April 5, 1971
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village
Hall on Monday, April 5, 1971 at 8:20 p.m. The clerk called the-.-roll and reported
that the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
George P. Schleicher
Stephen M. Slavin
M. Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: Charles R. Bootz
George Kelm
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the minutes of the
regular meeting held March 15, 1971 be approved as submitted. Motion carried
P.C. Letter Re: R.E.
A letter from the Plan Commission recommended
Research Report Updating
that no funds be expended to update the Real
Estate Research report of 1968. Inasmuch as
Trustee Kelm had been interested in this matter, President Forrest proposed that it
on the agenda for a joint
meeting with the Plan Commission on May 6, 1971.
P.C. Report Re: Union
A report from the Plan Commission recommended
Oil Dedication
acceptance of the offer of the Union Oil Company
to dedicate the northeast corner of their
property on Deerfield Road,
as part of the improved parking and traffic plan for the
Village, but pointed out that
to grant access to the parking lot from the Union Oil
Company property was not the
best plan. The Village attorney stated that the ordin-
ance granting variations for
the Union Oil service station provided for access to
the proposed street to the east
when and if Park Avenue is closed. He will discuss
the matter with the attorney
for the Union Oil Company, and it will be on the agenda
for the joint meeting on May
P.C. Report Re:Box Report A report from the Plan Commission approved the
1st National Bank & Curve Box report on the relocation of driveways and
parking at the new First National Bank, and
recommended that parking be prohibited on Waukegan Road from the Commons entrance
north to Deerfield Road. They also approved the re- design of the curve on the east
side of Waukegan Road at the north end of the bank's property, and suggested that
property owners to the north be contacted to try to obtain a greater radius for this
curve. They recommended that Mr. Box be authorized to prepare the necessary engineering
layout for the curve, the cost thereof to be shared equally by the Village and the bank.
Also recommended was a provision for left turn bays into the Commons and the bank,
and that signalization, if approved, be installed only after the left turn bays are
President Forrest directed the manager to get an estimate of the cost of
engineering for re- design of the curve, and to ask the bank if they would be willing
to share the cost. The matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
P.C. Report- Revisions to A letter from the Plan Commission recommended
Zoning Ord. & Mun. Code revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and Municipal
Code. The Board directed the Plan Commission to
schedule a public hearing on the proposed revisinns.
S.C. Report- Hovland A report from the Safety Council recommended
Stop Signs the erection of stop signs on Fairview and
Laurel Avenue (4 -way stop) and on Gordon at
Wilmot Road, and a stop sign on Willow at County Line Road. It was pointed out that
the south end of Willow Avenue was not improved and a barricade should be erected.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney
be directed to prepare the ordinance for the erection of stop signs at Laurel and
Fairview, and on Gordon at Wilmot.
Motion carried unanimously.
Report -Sump Pump Inspections
inspections were being continued
access to some residences was not
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend.
Chap. 20, Art. XI - Gasoline
Service Stations
(0- 71 -10)
liquid storage tanks. Trustee
and to renumber the following
A report on sump pump installations from
Public-Works Director Klasinski stated that
in subdivisions heretofore reported, where
possible during the regular survey.
The ordinance was presented amending the
Municipal Code by adding a new Article XI
to Chapter 17 pdrtainilng to the licensing
of gasoline service stations and the installa-
tion and testing of underground flammable
Schleicher movedto strike Section 17.1104 - Fees,
sections. Seconded by Trustee Slavin, and carried
Trustee Slavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the
ordinance be passed. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Schleicher, Slavin, Turner, Forrest (4)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Discussion - Transi -Plan Mr. Thomas Ploss of the Milwaukee Road ?�s
Project Transi -Plan reported on progress
being made on the organization of a mass suburban transportation district. He
stated he understood the Village of Golf had passed the ordinance to join the
transportation district and several other communities were considering passage.
He reported a transportation district had been organized on the west line of
the Milwaukee Road and an application had been filed for a Federal grant of 2/3
of the cost. If Governor Ogilvie's proposal for a bond issue for mass trans-
portation is approved, funds would be available to pay at least part of the
remaining 1/3 of the cost. He pointed out that no tax can be levied for a
transportation district.
Discussion was had on the North Suburban Transportation Council and
the part it could play in the organization of a district. A meeting on the
organization of financing of a district will be held at the Holiday Inn on
May 22, 1971, and he urged that the Village be represented. In answer to the
Village attorney's question, he stated no ordinances to join the district would
be filed with the County Clerk until all communities had passed the necessary
Trustee Schleicher stated many points had been clarified by Mr. Ploss,
and recommended that some one from the Village o attend the May 22nd meeting.
