November 7, 1966
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers
of the Village Hall on Monday, November 7, 1966 at 8 :10 p.m. The clerk
called the roll and reported the following were
Present: H. Ross Finney, President
Raymond L. Craig,
Bernard Forrest
George P. Schleicher
Ellis W. Smith
James M. Wetzel
Absent: Charles H. Raff
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also
present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen,
Moved by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Smith, that minutes
of the Board of Local Improvements held October 17, 1966 be approved as
submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Trustee Forrest, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the
minutes of the regular meeting held October 17, 1966 be approved as
submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Trustee Smith, seconded by Trustee - Forrest, that minutes
o f the adjourned meeting held November 2, 1966 be approved as submitted.
Motion carri:6d unanimously.
Reject Bids - Village Hall Add. A report from Mr. Edward Walchli, architect
for the addition to the Village Hall,
stated bids had exceeded substantially the estimated cost, and suggested
two possible actions: (1) select one of the lower bidders after more
thorough investigation and negotiate a contract on revised plans, or (2)
reject all bids and re- advertise for new bids on revised plans. Two or
three weeks would be required to negotiate a contract, approximately six
weeks for new bids.
Discussion was had, several members pointing out that five bidders
were very close, the selection of one could be considered arbitrary, and
substantial revisions would be required to bring the cost down to the
budgeted amount.
Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Schl6:icher, that all
bids on the Village Hall addition be rejected. Adopted by the following
Ayes:: Crai g,� Forr&st,::Schlei:cher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Mr. Walchli will prepare revised plans and specifications. it was
proposed that the project be limited to construction of facilities this
fiscal year, and equipment be purbhased,iand installed next year.
Re: Off- Street Parking The Village Attorney reported he had
Ordinance Revisions prepared an ordinance revision off -
street parking regulations, and he
would discuss the revisions with the building commissioner and planning
consultant' before the next meeting. He suggested the matter be placed
on the agenda for the next meeting.
Re: Street Lights The manager reported the electrical
contractor was out of town and he had
been unable to get cost figures on the installation of a street light
at Bayberry and Timber Hill, which has been requested by residents of
the area.
The Village attorney reported that street lights can be installed
under special assessment procedures, but pointed out the spread of the
a ssessment may pose a problem. He added that Motor Fuel Tax funds can
be used for street lighting. Trustee Schleicher stated that a public
hearing would be required before the Board of Local imP-r_ovements if a
special assessment for street lighting were contemplated, and there would be an
expression from the public as to the need or desire for such improvement.
Re: Park District Hold Harmless The Village attorney reported he and Mr. Allyn
Agreement Franke, attorney for the Park District, had
prepared a hold harmless agreement regarding
the reservoir site, including all conditions regarding plans and specifications,
material and easements. The Park District will act on the matter at its next
meeting, and probably be ready for consideration by the Trustees at the next
Table Ordinance The second presentation was made of the ordinance
Bulk Oil Co. Variations granting variations for two driveways each 35 ft.
in width, and identification and price signs
at 663 Waukegan Road, as requested by Bulk Oil Corporation. Trustee Craig
questioned the need for 35 tt. driveways, and stated it was his opinion that the
27 tt, driveways specitied by ordinance would result in no hardship. Several
Trustees expressed agreement, and Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee
Craig, that the section of the ordinance which grants a variation for 35 ft.
driveways be deleted. Adopted by the following vote:
co Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
W14 Nays: None (0)
The representative of the Bulk Oil Corporation stated extreme hardship would
result if 35 ft. driveways were not allowed, since design of the service station
with vertical islands required this width , and all other service stations in
the Village had driveways at least 35 ft. wide, and in one case, 90 ft. He stated
the State recommends 35 ft. driveways for service stations as a matter of safety,
and that Bulko stations in Highland Park, Northbrook and Glenview were constructed
with 35 ft. driveways.
Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the question of
driveway width be referred to the Planning Consultant for his recommendation. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Smith, Wetzel (3)
Nays: Forrest, Schleicher (2).
The Village attorney suggested thii t the Board might wish to adopt the
ordinance granting variations for signs, and refer the question of driveways back
to the Board of Zoning Appeals for reconsideration on the basis of the Planner's
recommendation. Trustee Forrest moved that the ordinance be adopted as amended.
