April 18, 1966
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of
the Village Hall on Monday, April 18, 1966 at 8 :30 p.m. The clerk called the
roll and reported the following were
Present: H. Ross Finney, President
Raymond L. Craig
Bernard Forrest
Charles H. Raff
George P. Schleicher
Ellis W. Smith
James M. Wetzel
Absent: None
and that a quorum was preeent and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that minutes of the
regular meetingheld April 4, 1966 be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
Payroll - Bills The payroll for the month of March, 1966
and the following bills were presented
for consideration:
March payroll $ 26,870.93
First National Bank of Deerfield 12.00
Deerfield State Bank 150.00
Estate of B. M. Benson 48.17
Dean Witter & Co. 230.00
Flynn, Harrison, Conroy 27.55
Flynn, Harrison, Conroy 583.82
Edmund Klaskinski 80.00
Robert G. Porter 30.00
Flynn, Harrison, Conroy 151.72
American.Public Works Assn. 6.00
Lake County Bar Assn. 4.00
Gee Builders 3,318.65
Frdd G. Breitling 224.70
Carolyn A. Jones 224.70
Paul Powell 4.00
Robert Hamilton 21.00
Robert D. Charles 7.30
Gordon Cooper 10.95
A.P.W.A., 5.00
Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 21.00
Peter Baker & Son 14,377.58
Blossom Shop 10.00
Robert E. Bowen 1.60
Bowman Products Division 102.22
Chas. Bruning Co. 60.70
B.A.T., Inc. 260.05
John Coons 14.77
Village of Deerfield 10.23
Chicagg Tribune 71.10
Commonwealth Edison 1,951.21
George A. Davis, Inc. 141.00
Deerfield Electric Co. 76.64
Village of Deerfield 25.00
Village of Deerfield 81.60
Deerfield Disposal Service 3.50
Deerfield State Bank 315.07
DiPietro Plumbing 3.39
E & H Utility Sales 157.52
Elmhurst Chicggo Stone 279.30
Ralph Elson, M.D. 15.00
Etheridge's Inc. 6.46
Evanston Review 12.00
Frost Hardware & Supply 47.10
$ 171.80
Gilmore International
L. Gulbrandsen
Hach Chemical Co.
George Hall
City of Highland Park
Highland Park Door Co.
Edward Hines Lumber
Lloyd Ho.11ister Inc.
Hughes F, Orr
Institute for Municipal Engineers
Illinois Bell Telephone
Interstate-Electric Supply
Phil Johnson, Inc.
Kale Uniforms
D. D. Kennedy, Inc.
Lakeland Redigas
Lien Chemical Co.
Lindemann Pharmacy
Ronald J. Matta
Menoni tr Mocogni
Minnesota Mining & Mineral
Village of Deerfield
R. A. Mattivi
National Chemsearch
National Fire Protection Assn.
North Shore Gas Co.
North Shore Gvoup Newspapers
Olivetti Underwood
Pavlik Bros.
P. B. Enterprises
Pedersen -& Houpt
David J. Petersen
P. F. Pettibone S Co.
Petty Cash
Powell's Camera
Catherine B. Price
Recordak Co.
Recorder-of Deeds
Sanfax Corp.
E. H. Sargent s Co.
Savage Gas Heating
G. P. Schleicher
Schuster Equipment Co.
Singer Printing
Sparkling Spring Water
The Star
Norris W: Stilphen
3.15 -
Sunray DX Oil Co.
Frank Thornber Co.
Tropical-Paint Co.
Verako Products
Adam Vetter
Village Hardware, Inc.
Waukegan Blue Print
Waukegan News -Sun
Westminster Office Machines
Harold D. Winer
Zupanic Tool 6', Die
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee,Forrest, that the payroll for
March, 1966 be approved, and the bills as listed above be approved for
payment. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Weteel (6)
Nays: None (0)
W. Deerfield Rd. Sidewalk The manager reported the appraisal
had been received for the Anthony
frontage to be acquired for the construction of sidewalks on West Deerfield
Road. The attorney suggested that the matter be discussed at the next
workshop meeting, since land acquisition is involved.
