05/18/1970 (2)k I%Ajt May 18, 1970 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, May 18, 1970 at 8:20 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President George Kelm George P. Schleicher Stephen M. Slavin Absent: Charles R. Bootz M. Jay Turner, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Minutes of the regular meeting held May 4, 1970 were approved on motion by Trustee Slavin, seconded by Trustee Kelm, and carried unanimously. P.C. Report - Cullman Wheel In connection with the Gottlieb proposal for M District Revisions construction of an "incubator" factory on the former Cullman Wheel property, a report from the Plan Commission restated its recommendation of April*24, 1970 that the Village Board temporarily provide for the exclusion of multiple tenancy under all manu- facturing classifications until the comprehensive review of zoning ordinances is completed. The report further stated the Plan Commission will consider the following in the near future: (1) upgrading the zoning to 0 & R; (2) Increasing the minimum lot size from 2 acres to 5 acres; and (3) improving front and rear yard requirements. The Village attorney stated thattthe zoning ordinance must be amended if multiple tanancy is to be excluded. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance prohibiting multiple occupancy in Manufacturing Districts, to be referred to the Plan Commission. for a public hearing. Trustee Kelm stated it was his opinion it would be unwise'to adopt a hastily drafted amendment when the complete zoning ordinance is being re- viewed. The motion failed to carry, the following vote being recorded: Ayes: Schleicher (1) Nays: Kelm, Slavin (2) The clerk reported that the Annexation Agreement between Cullman Wheel and the Village of Deerfield provided.only for classification of the property as an M- Manufacturing District. The matter of Annexation Agreements will be clarified with the Plan Commission. BZA Report -Ace Hosts Sign A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recom- Deny Variation mended denial of the petition of Ace Hosts of Illinois (Roy Rogers) for variations to permit • free - standing sign 221 sq. ft. in area, 30 ft. in height with gas torches, and • bottom elevation of less than 12 ft. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals be approved and the petition of Ace Hosts for variations be denied. Motion carried unanimously. President Forrest asked the Village attorney to check whether gas torches are permitted . BZA Report- Variations A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals Sinclair Signs, Pumpr recommended that variation's requested by Sinclair Island & Building Oil Company for a free- standing signrat the front property line be granted as well as the - setback of the pump island and building. Approval was recommended for the south lighting standard if combined with the sign, and denial of the north lighting standard. Mr. George McLaughlin, a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals, stated there were dis- crepancies in the reportand a further report will be submitted for clarification. BZA Report -Ef nt-_Yard A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals Variation -1631 Garand recommended that a variation be granted to permit Atty. Prepare Ordinance the construction of an attached garage with a front yard setback of 29 ft. W4 in. at 1631 Garand Drive, as requested by Mr. Melvin Simons. The proposed garage addition would 1 +C ` A , ' , conform to the front yard setback of the existing house which was constructed prior to annexation of the property to the Village. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the Board approve6the tecommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Village attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance granting the variation. Motion carried unanimously. BZA Report -Sign Variation A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recom- Deerfield Oil -663 Waukegan mended that a variation be granted to permit the Atty. to Prepare Ordinance erection of a 32 sq. ft. double faced illuminated free - standing sign one ft, from the front property line at 663 Waukegan Road, as requested by the owner, Mr. Louis Rak, Deerfield Oil Company. Trustee'Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Board approve the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Village attorney be directed to prepared the ordinance granting the said variation. Motion carried unanimously. S.C. Recommendation A report from the Safety Council recommended that No Parking on Waukegan,: parking or stopping be prohibited except in Central to County Line emergencies on both sides of Waukegan Road from Central Avenue to County Line Road. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the manager be directed to contact the State Highway Department to request that signs be posted to implement the Safety Council's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution- Scaven ger Rates Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, (R- 70 -10) that.the resolution be adopted establishing maximum rates for scavenger service, effective May 15, 1970, as follows: Once -per -week service - $3.85 per month; Twice- per -week service - $5.75 per month. Motion carried unanimously. The ordinance pertaining to liquor licenses was tabled until the next meeting, President Forrest stating he felt it was important that all members be - present. lst Presentation - Ordinances The first presentation was made of the following Deerbrook Annexation ordinances which were read in full and are posted Deerbrook Zoning & on the bulletin board in the lobby: Ordinance Zonis Amend. Planned Bus. annexing Deerbrook Shopping Center addition; Development Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance and Map by classifying the Deerbrook Shopping Center Addition as a B -1 Neighborhood Business District and approving the Planned Business Development; and an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance to establish a Planned Business Development classification and regulations therefor. A Resolution approving a revised covenant for Phase I, Deerbrook Shopping Center was also presented.. Re: Maplewood Downspouts & The manager stated there was no report from School Storm Drainage District 109 on disconnection of Maplewood School downspouts and surface drainage from the sanitary sewer, and connection to the storm sewer. Mr. J. K. Willman, Hazel Avenue, whose base - ment has been flooded repeatedly, stated he had attended school board meetings, but there was no positive assurance the work would be done due to lack of funds. If two slots on Deerfield Road are sold, funds may be available for correction of storm water connections, but DiPietro Plumbing would not start work until after school closes because open trenches and construction would be hazardous to children. President Forrest directed the manager to write to the School District asking when the work would be done, and asked that the matter be kept on the agenda. Report -Sales Tax Receipts The manager reported that the Illinois Department of Revenue had advised that 45.6% of Deerfield's sales tax for the year July, 1968 -69 was from the sale of food, and approximately 20% i'ri most communities. The Illinois Municipal League has urged all municipalities to contact legislators to oppose bills exempting food from