12/07/1970144 N U 110*9,._ December 7, 1970 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, December 7, 1970 at 8:15 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Charles R. Bootz George Kelm George P. Schleicher Stephen M. Slavin Absent: M. Jay Turner, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Moved by Trustee Slavin, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 16, 1970 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Bids -Sound Reinforcement System BIDDER Ferrari, Inc. Chicago Fragassi TV & Appliance Deerfield Accept Fragassi Bid $943 Sound System to verification of compliance with Sealed bids for a sound reinforcement system for the Village Hall were opendd' and read as follows: BID $1,670.00 943.00 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the low bid of $943 submitted by Fragassi TV & Appliances be accepted subject specifications. Discussion was had on whether the expenditure for the sound reinforcement system should be deferred until the Village's economics improve. Trustee Bootz stated funds for this purpose had not been budgeted and proposed the matter be referred to the Budget Committee. He pointed out that rarely are enough citizens present to make a sound system necessary. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, Evergreen Place, stated that people at the rear cannot hear, and suggested that Trustees speak louder if the sound system is not purchased. The motion wasr'adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Forrest (3) Nays: Bootz, Slavin (2) Approve Rt. Turn Lanes The manager reported that Paul Box and Associates Waukegan- Lake -Cook Intersection had recommended the construction of right turn Box Authorized to Proceed lanes at the Waukegan- Lake -Cook Road inter- section in conjunction with the widening of Lake -Cook Road, provided the necessary rights -of -way and construction easements can be obtained by March 1971, and Cook County would accept the design.- The Plan Commission concurred. The estimated cost of right turn lanes at the Northwest and Southeast corners is $10,000 exclusive of right -of -way, and $15,000 for the Northeast and South- west corners, also exclusive of right -of -way costs, if the work is done as a part of the Lake -Cook Road improvement project. Mr. Box stated it is possible the necessary rights -of -way and easements can be .-obtained without cost to the Village inasmuch as corner properties would not be .affected 4dversely by the construction of the right turn lanes. If dedications and easements dnRL&!99Ry t� Weolr�ethe additional rights -of -way and easements by purchase or condemnation by the "quick take" provision. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that Mr. Box be authorized to proceed in accordance with his recommendations in his summary report. Motion carried unanimously. l i t) Reject Proposed Sidewalk The manager reported a cost estimate of Lake -Cook Road $25,000 for the construction of a sidewalk on the north side of Lake -Cook Road from Waukegan Road to Wilmot Road, excluding the brickyard frontage, and an addi- tional $10,000 for a walk from Waukegan Road eastward to the East Village limits. He stated the cost of the sidewalk construction could be paid from Motor Fuel Tax funds if the work is done as part of the Lake -Cook Road improvement; how- ever, although construction can be deferred, the State may or may not approve the use of Motor Fuel Tax funds for this purpose at a later date. If the Board elects to proceed with the installation of sidewalks, the Cook County Highway Department should be notified to prepare plans, although they may prefer plans be prepared by the Village. Mr. Box stated there would be 16� feet from the edge of the road for the construction of sidewalks, but recommended the sidewalk position be variable depending on topography. Discussion was had on construction of sidewalks by Special Assessments, but the assessment of the brickyard property which is outside the Village was questioned, as well as the benefit to lots in Briarwood Vista Subdivision where rear lot lines abut Lake -Cook Road and frontages are improved with sidewalks. Trustee Schleicher suggested the manager explore whether a sidewalk con be con- structed on the north side of Lake -Cook Road from Wilmot Road fonthehEast Village limits, including the brickyard property, under the Motor Fuel Tax law, to avoid a Special Assessment. The sidewalk would be used for bicycle traffic as well as pedestrians. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the manager be authorized to work with the Cook County Highway Department to include srdewalk5 in the plans for Lake -Cook improvements, subject to approval of the work being done under the Motor.Fuel Tax law, the Village paying the cost. Trustee Slavin stated that the Village's Motor Fuel Tax funds are limited, and with present and future commitments including the extension of Carlisle Avenue as requested by School District No. 109, he proposed that no action be taken on Lake -Cook Road sidewalks until the Board has a breakdown of Motor Fuel Tax commitments for the next several years. The motion failed, the following vote being recorded: Ayes: None (0) Nays: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Waukegan Rd. Tmprovements A report from Traffic Consultant Paul Box at Deerbrook Tabled recommended Waukegan Road improvements at the Deerbrook Shopping Center to include the extension of the widening lane on the west side to the Toll Road; widening the east side at Village expense to the point 1000 ft. south of Lake -Cook Road which will be improved-.by Cook County; construction of left turn