May 1, 1967
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of
the Village Hall on Monday, May 1, 1967 at 8 :15 p.m. The clerk called the roll
and reported that the following w6r6
Present: H. Ross Finney, President
Raymond. L. Craig
Bernard Forrest
Charles H. Raff
George P. Schleicher
James M. Wetzel
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney , and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Moved by Trustee Schleicher, seconded by Trustee Craig, that minutes of
the regular meeting held April 17, 1967 and the adjourned meeting held April 24,
CD 1967 be approved as submitted.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Bills- Payroll The payroll for the month of April, 1967 and
the following bills were presented for
April payroll $32,653.79
Mrs. Charles Clingan 168.26
Village of Deerfield S/A #98 1,500.00
Auto Clutch and Parts 18.50
Badger Meter Co. 300.12
Robert T. Baker
Village of Deerfield
Robert Bowen .
Bowman Products Div.
Nanci E. Brewster
Charles Bruning Co.
B.A.T. Inc.
Burris Equipment Co.
R. L. Christen-
Village of Deerfield
Naomi Clampitt
A.M. Cleven
Colrad Lab.
Commons Paint
Jane Conley
Harriett Cox
Deerfield Stationers
Village of Deerfield
Del Chemical Corporation
Joseph De Tata
Fairbanks Morse
Stephen Feller
Ford Pharmacy
Elva Furo
Harold Gamso
Carl.L. Gardner
Gerber Mfg. Co.
Gilmore International
Jo Ann Gourley
Great Lake Fire Equipment
Hetlinger Tire
Highland Automotive
We Uniforms
June Laegler
Lakeland Redigas
F. Landon Cartage
Lien Chemical
Carmelita Marquardt
Masterbilt Fence
$ 86.40
Margaret McGarvie
Menoni is Mocogni
Milton Merner
Mobile Communications Service
Ada Emily Moen
Moraine Hotel
Motor Parts & Machine
James Murphy
Mutual Service
National Safety Council
National Tea Co.
Niedert Motor Service
North Shore Gas Co.
North Shore Group Newspapers
O'Brien Mfg. Co.
P. B. Enterprises
Petty Cash
Pauline Rundell
Sanfax Corp.
Mary Sayre
Ruth Scheskie
Shore Line Blue Print
Singer Printing
The Star
Norris W. Stilphen
Sunray DX Oil Co.
Swiss Maid Embroidery
Larraine Thayer
Lois Varick
Village Hardware, Inc.
Carol A. Waldron
Lucile Wallington
Westminster Office Machine
Helen H. Williams
Commonwealth Edison
Dahl's Auto Reconstruction
Deerfield Electric Co.
Charles Foelsch, M.D.
City of Highland Park
Interstate Electric
Joseph Lumber Co.
P. F. Pettibone S Co.
Savage Heating
Schuster Equipment Co.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the payro.b)
for April, 1967 be approved and the bills as listed above be approved
for payment. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
President Finney administered the oath of office to the newly elected
Trustees, George P. Schleicher, Charles R. Bootz, and George Kelm,
who were then seated.
Retiring Trustee James Wetzel was given a placque as a token
of appreciation for his service on the Board. He stated he had enjoyed
his four years on the Board, and hoped the new members would find their
service as pleasant and rewarding as he had.
Reports- Communications
Nations Day in Deerfield and the
Decision was made that the matter
date set for United Nations Day.
request last year was referred to
Discussion was had on the letter
regarding the designation.of United
appointment of a chairman therefor.
be taken up at a meeting nearer the
The manager stated that a similar
the Community Relations Committee.
In connection with the addition to the Village Hall, Trustee
Schleicher reported that the architect had written for more specific
information on cell security equipment, and asked that the matter be
placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
The manager reportdd he had discussed an analysis of the Village's
accounting system with the Village treasurer, who had stated there would be
a charge for this service by Wolf and Company, the additors for the Village.
He added that it was unlikely that any meaningful changes would result from
such an analysis since the company had set up the present system. Trustee
Schleicher suggested that Wolf and Company be asked for comments on the Village's
system without starting on a special study. Decision was made that the manager
discuss the matter with the auditors, and consult with the Board before under-
taking any expenditure for the ,analysis of the accounting system.
$400 -NE Ill.