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the ordinance be tabled
pending the report of the Planning Consultant. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Smith, Wetzel (3)
Nays: Forrest, Schleicher (2)
Report- Downspout Disconnections The manager reported that 38 downspout disconnections
had been completed in the Woodland Park area,
leaving six to be re- checked. He also reported that the contractor for the sewer
separation project expected to finish the job, including blacktopping, by Friday
night, November 11th.
No Reconsideration Trustee Schleicher stated that questions had been
Sara Lee Variation raised regarding the recommendation from the
Board of Zoning Appeals on the Sara Lee variation,
and suggested that the Board might wish to reconsider the:o:rdinance passed at the
last meeting. The Village Attorney stated that the concurring vote of four members
of the Board of Zoning Appeals is required for a recommendation, and if the
recommendation is for denial, a favorable vote by two - thirds of the Board of Trustees
is required to overrule the recommendation.
Trustee Schleicher mov%O,that the. :ordinance granting a height variation to
W\itchens of Sara Lee.^ The motion failed for lack of a second.
Petition Re: Plan A petition of the Deerfield Homeowners Association
Commission Procedures was presented and read by Mr. Martin Wald, Jonquil
Homeowners Assn. Terrace, asking that the Board instruct the
Plan Commission regarding procedures to;'b, followed
by the Plan Commission in order that the public may be more fully informed
about matters under consideration, that Plan Commission agendas be available
to the public prior to the meeting, that copies of Plan Commission petitions
and reports be made available to the public at a cost of not more than 35� per
page, and that the Mater Development Plan be adhered to unless a change is
clearly to the benefi:t of the public. He' listed alleged actions by the Plan
Commission and Village employees which are felt by the Association to preclude
full information on matters before the Plan Commission by the public, and
participation by citizens in public hearings.
The manager stated the Plan Commission did an excellent job, the pro-
cedures followed were similar to other communities, and that copies of
records were available although limited clerical help might require a delay.
President Finney stated he had appointed or re- appointed four members of the
Plan Commission and knew them to be people of integrity and 'dedication. He
stated their would be an investigation of charges, but felt it was unfair to
refer to rumors and make such charges when the people involved were not present
to defend themselves. Mr. Wald approved the striking of the paragraph regarding
Discussion was had on the work of the Plan Commissionand the difficult
job they are doing. Mr. Andrew Ebert, president of the AssoclAtion, stated
it was their desire that these matters be discussed fully, and he was aware of
the fact that there are two sides to every question. Mr. Stanley Grosshandler,
attorney for Mr. John Glorioso, objectedhto` the use of his client's name in
Mr. Wald's remarks, and stated the Plan Commission was doing an excellent job
and following usual procedures. Trustee Wetzel-closed the discussion with
the remark that public participation in public affairs was entirely good.
The meeting was recessed at 10 :20 p.m., and re- convened at 10 :30 p.m.
Approve Request for $1335.60 MFT Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee
Greenwood Soil Tests Smith, that the request to the Division
of Highways, Slate of Illinois, for
Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of $1,335.60 for Greenwood Avenue soil
tests be approved, to be forwarded by the clerk. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Bldg. Permit -Hazel & Maple The manager reported that all people
Bequest for Delay interested in the proposed construction
of a house at the corner of Maple and
Hazel Avenue had been notified, a s directed by the Board. Mr. Stanley
Grosshand1:er, attorney for one of the nearby residents, asked that the issuance
of the permit be held up until he has had an opportunity to investigate the
matter. He stated that the replatting of the property had eliminated a park
area, and the property had been covenanted to require that all houses front
on Maple. He said he might decide to refer the question of which is the front
property line on a triangular piece of property to the Board of Zoning Appeals
for its determination on the ruling of the building commissioner. He stated
he would advise the Board as expeditiously asppssible as to his decision on
whether to file an appeal with the Board of Building Appeals or to file a suit
for an injunction. The Village attorney advised the Board that the matters
raised by Mr. Grosshandler give a basis for a delay in the issuance of the
permit. The manager will keep the Board advised.
Presbyterian Parking Meeting The manager reported that the meeting
Nov. 16th of the Board and representatives from
the Presbyterian Church to discuss
church parking plans had been confirmed for November 16, 1966. He also
reported that Mr. Clarence Wilson, the Chamber of Commerce representative on
ine Parking Committee, was unable to serve.