Adopt 1966 -67 Budget Trustee.:Smith moved that the budget for the
year May 1, 1966 - April 30, 1967 be adopted.
Seconded by Trustee Schleicher, and adopted, by'the fo.l-lowirog vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: Raff (1)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee•Smith, that the Ordinance be
published in-pamphlet form.
Motion carried unanimously.
Accept P. C. Report A report was received from the Plan Commission
BZA & Variations recommending amendments to Section XXII, A.B.C.,
Zoning Board of Appeals,and Section 1V.4 of
the Zoning Ordinance. The Village attorney stated the amendments pertaining
to the Board of Zoning Appeals were necessary to bring the Municipal Code and
the Zoning Ordinance into conformance with':the Statutes, and Section IV.4
amended to simplify procedures.
Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the report of the
Plan Commission be accepted.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Village attonney was instructed to prepare the Ordinance to effectuate
the Plan Commission's recommendations.
P.C. Report- Animal The report of the Plan Commission was read
Hospital in B -4 District regarding a proposed animal hospital at 150
Waukegan Road. It was the opinion of the
Commission that an animal hospital in a 6-4 Business District would be a
permitted use under the "Professional Office" listing, since no boarding of
animals is contemplated. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that
the report of the Plan Commission be accepted and approved.
Motioncarried unanimously.
The attorney stated the applicant could now apply for a building permit.
Approve P.C. Report -N.S. Gas The report from the Plan Commission recommended
Cud-]man Wheel Zoning that the Cullman Wheel property and the North
Shore Gas Company be classified as M- Manufacturing
upon annexation, and a Conditional Use permit be granted to North Shore Gas
for its operations. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by TrusteeiRaff, that
.Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Ordinance - Zoning Amendment In connection with the proposed ordinance amending
Sec. XIV.D.2 - B -2 Parking Section XIV.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining
0 -66 -12 to parking in the B -2 Central Business District,
a letter was received from Mrs. Florence Winship,
590 Whittier, who objected to the removal of the restriction that prohibited
parking or driveways within 15 feet of a lot zoned for residential purposes.
Trustee Smith pointed out that protection is afforded by the requirement that
parking areas be screened by a densely planted hedge or fence not less than
5 feet in height. The manager stated that Village owned parking lots and
the Deerfield Commons, as well as several other lots, were presently in violation.
Mrs. Winship stated her lot adjoined'the business district on two sides,
and pointed out that trucks are parked up to her property line on the Tanielian
parking lot which was constructed last summer with no provision for screening.
The need to enforce the protective provisions of the ordinance was stressed by
President Finney and several Trustees, and the manager was directed to take
steps to insure compliance.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the ordinance be
adopted amending Section XIV.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit parking in the
B -2 Central Business District in side and rear yard areas, subject to the pro-
visions of Section XVI, Off- Street Parking and Loading. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: Raff (1)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee•Smith, that the Ordinance be
published in-pamphlet form.
Motion carried unanimously.
Accept P. C. Report A report was received from the Plan Commission
BZA & Variations recommending amendments to Section XXII, A.B.C.,
Zoning Board of Appeals,and Section 1V.4 of
the Zoning Ordinance. The Village attorney stated the amendments pertaining
to the Board of Zoning Appeals were necessary to bring the Municipal Code and
the Zoning Ordinance into conformance with':the Statutes, and Section IV.4
amended to simplify procedures.
Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the report of the
Plan Commission be accepted.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Village attonney was instructed to prepare the Ordinance to effectuate
the Plan Commission's recommendations.
P.C. Report- Animal The report of the Plan Commission was read
Hospital in B -4 District regarding a proposed animal hospital at 150
Waukegan Road. It was the opinion of the
Commission that an animal hospital in a 6-4 Business District would be a
permitted use under the "Professional Office" listing, since no boarding of
animals is contemplated. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that
the report of the Plan Commission be accepted and approved.
Motioncarried unanimously.
The attorney stated the applicant could now apply for a building permit.
Approve P.C. Report -N.S. Gas The report from the Plan Commission recommended
Cud-]man Wheel Zoning that the Cullman Wheel property and the North
Shore Gas Company be classified as M- Manufacturing
upon annexation, and a Conditional Use permit be granted to North Shore Gas
for its operations. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by TrusteeiRaff, that
the Plan Commission's recommendation be accepted.