A brief discussion was had on the
request of
the Northeastern Illinois Planning
for funds, a contribution of $400
based on
population. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craiag,
of $400 be approved to
Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission
for the
1967 sustaining
membership fee.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6)
Nays: None (0)
A Proclamation designating May 1967 as Senior Citizens Month was read
Co a nd signed by the President with Board approval.
d� Approve Signature- Change Order Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher,
W H -1, Deduction $100 that the President be authorized to sign Change
Order H -1 pertaining to duct work changes in the
Village Hall addition, a deduction of $100 from the contract, approved March 20, 1967.
Motion carried unanimously.
Refer Annexation Request Lots A request was rece+ved for a joint hearing
1 S. 4, Derrland Park to P.C. before the Plan Commissionand Board of Trustees
concerning the annexation of Lots 1 and 4,
Derrland Park Unit No. 1 Subdivision. The Village attorney stated that no hearing
was required on annexations if the owner did not seek a pre- annexation agreement
or rezoning, since the Zoning Ordinance provides for automatic classification of
annexed property as an R -1 One- Family District. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded
by Trustee Kelm, that the request for annexation be referred to the Plan Commission
for its comments.
Motion carried unanimously.
It was the decision of
the Gauntlett Subdivision be
presented for approval.
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend.
Sec. 8.1101 -Terms of
Electrical Commission
0 -67 -20
ordinance was read in full.
the Board that the Ordinance approving the plat of
taken off the agenda until the final plat is
An ordinance was presented amending Section 8.1101
of the Municipal Code of 1963 to provide that
members of the Electrical 'Commission, commencing
May 1, 1967, shall be appointed for two -year terms,
and thereafter, for four -year terms. The
The Village attorney explained the reasons forthe proposed amendment; the
difficulty of finding qualified members due to statutory requirements, and
the Statutes authorizing appointments to the E.lectrical Commission for terms not
exceeding the term of the President.
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the rules be waived
to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentation inasmuch as the
date specified inlhe ordinance is May 1, 1967. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Raff, Kelm, Schleicher (6)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the said ordinance be
adopted, with publication in pamphlet form as specified therein. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes : Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm, Raff, Schleicher (6)
Nays: None (0)
The President Signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.,
Discussion - Greenwood Driveway The manager reported that he had been
Approaches - No Action Taken under the impression that the paving
contract for Greenwood Avenue included
paving all driveway approaches between the street pavement and sidewalks, but
had learned that the contract covered only the replacement of driveways
presently paved. He stated there were 37 unpaved driveway approaches on Green-
wood; the additional cost for paving these driveways was estimated to be $1530,
an approximate cost of $4145 each; and the additional cost could be added to
the contract and paid for from Motor Fuel Tax Funds. The building commissioner
stated that maintenance costs for street, inlet and storm sewer cleaning would
be reduced if all driveway approaches were paved.
In the discussion that followed, the clerk stated the cost for the
change in plans for the Waukegan- Greenwood intersection with a right turn
lane was $1,233, the Board having approved an.' amount not to exceed $5,000
for such change. Trustee Craig stated he had been a proponent of the Green-
wood Avenue improvement in the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety,
but it was his opinion that the additional expenditure for the improvement of
presently unpaved driveway approaches was not warranted and should be the
individual property owner's expense since safety was not involved and the
owners were gettthg a.fully improved street at no cost to them. No action was
Approve Tire Sale Trailer £, A letter was received from Mr. Richard
Signs - 750 Waukegan Rd. A. Harris, owner of the Mobil Service
Station at 750 Waukegan Road, requesting
permission to park a trailer, and have a tire display with portable signs
for a tire sale on his property on May 2 through May 25, 1967. Trustee Raff
moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that permission be granted to Mr. Harris
to park a trailer with a tire display and portable signs at his service
station at 750 Waukegan Road, no pennants or banners to be permitted.
Motioni.:carried unanimously.
Refer Driveway Widths A letter was received from the Plan
to P.C. for Hearing Commission with a report and recommenda-
tions from the Planning Consultant on
driveway widths and conflicting provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and
Municipal Code. Trustee Forrest proposed that the matter be discussed with
the Plan Commission at the next joint meeting. Trustee Raff pointed out that
the Board can change standards for driveways in the Municipal Code by ordinance,
and moved that the Plan Commission be requested to hold a public hearing on
an amendment to the Zoning Oridnance as recommended by the Planning Consultant.
