July 3, 1967
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the
Village Hall on Monday, July 3, 1967 at 8 :05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and
reported that the following were
Present: H. Ross Finney, President
Charles R. Bootz
Raymond L. Craig
Bernard Forrest
Charles H. Raff
George P. Schleicher
Absent: George Kelm
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Moved by Trustee Schleicher that minutes of the meeting.of the Board of Local
Improvements held June 26, 1967 be approved as submitted. Seconded by Trustee
Raff, and carried unanimously.
di Moved by Trustee Raff that minutes of the regular meeting held June 19, 1867
be approved as submitted. Seconded by Trustee Forrest and carried unanimously.
Approve Letter Re: The manager read the draft of a letter to be sent
Central Burglar Alarm to companies supplying central burglar and fire
alarm systems, outlining requirements and pro-
cedures for the submission of proposals to the Village for the installation of
such equipment in the Police office. Several phrases were added for purposes
of clarification and, at the suggestion of the Village attorney there will.be added
that all customers shall be notified that the Village is not responsible for either
failure of equipment or to respond to an alarm. Proposals shall be submitted on
or. before July 13th, and the matter placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
The ordinance granting a sign variation for Mobil Oil Company will be re-
considered at the next meeting since all Board members were not present.
Ordinance - Zoning Amendment Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz,
Glorioso N. Waukegan Tract that the ordinance be adopted amending the
from R -1 to R -1 -A District Zoning Map of the Zoning Ordinance to rezone and
0- 67 -33) reclassify the Glorioso tract on North Waukegan
Road from the R -1 Single- Family District to the
R -1 -A Single - Family District, conditioned upon subdivision of the said property
into no more than 22 lots with no more than 2 of the 8 lots along the eastern
boundary to abut on Peterson's Addition --to Northwoods Subdivision; said ordinance
to be published in pamphlet form. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Raff, Schleicher (4)
Nays: Forrest (1)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
The plat of subdivision for thq Glorioso property not being ready, the
ordinance vacating part of North Avenue will be taken up at the next meeting.
Approve Valenti Request Re: In connection with the request of Mr. Joseph
St. Lights - Clavinia #4 Valenti that he be granted a variation from
present street light standards to permit the
installation of street lights in Clavinia Subdivision Unit #4 of the same type as
those presently installed in the subdivision, the manager reported that Unit 4
comprises approximately one -third of the subdivision, and there are only nine
lights in this unit. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that Mr.
Valenti's request be granted. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
Discussion- Hovland President Finney stated that, in considering the
Subdivision Streets Hovland Special Assessment for underground
improvements and the proposed Planned Development
submitted by Mr. John Glorioso, the Board had several courses of action that should
be discussed thoroughly; (1) Mr. Glorioso be required to fully pave streets
within and abutting the proposed Planned Development; (2) "the Board accept
half street pavement in locations where Mr. Glorioso does not own or control
property on both sides of the street, or (3) the Board institute special
assessment proceedings for full street improvements in locations where
Mr. Glorioso does not own or control property on both sides of the street.
A recapture agreement for street pavement was mentioned. The Village attorney
pointed out that special connection charges for sewer and water services
were easily enforced, but if streets-are paved the use thereof cannot be
prohibited, although payment for street improvements could be made a condition
for approval of the resubdivision of the benefitted property.
Trustee Schleicher stated that the special assessment for Hovland
underground improvements.had been started because of a health hazard, and
that residents had been led to believe there would be no special assessment
for street paving at this time. One owner, Mr. Tiffany, stated he was not
opposed to the underground improvements and he could pay for them, but he
could not afford an addi6onal special assessment for paving and would be
forced to sell his property.
There was further discussion on costs of full improvements and resub-
division of lots, and the plat of the proposed planned development was reviewed
to see how many lots would be affected. Trustee Schleicher proposed that the
Board be polled on approval of the Glorioso Planned Development with one -half
streets paved. Four members were opposed, only Trustee Schleicher favoring
paving of half streets.
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the Board adopt
as a matter of policy for any resubdivision in Hovland Subdivision, that as a
condition of approval for any planned development, the developer be required
to construct full improvements for any half street therein, with full improve-
ments for the other half of the street to be constructed by special assessments.
