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08/19/1968 (2)116 August 19,1968 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, August 19, 1968 at 8:30 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Charles R. Bootz Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest George Kelm Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. George Plumb, representing the Village attorney, and Robert Bowen, building commissioner. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that minutes of the regular meeting held August 5, 1968 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. A plaque bearing the Seal of the City of Dorval, Quebec was presented by Mr. Levitetz, who had taken a Deerfield Hockey team to Dorval to participate in the Canadian Hockey Association tournament. The plaque will be displayed in the Deerfield Park District Field - house. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that a letter of thanks be prepared for the President's signature to be sent to the City Council of Dorval. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher then moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the plaque be given to Mr. Tony Kambich, a representative of the Park District, for display in the Park District building. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Kelm stated a great debt of gratitude was Mr. Levitetz for carrying out a fine program for the youth-of Deerfield. Bills- Payroll The payroll for the month of July, 1968 and the following bills were presented for consideration: July Payroll $39,266.19 City of Highland Park 29,033.64 Deerfield Garden Apartments 48.99 Deerfield Public Library 5,043.94 George Hall 50.00 North Shore Gas Co. 422.34 Glenn E. Koets 5.00 J. McDermott 5.00 R. V. Randolph 90.00 Charles A. Hendrickson 18,:'40 Village of Deerfield 6.60 John F. Nolan 25.00 Earl A. Spiller 2.24 Village of Deerfield 22.76 Glenn Tobias 25.00 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village of Deerfield Spec. Assess. 449.41 Deerfield Public Library 20,968.36 Catherine L. Duncan 5.47 Village of Deerfield 19.53 Michael Koehler 25.00 R. E. Lindholm 17.74 Village of Deerfield 7.26 Illinois Municipal League 150.00 H. R. Stuebbe 25.00 Rose Gallagher 25.00 A dvance Trans. Co. 4.70 1 1 I Lj 1 O 2t J V V 1 1 Aero Distributing Co. $ 48.00 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 1,407.10 Peter Baker & Son 156.00 Ball Pen Co. 15.35 Bearing Hdqtrs. 25.03 V.H. Blankinton & Co. 108.75 Blossom Shop 20.15 Bowman Products Division 92.68 Rbbert E. Bowen 6.06 Fred G. Breitling 224.70 Carolyn A. Hones 224.70 B.A.T. Inc. 252.45 Central Tire Co. 53.02 Chem -Rite Products 122.81 A. M. Cleven 43.55 Commonwealth Edison 2,133.11 Criminal Research 118.82 Deerfield Automotive 13.44 Deerfield Commons Service 1.00 Deerfield Disposal Service 3.50 Deerfield Electric 81.00 Deerfield Oil Co. 30.00 Deerfield Paint & Glass 3.24 Deerfield State Bank 390.60 Ralph L. Dehne 32.20 Designation 83.00 E & H Utility Sales 576.50 Ford Pharmacy 9.00 Frontier.Publishing 22.50 Frost Hardware 11.20 Galiger Heating 38.80 Gerber.Mfg. Co. 59.73 A. J. Gerrard & Co. 56.35 Gilmore.International 11.94 Great Lakes Fire Equipment 13.50 Hach Chemical Co. -30.83 George Hall 18.50 George Hall 450.00 Harry's'Grill 16.72 Helanders, Inc. 21.80 City of Highland Park 19,812.72 I.B.M. Corp. 50.67 Illinois Bell Telphone .389.83 Illinois City Manager Assn. 10.00 Illinois Municipal League 495.00 Institute for Municipal Engineers 5.00 International Harvester 33.87 Irv's Fire Extinguisher 8.00 S. Jackson Fusee Co. 117.52 C. M. Johnson 590;,00 Johnson Electric Door 26.80 Phil Johnson, Inc. 10.45 Jones Chemicals 384.00 Leonard Keeler,-:Inc. 50.00 D. D. Kennedy, Inc. 15..45 Lake -Cook Shell Service 10.30 Lien.Chemical Co. 50.54 R. N. Marshall III 200.00 McDonald's 1.21 Menoni & Mocogni 73.10 Metroplitan Disposal 103.95 Modern Stump Removal 485.00 Motor Parts & Machine 20..43 R. H. Mueller 90.00 Mutual Services 111.45 National. Tea Co. 71.8.3 North Shore Gas Co. 197.19 North Shore Utilities 795.50 Northwest Firestone 10.00 Olson Printing 10.75 Pavlik Co. 13.28 P.B. Enterprises 1,128.80 Petty Cash 104.32 Pioneer Newspapers 481.92 Don Pittmans Chrysler 9.45 Postmaster 120.00 117 1. Powell's Camera Production Sales Rainbow Electric R E A Express Richardson Publishing Thomas G. Rogge Roscoe Co. Sanfax Corp. Savage Gas. Heating Sears Roebuck Fred Seitz Shore Line Blue Print Sinclair Mineral & Chemical Singer Printing George Slough Village of Deerfield Sparkling Spring Water Standard Oil William I. Staton Norris W. Stilphen Suburban Building Officials Sunniday Chevrolet Sunray DX Oil Co. Michael Todd & Co. Treasurer„ State of Illinois United Lab. Inc. Universal Photo Albert Verley & Co. Village Hardware Walgreen Drug Store Waukegan Blue Print Wheeling "400" Harold H. Winer Wolf's Press Printing William Wood Yeomans Bros. Co. Wm. Zeigler & Son Zoning Bulletin Carl L. Gardner H. Hargrave Service Conference $ 794,. 