Seconded by Trustee Kelm, and carried unanimously.
Re: Revenue Bills The manager reported that a communication
had been received from the Illinois
Municipal League pertaining to revenue bills introduced in the General Assemby.
He stated that the bill which would permit a municipality to impose a sales
tax of one percent, the present rate being 1/2 of one percent, had been
amended to provide that one -half of the additional 1/2 percent be used to
reduce the tax levy. Another bill would prohibit a municipality from imposing
the incrmsed sales tax if taxes are placed on cigarettes, tobacco products,
alcoholic beverages and hotel and motel rooms; the two sources of additional
revenue could not be used.
Discussion was had on the revenue bills. Trustee Raff moved, seconded
by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board suppot't the Illinois Municipal League
in its endeavor to get reasonable taxation laws passed by the General Assembly.
The motion failed to pass by the following vote:
Ayes: Raff, Schleicher (2)
Nays: Bootz, Craig, Forrest, Kelm (4)
Re: Bergmark Rezoning Mr'. Eugene Bergmark reminded the Board
Petition that at the April 17th meeting he had
been told that a report would be
requested from the Plan Commission on his Elm Street rezoning petition, and
was disappointed that the matter was not on the agenda. The Village attorney
stated that a request for a report had been sent to the Plan Commission, but
due to the filing of a petition for similar rezoning for the nearby Kottrasch
property, it was the decision of the Plan Commission that the whole area
should be looked at as a whole. Mr. Bergmark pointed out that the petition
on the KDttrasch property had been filed since tie last meeting, and his petition
had been heard in the early part of February. He was assured that he would be
given and answer as soon as possible after due deliberation.
Reports- Communications President Finney reported he had received
a letter from the I l l i not s Department of
Public Works requesting that a representative be appointed to work on a proposed
public safety program. He stated Chief of Police Hall would be appoirted.
Decision was made that discussion of the new water reservoir construction
should be delayed until after the middle of the month when more complete informa-
tion will be available.
The meeting was recessed at 9:40 p.m. and re- convened at 9:55 p.m.,
all members present.
An announcement of a workshop meeting sponsored by the Juvenile Court of
Cook County will be turned over to the Police Department. Trustee Kelm stated he
was familiar with the sessions and felt it would be an excellent idea if the
Department was represented.
The President reported that he had received a letter from the Mayor of
Skokie inviting him to attend a meeting of the Ncrth Suburban Transporation Council,
but he had been unable to attend. The Mayor also stated that he had arranged for
a committee to attend a Village Board meeting to discuss the goals of the
C7 Council. The manager was directed to answer the letter, expressing President
Finney's regrets that he could not be present at the Council's meeting, and
inviting the committee to a Board meeting at their convenience, listingldates
Gza of meetings.
U '
A request that the Village proclaim Maritime Day and work with the Post-
master on the program was referred to the Postmaster.
A lengthy discussion was had on a list of proposed business licenses and
fees prepared by the manager based on Skokie's licensing ordinance. He estimtited
that an additional $4,000 would be received if the ordinance is adopted. Decision
was made that the attorney check the list for compliance with the Statutes, and
the matter be taken up when a proposed increase in vehicle license fees is
A communication was received from the Lake County Law Enforcenent Association.
with a Resolution adopted by the Association clarifyirg the responsibilities and
liabilities of a municipality in giving or receiving assistance in emergencies.
The matter was referred to the Village attorney and the manager was directed to
check with the insurance company on any increase of rates if a mutual aid
ordinance is adopted.
After a brief review of past procedures of Police Department communications
with the Bard, President Finney stated that hereafter the Police Chief would
communicate with the Board through the Village manager.
Trustee Schleicher reported that a group of neighbors had approached him
to discuss the possibility of establishing a Youth Center to provide wholesome
recreational opportunities for young people. The Center would be non - sectarian,
limited to the young people of Deerfield and adjacent communities, except Highland
Park, and would put most of the responsibility in the hands of the young people
to determine what programs should be undertaken, with adult guidance. He stated
this was merely a report to the Board, and the group would work with the Youth
The manager reported that construction of Greenwood Avenue improvements
would start about June 1 and would be completed about the middle of August.
Sidewalks will be installed after the paving is completed.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Forrest, seconded
by Trustee Bootz, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :50 p.m.
Village Clerk