The motion failed by the following vote: `
Ayes: Forrest, Raff (2)
Nays: Bootz, Craig, Schleicher (3)
Trustee Schleicher moved that, as a matter of policy, the Board permit
resubdivisions in Hovland Subdivision with construction of full improvements
to existing standards on half streets. Trustee Craig stated he would second
the motion if amended to provide that within five years after installation
of half street improvements, the other half would be fully improved by special
assessments. Trustee Schleicher accepted the amendment. The motion failed
by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Schleicher (2)
Nays: Bootz, Forrest, Raff (3)
The meeting was recessed at 9: 40 p.m. and re- convened at 9:55 P.m.
Appropriation Ordinance Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee
0 -67 -34 Forrest;; that-the'-.Annual Appropriation Ordinance
for the fiscal year 1967 -68 be adopted. Upon
roll call, the ordinance passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Bd. Bldg. Appeals Report_ A report from the Board of Building Appeals
Temporary Library Bldg. recommended approval of a permit for the
erection of a temporary building for the
Village Library for expansion of facilities, subject to a limited period of
time. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the report of the
Board of Building Appeals be accepted.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Permit
Temporary Library Bldg
inadequate. The Board
judgment that a tempor
solution at this time.
Mrs. Mary Mazur, a member of the Library Board,
stated that present facilities are overcrowded
and library services for children are especially
has considered several a -Iternatives, and it is their
ary building for a children's library is the only feasible
The location of the proposed building at the rear of-the
present building will keep working operations as close together as possible. She
stated the Library Board would have no objection to a time limit on the use of
the temporary structure.
Mr. Edward Walchli, architect consultant to the Library Board, stated that
the proposed prefabricated structure is entirely suitable for this use, and is
approved by the State Superintendent of Schools for school buildings. The structure
would be erected on piers, and only sewer, waterand electric connections are
necessary. He stated similar buildings are in use for schools in several nearby
communities, and are very attractive in appearance. He added that approximately
50 per cent of the cost of the structure is returned on a resale of the building.
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the building
c ommissioner be instructed to issue a building permit, without fee, to the Library
Board for the erection of a temporary building conditioned upon removal of the
building within four years. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest,,Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Raff pointed out that extension of the time limit could be
M requested by the Library Board if necessary.
�+ Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the Library Board
Gz7 be commended for its vigorous approach to the improvement of Village library
Vfacilities and services.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Village attorney stated that payment of I.M.R.F. coverage for library
employees must be made from the Village levy for that purpose.
Deny Bergmark Rezoning A letter from Mr. Irwin Plagge was read,
Petition requesting the Board to overrule the recommendation
of the Plan Commission and to rezone his property
on the east side of Elm Street to the R -7 Multiple- Family classification, as
petitioned by Mr. Eugene Bergmark, the contract purchaser. He pointed out that
all owners of property on the west side of Elm Street had filed statements with
the Plan Commission favoring the rezoning.
A letter from the Deerfield Homeowners' Association was read, urging the
Board to approve the Plan Commission's recommendation and deny the rezoning petition.
Mr. Cunningham, attorney for Mr. Bergmark, stated the subject property was
not suitable for single- family residences, there was a proved need for apartments,
and there would be no detrimental effect on nearby properties. Mr. Bergmark
stated the R -7 classification was the.highest and best use of the land, inasmuch
as proximity to the railroad, the Village and park district's garages, and in-
dustrial uses were deterrents to development of the property with good single -
fami ly residences.
Mr. Andrew Ebert, President of the Homeowners' Association, stated the
rezoning would result in pressures and set a precedent for additional rezoning to
multiple- family uses.
After further discussion, Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Raff,
that Mr. Bergmark's petition to rezone property on the west side of Elm Street
be denied, as recommended by the Plan Commission. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (4)
Nays: Bootz (1)
Mr. Plagge stated that the property on which the Village garage is located
was formerly owned by his family and zoned for single- family residences, and
commented on noxious odors from the Sara Lee and Village sewage treatment plants.
Table Glorioso Planned Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher,
Development to Next Meeting that the Glorioso Planned Development plat be
tabled until the next meeting, Mr. Glorioso having
agreed to prepare a plat showing locations of contruction of full improvements
as part of his proposed planned development or by agreement with abutting owners.
