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July 18, 1966 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, July 18, 1966 at 8 :30 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Ellis W. Smith James M. Wetzel Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. M Moved by Trustee Schleicher, seconded by Trustee Forrest, and carried unanimously, that minutes of the regular meeting held July 5, 1966 be approved as submitted. W, U Approve Bills - Payroll The payroll for the month of June and the U following bills were presented for consideration: June payroll $32,432.45 Northern Trust Co. 1,206.60 George Hall 49.50 Lee Herion 25.00 American Comfort Co. 13.50 American Public Works Association 40.00 Badger Meter Co. 1,814.04 Peter Baker & Son 1,072.40 B.A.T. Inc. 693.22 Bergmark Development Co. 90.00 Blossom Shop, Inc. 20.00 Robert E. Bowen 12.10 Bowman Products Division 351.04 Fred G. Breitling 224.70 Carolyn A. Jones 224.70 Virginia Brill 25.00 Burren Transfer Co. 4.41 Peter L. Carlson 90.00 Chicago Construction News 11.80 Chicago Pump Co. 622.97 Commons Paint 2.68 Ralph Conrad 21.70 Village of Deerfield 3.30 Deerfield Animal Hospital 27.50 Deerfield Commons Service 5.20 Deerfield Disposal Service 3.50 Deerfield Electric Co. 96.62 Deerfield Nurseries 30.00 Deerfield Paint & Glass 20.41 Deerfield Refrigeration 37.00 Deerfield State Bank 315.07 Deerfield Stationers 8.05 Ralph L. Dehne 3.15 Joseph De Tata 15.00 E & H Utility Sales 446.06 Glenn E. Elwart 77.69 Everspray Co. 15.60 Ford Pharmacy 10.62 Carl L. Gardner 505.00 John T. Golitz 25.00 L. Gulbrandsen 146.25 Ahmet 0. Gursoy, M.D. 7.50 George Hall 5.00 Helanders, Inc. 16.86 Allis Chalmers 36.00 Phil Johnson 8.10 Kleinsbhmidt 45.90 1®6 Highland Park Automotive $ 5.65 City of Highland Park 41,953.82 Highland Park Chrysler 15.91 Highland Park Hospital 36.50 Peter Hohorst 7.64 Village of Deerfield 17.36 Homelite 264.00 Hopkins Road Equipment 129.04 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 351.97 Joboul Publishing 13.20 Phil Johnson, Inc. 2.70 Kale Uniforms 103.47 K. A. Steel Chemicals, Inc. 252.00 Knapp Shoes 18.95 Lake Cook Shell Service 6.90 Landfill Engineering Co. 6.00 Lien Chemical Co. 35.41 Lilac Shoes 41.70 Masterbilt Fence Co. 144.00 Menoni & Mocogni 188.64 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing 360.25 Motor Parts & Machine 36.03 North Shore Gas Co. 93.14 North Shore Group Newspapers 144.94 Northwest Building Officials 20.00 Pavl i k Bros. 30.50 P. B. Enterprises 716.60 Pedersen & Houpt 894.50 Pedersen & Houpt 100.00 Petty Cash 136:11 Police Pension - tax receivable 1,189.91 Postmaster 100.00 Precision Porta 194.50 Recordak Co. 49.60 Recorder of Deeds 31.00 J. A. Renaldi S Co: 109.33 Samuel Rosemann 25.00 Sanfax Corp. 161.59 Seaman Bag Co. 163.50 Siljestrom Fuel Co. 100.00 Sinclair Mineral & Chemical 190.00 Standard Oil Co. 8.05 Stevens Chemical Co. 64.15 Norris W. Stilphen 4.05 Sunray DX Oil Co. 118.69 Robert Theer 6.12 Village of Deerfield 18.88 Traverse City Iron 523.91 David Van Anrooy 11.80 Village of Deerfield 13.20 Verako Products, Inc. 738.85 Vernon & Son 25.87 Village of Deerfield 101.38 Village Hardware, Inc. 188.47 Edward J. Walchli 200.00 Waukegan Blue Print 26.37 Harold H. Winer 585.00 Wilson's Food Center 9.48 Zep Manufacturing Co. 310.69 James B. Clow & Sons 5.19 Commonwealth Edison 2,038.65 Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the payroll for June 1966 be approved, and the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0). Award Contract -Geo. W. Kennedy Const. Sealed bids for the separation Sewer Separation in Bus. District of storm and sanitary sewers in the Central Business District were opened and read as follows: 1 C�J 1� d� W V .1 BIDDER BID Rossetti Conttactors $ 85,275.50 Rolling Meadows Kuch & Ingram, Inc. 112,972.70 Lake Bluff George W. Kennedy Construction 68,271.00 Antioch Di Paolo Co. 119.676.00 Chicago BOND 109/1 19 /0 10% (Conditioned on permit for night work) 101/0 The low bidder, Mr. George Kennedy, stated his bid was conditioned upon his obtaining permission from the Boaed to work at night, which he felt would be of benefit to all, since the work could progress faster with less inconvenience to traffic and his workmen. He pointed out that the entire project is in the business district and therefore would not disturb residential neighborhoods. He estimated 22 days for excavation, and stated his men would work Monday through Friday nights, probably between the hours of 9 P.M. to 6 A.M. Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the contract be awarded to George W. Kennedy Construction Company, the low bidder, at the bid p rice of $5:68 „'271..!x, subject to analysis and approval by the engineer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None k0) Authorize Permit for Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, Night Work - Kennedy Const. that the Board, in the public interest, waive the ordinance provision which prohibits con- struction work at night, and a permit be issued authorizing George W. Kennedy Construction Company to work at night on the sewer separation project. Motion carried unanimously. Accept Bid - Midwest Diesel Sealed bids for a Standby Generator were Stan#y Generator $6340 opened and read as follows: BIDDER BID Weston Engine Co.. $ 6,730.00 10 day delivery- Diesel Broadview plus $140 if 140 KW Charles Equipment Co. 7,565.00 Waukesha propane Elmhurst Arthur Wagner Co. 8,288.00 Waukegha 3 way Chicago Industrial Engine & Parts 7,163 Koehler propane Chicago Alta Products 7,063.60 Koehler propane Chicago (Fai:r.bahks Morse Diesel Midwest Diesel Power 5,400.00 ($4,850 plus cartage & housing Chicago 5,700.00 Waukesha 6,340.00 Continental Following a brief discussion of specifications, Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the bid of Midwest Diesel Power, Chicago, be accepted for a Continental standby generator at the bid price of $6,340, subject to the unit meeting specifications. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Accept Bid -Peter Baker & Son Sealed bids for miscellaneous bituminous paving Bituminous Paving were opened and read as follows: 108 BIDDER PRICE PER TON Skokie Valley Asphalt $ 12.85 DesP.16i nes Peter Baker & Son 12.55 Lake Bluff Liberty Asphalt Products 13.80 Grayslake Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the bid of Peter Baker & Son, the low bidder, be accepted at the bid price of $12.55 per Ton for miscellaneous asphalt paving. Adopted by the folctowing vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (O� Accept Bid Yeomans Bros. Sealed bids for a submersible pump Submersible Pump+ -$2147 were Qpened and read as follows: BIDDER BID Yeomans Bros. Co. $2,147.00 Chicago Flygt Co. 4,072.00 - 2 pumps Stanford, Conn. Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the bid of Yeomans Bros. Co. be accepted for one submersible pump at the bid price of $2,147. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance- Kroger Parking In connection with the second presenta- Variation (0- 66 -29) tion of the Ordinance granting a variation from the.parking require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance to permit 120 parking spaces for a proposed building having a':-gales area of 13,700 sq. ft. at 705 -741 Waukegan Road (Kroger), President Finney and Trustees Raff and Forrest stated it was their opinion that no action be taken until the Plan Commission report on parking requirements is received. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the ordinance granting a variation to permit 120 parking spaces beadopted. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the Ordinance be tabled, and the Plan Commission be directed to furnish a report on the matter of parking requirements. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Forrest, Raff (2) Nays: Craig, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (4) Upon roll call, the Ordinance granting the variation in parking requirements was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (4) Nays: Forrest, Raff (2) The President signed the ordinance indicatin g his approval thereof. Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. No Parking Greenwood Ave. 0 -66 -30 completion of Greenwood Av that three property owners lots were not large enough Discussion was had on the ordinance amending Section 20.511 of the Muni - cipal Code prohibiting parking on Greenwood Avenue at any time after the enue improvements. Trustee Craig pointed out would be greatly inconvenienced inasmuch as their to provide off - street parking. Trustee Wetzel left the meeting at 9:25 P.m. 109 The manager stated that the Illinois Division of Highways will not permit parking on streets improved by Motor Fuel Tax funds, and that present overnight parking on the shoulder was illegal, but was not enforced due to circumstances. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the ordinance prohibitng parking on Greenwood Avenue be adopted, to be enforced after completion of the street improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith (4) Nays: None (0) Pass: Raff (1) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Trustee Wetzel re- entered the meeting at 9:30 p,m, and was present thereafter. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee.Craig, that the said ordinance be published in pamphlet form. Motion carr!6d unanimously. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the Resolution be adopted approving and authorizing execution of the annexation agreement, Adopted',1y::t1e,fol 1ow1 ng vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) The Village attorney stated that the zoning and annexation ordinances for the Clavey Nursery property cannot be adopted until the annexation agreement has been signed by the owners, and a petition for annexation has been received. The meeting was recessed at 9:40 p.m, and reconvened at 9:55 p.m., all members present. Report- Downspout Disconnections The manager reported smoke testing had been complated in the 'Woodland Park area and 46 violations had been discovier:ed;of these, two have disconnected downspouts, one has signed the agreement for disconnection by the Village. The program for the elimination of storm water from downspouts into the sanitary sewer system will continue. Approve Preliminary Plat The preliminary plat of the Morton Development Morton Development Sub. Subdivision was presented. The report of the 3 Dedications Required Plan Commission was read in full, recommending that the preliminary plat be approved, with rights -of -way dedications of 30, 40 and 50 ft. for the street extending north from Deerfield Road; a one -half street improvement adjacent to Lots 1 and 2 on the proposed plat; the improvement of the extension of Margate Terrace from Meadowbrook Lane to the Subdivision with acquisition of right -of -way from the Park District and two property owners, funds to be escrowed by the developer for land acquisition and improvements; a rear yard variation for Lot 2, a front yard variation for Lot 55, a non - conforming swimming pool on Lot 3; variations from lot size require- ments for Lots 4, 52; t6 "56 '-i nc.,l'us; q, and Lots 25 to 37, inclusive. Lf the ° i ri,dht -of -way :for the':MargatenUr_race c'. annot, be -,acqui:r6d- b.y''thd�,developer by purchase or- exchange of; land,,_-,the:,Plan Commi:ssion—recommended that the Village institute condemnation proceedings for the necessary property, the cost to be Lorne by the developer. A lengthy discussion was had on the proposed plat. Mr. John Bundock stated the plat showed a corner of his property used for street purposes althoufithe developer had never approached him about the matter. He indicated he was not averse to the dedication for the street if an equivalent area was added to his Resolution Approving Annexation The Resolution approvi�ngl*..the-;annexation Agreement - Clavey Nursery Property agreement between the Village of Deerfield (R-66-191 and F. D. Clavey Ravinia Hurseries, Inc. d'+ and Roy F. Clavey was presented. Mr. Houpt Gil reported that he had discussed the dedication of the 20 ft. easement granted U by the Toll Road to provide access to the property with Mr. Allyn Franke, attorney for the School and Park Districts. Mrs'. Franke had stated the location of buildings on the property had not been determined, that the site had access from both the east and north, as well as the easement from Deerfield Road, and both the Park and School Districts felt that the Village had no responsibility to provide access. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the Resolution be adopted approving and authorizing execution of the annexation agreement, Adopted',1y::t1e,fol 1ow1 ng vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) The Village attorney stated that the zoning and annexation ordinances for the Clavey Nursery property cannot be adopted until the annexation agreement has been signed by the owners, and a petition for annexation has been received. The meeting was recessed at 9:40 p.m, and reconvened at 9:55 p.m., all members present. Report- Downspout Disconnections The manager reported smoke testing had been complated in the 'Woodland Park area and 46 violations had been discovier:ed;of these, two have disconnected downspouts, one has signed the agreement for disconnection by the Village. The