21 373.15 141.35 5.95 27.00 7.75 15.00 84.45 179.40 121.97 1,765.00 7'5.60 623.00 141.50 13.12 11.88 .95 1,342.50 50.00 11.70 15.00 59.25 98.50 770.16 5.00 429.54 194.05 2,136.00 93.00 11.88 42.57 30.00 540.00 46.75 10.00 199.43 1,276.04 15.00 875.00 5,997.87 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the payroll for July be approved and the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff. Schleicher (6) Nays: Nonw (0) Approve Voucher #1 Trustee Raff moved;.seconded by.. S/A S -2 $2550 Trustee Kelm, that Voucher No. 1, Zera Const. Co. Special Assessment No. S -2. Oakley Avenue Sidewalks, be approved and execution authorized +o Zera Construction Company, in the amount of $2,550.00, of which $1,403.28 is to be paid in cash, the remainder to be paid from installments collected. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: Nonw (0) BZA Report- Sideyard Variation 1541 Central the construction of a garage with a Central AVenue, as requested by Mr. The report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recommending that a variation be granted to permit sideyard of 10 feet at 1541 Robert Ryan. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the report of the Board of Zoning Appeals be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Raff. that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Village attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance granting said variation. Motion carried unanimously. Travenol AnnexAtion President Finney reported he had Petition Withdrawn received a letter from Travenol Laboratories in which the company. 1 1 1 �. 19 withdrew its petition for annexation. Reconsider & Adopt President Finney reported that he under - Ordinance- Vacation stood, through the Township Supervisor, Part -of Forsythia that Travenol Laboratories would seek (0- 68 -37) a building permit from.Lake County about September 1. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the ordinance vacating -the south 1 foot of Forsythia Drive be reconsidered, both Trustees having voted "Nay" at its previous presentation at the August 5th meeting. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest,Kelm, Schleicher (5) Nays: Raff (1) Trustee Forrest then moved, seconded by Trustee.Craig, that the ordinance vacating the south 1 foot of Forsythia Drive be adopted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (5) 1-0 Nays: Raff (1) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. U U Ordinance- Street.& The ordinance relative to tax levies Bridge Levy for street and bridge purposes was (0- 68 -38) presented and read in full. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Kelm Trustee Raff then moved, seconded by Trustee -KIam, that the ordinance relative to street and bridge levies be adopted. Upon roll call the ordinance was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) 1 President Finney signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. lst Presentation The first presentation was made of the Tax Levy Ordinance ordinance levying taxes for corporate purposes for the year 1968 -69. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the ordinance be posted on the bulletin board in the lobby for inspection by the public. Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation Ordinance Abating Levy for Mun. Bldg. Bonds 1968. The ordinance was Bids -MFT Resurfacing Contract to Peter Baker Peter Baker & Son The first presentation was made of the ordinance abating the tax levy for pay- ment of principal and interest on Municipal Building Bonds for the year read in full. ,gkokie Valley Asphalt Liberty Asphalt The following bids were rec for the resurfacing of certain street in the Village, Motor Fuel Tax Section 25 CS: $70,308.50 73,948.10 76,086.10 The engineers, Baxter & Woodman, recommended that the low bid of Peter Baker & Son be accepted, subject to the State's approval. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the bid of Peter Baker and Son be accepted subject to approval by the State. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff; Schleicher (6) Nays: Nonw (0) 120 1st Presentation- Ordinance Mun. Code Amend. Re Landscaping of Parkways The ordinance was read in full. The first presentation was made of an ordinance amending Section 9.122 of the Municipal Code per- taining to landscaping of parkways. 