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10/20/1969 (2)
267 Re: Variation In connection with the report of the Board of 918 Waukegan Rd. Zoning Appeals regarding the petition for a variatioi for 918 WAukegan Road, which has been tabled, Mr. Stanley Appelbaum, who represented the petitioners, stated that the Trust which holds options on two parcels had indicated their willingness to turn over the contracts to the Library Board at cost. He proposed that the matter be left on the table. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Avery, seconded by Trustee Slavin, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROVED: President ATTEST: ` Village Clerk V V October 20, 1969 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, October 20, 1969 at 8:20 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Charles R. Bootz George Kelm George P. Schleicher Stephen M. Slavin N. Jay Turner, Jr. Absent: Jayman A. Avery, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Minutes of the regular meeting held October 6, 1969 and.the adjourned meeting of October 13, 1969 were approved on motion by;Trustee Slavin, seconded-by Trustee Schleicher, and carried unanimously. Approve Warrant No. W -69 -10 Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that Warrant No. W -69 -10 - payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Deny Variation Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee 918 Waukegan Road Kelm, that the report of the Board of Zoning Appeals regarding the petition for a variation at 918 Waukegan Road be removed from the table. Motion carried unanimously. The report of the Zoning Board of Appeals was read recommending'denial of the petition for a variation to permit the construction of'12 multiple family dwelling units on the property known as 918 Waukegan Road. . Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the petition be denied in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Adopted by the follwoing vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) `l • BZA Report -Side Yard Variation The report of the Board of Zoning Appeals 1119 Greentree (Kapple) was read recommending that a variation be Authorize Ordinance granted to permit a rear yard of ten feet at 1119 Greentree, as requested by Mr. F. T. Kapple. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the report of the Board of Zoning Appeals be approved, and. the Village attorney be directed to pre- pare the ordinance granting said variation. Adopted by the followipg vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) BZA Report- Variations The report of the Board of Zoning Appeals Shell Oil- County Line &, was read recommending that variations from Waukegan, Authorize Ordinance front and side yard requirements be granted as requested by the County Line Shell station at County Line and Waukegan Roads and denial of the request for a sign projecting above the roof. Mrs. Naomi Clampitt, a member of the'Boarii —of Zoning Appeals, stated that the proposed new building would be no closer to street and property lines than the present building. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance granting the variations in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) BZA Report- Variations Union The report of the Board of Zoning Appeals Oil, 836 Deeffield Rd.Tabled was. read recommending that variations be granted as requested by the Union Oil Company for the Pure Oil station at 836 Deerfield Road with the exception of the free - stadding sign 55.6 sq. ft. in area. In answer to TrusteesKelm's question regarding the proposed rellbcation of Park Avenue and its effect on the subject property, Mrs. Clampitt stated the matter had not been brought up at the hearing, but it was her understanding that the relocation would not involve this property except possibly the rear 50 feet which will not be used as part of the service station operation and will be planted with grass and shrubs. A representative from the Union Oil Company explained that the proposed sign is a plastic sphere and the area visiblgr from any angle is less than the usual sign. The height meets Code requirements. Trustee Schleicher suggested that the Sign ordinance be reviewed with respect to spherical signs. Plan Commission Chairman Albert Brust stated he would like to consult,_kith the'-Planinet ohr,this-:matter. The Plan Commission hopes to vote on recommendations on October 30th and report to the Board immediately .thereafter. Trustee Kelm moved that, in view of the Plan Commission's forthcoming recom- mendation,, the matter be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Trustee Turner, and adopted by .the.following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Preliminary Plat A report from the Plan Commission recommended Likes Sub. approval of the preliminary plat of Lkes' Subdivision with the following qualifications: 1. Dedication of the north 30 ft. for a future street; 2. Side yard variation for the existing house on proposed Lot 1; 3. Provision made for improvements; 4. Move garage on Lot 1 to straighten lot line between Lots 1 and 2. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee.Turner, that the preliminary plat of Likes' Subdivision be approved subject to the four conditions listed by the Plan Commission. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) I4f9: G:.F: Clampit�-� 1455 Greenwood Avenue, pointed out that the existing house on Cherry Street should be taken into consideration in providing for the future development of interior lots which will be opened up by street dedications such as the Likes' Subdivision. 