Plan Commission Report - Valenti The report of the Plan Commission was read
Rezoning & Shopping Center on the petition of Mr. Joseph Valenti. to
rezone property of approximately 18 acres
at the southwest corner of County Line and Waukegan Roads to the B -1 Business
District and development of a neigbborhood shopping center thereon. Approval of
the rezoning was recommended provided the site is developed in conformity with
the preliminary site plan, covenants are given to preclude the use of any part
of the property for a gas station, with no driveways from the reserved corner,
and agreement by the owner that a stockade fence will be constructed along the
south side of the property when and if the property to the south is developed
for residential purposes, the west fence to be constructed when building
construction is begun, driveways and deceleration lanes to be provided as shown.
Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the report of the
Plan Commission be accepted. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Valenti presented a site plan which was revised in accordance with the
Plan Commission's recommendation, and stated restrictive covenants had been prepared
and will be turned over to the Village when approved. The Village attorney stated
the Zoning Ordinance made no provision for a planned commercial development, and
prohibited construction of more than one building on a zoning lot. He said a
public hearing would be required to amend the zoning ordinance to add a section
for planned commercial developments.
Discussion was had on means to insure development in accordance with the
site plan. Mr. Valenti stated some flexibility in building locations was
necessary, although building lines would be maintained as shown. The Village
attorney suggested that the ordinance be prepared to rezone the property, subject
to the conditions recommended by the Plan Commission, for discussion by the Board,
Mr. Valenti to investigate how much he is willing to covenant, in the interim.
Trustee Wetzel moved,seconded by Trustee Smith, that the attorney be directed to
C7 prepare the ordinance as outlined above.
WMotion carried unanimously.
Trustee Craig suggested a workshop meeting with the Plan Commission on this
matter, the President and Bca rd concurring.
Deny Carriage Walks Discussion was had on the request of Mr. Irvin
King's Cove Unit #4 Blietz to permit construction of carriage walks
in King's Cove Subdivision, Unit A, in place
of 5.ft. sidewalks now required by ordinance. He pointed out that carriage walks
were constructed in the first three units, and that esthetic values would be
maintained and many trees saved if he is permitted to continue existing carriage
walks. The manager suggested that trees could be saved if sidewalks meandered.
Several trustees pointed out that snowplowing made carriage walks unuseable for
much of the winter, and there was a real 'hazard to cnildren who must then walk
in the street.
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that Mr. Blietz's
request for the construction of carriage walks be denied. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Hayes Sub. to P.C. A report from the building commissioner stated
that the John M. Hayes Subdivision is a resubdivision
of one lot including Lot 54, 2nd Addition to Deerfield Park, and additional property
acquired from the Park District. He stated a sewer easement shown on the title report
was found not to involve the subject property, and the Title Company had waived its
objection. Decision was made that the plat be referred back to the Plan Commission
for its approval.
Request ;for.S6Wer is Water Mr. Edward Rothschild, attorney for the
Horenberger Property W. Side Wilmot purchaser- developer of the Horenberger property
west of Wilmot Road, coutside the corporate limits
of the Village, stated his client had been issued a building permit by Lake County
for an office building, and had obtained a septic tank permit from the County Health
Department, but would like to obtain Village sewer and water services although he
was unwilling to annex to the Village. President Finney and several Trustees
stated the Village had a firm policy to require annexation of all property served
by Village facilities, if contiguous, or an agreement to annex when the property
becomes contiguous. A lengthy discussion was had on Mr. ..Rotbschild's request, and
it was the consensus of the Board that the Village's policy to require annexation
should be maintained. Trustee Schleicher stated the Village was now willing to
consider annexation of the property and the furnishing a water and sewer facilities,
but this might not be true at a later date.
Mr. Rothschild stated that School District No. 110 had advised him that they
favored the proposed development, and he would be happy to meet with the Board at
any time, to discuss the matter further.
Loftus for IMRF Trustee A ba(14)ot for the election of a Trustee of the
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund was received,
as well as a letter from Mr. Jack Loftus, seeking support for his
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the
Village's ballot be marked for Jack W. Loftus for Trustee of the
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.
Motion carried unanimously.
President Finney reminded the Board of a meeting with the Safety
Council scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th, at 8 p.m.
Trustee Schleicher asked that the matter of police patrol cars
be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, since the bid was accepted
on the basis of a four car trade -in, and only three cars will be traded.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Wetzel,
seconded by Trustee Smith, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Village Clerk