06/16/1969 (2)421 June 16, 1969 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, June 16, 1969 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Jayman A. Avery, Jr. Charles R. Bootz George Kelm George P. Schleicher Stephen M. Slavin Absent: Bernard Forrest, President M. Jay Turner, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Moved by Trustee Bootz, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that Trustee Slavin be appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. b Minutes of the regular meeting held June 2, 1969 were approved as submitted. C°i Approve Warrant No. W -69 -6 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, �a 'J that Warrant No. W -69 -6 - Payment of bills, including a fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Avery, Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (5) Nays: None (0) Re: Osterman Drainage Problem Discussion was had on the rear yard drainage Retain $1000 Escrow for Drainage—problem on the north side of Osterman Avenue which Mr. Salmer Olson, 1122 Osterman, states has been caused by the construction of three houses to the west and the roadway extending northerly along the drainage ditch, which provides access to the apartments. Mr. Olson and his neighbors contend that this construction has blocked the natural drainage of the area, resulting in stagnant ponding of Storm water, loss of trees, mosquitoes, and unpleasant odors. Mr. Shepard, who owns the three houses and the apartment site, presented a 1959 plat of survey of the subject properties showing elevations which indicate a lower area where ponding now occurs. He stated that ponding now occurs in this low area as a result of filling in a ditch that had been dug across his property by trespassers. This state- ment was confirmed by the builder of the three houses, whocstated that elevations had not been changed. Mr. Shepard asked for the return of the $1,000 held in escrow by the Village pending resolution of the drainage problem, as required by the building commis- sioner. Mr. Shepard's statements were denied by the residents, who stated the problem began when the road to the apartments was constructed, and was aggravatdd�by the con- struction of the three houses. It was pointed out that the elevations Shown on the 1959 topographical survey were those that existed prior to the construction of the road. In answer to Trustees' questions the building commissioner stated it was his opinion that the road and houses were the cause of the ponding. To resolve the drainage problem he suggested a drainage swale along the south line of Out Lot A to a point on the north line of Lot 2, the water then piped under the road into the drainage ditch, or a storm drain between Lot 4 and Mr. Olson's property.soutk7ard, then piped under Osterman Avenue and tied into the storm sewer on the south side of the street. The first solution would cost less than $1,000 and could be done by any contractor proposed by 1#. Shepard. Mr. Shepard stated he would assume some element of liability and Mould be willing to pay part of the cost, but it was not entirely his responsibility since the problem was inherent in the terrain, and was only emphasized by building the houses. Trustee Avery moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the $1,000 escrow be retained by the Village until the drainage of the area has been corrected by lr. Shepard. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Avery, Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (5) Nays: None (0) Reports- Cert., Grading Survey A report from the building commissioner recommended & Storm Drainage Amendments that a builder be required to submit to the building commission two copies of a certified grading survey 222 giving the actual grades, and further certifying that the grades are in accord - ance with the approved plans filed with the Village; one copy of the certified grading survey-'.to be attached to the Certificate of Occupancy when issued to the owner. The building commissioner stated that he felt that his proposed amendments to the Municipal Code to require a certification of grades and his recommendation with respect to storm sewers would solve problems of storm drainage and eliminate conditions of ponding such as those experienced in the North Trail Subdivision. Trustee Avery moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, -thatdthe Board deviate from the published agenda in order to take up the building commissioner's recom- mendation regarding proposed storm sewer amendments. Motion carried unanimously. The report of the building commissioner was read in which he recommended that the Municipal Code be amended to permit the connection of downspouts and sump pumps to the storm sewer; to require, in all new subdivisions, a storm sewer service for each platted lot; and, in addition, rear yard basins shall be provided at intervals of not more than 300 feet. Several residents of Shannon Road in Colony Point Subdivision questioned whether downspout and sump pump connections should be permitted to add mores water to a drainage ditch that presently overflows during periods of rainfall. They stated their rear yards adjacent to the drainage ditch had been flooded for four days after a recent rain storm. They urged that the ditch be cleared of debris which impedes the flow of storm water, especially near the foot bridge where the Park District employees and workment in King's Cove Subdivision have dumped large quantities of waste material. The manager was directed to write to the Park District and the developer of King's Cove, asking their cooperation in keeping the ditch clear and to stop any further dumping. Discussion was had on ditch maintenance which, it was pointed out is the responsibility of the several Drainage Commissions. THe Village attorney reported that he is working with the Drainage Commission to take over the southerly portion of the East Drainage Ditch, where the Commission is defunct. He will keep the Board informed on progress. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that amendments to the Municipal Code be prepared with respect to certification of grades and storm sewers, as recommended by the building commissioner. Motion carried.-unanimously. Re: School Delinquentr.S /W', The Village attorney reported he had received the description of school properties against which ;-"special assessments are owedrttoo late to check when the properties were ac- quired by the School Districts, but would have a report for the next meeting. He stated that the Statutes do not give authority to a municipality to write -off or settle delinquent special assessments, but neither is such action prohibited. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Amend. License Insect Sprayers amending Article V, Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code to require applicants for Village licenses for the commercial application of insecticide to be licensed by the State. The ordinance was read in full. Authorize Execution Deerbrook Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Fire Lane Agreement Kelm, that the President and clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement with the Northwest National Bank of Chicago regarding the etablishme,ancz4intenance of fire lanes in the Deerbrook,Shopping Center in locations designated on the plat attached thereto. Adopted by the following vote: 1'. Ayes: Avery, Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin (5) Nays: Nome (0) The meeting was,recessed at 9:25 p.m., and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. Re: Air Conditioner Repairs The manager reported he had received proposals for the repair of air conditioners as follows: Northern Weathermakers: large unit - $3,400. Small unit - $836. North Town Refrigeration: large unit - $3,900. Small unit --$300 plus labor and materials, estimated at $517.60 to $952.80, complete installation. The manager stated that $3,750 had been budgeted for the Village Hall, and proposed that only the large unit be repaired at this time, and repairs to the small be deferred. Trustee Bootz sug other than Carrier could repair contracts were also mentioned. 1st Presentation - Ordinance Hamilton Lane was read in full. 223 vested that the manager investigate whether some company the units at a lesser cost. Insurance and service The manager will check these suggestions. The first presentation was made of an ordinance naming the unnamed dedicated street in the Heaney - Galente Subdivision "Hamilton Lane." The ordinance Re: Proposed CATV Ordinance A proposed ordinance granting a CATV franchise was presented. Trustee Schleicher left the meeting at 9:50 p.m. The ordinance was prepared by the North Shore Committee, the manager stated, but no franchises have been granted at this time. Two applications for franchises have been filed, After a brief discussion, decision was made to defer further discussion for one month to give Board members an opportunity to become familiar with material on CATV. Thustee Schleicher re- entered the meeting at 9:55 p.m. and was present thereafter. BZA Report Silverstein Variatinn The manager summarized the report of the Board of Rear Yard -885 Mountain Drive Zoning Appeals on the petition of Mr. Milton Silverstein, 885 Mountain Drive, for a variation ® to permit the construction of a roof and screened windows on an existing patio extending 10 feet 7 -1/4 inches into the required 50 foot rear yard. Two members of the Board of Zoning Appeals had voted to recommend approval of the variation, and two members had U voted to decommend denial. Trustee Kelm congratulated the Board of Zoning Appeals on its U excellent and complete report. 11 1 Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein stated they had requested a variation on the basis of hardship as a result of Mrs. Silverstein's allergy to the sun. He stated that Mrs. Silverstein cannot enjoy fully the benefits of a home in Deerfield unless shade can be provided. They have looked at portable shelters but felt they were not attractive and would be detrimental to the appearance of the neighborhood. Trees planted for shade have died due to poor drainage in the area. Mr. STanley White, Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals, stated he favored the granting of a variation since the SSilversteins had affidavits from neighbors and Mrs. Silverstein's doctor, and each petition should be judged on its own merits. Mrs. Naomi Clampitt, a member of the Board, stated that she was concerned about setting a precedent for other variations. She stated that while she was sympathetic to Mrs. Silverstein's problem, she felt it was a personal problem rather than a hardship as defined by the Zoning ordinance. In answer to a question, she stated she had seen moot attractive gazebo type screened shelters which could bd erected close to the house and would not constitute an encroachment on the rear yard. Trustee Avery moved, seconded_by Trustee Kelm the attorney prepare the necessary ordinance granting by the following vote: Ayes: Avery, Slavin (2). Nays: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher (3) that the variation be.approved and the variation. The motion failed 1st Presentation - The first presentation was made of the Appropriation Appropriation Ordinance Ordinance for the year May 1, 1969 - April 30, 1970. The ordinance will be posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Village Hall for inspectiori by the public. Discussion -Ditch in North The manager reported that when the High School Trail Sub. Adjacent-to-H.S. property was?.being improved, a culvert had been installed from,an inlet on Waukegan Road, a ditch dug on North Trail'Subdivision and another culvert installed on the east end. Houses are now being constructed on lots which have the ditch across the rear yards. He asked for guidance from the Board whet�er corrugated pipe may be installed or drain tile s hall be required. He stated he had approved corrugated pipe for two properties, but future owners of the other lots would also wantoto put in pipe and fill in the ditch, and if corrugated pipe is used there would be problems later. The two owners stated they had purchased the corrugated pipe which is lying in their back yards awaiting in- stallation. After discussion of the problem, Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board allow the owners to proceed with the instgllation of the corruugated pipe, and the managep write to the owners of other lots advising them of the Board's action. The motion agd second were withdrawn, and decision was made,on the advice of the attorney that the ditch was not the responsibility or t}nder the jurisdiction of the Village, that the property owners can take care of the drainage in any way they decide. 