bays and a median strip; and signalization of the main entrance to Deerbrook. The estimated cost of the improvement is $150,000, of which $110,000 is for construction and $40,000 for traffic signals. The estimate does not include street lighting or the right turn lanes at the Lake - Cook /Waukegan intersection, nor improvements on the west side of Waukegan Road which will be paid for by Deerbrook. Mr. Box recommended that the design for future lighting be included in the construction plans. He stated that if funds are limited, he would recommend the construction of road improvements now as an "add -on" to the Lake -Cook Road improvement project, and the installation of traffic signals be deferred. Trustee Kelm pointed out that a substantial expenditure was involved, and moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Trustee Slavin. Motion carried unanimously. Authorize Box ActoRe: Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Deerbrook- Waukegan Rd. Plans Kelm, that Mr. Paul Box be authorized to act on behalf of the Village in negotiations with the State and Deerbrook engineers regarding construction plans for Waukegan Road improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (0) F___� I'll. Approve Alt. 2, Deerfield- Three alternatives were proposed as a solution Petersen - Hoffman Signals to alleviate the present confusion at the Authorize B & W Plans Deerfield- Petersen - Hoffman intersection, as follows: (1) no left turn from Petersen Lane, add signs and street striping. - '.minimal cost; (2) full signalization and pedestrian signal on the same phase as Hoffman Lane - estimated cost $4,000; (3) same as No. 2 except different phase for Petersen Lane to eliminate conflict with Hoffman Lane, the advance-green for Petersen to be taken from Hoffman green.- estimated cost $6,000. Trsutee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that solution No. 2 be accepted, and Baxter and Woodman be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the installation. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance eliminating parking on Deerfield Road as required by the installation of traffic signals as described above. Motion carried unanimou "sly. Re: Deerfield - Wilmot The Safety Council recommended the installation Signalization of traffic lights at the Deerfield - Wilmot Road intersection, now a 4 -way stop. Mr. Paul Box stated he had recommended a traffic count at this intersection as well as a number of other locations, but had not recommended signalization. 'The traffic count is being Qmade, and a report will.be submitted. Approve Crossing Guard A report from the Chief of Police concurred with Woodland Park School the Safety Council's recommendation that a crossing guard is needed at the Woodland Park School, to be stationed on Wilmot Road at the Hertel - School Street intersection. He also recommended that a sidewalk be constructed on the west side of Wilmot Road from Greenwn d Avenue to Hertel Lane, a distance of approximately 686 feet. The manager stated the cost of a crossing guard would be approximately $750 for the remainder of the fiscal year and no funds had been budgeted for this purpose. He proposed that a crossing guard for the;3doodland Park School be provided for in next year's budget, and the sidewalk on the west side of. Wilmot Road be constructed as early as possible next spring. The walk would be constructed under special assessment proceedings. Parents of school children living west of Wilmot Road pointed out that 160 children must cross Wilmot Rodd daily, and urged the immediate employment of a crossing guard for their protection. It was stated that some mothers drive to school because they fear for the safety of their children, which adds to the traffic problem. All agreed the installation of a sidewalk as early as possible next spring, but stated the need for a crossing guard is urgent. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board authorize the employment of a crossing guard at Woodland Park School to be stationed on Wilmot Road in the vicinity of Hertel.Lane. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Nays: None (0) Pass: Slavin (1) Authorize Plans Wilmot Sidewalk S/A Schleicher (3) of a sidewalk on the west side special assessments. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the preparation of plans and specifications be authorized for the construction of Wilmot Road from the bridge to Berkley Court by Residents asked that the Police Department give particular attention to speeding near:Wbodland Park School. President Forrest stated this request would be brought to the attention of the Police Chief. Approve Box Recommendations Hazel- Maplewood School at Maplewood School: No stop si walk on Hazel Avenue at the east Avenue; Relocate existiijg school A report from Traffic Consultant Paul Box listed the following recommendations regarding traffic controls and school crosswalks on Hazel Avenue ;ns on Hazel Avenue at Forest Avenue; Install a cross - side of Alden Court; Install CROSSWALK signs on Hazel speed limit signs to cover only the crosswalk area; Remove existing stop signs on Hazel Avenue at Sheridan Avenue; and discontinue the use of the existing crosswalk on Hazel Avenue at Sheridan. Trustee,Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that Mr. Box's recommendations be approved, and the Village attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinances. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 9:40 p.m., and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. President Forrest reported that traffic counts are being made at the Deerfield- Kipling- Kenton intersection as well-as other locations in the-Village but the Traffic Safety report will not be completed for several months since Mr. Box has been working on matters of higher priority. BZA Report - Douglas TV A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals Sign Variation Approved recommended that a variation be granted BZA to Review Sign Ord. from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a 4' x 23'6" sign with six logos advertising brands in addition to the dealer identification, at 350 County Line Road, as requested by Douglas TV. Discussion was had on the need for revisions to the sign regulations and clarification. A report from the building commissioner listed problems of enforce- ment with respect to signs and accessory uses at automobile service stations. A survey of service stations operators showing-requested signs was attached. The Village attorney recommended that the ordinance be reviewed in its entirety with particular attention to service stations and outside vending-machines. Mr. Robert Hamilton of the Illinois Petroleum Council stated he had some experience in helping prepare ordinances regulating service station signs and he would like the Board's permission to work with the Village attorney and the service station operators to prepare an ordinance acceptable to the Board and station operators. Several service station operators gave their opinionsson the types of signs which ,were necessary 'and those which are undesirable, . Trustee'Schleicher suggested that, inasmuch as the Board of Zoning Appeals hears petitions for sign variations, the pertinent ordinances be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeal: with*the building commissioner and other interested persons, and their recommendations be submitted to the Board of Trustees who will then refer the-report to the Plan Commission for a public hearing. Chairman Stanley White of the Board of Zoning Appeals agreed to undertake this review. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the report of the Board of Zoning Appeals be approved and the Village attorney be directed to pre- pare the ordinance granting the sign variation as recommended. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Slavin (2) Nays: Kelm (1) Pass: SlavLa_41) Schleicher. (1) (As corrected 12/21/70) Mr. Roger Sekera presented copies of the 1970 Deerfield Jaycees Community Survey. President Forrest thanked the Jaycees on behalf of the Board, for this community service. Report - Hovland Improvements Mr. Charles Greengard, engineer for Hovland S/A 108 improvements, stated that a comprehensive check list of items to be corrected and completed had been made on November'13 and 14, but he had been unable to get a time schedule for completion from the contractors. He reported construction was basically completed except for two street returns, approximately 500 ft. of side- walk and some grading and seeding of parkways. The relocation of uti itytpolesshas caused some delay but it is the responsibility of the contractor to arrange for the removal. He recommended that completion of-construction be required this year under winter conditions except for the remaining grading and seeding and replacement of sidewalks across driveways, which should be done next spring and completed by June 30, 1971. A one -half street in which Chesterfield Builders is involved has been checked and is located as shown in the plans. Mr. Zera stated all utility poles have now been moved except one in the street and one in the sidewalk, but the sidewalk and approach in one area cannot be put in this year due to wet soil and poor drainage. The manager stated the Village would put in drainage in this area next spring. Mr. James Tiffany, 1407 Laurel Avenue, asked how he would be paid for the it 113, 1 sidewalks he had constructed on his corner lot at Laurel and Birchwood; the assessment for sidewalks is approximately $900 at the contract unit price. Mr. Greengard stated there is no provision for payment to anyone but the contractor. The Village attorney stated some way could be found.to reimburse Mr. Tiffany, but compliance with speci- fications should be checked. This will be done by Mr. Greengard. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that Mr. Greengard and Zera Construction Company be notified that the performance bond will be called if the work is not fully completed by June 30, 1971. Trustee Kelm recommended that Mr. Ralph Jensen be asked to comment on the ordinance, and suggested that Mr. Hamilton call Mr. Jensen to discuss the matter. Ordinance -Side Yard Variation Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, 145 Birchwood ( Denley) that the ordinance be adopted grai�tingaat>vatia- 0- 70 -49) tion from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to permit an interior side yard of 3.46 feet to an existing building at 145 Birchwood Avenue, Lot 69, J. S. Hovland's lst Addition to Deerfield Subdivision, as requested by Mr. Reginald Denley. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (�) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Re: Escrow Defficiency A letter from the Village attorney "stated that Lake Eleanor Improvements it was his opinion that Mr. Waytula is obligated to pay any deficiency between the amount of the escrow funds and the cost of completion of the improvements in Lake Eleanor Subdivision. The manager stated the -defi(iengywould amount to approximately $800. Decision was made taht Mr. Waytula be required to pay the deficiency. Withdraw Likes Sub. Plat A letter from Mrs. Glenn Likes stated they could not proceed with the proposed Likes Subdivision at this time. Authorize Execution -Box Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, Contratt -R.R. Parking Design that the Board authorize execution of the contract with Paul Box and Associates for design of parking facilities at the Milwaukee Railroad station. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (0) Approve Temp. Permit In connection with the request of Mr. David Mail Box Trailer at Deerbrook Chapman for a temporary permit for a MAIL BOX trailer at Deerbrook Shopping Center, the manager reported that a note from Mr. Chapman stated he could not remain but would answer any questions at Lake Forest on Sunday, December 13th. Trustee Slavin stated 'there was areal problem in trying to get to the post office during the Christmas season, and moved that a temporary permit be granted for the MAIL BOX trailer at the Deerbrook Shopping Center for period not to exceed thirty days. Adopted by the following vote: Motion carried unanimously. Report -Sump Pump Inspections The manager reported that sump pump installations in 533 houses have been inspected; 460 have been approved; 2 have been referred to the attorney; 33 have been corrected, and 13 must be corrected. Authorize Ordinance Mr. Robert Hamilton-of the Illinois Oil Cdlindil Gas Tank Testing recommended tha adoption of an ordinance similar to the City of Champaign ordinance for the testing of undergound flammable liquid storage tanks. He also submitted the provisions of the DesPlaines Building Code relative to the installation of such tanks. He stated the proposed ordinance had been discussed with Fire Chief Elmer Krase who had approved the ordinance. d'' Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance relative to tests of underground flammable liquid storage tanks in conformity with the.City of Champaign ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Kelm recommended that Mr. Ralph Jensen be asked to comment on the ordinance, and suggested that Mr. Hamilton call Mr. Jensen to discuss the matter. Ordinance -Side Yard Variation Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, 145 Birchwood ( Denley) that the ordinance be adopted grai�tingaat>vatia- 0- 70 -49) tion from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to permit an interior side yard of 3.46 feet to an existing building at 145 Birchwood Avenue, Lot 69, J. S. Hovland's lst Addition to Deerfield Subdivision, as requested by Mr. Reginald Denley. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (�) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Re: Escrow Defficiency A letter from the Village attorney "stated that Lake Eleanor Improvements it was his opinion that Mr. Waytula is obligated to pay any deficiency between the amount of the escrow funds and the cost of completion of the improvements in Lake Eleanor Subdivision. The manager stated the -defi(iengywould amount to approximately $800. Decision was made taht Mr. Waytula be required to pay the deficiency. Withdraw Likes Sub. Plat A letter from Mrs. Glenn Likes stated they could not proceed with the proposed Likes Subdivision at this time. Authorize Execution -Box Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, Contratt -R.R. Parking Design that the Board authorize execution of the contract with Paul Box and Associates for design of parking facilities at the Milwaukee Railroad station. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (0) Approve Temp. Permit In connection with the request of Mr. David Mail Box Trailer at Deerbrook Chapman for a temporary permit for a MAIL BOX trailer at Deerbrook Shopping Center, the manager reported that a note from Mr. Chapman stated he could not remain but would answer any questions at Lake Forest on Sunday, December 13th. Trustee Slavin stated 'there was areal problem in trying to get to the post office during the Christmas season, and moved that a temporary permit be granted for the MAIL BOX trailer at the Deerbrook Shopping Center for period not to exceed thirty days. Adopted by the following vote: 114 Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (3) Nays: Bootz (1) Confirm P.C. Hearing 12117 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Comprehensive Plan Bootz, that the Board confirm President Forrest's action in directing the Plan Com- mission to hold a public hearing on December 17, 1970 on the revised Comprehen- sive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. Re: "B" Zoning. Plan Commission Chairman Dan Stiehr reported a public hearing had been held on a proposed "B" Business District ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance but no one had attended the hearing: However, objections have since been received from businesses and homeowners who would be affected by the changes. Action on the matter has been. deferred until after the first of the year, and Plan Commission members Richard Deutsch and Albert Brust have been appointed to meet with businessmen to get their opinions on changes that would make a more workable ordinance. 