the sale tax until other revenue is provided. Trustee Slavin proposed that the matter be tabled inasmuch as Trustee Bootz had asked for discussion of'a resolution pertaining to removal of the sales tax from food. 46 Petition to Widen Underpass Dan Wright, 928 Chestnut Street, a student in Sidewalks Mr. Roffman's 5th grade class at Maplewood School, presented a petition signed by 112 residents who asked that Deerfield Road underpass sidewalks be widened, the present narrow sidewalks being a hazard to bicycle riders. A sketch by Danny Salinas, a 5th grade student also, showed how the widening might be accomplished. The manager was asked to investigate the feasibility of the improvement, and to report at the next meeting. Re: Weed Complaint In connection with the complaint about weeds on Rear of 308 Willow the property at the rear of 308 Willow Avenue, the manager reported that the owner, Mr. John Glorioso, had been contacted and had stated that the weeds would be cut as soon as it is dry enough, and a house will probably be built on the property this year. Trustee Slavin asked the manager to .send a strong letter to the -owner , and the matter be kept on the agenda. Complaint was made of weeds on the Mallin property. Trggtee Schleicher left the meeting, at 9:00 P.M. Re: CATV Franchise Mr. Louis A. Lerner requested consideration of Lerner Communications an application of Lerner Communications, Inc., a subsidiary of Lerner Home Newspapers, for a CATV franchise.' In his brief presentation, Mr. Lerner stated recent FCC rulings have greatly extended the scope of CATV operations, with unlimited importation of out -of -town programs, and for systems with 3,500 or more subscribers, time must be allocated for local programming. He stated that his company, with a long record of community service, is well equipped to enter the CATV field, and would be heneficial to the community as well as the company. He described several of the services CATV now offers, and stated the possibilities appear endless for additional services in the future. Average monthly charges to subscribers are $5.01. He explained how a CATV system is installed and stated the antenna need not be located in the munici- -' pality it serves, and could be used by several municipalities. In answer to member's questions Mr. Lerner stated a CATV system is successful if there are 35 subscribers per lineal mile; applications have been submitted to 14 municipalities and are being considered; if a franchise is granted, 12 to 18.months would elapse before operations due to time required for obtaining necessary permits, negotiations with telephone and power companies for rental of poles, etc. The charge for using a pole is $5.00 per year. Trustee Slavin stated he appreciated the presentation which was most enlightening, and Mr. Lerner thanked the Board for its attedtidn. Trustee Schleicher re- entered the meeting and was present thereafter. The meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m., and re- convened at 9:40 p.m. lst Presentation- Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Deputy Clerk Salary While amending Section 3.014 of the Municipal Code to Clerk on Vacation provide for compensation to the deputy clerk of gn amount not to exceed 3,152 of the clerk's annual salary. The ordinance has Teen posted on the bulletin board -�in the lobby. Re: Hwy. Maint.,Agreement The manager reported that a letter from the State Highway Department stated that the City Main- tenance Agreement would be extended to cover the year July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971„ as porivded by the 1969 Agreement, unless otherwise notified. There having been no changes, the Board indicated approval of the extension. Re: We -Go Storm Sewer The manager requested authorization for Baxter and Woodman to prepare plans and specifications for installation of a storm sewer to drain flood waters in the We -Go Park area. President Forrest stated it was rumored that the Mailfald property will-!be developed which could preclude the necessity for installation of the storm sewer by the Village. He asked the manager to investigate the matter and report to the Board on this and similar matters which may be before the Plan Commission. lst Presentation- Ordinance The first presentatinn was made of an ordinance Location of Swimming Pools adding a new Section 27..803(e) to the Municipal Code to provide that swimming pools shall be located only in side or rear yards and not less than 10 feet from any lot line or the principal structure, with provision for variations approved by the Board in cases of hardship. Approve Temporary Trailer A letter from the Union Oil Company requested Union Oil, 836 Deerfield Rd. permission to install a temporary mobil trailer at 836 Deerfield Road for use by the dealer during the rebuilding of the service station. (Pure Oil station). Trustee Schleicher 47, moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that permission be granted for the installation of the trailer subject to issuance of a building permit for the service station. Motion carried unanimously. Re: Add. Employee Discussion was had on the employment of an additional Finance Dept. person in the Finance Department. It was explained that the Village is now doing the accounting for the library; and if the Village does the billing for scavenger service, the work load will be increased substantially. The Village attorney stated the library board could be billed for accounting services, or could have.ghe work.done by its own employeed. The manager estimated a salary of $5,500 for a full -time employee. President Forrest proposed the matter be considered by the Finance Committee. Reports - Communications A report from the Village attorney relative to the status of police ;patrons stated they are appointed by the President and are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Police.Com- missioners. The manager reported that the questionnaire on emergency warmigg systems had been filed with the Civil Defense agency. A letter from Mr. Joseph Valenti regarding the placing of No Parking signs on the south side of County Line Road west of the Waukegan Road intersection was referred .�a to the Safety Council. N [� Discussion was had on the bags of lawn clippings which are often left at the curb for several days and the question of enforcement.of the provision thht lawn wastes shall not be placed at the curb earlier than sundown of the day preceding pickup. President Forrest proposed that enforcement be delayed until schedules for pickup are set. The manager reported there had been complaints about the use of plastic bags for lawn and garden wastes and suggested the Village might buy paper bags and sell to residents at cost. Trustee Slavin suggested that letters be sent to organizations such as,the JCs, Boy Scouts and similar service groups suggesting the sale of bags as a fund, raising project. The manager reported that at Trustee Schleicher's request he had obtained prices on hand embroidered Village crests as follows: 1 - $15.00; 6 - $10.50 each; 12 - $9,00 each and 25 - $8.50 each. President Forrest reported he had been selected as captain of a donkey baseball team and had been challenged by the Chamber of Commerce for a game on July 4th, Deer- field Family Day. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. APPROVED: President- ATTEST: Village Clerk 1