224 Re: Closed Telegraph Rd. -RR Mr. Jacques Dulin, 1103 Davis.., stated that Crossing Hazards there had been several..accidents at the barricaded railroad crossing. at Telegraph Road. He reported that the street light is out at this location and the reflective signs have been knocked down by motorists who have had to swerve at the last minute when the see that the crossing is closed. He asked that warning signs be posted and the barricade be painted,-! -3ith white or reflective paint in the interests of safety. He agreed that drivers were often exceeding the speed limit of 30 mph, but the loose gravel from seal coating, a slight dip in the road and a flat curve, a dark barri- cade and .lack of warning signs were conducive to accidents. The manager stated he would notify the power company to reppir the street light, and will cause warning signs to be erected and the barridade painted white. The reflective signs will be replaced and he suggested that the street be marked with a center line. Discussion -Red Balloon Mr. Joseph Valenti, developer of the Deerbrook Restaurant - Deerbrook Shopping Center, stated it has been his opinion Shopping Center - Liquor License that a family type restaurant is needed in the Village. He proposed the construction of a restaurant at the reserved corner of the Shopping Centerand introduced Mr. Jerry Sebastian, Chairman of the John R. Thompson Company, who operate the Red Balloon restaurants. Mr. Sebastian presented a three dimensional model of the restaurant and photos of the interior. He invited the Board to visit their restaurants in Niles or DesPlaines and stated he would be happy to arrange a tour of these facilities. The Red Balloon resturants are 5400 square feet in area, of which 900 square feet is used for a cocktail and dining area, the remainder being the dining room and coffee shop. He asked for the issuance of a liquor license for the restaurant. Trustee Schleicher pointed out that Mr. Valenti could build a restaurant on property to the south of the Shopping Center and get a liquor license from North- field Township. Mr. Valenti stated that this was possible, but he would prefer that the Village get the revenue. He reported that business at the Deerbrook Shopping Center had exceeded'tleir --expectations, with sales of $200,000 at Jewel the first week, and $345,000 at Turnst *le. Trustee Kelm asked if a dining room for meetings of organizations would be provided. Mr. Sebastian stated he was aware of the need for this type of facility, but it was not feasible from an economic standpoint unless it is in conjunction with a motel or hotel. Trustee Schleicher proposed that the matter be put on the agenda for the next meeting, which will give the Board an opportunity to determine what is in the public interest, The Village attorney was requested to ascertain what changes would be required in the Municipal Code if a liquor license is to be issued. The Board agreed with Trustee Schleihher's proposal. Award Contracts MFT Maint. The manager submitted a tabulation of bids for Materials Motor Fuel Tam maintenance materials and recom- mended that low bid of Peter Baker & Son be accepted for Pre Mix Patching Material at the bid price of $8.20 per ton, a total of $5,953.20; Witco Chemical's bid of $45.30 per ton, total bid $906, was low , and he recommended acceptance. Five bids on sodium chloride rock salt were identical at $13.80 per ton, total $5,520, and he recommended acceptance of Cargill Salt Company's bid on the basis of excellent service in the past. Trustee Slavin stated that he was almost certain that a consent decree had been filed with the Clerk of the Court of Northern Illinois, which would prevent identical bids. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that thelbw'bidfof Peter Baker & Son be accepted for Pre Mix Patching Material; the low bid of Witco Chemical be accepted for Asphalt Crack Filler PAF -2; and the bid of Cargill Salt Company be ,accepted. Adopted by the followign vote: Ayes: Avery, Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher Nays: Slavin (1) �- V, (o Reports - Communications The manager reported that the crossing gate installations at Osterman, Hazel and Greenwood had been accepted by the STate. The Department of Public Works has approved arreduction to 45 miles per hour on Waukegan Road near the Deerbrook Shopping Center after a traffic engineering study. Signs will be installed as soon as possible. 225 The Board of Trustees will meet with the Park Board and the Civil Defense Director on Thursday, June 19th, the manager reported. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph reported that six picnic tables had been observed outside the roast beef restaurant on North WAukegan Road, in violation of the Village ordinance. The manager stated the Building Department had notified the owner to remove the tables. There bbinggno further business, on motion by Trustee Schleicher, seconded by Trustee Bootz, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m. APPROVED: President- ATTEST: Village Clerk 21J V V 1 1