01/20/1969 (2)175 January 20, 1969 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, January 20, 1969 at 9:00 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Charles R. Bootz Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest George Kelm George P. Schleicher Absent: Charles H. Raff and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. �1J Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the minutes of ® the regular meeting held January 6, 1969 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Aa U Approve Warrant No. W -69 -1 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee V f,? Bootz, that Warrant No. W -69 -1 - Payment of Bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) Reconsider Denial Mr. R. Evan Evans requested reconsideration of the Evans Petition for Board's denial of his petition for a variation Variation -103 E. Mulberry from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to rear yard requirements to permit the construction of an addition to.his residence at 103 East Mulberry Road. A report from the building commissioner showed that three houses in the immediate vicinipy had rear yards of less than the required 50 feet due to errors made by the building department when permits were issued. He stated that his petition was based on a plea of hardship due to the unusual shape of his lot which has a small percentage of buildable area after observance of front, rear and side yard setbacks. He pointed out that the proposed addition would not encroach upon the privacy of adjoining properties and gave the distance between his home with the addition and adjacent residences. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board reconsider action taken at the last meeting in connection with Mr. Evans request for a rear" yard variation. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz;,Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) Ordinance Granting Variation The ordinance was presented granting a variation 103 E. Mulberry Road from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance (0 -69 -11) to permit a rear yard of 28 feet in lieu of the required 50 feet at 103 East Mulberry Road, Lot 138 Briarwood Vista Second Addition. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the rules be waived to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Bootz moved that the above described ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Trustee Kelm, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm,.Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance Amending Ord. .#200. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Clerk's Salary $3000 per Annum Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted amending 0 -69 -2) Ordinance No. 200 to establish a salary of $3,000.00 per annum for the office of Village Clerk, to be effective as of the date-of the qualification for office of the person elected to the office of Village Clerk at the election to be held April 15, 1969; the said ordinance 176 to be published in pamphlet..form. Adopted-by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed.the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance. -Mun. Code Amend. The ordinance was read in full amending Clerk's Office Hours & Chapter 3, entitled "The Village Clerk" Appointment.of Deputy of the Municipal Code with changes directed (0 -69 -3) by the Board at the last meeting. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by-Trustee Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted amending the Municipal'Code by adding Section 3.013 to provide that the clerk shall establish and taintain.regular office hours of not less than three hours duration on at least three days in each week in the Village Hall, and Section 3.014 providing for the appointment of one deputy clerk with compensation to be paid from the annual salary established for the office of village clerk. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Approve R.R. Fence Erection The manager reported that estimates of cost Not to Exceed $2000 had been obtained on the installation of a fence on Village property along the Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way-at Chestnut Street, and it would be cheaper to accept the Railroad's offer to construct the fence with the Village paying one -half the cost. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the manager be directed to write to the Milwaukee Railroad accepting the offer to erect the fence, the Village to pay one -half the cost not to exceed $2,000 as the Village's share, this amount being based on bids received. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Letter of Intent to The President and manager reported on the Count Re: Crime Bill Grant meeting regarding the Planning Grant Appli- cation under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. President Finney stated most of the representatives present wished to join with the County in seeking a grant. If the Village wishes to participate with the County, a letter of intent must be sent and a person designated to contact. A letter from the Illinois Municipal League dated January 3, 1969, advised that municipalities may apply for funds singly or as part of a regional or joint group. Discussion was had on the advantages and disadvantages of joining with the County, and the possibility of a grant to the Crime Laboratory. Trustee Schleicher moved,.seconded.by Trustee Bootz, that a letter of intent be sent to the Lake County.Board.of Supervisors, and the manager be designated.as.the person to be.,contacted. regarding this matter. Motion.carried unanimously. The manager stated he would attend the meeting of the Crime