03/24/1969193 March 24, 1969 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, March 24, 1969 at 8:25 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Charles R. Nootz Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest George Kelm Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Absent: None. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Safety Council Recommendation A report from the Safety Council recommended the Stop-Signs- Larkdale East & erection of four way stop signs at the intersection Eastwood Referred Back to S.C. of Larkdale East and Eastwood Drive. Two residents V of the area, Mr. Avron Katch and Mrs. Laura Lee V Christoph, questioned the need for stop signs at this location since both are very short streets, and suggested that if stop signs are needed in the area, a three -way stop at Greenbrier and Eastwood would afford greater protection to pedestrians, especially the school children who cross at this intersection. Trustee Kelm stated it was his opinion that background information and reasons should be given by the Safety Council when a recommendation is submitted to the Board. Decision was made that the matter be referred back to the Safety Council with a request for additional information , along with the suggestion for a three -way stop at Greenbrier and EAstwood. Re: Park View Sub, Plat A report from the Plan Commission recommended Resub. of Lot N, Owner's Div. approval of the plat of the Park View Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot N. Owner's Division, into two lots. Both lots exceed the area requirements of the R -1 District, but a variation is required on lot width. The building commissioner stated the plat was in good order, but lacked the signatures of the Chairman of the Plan Commission and the Collector, both of whom are out of.town. Mr. Werner Neuman, a member of the Plan Commission, explained that approval for the subdivision was given because adjoining lots to the north and south are narrower than 100 feet, as required in an R -1 District. Trustee Craig stated that Lot 2 of the proposed subdivision was the last vacant lot on Wilmot Road and it was his opinion that it was better to approve the subdivision, which is not incompatible with adjoining lots, to permit a house to be constructed rather than deny the subdivision and have vacant property overgrown with weeds. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the plat of the Park View Subdivision be approved subect to the signatures of the Chairman of the Plan Commission and the Collector. Trustee Raff asked if required sideyards were maintained on Lot 1 which is improved with a residence. Decision was mdde to require a spot survey of the house location on Lot,l, and Trustees Craig and Bootz withdrew the motion and second. Youth Council Mr. Donn Wright, Chairman of the Youth Council, stated there would be four vacancies to be filled. He said that an interest in youth was the major prerequisite for appointments to the Council, and indicated that 80E.9emeandnd.13"- 4-,women seemed to be about the best balance. He gave the background of the present membership, and suggested that epn- sideration be given to appointments which would provide membership from the following groups: 2 representatives from churches; 1 member from the High School and 1 from the Grammar School Districts; 1 member from a service organization (he suggested the Asecialtidn of University Women); 1 member from the Park District; 1 member from the Boys Baseball Association; 1 member from either the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts on an alternate appointment basis; 1 homemaker; 1 member with.a medical or psychiatric background; and 1 member with a legal background. President Finney said Mr. Wright's remarks would be passed on to the Manpower Commission. Trustee Raff stated these were excellent guidelines for appointments, but felt that people should be looked at as individuals. Mrs..Mary Mazur said a youth representative should be appointed and she would applaud any effort to get young people involved in the work of the Council. She also suggested the appointment of a staff member from Family Service, stating that although no members lived in Deerfield, they did work in the community. 194 Discussion Plan Map Aaletter from Mr. Charles Allen, 3 Pine Street, was read, objecting to the O -R -M classification shown on property south of County Line Road which is now zoned Cook County Residential. He stated that people bought homes in the area relying on residential zoning south of County Line Road, and asked that this classification be retdined. A lengthy discussion was had on the proposed planAiag map. Several Trustees objected to the O -R -M and multiple family uses shown for land presently zoned single family residential, and pointed out that the map, if adopted, might be used'by a developer to make his case for rezoning. Two members of the Plan Commission stated that the adoption of the map did not change any zoning; any zoning change would require a public hearing and the ddoption of an ordinance. Trustee Raff stated that he obj ct d to approval of the map wothout a text to explain and set standards to be meglianny implementation for rezoning would'be considered. Particular concern was expressed about the 0 -R -M classification south of County Line Road. Trustee Schleicher pointed out that experience had shown that property could be developed without Village sewer and water, as on the Hattis and Travenol properties west of Wilmot Road. President Finney stated County Line Road will become a junior expressway. A letter from the Cook County Highway Department stated that the proposal for relocation of County LIne Rodd to the south and construction of a frontage road to serveesubdivisions in Deerfield is without reasonable justification and must be denied. President Finney said it was doubtful, in his opinion, whether the land south of County Line Road could be held as resi- dential, particularly when a junior expressway is to be constructed. The Village attorney stated that maximum protection could be afforded to the Village if the map and text were adopted at the same time and outlined the procedures on hearings and time periods. involved if this.course of action is determined by the Board. ' Trustee Forrest questioned the term "Private Recreation Use" shown on the Briarwoods Country Club and Tennaqua. Mrs. Mazur stated the Plan Commission had been informed that the Park District hoped to acquire the property if the Private Golf Club is discontinued. Discussion was had on the Mailfald tract in the unincorporated area adjacent to the We -Go Park Subdivision. Trustee Schleidlker moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the Plan Commission be requested to re- consider the proposed for 0 & R for the Mailfald tract. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Schleicher (4) Nays: Kelm, Raff (2) Trustee Raff moved, aecaddddbby Trustee Craig, that the Plan Commission be directed to proceed with the preparation of a text to aomompany the Comprehensive Planning Map, the text to be submitted to the Board before the first meeting in May, Adopted by the following vote: AyesY Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) The meeting was recessed at 11;00 p.m., and reconvened at 11:20 p.m., all members present. Accept Easement E 10' Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Lot 1, Landis Sub. #4 Schleicher, that the easement for the sewer main on the East 10 feet of Lot 1, Landis Subdivision, Unit X14, be accepted. Adopted by the followign vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) Accept St. Lights Trusteeee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Briarwood Country Club Sub. Craig, that the street lights in Briarwoods SCountry Club Estates Subdivision be accepted subject to one year's maintenance, as recommended by the building commissioner. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff Schleicher (6) . Nays: None (0) 195 Re: Sunset Cab License A letter from the Sunset Cab Company stated that it had been their understanding that the Board had agreed to allow Highland Park based cabs to answer Deerfield calls for service when the Deerfield-Licensed cabs were tied up. A Highland Park based cab had been ticketed by a Deerfield Police officer for picking up a passenger It Deerfield.at:a.:_,_ time when both Deerfield cabs were busy. They asked the Board to confirm their under - stadning on the use of Highland Park based cabs. It was the consensus of the Board that any cab picking up passengers in Deerfield must.be licensed in Deerfield, and they approved Trustee'Schleicher's suggestion that a letter be written to the company suggesting they get more licenses. Re: Continental Air Transport A letter from the Continental Air Transport Co., Inc. Bus Stop at Lindemann's Pharmacy requested permission to erect a bus stop sign on Deerfield Road adjacent to Lindemann's Pharmacy. Trustee Raff suggested that the sign also`show the bus schedule. The Board approved the request for the bus stop sign and directed the Village attorney to prepare the ordinance. Reports- Communications The manager reported that an annual saving of $341 in the insurance premium for the Village garage would result if the building were sprinklered. The cost of a sprinkler system was quoted to be $4,647.00. Decision was made to drop the matter unless a lower 0 price for a sprinkler system can be obtained. Lf J The manager reported that Baxter and Woodman had sent the contracts to Keno V Construction Company for the dome covers for the filter beds at the sewage treatment V plant. The manager reported that the Mtro Disposal Company had offered free disposal privileges to the Village during the annual spring cleanup. He submitted a report on surcharges paid by Kitchens of Sara Lee for sewage treatment. Receipt was acknowledged of the Illinois Commerce Commission's resolution regarding the Milwaukee Railroad's rate increase. The manager reported that George W. Kennedy Construction Company will start cleanup work in Hovland Subdivision on April 7th. Cleanup work on Hertel Lane improvements will be started the week of April 1st by the DiPaolo Company. The manager reported that the Chief of Police bad stated there would be no additional costs in enforcing no parking in fire lanes in the Deerbrook Shopping Center and::the,Commons. The Village will receive the fines for violations. The manager reported briefly on bills of interest to municipalities introduced in the General Assembly. Trustee Craig asked the manager to check the abandoned car at the rear of the Village Hall and a Singer parked at Enco. President Finney stated he had received a letter from the Deerfield United Fund thanking the Board for its cooperation. He stated a letter of resignation had been received from Mr. Vernon Meintzer, a member of the Board of Building Appeals. A letter of appreciation will be sent to Mr. Meintzer. ' No action was taken on.a bill for $100 from the Town Affiliation Association. Mr. Robert York, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, reported that the Chamber had voted to make an effort to stop through trains to Milwaukee and Minneapolis at Deerfield as a service to the Village and nearby communities, and asked the Board's support. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that a resolution be prepared in support of the Chamber's request. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Peter Best, attorney for Mr. Waytula, developer of the Lake Eleanor Sub- division, asked for clarification of certain improvements to be completed in the subdivision. The Village attorney stated that he had drafted the letter to Mr. Waytula in accordance with the-Board's decisions on improvements to be completed, and showing the corrected amount to be escrowed to be $65,269.46. Mr. Waytula stated the correct amount was $63,784.47. Mr.W'dytula stated that he had requested on Thursday that the matter be put on the agenda for further discussion, but several members stated they felt that the Board's action and.decisions were clear and no time should be spent on the matter. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Schleicher, s'eGodded by Trustee Forrest, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 midnight. APPROVED: / ATTEST: President