Motion carried unanimously.
2 5 G
Discussion -Odor Problems A group of residents from the Brook -
Authorize Attorney to Act side area were present to complain about
noxious odors emanating from the brick-
yard and the Sara Lee and Village sewage treatment plants. Mr. John McNichols
agreed that the brickyard landfill was the major source of odor at the present
time, but that this was the third year he and his neighbors had come to the
Board to protest against the odds problem and ask that the nuisance be abated.
The manager explained that overflow from the drainage ditch into
the brickyard landfill during the recent heavy rain had produced hydrogen
sulphide gas, and efforts were being made to neutralize the chemical reaction.
The Lake County Health Department and the State Sanitary Water B® rd have
been contacted and are working with the operator of the land fill to abate
the odor. He stated a new chemical was being used at the Village sewage treat-
ment plant and appeard to be effective in masking the unpleasant odor. Sara
Lee has been asked to continue work on their odor problem which has been
greatly improved over last summer.
Messrs. Gordon Pett and Roger Mandel asked the Board to take legal
action to stop dumping at the brickyards until the odor is eliminated. Trustee
Raff asked-:the residents to call Mr. Bruce Frost, Township Supervisor, since
the Village has no control over the landfill and had opposed the permit. Mr.
McNichols stated they had been unable to reach Mr. Frost. Mr. Pett stated
that odors from the sewage treatment plants were a year -round problem although
a lesser nuisance in winter, and it would be impossible to sell a house in
the area in summer due to the noxious odors. To the suggestion that the
residents take legal action to abate the brickyard odor huisance, Mr. Mandel
responded that it was not an individual problem but a Village problem affecting
more than 100 homes, and the municipality had a right and duty to take action.
Further - discussion was had, and Trustee Schleicher then moved, seconded by
Trustee Raff, that the Board authorize the Village attorney to investigate
whatever remedies are necessary and feasible to abate and correct the odor
problem at the brickyard.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve $2350 - Gay System Discussion was had on•odor control at the
Sewage TReatment Plant sewage treatment plant and what could be
done to eliminate the noxious odors.
The manager stated that covers for the filter beds nad been considered but
tnere was no experience on the use of sucn covers for odor control, otner
ii►stallations naving been constructed to control fogging. He stated the new
chemical, Malabatg, now being used is far better tnan products tried previously.
Tne company tnat supplies Malabate nas urged the puncnase of a new Gay system,
a series of 150 pound pressure sprays installed around tie tilter beds to
blend odors. Tne company will ii-istall the system of 100 sprays at a cost of
$2,350, with a guarantee that if it does not work effectively in 60 days, they
will remove the installation at no cost and refund the purchase price. Cost
of operation is approximately 1 cent per hour per sprinkler.
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the expenditure of
$2,350 be approved for the Gay system of odor control Adopted by the following
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
Ordinance- Annexation A petition for annexation having been
Lots 1 & 4, Derrland Pk. filed and notice sent to the Fire Pro -
0 -67 -35 tection District as required by law,
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee
Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted annexing Lots 1 and 4, Derrland
Park Unit 1 Subdivision. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinanze indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance- Zoning Map Amend. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee
Lots 1 & 4, Derrland Park Bootz, that the ordinance be adopted
0 -67 -36 amending the Zoning Map of the Zoning
Ordinance by zoning and classifying Lots 1 and 4, Derrland Park Unit 1, Subdivision
in the R-1 Single- Family Residence District. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval hereof.
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the said ordinance
be published in pamphlet form.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Sara Lee Sewer Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee
Contract Extension Craig, that the Board approve and authorize
execution of the contract with Kitchens of
Sara Lee for sewage treatment for an additional three months, August 1, 1967
through October 31, 1967. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Finney (4)
Nays: None (0)
Pass: R11 ff, Schleicher (2)
Refer Petition for Vacation A petition was received from the Deerfield Park
W Hackberry to P;1,anCommi ssi on District and School District x'#109, requesting
the vacation of that part of Hackberry Road
which abuts park district property on both sides and is not now ueed for street
purposes. The School Board plans to construct a school on the north side of
the street with playground area to the south. Also submitted was a hold harmless
agreement, the School Board and Park District guaranteeing to defend and pay
any award for damages resulting from such vacation.
