10/18/197141D A
October 18, 1971
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council.Chambers of the
Village Hall on Monday, October 18, 1971 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the roll
and reported that the.following were. j
Present: Bernard.Forrest, President
Charles R. Bootz
George Kelm
Werner E. Neuman
Stephen M. Slavin
M..Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: Albert E. Brust
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris. Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the minutes of the
regular meeting held October 4, 1971 be approved as submitted. Motion carried
u nanimously.
Approve Warrant No. W -71 -10 Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee
Turner, that Warrant No. W -71 -10 - Payment
of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
.,.Discussion of the recommendation of the Board of Building Appeals re-
garding a proposdd amendment to the building code was deferred until such time
as a member of the Builidng Board of the building commissioner is present.
S.A. Report -No Parking on A report from the Safety Council recommended
Waukegan, Orchard to N. Limits that parking be prohibited on both sides of
Waukegan Road from Orchard Street to the
North Village limits. Safety Council Chairman Walter Moses stated the manager
had asked the Council to consider a prohibition against parking on the East side
of Waukegan Road between Northwoods Drive and North Avenue, across from the
Convenient Food Store and Anthony's, however, it was the unanimous opinion to
parking should be permitted on either side of Waukegan Road from Orchard to the
north Village limits. No consideration was given to eliminating parking on
Waukegan Road south of Orchard Street to Deerfield Road, Mr. Moses said, because
only a few parking spaces were involved, although the Box report recommended no
parking on wither Waukegan or Deerfield Road throughout the business area.
Discussion was had on parking off the pavement on both sides of Waukegan
Road in the vicinity of the High School during home football games, and whether
the Box report Should be implemented by prohibitiing all parking on Waukegan Road.
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney
be directed to prepare an ordinance to prohibit parking on both sides of Waukegan
Road from Orchard Street to the North Village limits except at the High School for
home football games.
Trustee Neuman stated a cover could be put over No Parking signs by the
Police Department for football games and othersspecial events quch as Family Day,
as. is done in the City of Chicago. The Village attorney stated this could be
provided for by ordinance.
Trustee Neuman then moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the motion be
amended to eliminate parking restrictions for special events, including football
games at the High School, when authorized by the Chief of Police. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
Nays: Kelm (1)
Trustee Slavin stated the two parts of the motion should be voted on
separately, and moved that an ordinance be prepared to prohibit parking on both
sides of Waukegan Road from Deerfield Road to the North Village limits. Seconded
by Trustee Bootz, and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin (4)
Nays: Turner (1)
Trustee Neuman then moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the Village attorney
prepare an ordinance authorizing the Chief of Police to waive parking restrictions
anywhere in the Village during the time of special events if he deems it in the interest
of safety and the convenience of citizens.
Motion carried unanimously.
S.C. Report -4 Way Stop A report from the Safety Council recommended re-
Birchwood and Laurel moval of the EAst and West stop signs at Laurel
Remove Stop Laurel & Fairview and Fairview, and that Laurel and Birchwood
Authorize Ordinance Avenues be made a four -way stop.
Safety Council Chairman Walter Moses stated it was the opinion of the Safety
Council that a four -way stop was necessary at this intersection despite the Box
report which indicated stop signs for East and West traffic only.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that an ordinance be prepared
making Birchwood and Laurel Avenues a four -way stop intersection.
Motion carried unanimously.
Safety Council Report -
School Sign - Birchwood at
South Park School
School playground and parking area.
signs would be acceptable.
A report from the Safety Council recommended that
"School Zone - 20 rAph" signs be installed on
Birchwood Avenue for north and south traffic
within 10 feet more br less of the South Park
As an alternative, "School" or "Children at Play"
The manager- stated no ordinance was. necessary, and he would arrange for the
installation of the signs. •
S..C. Report - Parking S. Side
Ueerf„teldRd. E of Wauk gan Rd.