program for the elimination of storm water from downspouts into the sanitary sewer system will continue. Approve Preliminary Plat The preliminary plat of the Morton Development Morton Development Sub. Subdivision was presented. The report of the 3 Dedications Required Plan Commission was read in full, recommending that the preliminary plat be approved, with rights -of -way dedications of 30, 40 and 50 ft. for the street extending north from Deerfield Road; a one -half street improvement adjacent to Lots 1 and 2 on the proposed plat; the improvement of the extension of Margate Terrace from Meadowbrook Lane to the Subdivision with acquisition of right -of -way from the Park District and two property owners, funds to be escrowed by the developer for land acquisition and improvements; a rear yard variation for Lot 2, a front yard variation for Lot 55, a non - conforming swimming pool on Lot 3; variations from lot size require- ments for Lots 4, 52; t6 "56 '-i nc.,l'us; q, and Lots 25 to 37, inclusive. Lf the ° i ri,dht -of -way :for the':MargatenUr_race c'. annot, be -,acqui:r6d- b.y''thd�,developer by purchase or- exchange of; land,,_-,the:,Plan Commi:ssion—recommended that the Village institute condemnation proceedings for the necessary property, the cost to be Lorne by the developer. A lengthy discussion was had on the proposed plat. Mr. John Bundock stated the plat showed a corner of his property used for street purposes althoufithe developer had never approached him about the matter. He indicated he was not averse to the dedication for the street if an equivalent area was added to his Ito property from the proposed Lot 13. Mr. Richard Ross, attorney for Mrs. Virginia McCarthy, stated his client had not been approached although a corner of her property was shown as street right -of -way. He said it was his opinion that Mrs. McCarthy would be willing to an exchange of property with the developer on the same basis that Mr. Bundock had indicated to be acceptable. The Village attorney stated the Village could condemn property for street purposes, as recommended by the Plan Commission, on the basis of benefit to the public, although the immediate benefit appeared to lie with the developer. Trustee Raff expressed serious concern about the proposed plat, and pointed out that the access road to the subdivision from Margate Terrace may be delayed, leaving only a narrow entrance road from Deerfield Road to provide access to 56 lots, a road so narrow that the Plan Commission had recommended that it be made a one -way street after Margate.Terrace is completed. He also cited the fact that variations must be sought for 21 of the 56 lots, and one lot is non - conforming by reason of the location of a swimming pool. President Finney stated that he would discuss the dedication of 20 ft. for street right -of -way with the owner of the property at the east corner of the proposed street at Deerfield Road, in consideration of the agreement by the developer to construct full improvements at no expense to the owner. Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the layout of the preliminary plat be approved in principal, insofar as number of lots, subject to street dedicati:.©ns ,bei:ngr: -: worked out with the three pwners whose property is involved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Smith, Finney (4) Nays: Raff, Schleicher, Wetzel (3) Authorize Excavation for Water The manager reported that Mr. William Reservoir- Jaycee Park, Plans for Schroeder, Allis Chalmers Corporation, Excavat1ohoand Fencing had agreed to furnish equipment and operators without charge for the excavation of 12,000 cu. yds. of earth at Jaygee Park for the construction of a water storage reservoir. The work could be completed by fall. He stated that-Baxter and Woodman's estimate for this work was $49,920, although this amount undoubtedly included removal of the exce'ss:7earth from the site. He pointed out that installation of a substantial chain link fence would be required around the excavation, and that it would mean that construction of the reservoir should not be delayed until 1969, as heretofore planned. Part of the excavated material can be used by the Park District, and hopecully, some can be sold. Work would be completed in the fall. The fencing could be used for tennis courts and reservoir facility when the reservoir ¢ onstruction is completed. Trustee Raff suggested that written authority for the use of the park for the reservoir construction be obtained from the Park Board, and that arrangements be made for insurance coverage for an attractive nuisance. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board authorize the acceptance of Allis Chalmer's offer to excavate for the reservoir, without charge, using experimental equipment, and Baxter and Woodman be instructed to prepare plans for the rough excavation and speci- fications for fencing, for which bids will be advertised. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) n Rescind Cert. of Con. & Nec. On the basis that proper applications Livery & Taxi Applications had not been filed, and the results of the investigation of applicants for licesnes for livery and taxicab services, Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity heretofore approved conditioned upon complaince with all ordinance provisions, be rescineded. Motion carried unanimously. Reports - Communications The Village attorney reported he had received the preliminary Title report on the Br..oege property showing only 1965 and 1966 taxes. He asked that the Building Commissioner inspect the property to see if the Broege's have moved. lil A letter was received from the Illinois Bell Telephone Company pertaining to nuisance calls and protection of telephone privacy. The manager reported the Sunday Tribune had carried an article and picture of a boy arrested at the Pink Panther in connection with a case of body stealing. The manager reported the developer of North Trail Subdivision has worked out the sanitary sewer installation with the Village of Bannockburn and would pay $625 f6r.sealcoating North Avenue. A letter was received from the Manpower Commission stating a meeting was being arranged to discuss nomin4tl:6ns1,for Civil Defense Director. An invitation was received for the Illinois Municipal League's 53rd Convention in Chicago on.September 17 -20. The manager reported the City Managers' Convention would be held in Phoenix, Arizona on October 23 -27. There was no objection to his attendance. A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals approved the request of Mr. A(lberl Jacobs for a permit for an advertising sign for the North Trail Subdivision, for a six month period in accordance with plans presented by Mr. Jacobs. The manager reported that Mr. William Rosenberg, Stratford Road, has complained about the inconvenience caused by the elimination of parking spaces at the drWg stores. W ' U The manager reported-that-Mary Ann Niemi had been injured on the Village U parking lot adjacent to the Nation6l.'Tea store, and a report of the accident had been sent to the insurance company. Approve Aerial Electric Mr. Eugene Bergmark, builder.; of three duplexes Services; Bergmark- Central Ave. on Central Avenue, requested a variation to permit aerial electric service for the buildings. He pointed out that underground services required by ordinance would not remove ran* poles, and he had already installed part of the lines. After a brief discussion, Trustee Raff moved, °seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that a variation be granted for aerial electric services, as requested by Mr. Bergmark. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Raff, Smith, Wetzel (4) Nays: Forrest, Schleicher (2) A letter of congratulations on Deerfield Family Day was received from the Department of the Air Force. Copies will be sent to the Committee and to the press. The Board approved the investment of $35,000 in U.S. Treasury Bills. A letter from the Board of Police Commissioners reported that Thomas Rogge and Robert Charles had been appointed Lieutenants of Police. President Finney reported- he had been approached on the matter of a beer license for a chain sandwich and beer restaurant. Two beer licenses are authorized by ordinance, the clerk reported, one held by the American Legion, the second by,. Phil Johnson, Inc. Trustee Wetzel suggested that the interested party be given an opportunity to present his request to the Board if he wishes, in connection with the statement of the Library Directors that they should not be bonded and had no funds to pay for bonds, Trustee Raff suggested that the insurance company be notified to cancel bonds heretofore ordered for the Directors. There being no further business, on motcon by Trustee Forrest, seconded by Trustee Craig, the meeting was adjourned at 12;20 a.m. APPROVED: �~ • President ATTEST: Village Cderk