August 1, 1966
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council
Chambers of the Vi.11age Hall on Monday, August 1, 1966 at 8 :15 p.m. The
clerk called the roll and reported the following were
Present: H. Ross Finney, President
Raymond L. Craig
Bernard Forrest
Charles H. Raff
George P. Schleicher
Ellis W. Smith
James M. Wetzel
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Minutes of the regular meeting held July 18, 1966 were approved on
motion by Trustee Forrest, seconded by Trustee Smith, and carried unanimously.
Discussion - Morton Plat Discussion was had on the proposed
(Lieblin Morton Management Development Co.
plat. Mr. Shapiro reported he had
obtained written agreements from abutting property owners for the additional
land required for the street right -of -way at the southwest corner of the
subdivision. President Finney reported that he and the owner had discussed
the dedication of 20 ft. for street right -of -way at the northeast corner of
the street extending north from Deerfield Road, full improvements to be
constructed by the developer in consideration of the dedicat.ion, but the
owner wishes to sell the entire property. The owner has referred any dis-
cussion of the matter to her attorney, and the Village attorney has been
di rectdd to negotiate with him.
Mr. Shapiro stated the price of the property was too high, and he
could not consider.its purchase unless the Board is willing to drop the
Margate Terrace extension. Trustee Raff pointed out that Margate Terrace
was required as a second means of access to the subdivision, in the interests
of public safety.
Trustee Raff suggested that lot widths along the drainage ditch be
increased in order that the 12,000 sq. ft. area requirement be met , ex-
cluding a: 130 ft. drainage easement, since it was his opinion that the 50
ft. easement was larger than necessary for ditch maintenance. Mr. Shapiro
agreed to enlarge these lots by the elimination of one lot. Trustee Forrest
pointed out that a public hearing on variations was required before the plat
could be approved, and recommended that the matter be tabled until the report
is received from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
It was the consensus of the Board that a full width street was mandatory
at the Deerfield Road entrance, and that positive assurances shall be obtained
from the Park Board that the extension of Margate Terrace through the park
property will be permitted. Decision was made that the matter be placed on
the agenda for the next meeting.
Bids - Trucks Sealed bids for trucks were opened and
read as follows:
Lehigh Truck Sales Jeep $ 2462.09 $517.09 $1945.00
Herschberger Implement IH Scout 2189.16
Herschberger Implement (2 trGeks)IH 11118.54
Mundelein Radios 1862.00
Snow Plow
1 512.5
189.16 2000.00
500.00 Int. 13112.54
900.00 GMC
Delia Lehigh Truck Sales GMC'1 11360.00 760 GMC 13784.00
Niles (2 trucks) Radios 1862.00 210 Int.
Snow Plow1532.00
Evanston Dodge (2 trucks) Dodge 10182.54 -inc. 600 GMC 10714.54
Evanston Snow Plow1532.00 radios 400 Int.
Accept Bid - Evanston Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Smith,
Dodge 2 Trucks that the bid of Evanston Dodge, the }ow bidder,
be accepted for two trucks at.the net price of
$10,714.54, subject to verification of specification compliance. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Accept Bid - Herschberger Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher,
Scout (Rescinded Later) that the bid of Herschberger Implement be
accepted for an IH Scout at the net price of
$2,000, subject to verification of specification compliance. Adopted by the
following vote:
M Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
U The meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m. and re- convened at 9 :45 p.m.,
U all members present.
Resignation of Parking President Finney reported a letter of resignation
Committee - Letter had been received from the Parking Committee,
and published in the press. He stated he had
taken no action upon the resignation, and read the letter he had prepared to be
sent to the Parking Committee, in which he wrote the resignations were reluctantly
accepted and expressed appreciation for the Committee's past work. Trustee
Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the letter be approved and
copies sent to each former member.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jack Bakeman, Ford Pharmacy, commended the Board for its attempt to
do something about the traffic problem at the Deerfield - Waukegan Road intersection,
but pointed out that elimination of parking spaces had a detrimental effect on the
business of the merchants in the vicinity. President Finney invited Mr. Bakeman
and other merchants to meet with the Board on Thursday, August 4th at 8 :00 p.m.
to discuss the problem. Trustee Schleicher stated any ideas for possible solutions
to the traffic - parking problem would be welcomed.