1 1 269 S.C. Report Re: The report from the Safety Council recommended that Hazel Ave. Stop Signs Broadmoor Plate at Hazel Avenue and Sheridan Avenue at Hazel Avenue be designated as 3 -way stops. Discussion was had on the Council's recommendation for signs at Sheridan and Hazel. The Safety Chairman of the Maplewood PTO urged a 4 -way stop at Forest and Hazel Avenues rather than the 3 -way stop at Sheridan. Trustee Schleicher proposed that the Board followi— the recommendation of the Safety Council with respect to the Sheridan -Hazel stop signs and invite residents of the area to observe the effects and let the Board know if the problem continues. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that a 3 -way stop at Sheridan and Hazel Avenue be added to the ordinance which has been prepared to d &signate Broadmoor Place and Hazel Avenue as'a 3 -way stop street. Motion carried unanimously. S.C. Report - Wilmot Sidewalk The Safety Council recommended the installation of a sidewalk on the west side of Wilmot Road from the end of the existing sidewalk at approximately 710_ Wilmot Road.to Deerfield Road. Trustees Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the building commissioner be directed to notify the owner to construct the sidewalk to Deerfield Road or 'the Village will under- take construction by special assessments. © Motion carried unanimously. V. The meeting was recessed at 9:20 p.m., and reconvened at 9:30 p.m., Trustee V Bootz having left the meeting. Bids - Air Compressor Sealed bids on a trailer mounted air compressor were opened and read as follows: BIDDER BID Gardner - Denver Co. $4,488.00 Hillsman Equipment Co. 3,815.50 (exceptions to specifications) Advance Contractors Supply Co. 5,184.00 Burris Equipment Co. 3,890.00 3,350.00 (alternate bid) Carey and Emmert 5,045.00 The bids were turned over to the building commissioner to review for compliance with specifications. Bids - Leaf Collectof Sealed bids on a trailer mounted vacuum leaf Accept Schuster Bid $1718.80 collector were opened and read as follows: BIDDER BID George A. Davis, Inc. $2,335.00 Gledhill Equipment Co. 2,975.30 Schuster Equipment Co. 1,718.80 Illinois Truck & Equipment - 2,000.00 (used - does not meet specs. 'u Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the low bid of $1,718.00 submitted by Schuster Equipment Company be accepted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Sec. 20.338 No Trucks on Hermitage & Longfellow (0- 69 -35) Adopted by the following vote: Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted amending Section 20.338 of the Municipal Code to prohibit truck traffic on Hermitage Drive and Longfellow Avenue except for the purpose of making a delivery. Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. 270 Ordinance -Mun, Code Amend. The Village attorney read the changes proposed Art. IX -Chap. 8 -Plan Commission by the Plan Commission in the ordinance amending 10- 69 -36) Article IX of Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code, pertaining to the Plan Commission, its member- ship, powers and duties. The last sentence in Section 8.901 was changed for pur- poses of clarification to read "The same member may not serve as Chairman for more than two (2) consecutive one year terms ". Trustee Schleicher then moved that the ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Trustee Kelm, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, Sec. 10.503 Maps - approval plats that the ordinance be adopted amending Section (0- 69 -37) y 10.503 of the Municipal Code, pertaining to maps and approval of plats of subdivision. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: helm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Reject Bid - Broadmoor Sidewalks The building commissioner recommended rejection of the bid of $11.25 per lineal foot and a total bid of $25,371 submitted by Pora & Morely for construction of sidewalks on Broadmoor Place. The estimated cost was $11,000. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the bid of Pora & Morely be rejected. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Authorize Negotiate Offers Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Broadmoor Sidewalks Kelm, that the building commissioner be authorized to attempt to negotiate favorable offers for the construction of sidewalks on Broadmoor Place, such offers to be subject to approval by the Board. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. The ordinance was presented - amending Section Sec. 7.001 - Police Dept. 7.001 of the Municipal Code pertaining to the 3 Lts., 4 Sgts. Police Department by :'.establishing positions (0- 69 -38) for three Lieutenants and four Sergeants. The ordinance was read in full. Trustee Slavin questioned the appointment of a fourth sergeant, pointing out that the examination had been held for three sergeant positions, and it was his opinion another examination should be held for the additional position. It was stated that the eligibility list for sergeant was effective for two years. Trustee.Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the ordinance be adopted. The ordinance was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Turner, Forrest (4) Nays: None (0) Pass: Slavin (1) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval therdof. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Interference with Police & amending the Municipal Code by adding two Loitering sections: 28.031 - Interference with Police Officers and 28.032 Loitering. The ordinance was read in full. 2 7.1 Chief of Police George Hall explained the ordinance had been requested by the Police Department in order to permit prosecutions for interference with Police officers under the Village ordinance rather than the State statute. He stated complaints had been received regarding teen -age loitering, and obscene remarks made to women. Trustee Slavin pointed out that the proposed ordinance would not eliminate the problem of loitering unless the persons are conducting themselves in a lewd, wanton or lascivious manner in speech or brhavior, and present ordinances prohibit such conduct and should be enforced. Trustee Slavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that Section 28.032 - Loitering of the proposed ordinance be deleted in its entirety. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Slavin (2) Nays: Schleicher, Turner, Forrest (3) Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Sec. 20.203(b) 3 Way Stops Broadmoor at Hazel & Sheridan at Hazel (0- 69 -39) The ordinance was present amending 9ectinn 20.203(b) of the Municipal Code by adding to the list of stop streets Broadmoor Place at Hazel Avenue (3 way). Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that a 3 -way stop at Sheridan Avenue and Hazel Avenue be added to the proposed ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Kelm then moved the adoption of the said ordinance, secon ded by Trustee Schleicher, Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleiche,r Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance Calling Special An ordinance was presented calling a special Election Nov. 22,'69 Re: election to be held November 22', 1969 to submit $1035000 Library Bonds to the voters of the Village the question of (0- 69 -41) issuing bonds in the amount of $1,035,000 for the purpose of acquiring a building site and erecting a library building thereon. The ordinance was read in-full. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Slavin then moved that the ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Trustee Schleicher, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried U unanimously. V Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the ordinance be adopted establishing three -way stops on Hazel Avenue at Broadmoor Place and Sheridan Avenue. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) President Forrest signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance Approving Library Bd. An ordinance to approve action of the Deerfield Action Re:Site & Bldg. Library Board to acquire a site.and erect a new (0- 69 -40) library building thereon in the Village of Deerfield was presented and read in full. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the rules be waived to permit action on the ordinance at tis first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Kelm then moved the adoption of the said ordinance, secon ded by Trustee Schleicher, Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleiche,r Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance Calling Special An ordinance was presented calling a special Election Nov. 22,'69 Re: election to be held November 22', 1969 to submit $1035000 Library Bonds to the voters of the Village the question of (0- 69 -41) issuing bonds in the amount of $1,035,000 for the purpose of acquiring a building site and erecting a library building thereon. The ordinance was read in-full. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Slavin then moved that the ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Trustee Schleicher, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. 272 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an Authorizing Proclamation ordinance authorizing the President to of Civil Emergency proclaim the existence of civil emergency, impose curfews and regulate the conduct of certain businesses during civil emergencies. The ordinance has been posted on the bulletin board in the Village Hall lobby. Report -We -Go Toll Rd. The manager submitted a report on the meeting Drainage Problem with the Toll Road Authority regarding flooding in We -Go Park Subdivision caused by storm water flows through two culverts under the Toll Road. He stated that decision had been mdde that the Toll Road consultants and Greengard Associates would study what portion of storm water flows could be diverted to the north along the Toll Road. The Village attorney stated he could find no cases pertaining to a muni- cipality's liability in the diversion of storm water flows. The matter will be again taken up when the report is received from the Toll Road consultants and Greengard Assooiates. Accept Bid $3890- Burris Equip. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Air Compressor Turner, that the bid of $3,980.00 submitted by Burris EQuipment Company for a trailer mounted air compressor be accepted, as recommended by the building commissioner. Adopted by the followigg vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Discussion - Carlisle Extension Discussion was had on the proposed extension Est. cost of Right -of -Way of Carlisle Avenue through the Blietz property, no proposal having been received from Mr. Bruce Blietz. The Village attorney stated that an ordinance could be Adopted to authorize condemnation of the right -of -way, but it would be necessary to prepare a layout and description of the property to be condemned. Trustee Schleicher pro- posed the acquisition of a 57 foot right -of -way to provide a 35 foot pavement and a sidewalk on one side with as direct a route as possible in order to minimize costs. He also proposed the preparation of- ?tHes3ayoutnand description of the right - of -way for the future bridge. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, Evergreen Place, stated that the Cook County High - Way Department wishes to close the Ellendale entrance to County Line Road when County Line is widened to four lanes, leaving Carlisle Avenue as the only entrance. If Ellendale is closed the Carlisle extension will be even more essential. Trustee Slavin stated that it had been pointed out heretofore that th damages which Mr. Blietz could claim might exceed the cost of the lanh� ntA� street pattern destroys a reasonable subdivision of the property. He suggested that the Planner lay out a subdivision of the area showing the location of Carlisle Avenue. President Forrest stated this proposal would be costly and was premature at this time. Decision was made that the estimated costs of both a winding and a straight street be prepared by the building commissioner. In connection with complaints regarding mounds of fill on the Blietz- School and Park District properties, Mr. Bowen stated that agreements had been reached on sharing the costs of grading, and the work would be completed shortly. Approve Payment $756.91 MFP Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee R.R. Crossing Gates & Lights Turner, that the final payment of $756.91 from Motor Fuel Tax funds be approved to the Mil- waukee Railroad for crossing gates and lights installations, as approved by the Division of Highways. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher; Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) . Report -Com. Ed. Franchise The Village attorney reported that the present Re: Overhead Wires 30 year franchise with Commonwealth Edis6n) will expire in 1976. He stated the company is willing to negotiate a new franchise which would provide for the underground installation of 9500r1ineal feetyof power lines every five years. The Board approved Trustee Slavin's suggestion(that.:a company representative be invited to the next meeting. Report -P.C. Affidavit The Village attorney reported he had prepared an Affidavit form for use by the Plan Commission. He stated that,'in order to be on the safe side, the Plan Commission would require 273 notification to all property owners within 250 feet of the property for which a Con- ditional Use is requested. Accept Deed of St. Dedication Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, Part of Lot 9, Derrland Sub. that the Deed of Dedication be accepted for a portion of Lot 9, Derrland Park Subdivision, Unit 2, which will provide the necessary right -of -way for the Montgomery Drive bridge. Motion carried unanimously. ` Appoint Drainage Study Committee President Forrest proposed the appointment of the i3O following to the Drainage Study Committee: General F. W. Jacobi, Northwoods Drive; Dr. Robert Hoehne, Colony Point; James Carmel, Briarwood Vista; R. J. Wallace, North Trail Subdivision; Robert White, Lake Eleanor; William Healy Union Drainage District No. 1; and Ed Klasinski, Public Works Director. 11� V V 1 1 Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the appointments be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Authorize Ordinance'Transfer $51000 from Old S/A Acct. to General Fund requested by the Village Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher moved,.seconded by Trustee Slavin, that an ordinance be prepared authorizing the transfer of $51,000 from the Old Special Assessment Account to the General Fund, as Reports The manager reported that the storm sewer north of the sewage treatment plant had been checked and no evidence of pollution found. A letter has been sent to the Sanitary WAter Board reporting the results of the investigation, which will be continued. The manager reported that the insurer, All State Insurance Company, will check liability coverage with respect to police officers. A report on the progress of completion of subdivision improvements in Fox Chapel Subdivision will be prepared for the next meeting. President Forrest reported that bids on a survey of the Police Department had been received from Public Administration Service and the International Association of Police Chiefs. Decision was made to defer action on the matter until the next meeting when it is hoped the bid from Northwestern Traffic Institute will have been received. Authorize Special Advisor Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, Labor Relations that the President be authorized to retain a special consultant to advise him on labor relation matters. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Slavin recommended that a Trustee's signature not be required on payroll checks. The resolution will be checked, and the matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting if further action is necessary. Authorize Attorney to File Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, Appearance- Regency Zoning that the Village attorney be authorized to file Suit (Grosshandler) an appearance and stipulate a delay in filing the answer in the suit filed by Attorney Stanley Grosshandler regarding the zoning of the ptoperty south of the Regency Apartments. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Schleicher, seconded by Trustee Turner, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. 1 APPROVED: ATTEST: President Village Clerk