations Commission.
Policy- Non - Discrimination Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz,
that the Village establish a policy of non-
discrimination in employment, as recommended by the Human Relations Commission.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve $500 for CBD Committee The Central Business District Committee requested
funds for the preparation and mailing of brochures
on development of the area south of the Commons. The cost would not exceed $500.00
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that $500.00 be
allocated to the Central Business District Committee for expenses related to
brochures. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
Trustee Brust asked that copies of the brochure in draft form be pro-
vided to the Board before they are sent out.
Trustee Neuman stated he had prepared a memorandum proposing procedures
to shorten agendas and meetings. He asked that this be discussed at the meeting
On January 3rd. Changes in rules were suggested to permit any Trustee to
request removal of an agenda item.
Trustee Neuman asked that a copy of the original ordinance be furnished
when an amending ordinance is considered.
The President pro tem asked that the appointment of a Trustee to the
Transportation District Board be put on th agenda for the next meeting.
There being no further business, n otion by Trustee Bo tz, seconded by
Trustee Turner, the meeting was adjourn d a 11:55 p.m.
Village Clerk