06/07/1971C�1 Q I� i I dr§J June 7, 1971 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, June 7, 1971 at 8:40 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Charles R. Bootz Albert E. Brust George Kelm Werner E. Neuman Stephen M. Slavin Absent: M. Jay Turner, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the.Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the minutes of the regular meeting held May 17, 1971 and the adjourned meeting of May 24, 1971 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Table Budget Trustee Bootz stated the Finance Committee had prepared a balanced budget for the fiscal year 1971 -72 which has been submitted to and reviewed by the Board. He stated it is hoped there will be a surplus and the tax levy can be reduced. He recommended the budget be approved as submitted with one exception - the deletion of the position and salary of assistant manager - planner. President Forrest thanked the FifiantecCommittee and former Trustee George Schleicher for their work and stated the budget as presented was a compromise, but the Board should be able to reduce the corporate tax levy. Discussion was had on the budget. Mr. Richard Citti, 485 Shannon, asked for a copy of the budget, and stated he had written to the Board regarding the increase in the tax rates. He added that his State and real estate taxes had increased substan- tially since 1968, but his income had not. It was explained that the greater part of the increase in the Village rate was due to the levy for the library and the library building bonds, and that despite increased salaries and additional personnel in the Police Department there had been a small decrease in the levy for the Village's General Fund. President Forrest directed the manager to send the breakdown of the Village's tax levy for 1969 and 1970 to Mr. Citti. Trustee Neuman stated it was misleading to look at the real estate tax as the only tax paid to pupport the Village, and cited as an example the large amounts re- ceived from the State income and sales taxes. It was his opinion that public hearings on the budget should be instituted, and that discussion of personnel could be handled by consideration of this matter in terms of budget rather than people. Trustee Brust opposed the elimination of the position of planner, and stated it ws an imposition to expect the Plan Commission to put in the time they have in the past without giving them some relief. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that action on the budget be postponed until the next meeting. The motion failed with the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Neuman (2) Nays: Bootz, Brust, Slavin (3) Trustee Bootz then moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the budget be adopted as presented except for deletion of the assistant manager- planner position. The motion failed on a tie vote as follows: Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Slavin (3) Nays: Kelm, Neuman, Forrest (3) Trustee Slavin stated he was resigning from the Finance Committee in view of the President's vote which, in his opinion was a veto of the committee he had appointed. President Forrest stated his vote should not be construed as a veto since he subscribed to 99 per cent of the budget, but felt that clarification of some items was desirable. Trustee Bootz staed he had no intention of resigning, but asked that further direction be given the Finance Committee. IT, 2- Approve C.C.P.A Agreement Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Authorize Execution Neuman, that the Agreement between :the Village and the Cook County Police Associa- tion be approved, and execution thereof be authorized. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin (5) Nays: None (0) P.C. Report- Revisions A report from the Plan Commission recommended Mun. Code & Zoning Ordinance changes in.tke Municipal Code and Zoning Authorize Ordinance Ordinancewld copy of the proposed changes attached. Plan Commission Chairman Dan Stiehr stated the changes were proposed to streamline an&;set forth exact procedures for subdivisions and to correct conflicts between the Zoning ordinance and the Municipal Code. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance incorporating the Plan Commission's recom- mendations. Motion carried unanimously. P.C. Report Re: Purchase In connection with the offer of Mr. John Bure Tract SE End of Woodvale to sell the small parcel of land at the south- east end of Woodvale Avenue to the Village, a report from the Plan Commission stated there was no reason to purchase this property since there was no longer any possibility of connection of the proposed Woodvale- Carlisle extension to Deerfield Road. It was the consensus of the Board that the offer to sell should be rejected. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordin- Plastic Pipe ance'amending sections of the Municipal Code to permit the use of plastic pipe in certain installations. Mr. John Roach, Chairman of the Board of Building Appeals, stated the request before the Board had been bdefitthe limited use of plastic pipe as stated in the ordinance, but the Board would consider other uses if the Trustees desired. Mr. James DiPietro, a local plumbing contractor, stated it was his opinion that the-Board was wise to go no further than the limited use of plastic pipe since other uses, such as hot and cold water installations within buildings, had not yet been proved to be satisfactory. Trustee Brust proposed, and the Board approved, that the Board of Building Appeals be asked to review plastic pipe for other uses. Approve Building Permits for A report from Building Commissioner Smalley DiPietro & Sara Lee Additions recommended that building permits be issued for additions to the DiPietro building at 398 County Line Road and the Sara Lee freezer at 500 Waukegan Road, both plans complying fully with all ordinance requirements. He further recommended that a 50 ft. dedication for County Line Road right -of -way be obtained from Mr. DiPietro. Mr. DiPietro stated he was willing to dedicate the 50 ft. for right -of -way. Plan Commission Chairman Stiehr pointed out that', with the dedication, the existing building would become non- conforming with a front yard setback of only 10 ft. 6 in. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Board authorize the issuance of the building permit for the addition to the DiPietro building subject to the dedication of 50 ft. for County Line Road. Motim carried unanimously. TRustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Board authorize the issuance of a building permit for an addition to the Kitchens of Sara Lee freezer. Motion carried unanimously. Report -Sump Pump Inspections The manager reported that sump pump in- stallations had been inspected in Clavinia and We -Go Park Subdivisions. He stated that time recorders had been ordered and will be installed to measure the time and volume of the discharge of sump.,.pumps into the sanitary sewer. �1 CV r� I TH Brickyard Odor Problem The manager reported he had arranged for the services of a specialist in odor detection, and as soon as a day occurs in which . the odors from the brickyard landfill are notice- able, the specialist will be called to Deerfield. He stated there had been no answer to.his inquiry on the additional 6 in, of cover material requested by the Board. Ordinance- Reimbursement Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, Deerbrook Storm Sewer (Valenti) that the ordinance be pdssad providing for ;(0- 71 -16) reimbursement of part of the cost of the Deer - brook storm sewer constructed by Mr. Joseph Valenti, and establishing a schedule of additional charges to be paid for the connection of certain properties to the said sewer. Adopted by the foll6wing vote: Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. It was the Board's decision that Mr. Valenti's request that a provision for accrued interest from the date of acceptance of the sewer be added to the special connection charges be denied as being a departure.from the provisions of previous recapture ordinances. Resolution- Treats or Tricks Friday, Oct. 29, 1971 (R -71 -7) Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation - Ordinance Environmental Control Commission & Changes problems since the last meeting, and Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the resolution be adopted designating Friday, October 29, 1971 as Halloween trick -or treat time in the Village. The first presentation was made of the ordinance establishing an Environmental Control Commission. Trustee Neuman stated he had talked with a number of people interested in environmental had invited them to attend this meeting. The Chairman of the Highland Park Environmental Control Commission described the organization and work of the Commission. He stated there were 11 members, 8 appointed from the public at large, and representatives from the Park Board, the City Council and the High School. The High School representative is appointed for a one year term, all others are appointed for two year staggered terms. Projects completed or underway include non - returnable bottles, flood plan ordinance updating, protection of trees during construction, meetings with other interested civic groups, open land and regional planning. He recommended that care be taken in drawing up the ordinance creating the Commission to clearly define lines of authority. The Highland Park Commission has operated without a budget for the first year, but has submitted a budget for,this year. The Chairman of the Northbrook Commission stated the ^Northbrook Commission had 22 members which in his opinion.was.too large. The 22 members are appointed by the Board of Trustees and are mainly interested citizens. Sub - committees have been formed, one of the more successful being the.Education Committee which works mainly with the schools. They have worked on an ordinance to prohibit open burning, bottle and paper eollections and the use of insecticides. At present they are working with the scaveggers to try to bring about the separation of wastes at the home with separate containers for bottles and papers for recycling. He recommended a Commission of not less than ten members with a balance between professionals and interested citizens. Mrs. Gavin, League of Women Voters, spoke in support of the creation of the Environmental Control Commission, and stated she, personlly favored the Highland Park ordinance which provides for the appointment of a member from the Park Board, the City Council, and the High School. Mrs. Elliott, American Association of Univers ty)Womeny and Mrs. Reimenschneider, Council of Parents and Teachers, also supported the formation of an Environmental Control Commission. Mrs. Elliott stated she felt five members iaas too small a number for a Commission of this sort, and recommended 10 members with a balance between experts and interested citizens. Bob Parker of Y.E.S. stated they supported the idea of a Commission but felt a 5 membAr-Commission was too small. While they favored in principle the appointment of a member of Y.E.S. and a member of the Chamber of Commerce, it was their opinion that appointments should be at the discretion of the Board since it.could not be known if these groups would always be interested. They suggested that Highland Park's ordinance be followed which provides for the appointment of a Junior or Senior from the High School for a one year term. 14 Trustees Slavin.and Neuman-thanked the representatives of the groups who had attended the meeting and whose helpful statements had been appreciated. Tu tee Neuman stated that he had discussed the appointment of a member of the Park Board with the Park Board President, Peter Trenchard.. Mr..Trenchard had stated the Park,Board was too busy at this time with acquisition of land and improvement of recreational facilities to serve on the Commission. Trustee Neuman moved,seconded by Trustee Slavin, that Section 18.601 be amended to provide for the appointment of 9 members, seven members at large, 1 member from the High School; and a member of the Board of Trustees, with both the High School and Board members to be appointed for a one year term. Discussion was had on whether a member of the Board of Trustees should be appointed. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the motion be amended to provide for the appointment of an 8 member Commission,the.Boardcof Trustee member to be deleted. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Neuman's motion, as amended, was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin (4) Nays: Brust (1) Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that Section 18.604 - Powers, be amended by adding a sub - section E - to strive to create awareness of the problems created by environmental polluition among the citizens of Deerfield. Adopted by the follwoing vote: Ayes: Bootz, Brust, Neuman, Slavin (4) Nays: Kelm (1) Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that subsection A of Section 18.604 be amended to read in part as follows: "A. To recommend amendments or additions from time to time - - - ". Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Slavin also suggested that.the word. "are" be substituted for "continue to be" in the second line of the first paragraph of the ordinance. The meeting was recessed at 10:45.p.m., and reconvened at 11:00 p.m. Accept Solander Bid $47855.73 The.manager reported that two bids' ~had,been H.S. Traf.fielLightAs received on the installation of traffic lights at the High School entrance drive on Waukegan Road, as follows: Eric Bolander - $47,855.73; and Ziegler Company - $67,388.04. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the low bid of $47,855.73 submitted by Eric Bolander.be accepted, subject to receipt of an affidavi8 of non - collusion, and approval by the State Division of Highways. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Brust. Kelm, Neuman, Slavin (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Ordinance Amendment Trustee Brust stated that several errors Re: Approval of Zoning Map had been discovered in the Village's Zoning Map, and since the map is used frequently by the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, it is essentid.l that it be correct. He cited several errors in the present map. The manager stated many errors had been corrected. Discussion was had on whether it would be better to have an entirely new zoning map prepared or the present map corrected. It was the consensus that a complete redrawing of the map would not be desirable, since new errors might creep in. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Zoning Ordinance be amdndddby providing for approval of the Zoning Itap upon recommendation of the Plan Commission. Motion carried unanimously. I Reports - Communications The manager reported the State had approved right turn lanes at the County Line - Waukegan Road intersection, and Mr. Joseph Valenti had agreed to grant an easement. Mr. Stucko reported he had discussed the easement on the Standard Oil property with the company, and while no decision-had been reached, it was felt the easement would be- granted. President Forrest directed the manager to inform the State that progress is being made on the acquisition of easements for the right turn lanes. A letter from Dr. Hal Sundin of Baxter and Woodman proposed a workshop meeting with the Board to discuss improvements to the sewage treatment plant. President Forrest stated this matter should also be discussed with the Plan Commission in a workshop meeting. Trustee Brust stated that the Comprehensive Plan indicated maximum population, and suggested that effluent restrictions be discussed in connection with uses other than residential. It was pointed out that the Municipal Code provided for charges for excess facilities use. Trustee Neuman stated that the meeting with Baxter and Woodman would be more productive if background material is given to the Trustees prior to the meeting. President Forrest directed that this be done, including the report of approximately 4 years ago. Re: N.S. Gas Proposal A letter agreement to supply gas for heating and domestic hot water without charge for the Village Hall, Village garage and new library building was received from the ef+ North Shore Gas Company. The manager stated that if the Village acquires the N present library building and gas heating is installed, the company will provide 60 per d+ cent of the gas used for heating and hot water without charge. U Trustee Kelm questioned the phrase "in lieu of franchise tax" in the agreement letter, and the agreement was referred to the Village attorney.for review. ApproveAgreement -State Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, Highway Maintenance that the Agreement for the maintenance of State p marked route Ill. 43 in the Village for the year July 1, '1971 to June 30, 1972 with automatic extension to cover the year ending June 30, 1973, be approved and execution thereof be authorized. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes:Bootz, Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin (5) Nays: None (0) 14-- : North Ave. Improvmentss A letter from the Village of Bannockburn enclosed two bids for North Avenue improvements: SkokieVall'ey Asphalt Co. $9,840.00 Liberty Asphalt Products 7,700.00 Alt. I- $7,040.00 The Bannockburn Board has authorized the expenditure of $4,000.00 for the improvement, and recommended that the contract be awarded to Liberty ^.•Asphalt,,Products. The manager explained that the joint improvement of North Avenue had been dis- cussed for several years. Trustee Slavin stated that unquestionably North Avenue needed improvement, but he did not approve of the manner of proceeding and bids should have been solicited jointly. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that Bannockburn's proposal for North Avenue improvements be accepted, but the Bannockburn Board should be informed that in future joint matters, approval of both the Deerfield and Bannockburn Board's would be necessary. The motion failed, a tie vote being recorded as follows: Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman (3) Nays: Bootz, Slavin, Forrest (3) The matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Re: Transportation District The manager reported a letter had been received from Mr. Thomas Ploss of the Milwaukee Railroad regarding action on the Transportation District. The manager was asked to inquire why other communities along the Milwaukee Road have taken no action and to report to the Board. Trustee Kelm suggested that the first presentation of the transportation district ordinance be made at the next meeting, in order that final action thereon could be taken at any subsequent meeting. Re: H.P. Water Rate Increase A letter from the City of Highland Park explained the formula for water rate increases. 