He asked the manager to send copies of the proposed ordinance to the Board.
Mr. Ploss suggested that Mr. Martin Nebel of the City of Evanston be
contacted for any details on bus service.
Report - Landfill Odors The manager reported that inspections of--!the
h r- landfill operation at the brickyards are being
made and records kept. The Lake County Health Department has also inspected
the area to determine the source of the odors. He stated Public Works Director
Klasinski feels that odors have been diminished since the cracks in the cover
material have been filled. The Health Department will take borings to see if
the required 2 feet of cover has been maintained.
President Forrest asked that the matter be kept on the agenda. He has
received no answer to his letter to the operator of the landfill and will write
again, as well as tb the Chairman of the County Board.
Re: Scavenger Service The manager reported that 72 complaints on
Complaints scavenger service had been received at the
Village Hall. Mr. Gene Kieft of Deerfield
Disposal stated he had reviewed the first 35 complaints. Of these 2 pickups had
not been made because of non - payment of bills. In several other instances,
garage doors had beenllocked and garbage could not be picked up, and the company
had no record of calls from most of the other complainants. When a specific
instance of failure to pick up garbage was cited, Mr. Kieft stated new employees
sometimes miss a stop, but the company tries to make the pickup the next day.
President Forrest stated he was convinced that many of the complaints
were justified, and warned Mr.-Kieft that the company must comply with the terms
of the contract.
Other complaints concerned the litter left to blow around a neighbbrhood
when cans are emptied, and failure to replace lids. Mr. Kieft stated small pieces
of paper are sometimes blown out of;�the collector's large can, but employees are
instructed to pick up any spills and to put covers on cans. He suggested that a letter
be sent to each resident giving the regulations for scavenger service. He stated
locked garage doors were the most frequent problem, and they were not required to
ring doorbells to make a pickup.
Several residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality of the
service provided by the company, and particularly the failure to replace can covers.
President Forrest asked that the record of complaints be kept for another
month. Mr. Kieft stated there was no objection to tying the covers to one handle
of the can to prevent them from being blown about.
The meeting was recessed at 9:35 p.m., and re- convened at 9:45 p.m.
Bids Sprinkler System Sealed bids for a sprinker system for the Village
Tabled garage were opened and read as follows:
Grinnel Co. $5,491.00 - $540.00 - $654.00
C. L. Doucett Co. 5,998.00 - $140.00 - $308.00
F. E. Moran 5,570.00 - $200.00 - $410.00
Blaw --Knox Sprinkler .6,747:.00 - $265.00 - $352.00
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the bids be tabled
until the next meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
Table S.C. 109 Rezoning In connection with the ordinance rezoning the
Ordinance to 4/19/71 Meeting property on Deerfield Road owned by School District
No. 109, which was authorized at the previous
meeting, a letter from the Plan Commission requested the Board to reconsider its
approval of the rezoning, listing reasons why the property should not be rezoned and
sold, and to delay the first reading of the ordinance to permit citizen action.
The propriety of a letter signed by individual members of the Plan Commission, rather
than as an official action, was questioned by Trustee Slavin, who stated he had no
objection to delaying action on the ordinance by deferring the first reading of the
ordinance to a later meeting.
Several residents urged delay, petitions opposing the sale-of the property
now be circulated for presentation to the School Board. Mr. Dudley Dewey, speaking
as a citizen of the Village, objected to the sale of the property which gives a
beautiful vista of the school from Deerfield Road. Asked why the Park Board did not
buy the property, Mr. Dewey, speaking as a member of the Park Board, stated funds from
the bond referendum were allocated, but he would bring the matter to the attention of
the Park Board, and asked for delay to give the Park Board an opportunity to consider
acquisition of the property.
Trustee Schleicher explahed that the decision to sell was made by the School
Board, and the Board of Trustees decision was only on the appropriate zoning classi-
fication for the property. Trustee Schleicher then moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, .
that the first reading of the zoning amendment be tabled until the April 19th meeting,
which will delay action on the ordinance until the first meeting in May.
Motion carried unanimously.
The School and Park Boards will be notified of this decision.
1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance
No Sex Discrimination amending sections of the Municipal Code to pro -
hibit discrimination in housing on the basis of
sex. The ordinance has been posted on the lobby bulletin board.
Refer NEIPC Request
to -P.C.
The request of the Northeastern Illinois
Planning Commission for a contribution
was referred to the Plan Commission.