Authorize Ordinance No Parkin
Deerfield.Rd.- Waukegan to E Limits
the BoxL-reportwhich recommended that
Rcad .
A report from the Safety Council'.-recommended that
parking be prohibited on the South side of
Deerfield Road from east of Waukegan Road until
past the entrance to the National. He stated he
had examined•.the area on a Saturday morning and
had-found great congestion, and he concurred with
parking be prohibited on both sides of Deerfield
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that an ordinance be prepared
to prohibit parking on both sides of Deerfield Road from Waukegan Road to the EAst
Village limits.
Motion carried unanimously.
S.C. Report Re: Briarwood C.C. A report from the Safety Council recommended that
Driveway, Fence and Vines^ a'letter be written to the Briarwood Country 4lub
asking that consideration be given to moving the
fence back several feet from the sidewalk at the Deerfield Road driveway, or as an
alternative, remove the vines from the fence to facilitate vision. It was explained
there is no parkway, and cars leaving the Club must cross the sidewalk to see on-
coming traffic, a condition very hazardous to bicycle riders and other cars.
President Forrest directed the manager to write to the Briarwoods Country Club
asking for their ideas on improving sight distances at the driveway, and giving them
the Safety Council's recommendations as well as Trustee Neuman's suggestion that the
fence be relocated at a 450 angle.
S.A. Report -North Ave. Stop A report from the Safety Council stated that stop
Signs at Portage Pass signs on North Avenue at Portage Pass were too
Speed Limit N. Waukegan Rd: close to the intersection and crosswilk, and
recommended that the signs be moved back approxi-
mately six feet from the present locations. The manager stated the signs have been
relocated as recommended.
The Safety Council also recommended that a traffic survey be made on North
Waukegan Road between the Convenient Food store and the High School to determine
whether a reduction in the present 45 miles per hour speed limit to 35 miles per hour
can be justified. The 16resent speed limit was established prior to the development
of North Trails Subdivision.
The manager stated the Elgin office of the Division of Highways would be
asked to make a survey for a reduction in the speed limit.
Engineer's Report Phase I Dr. Hal Sundin of Baxter, and Woodman gave a
Sewer System detailed report on Phase I of the Engineer's
study of the Village's sanitary and storm
sewer systems; including slides showing the sewer systems and problem areas.
He stated some sewers, both storm and sanitary, are undersized for present loads
and should be,supplemented by additional capacity. He recommended that ktorm
sewers be sized to handle storms of a ten year frequency.
A member of the Board. of Trustees of Bannockburn stated they have a problem
area where approximately 30.residences with individual septic systems are located
on small lots. Bannockburn has requested that this area be permitted to connect
to Deerfield. sanitary sewers, but has been advised that the present system is
overloaded. Bannockburn would be interested in working with Deerfield on sewerage
improvements and expansion to solve this problem. He was assured that the Board
favors the fullest cooperation possible with Bannockburn, and they will be kept
Dr. Sundin stated that Phase II of the analysis of the sewer system would be
a detailed investigation of small problem areas that can readily be isolated. He
and Public Works Director Klasinski have agreed that Briarwoods Vista Subdivision
west of Eastwood Drive, and the Longfllow - Kipling- Whittier area would be suitable
for this purpose. After the detailed study of these areas is completed, it might
be advisable to conduct the same type of investigation of a larger area served by
the Wilmot goad lift station for additional data. He has submitted these recom-
mendations to the Board in writing.
Dr. Sundin estimated the cost of Phase II to be $80,000 to $90,000. The
major expenditure would be for the construction of observation manholes at each '
house in these limited areas. He has obtained forms for an application for a
Federal grant which, if approved, would pay up to-.t 75 per cent of the cost.