Laboratory organization on January 21st, andeit may be possible to join in an application through this gropp. President Finney stated that if it could be worked out, he would favor an application through the Crime Laboratory. He had suggested to the President of the Lake County Municipal League that a member of the Crime Lab be invited to explain the work of the lab at a meeting of the organization. Mr. Ludwig Horn, 1235 Carlisle, expressed his''opposition to Federal grants, fearing that Federal control would be exerted-on what to him are matters which should.be handled and resolved locally. Re: Solicitations Arden A letter was received from the Arden Shore Shore & March of Dimes Home for Boys requesting permission to sell tags at the Commons and railroad station on April 18th for the benefit of the Child's Benefit League. Permission was also requested to conduct the 1969 Mothers' March of Dimes. Trustee Craig pointed out that the Arden Shore solicitation would be made.. on private property, and that many organizations conducted fund drives without notice to the Board. Decision was made that the Board would neither approve or disapprove of these requests lind the policy continued of suggesting to such groups that they join the United Fund. 177 The meeting was recessed at 10:05 p.m., and reconvened at 10:25 p.m. P.C. Report - Moen's Sub. A report was received from the Plan Commission Planned Development recommending approval of Moen's Subdivision of three lots, Lot 50, Hovland's Subdivision, subject to bond for improvements.. The existing..garage on!the proposed Lot 2 will be moved or wrecked. .. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the preliminary plat of Moen's Subdivision be approved and the Village attorney prepare an ordinance .for a planned development in accofdance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Approve.Advertise for Bids The manager reported that a permit had been received Odor Control Facilities from the Sanitary Water Board for construction of odor control facilities at the sewage treatment plant in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the application. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the engineers be authorized to advertise for bids for construction of the improvements. LID O Motion carried unanimously. L� No Position -Lake Co. Zoning The manager reported that a public hearing would V Petition Rte. 22 Kennedy Co. be held on January 30 at 1:30 p.m. in the Village V Hall by the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals on the petition of the Kennedy Company to rezone a 20 acre tract on'the'north side of Route 22 east.of De1Mar Woods to the UR =1 Residential District. The Board concurred with Trustee.Schleicher's suggestion that no position be taken by the Board on this matter. Approve Final Payment $1324.70 . Trustee Kelm moved, seconded-by Trustee Craig, that Robinson & Brock -Hazel Water Main the final payment for the Hazel Avenue Water Main extension in the amount of $1,324.70 be approved to Robinson and Brock, as recommended by Baxter and Woodman. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) Apppove Payment $40.77 to Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, Baxter 0 Woodman Hazel Water Main that payment of $40.77 be approved to Baxter and Woodman for engineering services in connection with the construction of the Hazel Avenue water main extension. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Purchase Sidewalk Plow The manager reported that a new sidewalk plow was needed to clear sidewalks. A "V" 31ow to be mounted on a Scout vehicle was recommended at a cost of approximately $500. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the Board authorize the purchase of a plow as recommended by the manager at a cost not to exceed $500.00. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz,' Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: None (0) Reports- Communications A request was received from the Youth Council for permission to.mail out a pamphlet on marijuana, the cost for postage amounting to approximately $125. The Board approved the request, the cost to be charged against the $500.budgeted for the Youth Council. The manager reported that a.letter had been received from School District #110 asking how many houses had been constructed by Mr. Ronald Waytula in the Lake Eleanor Subdivision, since Mr. Waytula had agreed to contribute $50 for each house to the School District, and only $50 had been received. The manager will write letters pertaining to this matter. A notice of hearing on January 28 was received from the Illinois Commerce Commission on the petition of Countryside Water Company for in ccreased rates. 178 A request from George W. Kennedy Construction Company for payment of $39,588.70 for work completed.on Hovalnd.Improvements will be taken up at a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements. A letter from Charles W. Greengard Associates stated that the fee for updating drainage studies of property near the Toll Road would not exceed $1500. A letter from the Highway Study Committee with an attached map of Village streets will be reviewed with the Planning Cnnsultant, and discussed with the Highway Department at Elgin. Resignation Earl Paul from President Finney reported that Mr. Earl Paul Police Commission had submitted a letter of resignation from the Police Commission, A letter of appreciation will be sent to Mr. Paul, and the Manpower Commission will be notified of the vacancy. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Forrest, seconded -by Trustee Craig, the meeting was adjourend at 11:10 p.m. APPROVED:- President ATTESTL C' Village Clerk 1 1