After Trustee Raff pointed out that the Village will need another east -west
road in the southwest quadrant, decision was made to refer the petition for
vacation to the Plan Commission.
Petition Re: RR Whistles A petition signed by about 275 residents requested
the Board to take action to abate the unnecessary
whistling by trains passing through the Village and switching. A copy of Glencoe`s
ordinance was appended. Trustee Raff stated that:the ICC requ:i.res that whistles
be blown for railroad crossings, and asked how the proposed ordinance could be
enforced. President Finney suggested that the manager write to the railroad
regarding the complaint, and contact Glencoe on the enforcement of the ordinance.
The manager will reply to the petitioners when information is received from the
railroad and Glencoe.
Approve $750 - B & W The manager reported that two additional sludge
Plans for Sludge Beds beds are needed at the sewage treatment pilant
and recommended that Baxter and Woodman be
authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the beds for State approval.
The cost of the plans will not exceed $750. Trustee Raff moved , seconded by
Trustee Craig, that Baxter and Woodman be authorized to prepare plans for sludge
beds at a cost not to exceed $750. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
Increase Em o ee Liability The manager reported that the insurance agent
Insurance . OO per Yr. for the Village had recommended an increase in
employees liability insurance to $100,000 at
a cost of $100 per year. Trustee Forrest,moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that
employee's liability insurance coverage be increased to $100,000 at a cost of
$100 per year. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig,
Nays: R ff (1)
No Extended Physical
not be obtained. Ad
Forrest, Schleicher (4)
Damage The agent also recommended extended all risk
physical damage insurace. Trustee Raff moved,
seconded by Trustee Craig, that this insurance
opted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)(
Nays: None (0)
1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of
Mun. Code Re: Driveways an ordinance amending sections of the
Municipal Code pertaining to driveway
spacing and driveway widths. The ordinance was read in full.
1st Presentation- Zoning Amend. The first presentation was made of an
Driveways ordinance amending sections of the
Zoning Ordinance pertaining to driveways.
The ordinance was read in ful 1 .
Lst Presentation- Ordinance The first presentation was made of
Sales & Rental Tax -3/4� an ordinance amending sections of the
Municipal Code to impose a tax on sales
and rentals of tangible perosnal property at a rate of three - fourths of one
per cent of gross receipts. The ordinance was read in full.
Approve $1000 for Carpeting
Police Offices
Raff, that the Board authorize
the Commander, Chief of Police
$1,000. Adopted by the follow
Discussion was had on costs for carpeting
and tile for police offices. Trustee
Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee
the purchase:,of c6rpeti rig for,-,the offices of
and Juvenile officer at a cost not to exceed
ing vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher (5)
Nays: None (0)
Reports- Communications The manager reported he had been notified
by the Village attorney that Lot A, North
Trail Subdivision had been removed from the tax rolls.
The merchants will meet with the Parking Committee on Tuesday, July 11th
to discuss downtown parking.
The manager reported that a letter had been received stating there would
be no pollution hazard from Chicago's plans to construct tunnels for storm
The manager reported he had received a letter from the State Sanitary
Water Board asking what plans the Village has for reducing wet weather flows
at the sewage treatment plant. He stated the,Bca rd had not approved Ar -Lin
Homes application for a permit for sewer9extensions to serve the Bri;arwood
Country Club Estates Subdivision. He will ask the Superintendent of.Public
Works to write to the Water Board outlining `plans to deduce storm water in-
President Finney reported that he had received a letter from Northeastern
Illinois Planning Commission, thanking the Village for-its contribution.
The President reported that Reverend Spencer Thiel is moving from the
Village and has resigned from the Youth Council. He stated that the Manpower
Commission had heretofore submitted the names of several well - qualified persons,
and asked the Board to consider whether the appointment of two clergymen was
necessary. There is now one clergyman serving on the Council.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Forrest, seconded
by Trustee Raff, the meeting was adjourned at 12 :38 p.m.
73 /0/4,L,
Village Clerk