Report - Brickyards Trustee Forrest reported he had deveral discussions
with officials of the Metropolitan Sanitary
District and Mr. Bernard Webber, regarding the purchase of the National Brick
Company property of approximately 130 acres, of which 50 acres have been excavated.
Since the Village has no use for 80 acres, he attended the last meeting of the
Park Board to discuss acquisition of the property by the Park Board for recreational
purposes. He stated no conclusions had been reached, and the Park Board would
discuss the matter further and contact the Village Board. At Trustee Raff's
suggestion, Trustee Forrest agreed to keep in touch with the Park Board regarding
any action they may decide to take.
Report- Downspout Disconnections The manager reported three releases for downspout
"Dutch Elm Disease - Stump disconnections by Village employees have been
Removal returned to the Village. A public Works employee
will call on residents whose homes are in violation
in order to obtain compliance.
He reported that 152 elm trees have been sampled, 81 public trees removed,
9 are yet to be removed; 60 trees on private property have been removed, with 56
yet to be removed. The diseased wood has been burned at the rear of the Village
garage. 104 stumps in parkways have been ground out.
1st Presentation -Mun. Code The first presentation was made of an ordinance
Amend. False Info - Vehicles amending the provisions of the Municipal Code
Licenses pertaining to vehicles licenses with respect to
false information and misuse of licenses, and
providing that licenses shall be displayed only on the vehicle for which the
license was issued. The ordinance was read in full.
The Village attorney will prepare an, ordinance covering the furnishing
of false information and misuse of all licenses.
Discussion- Proposed Ordinance* was had on a proposed ordinance
Drive -in Restaurants regulating noise, littering, private
watchmen and similar matters relating to
drive -in restaurants. The Village attorney quest1oned whether the Village had
the authority under the Statutes to enact such an ordinance, and pointed out
that unnecessary noise was already prohibited under Village ordinances. Trustee
Raff stated that it was his opinion that such an ordinance would be impossible
to enforce. Mr. Houpt will study the proposed ordinance and report at'the next
Appoint Mabel Harraman The manager reported that one or more
Police Matron police matrons must be appointed in
municipalities having 16,000 or more
inhabitants and the special census now in progress is sure to show a population
in excess of 16,000. He recommended that Mrs. Mabel Harraman be appointed
Police Matron since the rate paid her for services as matron at time and one -
half will result in a saving to the Village, the present rate -of .pay -being
x,5.25 per hour with a minimum of $10.50. The Village attorney will check
whether the position of Police Matron is subject to the regulations pertaining
to policemen:
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that Mrs. Mabel Harraman
be appointed a Police Matron, her services to be used whenever possible. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
1st Presentation- Tax Levy The first presentation was made of the
Ordinance ordinance levying taxes for the year
beginning May 1, 1966 and ending April 30,
1967. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the ordinance
be posted in the lobby for public inspection.
Motion carried unanimously.
1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of the
Abating Mun. B1'dg. Bond Levy ordinance abating the levy of $12,400 for
Municipal Building bonds for 1966. The
ordinance was read in full.
Accept Paving Improvements Trustee Craig moiled, seconded by Trustee
Kings Cove Sub. Unit 3 Wetzel,.that the paving improvements in
Kings Cove Subdivision, Unit No. 3, be
accepted, subject to one year's maintenance, as recommended by the building
commissioner. Adopted by the foltlowing vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (�)
Nays: None (0)
Approve Bldg. Permit The Board of Building Appeals and building
N.S. Evangelical Church commissioner recommended the issuance of
a building permit for an addition to the
North Suburban Evangelical Church, 200 County Line Road. A letter from Phil
Johnson, Inc. authorized the use of 16 parking spaces by the Church on Sunday
mornings. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the
Board authorize the issuance of the building permit as recommended, the fee
being waived in accordance with the ordinance. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Broege Lot Improvements Three plans for improvements on the
Brce ge lot were presented for review.
Trustee Raff asked that drawings be prepared showing the complete road and
parking layout in the Northwest quadrant, in order that plans may be properly
Authorize Execution of
Contract - Kennedy Sewer
district was presented
President and Clerk be
The contract between George W. Kennedy Construction
Project Company, Inc. and the Village of Deerfield for
the separation of sewers in the central business
Trustee-Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the
authorized to execute said contract. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None ( 0)
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Bond filed
by Kennedy Construction Company in connection with the sewer separation project
be approved. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
The Village attorney reported that he will prepare an ordinance to require
connections to the proper sewers when separated.