Discussion was had on costs to eliminate storm water from footing drains
from the sanitary sewers,which may prove to be a major factor in the overloading
and flooding of sanitary sewers. Dr. Sundin stated if there is a sump pump
installation, the cost for disconnection of footing drains should be no more
than $50 to $100, but if footing drains are outside the structure and discharge
by gravity flow to the sanitary sewer the cost would be $1000 to $1500. It was
the consensus of the Board that further consideration should be given to determine
which of the several alternative courses of action should be pursued.
President Forrest stated the matter would be on the agenda for the next
meeting, and asked that copies of Dr. Sundin's letter be sent to the Board.
Trustee Slavin complimented Dr. Sundin on the thorough and objective
Phase I report.
The meeting was recessed at 9:37 p.m. and•reconvened at 10:15 p.m.
Appointments The Manpower Commission having submitted
Bd. Of Police Commissioners recommendations for appointments, President
Forrest proposed the appointment of Mr. George
P. Schleicher to the Board of Police Commissioners for the term expiring May 1,
1972. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that Mr. Schleicher's n
appointment be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Environmental Commission President Forrest proposed the appointment
of the follo*ing to the Environmental
Gerald S. GerAn as Chairman three year term
Ken Hoglund one year term
Robert M. Raymond three year term
Robert M. Meyers, M.D. two year term
Mrs. Marian Cole two year term
Jack Leslie one year term
Lawrence Feldman one year term
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the appointments be confirmed.
Motion carried unanimously.
Dr. William Townsley, Jr. will serve as a consultant to the Commission. He
is a plant pathologist.
Trustee Slavin stated members of the Press had questioned the executive
session of the Board during the recess, where appoinments were discussed. The
Village attorney stated that under the "open meeting" law, personnel matters, in-
cluding appointments to Boards and'Commissions, as well as employees, may be discussed
in executive - :sessions. There had been a preliminary announcement at the beginning
of the meeting that the discussion would be had, and therefore the Board had proceeded
within the authority of the statute.
S.C. Report -Hazel R.R. Crossing A report from the Safety Council recommended that
Maplewood School Crossing Guard the Hazel Avenue railroad crossing not be made
Approved one -way east, and that a crossing guard be pro-
vided at the Maplewood School crosswalk.
Mrs. Phylis Blome, Greenwood Avenue, stated the real problem at the railroad
crossing on Hazel Avenue was truck traffic and the elevation of the railroad tracks
which creates a blind sport for westbound traffic. She stated there have been eight
accidents at this location, four involvong trucks and the remainder directly related
to lack of sight distance. She urged that the crossing be restricted to one -way
east traffic.
Mr. Moses reviewed briefly the Police reports of the eight accidents which
z.i occurred over a four year period. He stated that while truck traffic was a con -
Q tributing factor, to make the crossing one -way east would result in more problems
than benefits. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph stated she had parked at the railroad
crossing for about an hour and the Chestnut Street pavement could be tlearly seen
from the tracks;-if reasonable caution is exercised there should be no accidents
at this location.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that a crossing guard be
provided for the Maplewood School-crosswalk. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
N ays: None (0)
Re: Tr4ck Traffic Discussion was had on regulating truck traffic.
Mr. Moses suggested that truck traffic be
eliminated from Deerfield Road and residential - streets. The manager stated the
axle weight permitted must be high enough for snowplowing and garbage trucks, but
the biggest problem there was no way to weigh the trucks. The Village attorney
stated through truck traffic can be regulated and trucks limited to local deliveries.
Mr. Moses recommended that truck traffic be directed to use Sanders Road to County
Line Road, and stated the Toll Road would install whatever signs the Village requested
if they are given a certified copy of the ordinance. Trustee Neuman suggested that
local industries, such as Allis Chalmers, be requested to instruct drivers to use
SAnders and - County Line Road.
President Forrest asked the Village attorney to report on what can be done
to regulate truck traffic at the next meeting. ,
Authorize Ordinance - Condemn In connection with the proposed dedication of
Union Oil 50' x 50' Tract the 50' x 50' tract at the northeast corner of
the Union Oil Company service station at 836
Deerfield Road, the attorney reported the company wants two driveways to the re-
located Park Avenue, one to the present Park Avenue, and another to the parking area.