Approve Pk. Bd. Request A letter was received from the Park Board
Tot Lot -North Trail Lot requesting permission to install plAy equip-
ment on the North Trail lift station site
owned by the Village. The equipment and a chain link fence will be installed
and paid for by the Park District.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the request
be granted subject to the completion and execution of a contractual agreement
on terms and conditions, incldding a "hold harmless" clause.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Purchase
Library Bldgs.
A letter was received from the Board of
Library Directors,offering to sell the present
library building.to the Village for $53,500,
and the temporary building for $7,500. They will retain the land west of the
permanent library for parking purposes.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the offer be
accepted, and an agreement be prepared embodying the terms outlined in the letter.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Schleicher, Slavin, Turner, Forrest (4)
Nays: None (0)
Approve Petition -Ill. The Village attorney reported the Appellate
Supreme Ct., Brickyard Suit Court had confirmed the decision of the
Circuit Court, and the Village cannot con-
demn the brickyard property for recreation. He outlined possible courses of
action that can be taken by the Board.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Board authorize
a petition to the Supreme Court for leave to appeal. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Schleicher, Slavin, Turner, Forrest (4)
Nays: None (0)
Signs at Deerfield- Kenton In connection with traffic confusion at the
Kipling Approved Deerfield- Kenton - Kipling traffic signal, Mr.
Paul Box proposed the erection of a "Stop
on Red °Signal" sign on the far right eastbound signal post on Deerfield Road,
and a "Stop on Line" sign on the west side of Kenton Road intersection with
Deerfield Road. 11,resident Forrest stated he would approve the "Stop on Line"
sign, but felt the "Stop on Red Signal" sign would be confusing or not observed.
The Board approved the "Stop of Line" sign as recommended. It was pointed out
that the "Stop on Line" sign" at Elder Lane was not being observed by many drivers,
who seemingly look only at the traffic signals at the Hazel- Waukegan Road inter-
Defer Lake Eleanor Garage A letter from the developer of Lake Eleanor
Sales Office for Agreement Subdivision requested permission to build a
two -car garage at 1705 Berkley Court to be
used as a sales office. When sales activity ceases, the garage will remain to
serve the house which will be built on the lot. The manager reported that
permission to build the garage for a sales office had been given a year or more
earlier, but due to thellapse of time it was felt a new request should be submitted.
Trustee Slavin proposed that approval be deferred until a letter is
received from the developer giving definite assurances that the house will be
built or the garage torn down. The Board approved this proposal.
Defer Action R.R. Mr. Paul Box submitted a revised plan for
Parking Plan parking facilities at the railroad station
with changes worked out-,.in a meeting:.-with
the Plan Commission. Discussion was had on the plan and the cost of the improve-
ments, President Forrest stating he felt there would be objections to a charge
for a facility that is now free. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph expressed concern about
parking for meetings at the Jewett Park Fieldhouse.
Trustee Slavin stated he agreed with the recommendations of the Plan Commission
and Mr. Box on the revised plan, but felt no action should be taken with two Board
members absent. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the matter be held
over to the next meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
Request Berkeley Curb A report from the manager estimated the cost
Installation on Cash Basis of extending the curb and gutter on the south
side of Berkeley Court to Carol Lane to be
$2,700, plus an additional $550 for.engineering and special assessment costs.
The Village attorney stated if the improvement were to be made by special assessments
annther public hearing must be held.
Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the manager contact
the owners of property proposed to be improved to try to secure their agreement
to construct the improvement on a cash basis,, including engineering fees.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance - Wilmot - Berkeley Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner,
Improvements S/A 110 that the ordinance be passed providing for the
(0- 71 -11) construction of curb and gutter,::stormodr.ainage
a and sidewalks on portions of Wilmot Road and
Berkeley Court by special assessments, Warrant No. 110. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Schleicher, Slavin, Turner, Forrest (4)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Refer Offer to Sell A letter was received from Mr. John Bure, offering;;
to P.C. �tbezell the property at the end of Woodvale Drive
to the Village for $7,500 for a future extension
of Woodvale- Carlisle. Decision was made to refer the offer to the Plan Commission
for a recommendation.
The manager reported the estimated costs for
engineering drawings for the relocation of
Petersen Lane and Park AVenue was $12,500.
The manager reported briefly on bills introduced in the General Assembly which
may be of interest to municipalities.
Alley changes proposed by Mr. Box at the new First National Bank building
were referred to the Plan Commission.
The manager reported that specifications for the new police radio installation
had been reviewed by Trustee Schleicher and approved.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Schleicher, seconded
by Trustee Turner, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
\ Presi ent
Village Clerk