Approve Increased Size The manager reported that Baxter and Woodman
Water Reservoir had estimated the cost of a 3.3 million gallon
C7 water reservoir at $480,000 against a cost of
$384,000 for a 2.5 million gallon capacity. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by
Trustee- Forrest, that the Board approve an increase in size of the reservoir to
W 3.3 million gallons. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith , Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
The manager was directed to work out agreements with the Park Board
regarding the lease for the resdVoir and appurtenances, access and water main
easements, tennis courts and fencing; said agreements to be formalized by
the attorneys for the Village'and Park District upon approval of conditions by
the governing bodies.
Reconsider Truck Bids A sealed bid on trucks from Gilmore International,
Inc., Northbrook, was received, said bid having
been left with the Police Department at 7:00 p.m., and overlooked. Trustee Forrest
moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that truck bids be reconsidered, and the
Gilmore bid be opened and read.
Motion carried unanimously.
Accept Gilmore Bid The bid from Gilmore International, Inc. was opened
IH Scout - $1842.00 and read as follows:
IH Scout: $2,680.11, less trade -in of $838.11, net bid - $1,842.00.
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the low bid of Gilmore
International, Inc. be accepted for an IH Scout, at the bid price of $1,842.00,
subject to verification of compliance with specifications. Adopted by the foltowing
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Vletzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
The bid for two International trucks was: $13,331.96; radios $1,832.00;
snow plow $1,453.00 - total bid $16,616.96, less trade -ins of $2,587.96; net
bid - $13,029.00. This bid being higher than the bid of Evanston Dodge, heretofore
accepted, no action was taken.
Reports - Communications A report from the building commissioner was
received regarding paving problems in connection
with the Tanelian parking lot. The rpport will be considered at Thursday night's
meeting on parking and traffic problems.
A letter from Mrs. Florence Winship expressed appreciation to the Village
for elimination of truck storage on the Tanelian parking lot adjacent to her
The Village attorney reported the Broeges had approved August 26, 1966
occupancy of the property acquired by the Village. The manager reported he will
obtain prices on the demolition of the former Broege house which will be presented
to the Board.
A letter was received from the United Nations Association urging that
a proclamation be issued for United Nations Day and a Chairman be appointed.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee)Forrest, that the communication
be referred to the Community Relations Committee. Motion carried unanimously,
President Finney reported that Mr. William Rauch had told him he did
not understand what the function of the Committee is. The ordinance establishing
the committee was read, and the manager was directed to send copies to the
A letter from Mr. Arthur Ullman of the Sister City Committee -stated he
would visit Luedinghausen, Germany, the latter part of August. A message
will be prepared to be signed at the next meeting, for personal delivery by Mr. Ullman.
The manager reported that Mr. Al Bernardi of the Water Department will
attend the Department of Public Health's water supply operators conference and
examination. He stated July water pumpage was 105,211,000 gallons.
Accept Anthony Deed Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee
Wetzel, that the Deed for that portion of
the Anthony property acquired for the West Deerfield Road sidewalk be accepted.
Motion carried unanimously.
The manager reported that Fox International had written they were still
interested in a CATV franchise, in response to letters sent out by Trustee
No action was taken on the letter from the Illinois Municipal Retirement
Fund, requesting nominations for a Trustee for the Fund for a 5 year term.
President Finney reported that a letter had been received from Mrs.
Laura Lee Christoph regarding the resignation of the parking committee and
comments on traffic problems. Copl!es of her letter will be sent to the Board.
The Illinois Art Council's letter of invitation to a meeting at the
Highland Park Library on August 23, 1966 at 9:00 a.m. was referred to the
Community Relations Committee. Mrs. Christoph stated both the Townley and
Newcomers Clubs were interested in this pro:j,ect, and suggested the invitation
be forwarded to these clubs, also.
Trustee Raff stated he had received copies of letters regarding the
Pink Panther, and asked if this matter is on the agenda of the Youth Council.
He also asked for the Plan Commission's recommendation on the Kroger variation
and parking requirements.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Raff, seconded by
Trustee Forrest, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
Village Clerk
�\ ✓i
President,. /