Trustee Kelm stated acquisition of the tract was necessary for implementation of
the Comprehensive Plan and it should be acquired before realignment of the street
is started.
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that an ordinance be prepared
to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the tract.
Motion carried unanimously.
Release $25857.60 Escrow Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
Laurel Hill # 3 Underground that the Board authorize the release of $25,857.60
for underground improvements from funds escrowed
for Laurel Hill Unit #3 improvements.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance -M=: Code Amend. The ordinance was presented amending Section
No Parking Hazel, Waukegan to 20.501 of-the Municipal Code by adding to the
Wayne (Sec. 20.501) list of locations where parking is prohibited
(0- 71 -47) at any time on both sides of Hazel Avenue
from Waukegan Road westerly to Wayne Avenue.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the rules be waived
to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the ordinance be
passed. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Limit Salt -Snow, Ice Removal Trustee Neuman presented a report on the
use of salt during the past winter for snow
and ice removal. He stated amounts of salt were used which were in excess of
that recommended by the State Highway Department and the Salt Institute, which
was not only costly but - resulted in extensive damage to pavement and vegetation
on parkways. He recommended calibration of salt spreading equipment to reduce
the amount of salt used, and additchonal•equipment for snow removal trucks for
Setter removal of packed snow.
A lengthy discussion was had on what policy should be established for
snow and ice removal and the use of salt. The manager reported that all muni-
cipalities in the area had used more salt than usual last winter due to the
many snowfalls of one inch or less which could not be plowed , but required the
spreading of salt for traffic safety. Trustee Neuman stated safety was the
most important consideration, but it was his opinion more salt was used than
necessary, and stressed the need to calibrate equipment.
Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Public Works
Department be instructed to continue the diligent snow plowing provided in the
past; the use of salt be reduced by following the recommendations of the State
Highway Department and the Salt Institute; no salt be spread on any street
surfaced with concrete or streets without storm sewers and curbs and gutters;
and the problem of the use of chemical de -icers be referred to the Environmental
Commission for study of total costs, environmental impact and winter traffic
accident rates.
Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee.Neuman, that the motion be amended
to permit the spreading of salt at intersections. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the motion be
amended to permit the use of salt on concrete streets providing access to schools.
Motion carried unanimously.
The motion as amended was Add.pted )by -,th6yfollowing vote:
Ayes: Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (4)
N ays: Bootz (1)
The manager stated the Public Works 8epartment would do the best they
can, and will let the Board know if there are any problems. Several residents
asked that some salt be spread on cul -de -sacs, where difficulties in plowing
sometimes result in impassable conditions.
1st Presentation Zoning The first presentation was made of an
Amendment "B" District ordinance amending the "B" Business district
regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The
ordinance has been posted on the lobby bulletin board.
Approve Conset -t Agenda
The following consent agenda was presented
for consideration:
Payment to Baxter & Woodman of $2,329.71 for engineering S/A 110
Payment to Paul Box & Associates of $7,517.17 for traffic s�mdies
Payment to Baxter & Woodman of $210.72 for S/A 109, and $2,087.08 f6r SJA 110
Payment of $40,000 to Eric Bolander Construction Co. for 31 -TL -CS (High School
Traffic Lights)
Supplemental Resolution appropriating $10,000 from Motor Fuel Tax Funds
for 31 -TL -CS
Payment of $5,937.36 to Baxter & Woodman for engineering on 31 -TL -CS
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Consent Agenda be approved.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
Authorize Attorney to Defend Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman,
Hamer & Shepard Law Suits that the Village attorney be authorized to appear
and defend the Village in law suits filed by
Paul Hamer and by Shepard et al. Adopted by the following vote:
Ite Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Turner (5)
04 N ays: None (0)
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin and seconded by
Trustee Bootz, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 p.m.
Village Clerk