1st Presentation - Zoning Amend. o The first presentation was made of an Accessory Bldgs. & Location ordinance amending sectinns of the Zoning Ordinance relative to accessory buildings and their locations, and defining "structure ". The ordinance has been posted on the lobby bulletin board. Resolution Supporting New Letters were received from the American Constitution (R- 70 -16) Association,of ^University Women, League of Women Voters, PTA Council and the Municipal League requesting-the Board's public support of the new Constitution to be voted on December 15th. A letter from Mayor Arthur Fossland of Winthrop Harbor ques- tioned some of the provisions of the proposed Constitution. Trustee Slavin urged the adoption of a resolution in support of the Constitution. He pointed out that Illinois municipalities are handicapped by the present lack of "Home Rule" which would be granted to municipalities of 25,000 or more population by the proposed Constitution, and permitted to municipalities of less than 25,000 if approved by voters in a referendum. He stated that if the Constitution is approved in the December 15th election, he would favor submitting the question of "Home Rule" to the voters in next year's Village election. Trustee SchleicherAjm/oved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that a Resolution be adopted supporting the proposed State Constitution. Motion carried unanimously. President Forest signed the Proclamation urgsng the support of all voters of Deerfield for the 1970 Constituion for the State of Illinois, and proclaiming the support of the Board of Trustees. P.C. Report- Goodman Sub. A report from the Plan Commission recommended approval of the final plat of Goodman's Sub- division with variations in lot width and area (50 ft. and 8,250 sq. ft.) for Lots 1 and 2. Approve Resolution Re: Trustee Slavin stated he had requested the Child Proof Drug Containers Village attorney to prepare an ordinance requiring local pharmacies to use child resistant containers for prescription drugs , but had been advised that Illinois law expressly prohibits the regulation of pharmacies by municipalities. Trustee Slavin then moved the adoption of a resolution urging voluntary cooperation by local pharmacies in the use of child resistant, containers for prescription drugs. Seconded by Trustee Schleicher. Motion carried unanimously. Re: Project Transi -Plan The manager reported that a letter had been received from Mr. Thomas Ploss, Chairman of the Milwaukee Road's Project Transi -Plan, who stated that the North Suburban Trans- portation Council had recommended that member communities for a North Suburban Mass Transit District to concern itself with improved commuter facilities.Mr;;:Ploss recommended that communities pass Ordinances of Creation to be deposited simul- taneously with County Clerks, and he will send a draft ordinance for the Board's consideration. The manager pointed out that, if the Transportation District is formed, there is no provision for dissolution. N TV Q Accept Moran Sub. Improvements The building commissioner recommended Release Escrow of the Moran Subdivision improvements were completed more than a year ago, of the escrow funds. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that improvements be acepted by the Village and the escrow be released. Motion carried uannimously. Resolution- County Line Rd. Improvements (R- 70 -17) The resolution pertains to the closk turn bays, and the intent to seek an intersection with County Line Road. Motion carried unanimously. M _C acceptance which and release the Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the resolution pertaining to the improvement of County Line Road be adopted. ig of certain streets, the construction of left alignment of the Huehl Road - Birchwood Avenue Approve Transfer to P.B. Fund A report from the treasurer showed a balance of S/A 92 Surplus $7332.81 $7,332.81 in Special Assessment No. 92, paving of Hazel, Wayne and Holly, after the payment of all costs. This balance is applicable first to reimbursement of the Public Benefit Fund, the Village having paid $12,550.97. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the balance of $7,332.81 in the Special Assessment No. 92 account be transferred to the Public Benefit Fund. Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Re: Drag Racing amending Section 20.343(b) of the Municipal Code pertaining to drag racing. The ordinance was prepared at the request of the prosecuting attorney to conform to the State law. The ordinance was read in full. Reports - Communications A public hearing will be held by the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals on December 14 in Waukegan to consider amendments relating to Planned Unit Development provisions of ,the Lake County Zoning Ordinance. The clerk will attend this hearing. AJletter from Mr. Charles Allen, President of the Deerfield Park Board, stated the Park District is no longer interested in acquiring the old library building. A letter from Allis Chalmers stated the company would be willing to dedicate a 30 ft. strip of land for the improvement of Kates Road provided certain conditions are met. Reports were received from Mr. Charles Smalley, building commissioner, and Mr;., Albert Brust of the Plan Commission, regarding the Gottlieb "incubator" factory building south of County Line Road. A restrictive covenant was also submitted which was felt by Mr. Smalley to give adequate protection. President Forrest stated the Floodstrom property south of County Line Road (former RCA building) had not been annexed and asked the Village attorney to undertake the necessary work to complete this annexation. Authorize Contract The Village attorney reported he had communicaged Purchase Fix -It Shop Property with the owner of the Fix -It Shop property and received an offer to sell for $30,000 payable in installments over a 12 year period with interest at 6 per cent. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare a c9ntract for the purchage of the Fix -It Shop property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (4) Nays: None (0) There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Bootz, seconded by Trustee Slavin, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m. APPROVED: Presiden TTEST : �Q Village Clerk