'Trustee Brust-stated he was not necessarily concerned about the rate formula, but rather the 176 rate charged Highland Park residents, and whether other municipal expenditures were being charged against Highland Park's water fund. The manager will give Trustee Brust a copy of the contract. Re: Orchard PUD =1520 Rosewood A letter from the Village attorney stated that the Orchard property at 1520 Rosewood was not zoned R -1 -B, and therefore the Planned Unit Development recommended by the Plan Commission was not appropriate. He suggested that both the rezoning and approval of the planned development could be consolidated and a public hearing on both matters be heard at the same time. Plan Commission Chairman Stiehr stated the building commis6ioner had been asked to review similar properties inc-the area for which R -1 -B zoning would be appropriate in order that the matter of rezoning could be disposed of at one time. Re: Antique Car Vehicle Licences President Forrest stated'.that an antique car owner had recently received a ticket and been fined for violation of the Village's vehicle license ordinance as a result of the Police Department's enforcement program. He stated the State gives pmferential treatment to antique cars in motor vehicle licenses. Mr. William Winslow, President of the Antique Car Owner's Club, stated antique cars are seldon driven on village streets. Cars are continually maintained and cared for, and many are driven once or twice and then laid up for a year or two for repairs and further restoration. He stated this was the first time an antique car owner had been issued a ticket in any municipality for failure to purchase a vehicle license. Trustee Slavin suggested that this matter be handled by a directive from the Chief of Police that antique cars shall not be ticketed for no vehicle licnse. Re: NIPC Wastewater Plans The manager reported that the impact state- r ment from the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission's Regional Wastewater Plan and Program.had.indicated that Deerfield will continue to operate as an independent plant for the foreseeable future, and there are no regionally approved plans for the southeast sector of Lake County. Information requested by the Commission has been sent. Reports - Communications Letters were received from the President of Niles and the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission regarding bills introduced in the legislature pertaining to the services, budgets and membership of the Commission. No action has been taken on these bills by the Deerfield Plan Commission. The financial statement submitted by Mr. John Merril:l;.,owner of the Sunset Cab and Central Yellow Cab companies was referred to the Village attorney for review. A letter was received from Senator Cecil Partee and Representative Clyde Choate regarding Anti - Pollution Bond Act funds. Notification was received from-Attorney General William Scott of the Court's decree in connection with the suit filed against scavengers. Oppose Rezoning Sanders Notice was received from the Cook County & County Line - Cook Co. Zoning Board of Appeals on the hearing to be held June 4, 1971 on a petition to rezone property at the corner of Sanders and Lake -Cook Road to the General Service District for a gas station and 'shopping center. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the Village oppose the rezoning on the basis that such rezoning should be considered only as part of a devebpment plan for the entire area. Motion carried unanimously. Support H.B. 1564- Trailers The manager reported that the Illinois Municipal League had urged support of House Bill 1564 which would authorize municipalites to regulate trailers. Trustee Neuman moved, seocnded by Trustee Brust, that a letter be sent urging enactment*, of the bill. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Forrest (3) Nays: Bootz, Kelm (2) Pass: Slavin (1) 17e Support SB 744 -MFT Funds Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee . Brust, that a letter be sent in support of Senate Bill 744 which would allow communities to spend 25 per cent of unencumbered vib:tor Fuel Tax funds. Motion carried unanimously. Reports The manager reported that the Lake County Health Department had been notified about the discharge of a milky liquid from the Hattis Building on the west side of Wilmot Road. Public Works Director Klasinski had obtained a sample which was analyzed and found to have a high BOD content, and appeared to be a floor wax or polish. The Lake County Health Department had investigated and were unable to find any discharge. The manager reported that the Highway Safety Commission had approved the purchase of a Police van, 50 per cent of the cost to be paid by the Commission and 50 per cent by the Village. It was the consensus that the van should not be purchased. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin,seconded by Trustee Neuman, the meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. APPROVED: President &�c��" . 7a 4Z� ATTEST: ' Village Clerk Prepare Ordinance Re: Affidavits Trustee Neuman stated it was his opinion that the requirement that affidavits of non - collusion be filed with bids be extended to cover matters before the Human Relations Council. �+ Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that an ordinance be prepared to require the filing of such affidavits. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm;tO- Uman•, Sldjvin (4) Q Nays: Brust (1) Trustee Bootz asked Trustee Slavin to reconsider his resignation from the Finance Committee . There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin,seconded by Trustee Neuman, the meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. APPROVED: President &�c��" . 7a 4Z� ATTEST: ' Village Clerk