1st Presentation Ordinance The first presentation-was made of Approving Planned Development an ordinance approving a planned Lot 91 Hovland Sub. development of Lot 91, Hovland Subdivision. The ordinance was read in full. lst Presentation Ordinance The first presentation was made of Approving Planned Development an ordinance approving a planned Glorioso Resub. III development of Lots 35 and 36, and parts of Lots 37,39, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Hovland Subdivision, Glorioso Resubdivision III. The ordinance was read in full. Trustee Raff asked that an addition be made to Paragraph 2, Section Two, to provide that the cost bf any land acquired for street purposes by eminent domain proceedings shall be paid solely by Mr. Glorioso. The-Board asked that plats of the Hovland Subdivision showing all planned developments and resubdivisions be sent to each member in order to review the present status of the subdivision. Authorize Execution Agreement - Deerfield R Resurfacing Road from Park Avenue to adopt an ordinance trial wastes into the Discussion was had on the agreement 3. between the Illinois Division of Highways and the Village of Deerfield for the resurfacing of Deerfield to Wilmot Road. The agreement requires the Village to prohibit the discharge of sanitary and indus- Deerfield Road storm sewer. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the President be authorized to execute the agreement with the-Division of Highways for the resurfacing of Deerfield Road. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest,Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: Via¢ -(II) None Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Village Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of sanitary and industrial wastes into the storm sewer, as required by the State. Motion carried unanimously. Authorize Plans - Deerfield Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Rd. Resurfacing Trustee Bootz, that Baxter & Woodman be authorized to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications for the resurfacing of •Deerfield Road. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) 1st Presentation Ordinance Westgate Sidewalk S/A Road by special assessments, Improvements. The.ordinance The meeting was reces p.m., all members present. The first presentation was made of an ordinance providing for the con- struction of a sidewalk on Westgate as recommended by the Board of Local was read in full. sed at 9:35 p.m.,. and reconvened at 9:50 . S.C. Report -No Parking A report from the Safety Council was Deerfield Rd. read recommending that no parking be permitted on Deerfield Road from Park Avenue to Castlewood Lane. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the report of the Safety Council be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of No Parking Deerfield Rd. an ordinance amending the Municipal Code to prohibit parking on either side of Deerfield Road from Park Avenue to Castlewood Lane. The ordinance was read in full. 121 Discussion: Report on A lengthy discussion was had on the Odor Control at Sewage Plant Baxter and Woodman report on odor control devices at the sewage treatment plant and the estimated costs of dome covers. Trustee Raff stated that it was his opinion that the sludge drying beds were -the major source of odors and should be covered first. Several Trustees stated they had been of the opinion that.the trickling filters were the main source of objectionable odors. Trustee Schleicher pointed out that if the trickling filters are covered first, the Board must proceed with an expenditure for enlargement of the sludge drying beds; however, if the sludge drying beds are covered first, enlargement will be unnecessary and more funds will be available for covers. In discussing the amount of money available for covers, Trustee Forrest reminded the Board that approximately 3,000 feet of the east side interceptor sewer must be replaced, and recommended that costs for this replacement be ascertained before finalizing plans for covers at the sewage treatment plant. Decision was made to discuss the matter further at the next meeting and that a representative from Baxter and Woodman be invited to be present. MFT Resolution Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee -42000 for Maintenance Schleicher, that the Resolution be adopted R- 68 -24) appropriating $42,000 from Motor Fuel eSJ Tax Funds for maintenance of street in © the Village for the year January 1, 1968 to December 31, 1968. Adopted by the following vote: U Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) Appoint Mgr. & Police Chief President Finney reported that the Crime Lab.. Reprdsentatives Village manager had been appointed a Trustee of the Crime Laboratory org,�kniza- tion at its first meeting, and proposed the appointment of Chief of Police George Hall as the Village's second representative. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that these appointments be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment $23451.24 Est. #10- Arnold Pederson approved to Arnold Pederson the west side reservoir, as the following vote: Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that payment of Estimate #10 in the amount of $23,451.24 be Building Corporation for work completed on recommended by the engineers. Adopted by Approve Payment $11926 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Nays: None (1) Est. #'9- Arnold Pederson Forrest, that payment of Estimate #9 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee in the amount'of $11,926.00 he approved to Arnold Pederson Building Corporation for work completed on the west approved to Baxter and Woodman side reservoir, as recommended by the engineers. Adopted by the following the construction of the west vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment $23451.24 Est. #10- Arnold Pederson approved to Arnold Pederson the west side reservoir, as the following vote: Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that payment of Estimate #10 in the amount of $23,451.24 be Building Corporation for work completed on recommended by the engineers. Adopted by Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (G) ) Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (1) Approve Payment Est. #8�& 9 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee $889.32- Baxter & Woodman Forrest, that payment pf Estimates #8 and 9 in the amount of $889.32 be approved to Baxter and Woodman for engineering services in connection with the construction of the west side reservoir. Adopted by the following vote° Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment Est. #10 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee *309.56 -B & W Schleicher, that payment of estimate #10 in the amount of $309.56 be approved to Baxter and Woodman for engineering services in connection with the construction of the west side reservoir. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6) Nays: None (G) ) 122 Waive Inspection Fees Discussion was had on insurance Fun Fair Rides coverage and inspection of rides for the Beth Or Fun Fair. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Board acknowledge receipt of the certificate of insurance and waive fees for inspection of rides for the Beth Or Fun Fair. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion- Carlisle.Extension A letter was received from School Request of Dist. $109 District #109 requesting that Carlisle Avenue be extended to connect.-the Colony Point and Biarwood.Vista areas to provide access to the new southwest school. The owner has no immediate plans for the development of the vacant area. - Trustee Raff pointed out that the developer had agreed to pay part of the cost for construction of a bridge across the east drainage ditch, and-suggested that School District No. 108 join with School District No. 109 in a petition for the extension of Carlisle and the construction of .the bridge. This matter will be discussed with the Village attorney upon his return. Reports - Communications It was reported that Plan Commission hearings on Master Plan revisions will be advertised in September. Trustee Raff asked that the manager and attorney look into the annexation of the Finfer -RCA tract. Mr. R. P. Schatz, 1329 Oxford Road, complained of frequent flooding of his basement and garage resulting from rainfalls which are not unduly heavy,. and expressed concert: that, despite his numerous complaints to the Village, nothing was..being done to correct the problem. Other basements in his neighborhood are frequently flooded, he stated. Trustee Forrest stated that much of the problem is due to slow flows in the east drainage ditch, where dredging and clean -up of banks is needed. The ditch is not under the jurisdiction bf the Village, but under a drainage commission who are responsible for its maintenance. Trustee Raff stated that he believed that the Village could bring pressure to bear against the agency controlling the stream to see that the stream is opened to accept the water from the Village's storm sewers. The Village attorney will be asked to look into the matter. Trustee Craig stated that, as a result of two letters received regarding scavenger service, it was now his opinion that the present ordinance should be enforced and all refuse, including grass clippings and garden waste, should be picked up at the house. He recommended that information on present regulations be given to all residents, who should call the Village if all refuse is not removed. A discussion of scavenger service will be taken up at the next meeting. President Finney reported that a letter from the Lake County Health Department had advised that the water in Lake Eleanor is unsatis- factory for swimming. A report that raw sewage is entering the west drainage ditch near Duffy Lane will be referred to the Health Department. A letter was received from Mr. Earl Broms, 160 Deerfield Road, regarding the construction of a sidewalk on his frontage. The Board asked that copies of correspondence and a report on the width available for sidewalks be sent to members for consideration at the next meeting. Receipt was acknowledged of aletter from a citizen regarding escaped military prisoners and recapture in the Deerfield Commons, and a report on the indident from the Chief of Police. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Forrest, seconded by Trustee Bootz, the meeting was adjourned at. 11:55 p.m. r- APPROVED: 15�/ems President ATTEST: e"Z� - - ;6 Village Clerk