Motion carrie d unanimously.
Approve Cullman Wheel Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by
Annexation Agreement Trustee Raff, that the Board approve the
Annexation Agreement between Cullman
Wheel'Company and the Village of Deerfield'in the form presented. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff,
Nays: None (0)
Approve Hirsch Fixture
Annexation Agreement
Ferdinand Nordenberg (Hirsch
the form presented. Adopted
Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by
Trustee Craig, that the Board approve
the Annexation Agreement between Mr.
Fixture Company) and the Village of Deerfield in
by the fol.lowi ng vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Approve North Shore Gas Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by
Annexation Agreement Trustee Raff, that the Board approve
the Annexation Agreement between,ithe
North Shore Gas Company and the Village of Deerfield in the form presented.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetezl (6)
Nays: None (0)
Approve RCA Annexation In connection with the RCA (Mr. Mark
Agreement- Delete 10' Sideyard Finfer) Annexation Agreement, the Village
attorney stated the requested Conditi.o6al
Use had been inadvertently omitted from the Notice of Hearing on the zoning
of the subject property; however, the attorney for Mr. Finfer had agreed to
accept the provisions of Ordinance No. 0- 63-55, passed November 4, 1963, which
authorized a Conditional Use for the operations of the company, including
outside storage of equipment. He stated the Agreement had been amended to
re- affirm the Conditional Use thereby granted.
Discussion was had on the 10 ft. sideyard on the East side of the
property, which Mr. Finfer insists is necessary for future expansi:bnnof. the,
building, although he has no plans for such expansion at the present time.
Trustee Schleicher pointed out that if the property remains under Cook
County's jurisdiction, a permit for an addition would be issued without question.
Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Annexation
Agreement between RCA (Mr. Mark Finfer) and the Village of Deerfield be approved
in the form presented.- Upon roll call the following vote was recorded:
Ayes: Craig, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (4)
Nays: Forrest, Raff (2)
The motion failed for lack of a favorable vote by the requisite three -
fourths of the corporate authorities.
The meeting was recessed at 9:20 p.m. and re- convened at 9:35 P.M.-
Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, tlat the President and
Clerk be authorized to execute the Annexation Agreement with Mr. Mark Finfer
(RCA) with the 10 ft. sideyard provision deleted from the contract. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
1st Presentation- The first presentation was made of the
Salary Ordinance Ordinance estbblishing salaries for
ungraded and unclassified positions for
the year May 1, 1966 - April 30, 1967.
Re:Fire Dist. Building A letter from the Board of Fire Commissioners
Program of the Deerfield - Bannockburn Fire Protection
District was read, suggesting that it might
be mutually advantageous to the Fire District and the Village to consider the
construction of a combined or adjoining buildings for the Police and Fire
Departments, since both need larger quarters.
President Finney stated he had discussed the matter with a member of the
Fire Department, and plans were so indefinite that, unless a specific proposal
is received, it was his opinion that the Village would proceed with plans for
the enlargement of the present building. The Board concurred, and the manager
was directed to write to the Fire Commissioners explaining the necessity for
immediate enlargement of the Police quarters and expressing appreciati:bn for their
thoughts about a cooperative building program.
Public Hearing -April 25, 1966 The manager reported the Highland Park - Deerfield
H.P,- Deerfiedld Limousine Serv. Limousine Service had applied for livery
licenses for three vehicles. A hearing on
a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity being required by ordinance,
Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the public hearing on
the said application be held Monday, April 25, 1966 at 8 :00 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
W The manager was directed to send notices of the hearing to the applicant
zV and the operators of other livery services offering service to residents.
Approve Plat- Matthy!-•s Resub. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee
(Bergmark Sub.) Raff, that the Board approve the final plat
of Matthy's Resubdivision (Berigma•,ks) of
three lots on Central Avenue, and its execution by the President and clerk be
authorized. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Accept BZA Report The report from the Board of Zoning Appeals
DBA Variations recommended that the petition of DBA be
granted for variations from the front yard,
side yard, parking and lot size requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the Vil4§ ge
attorney be instructed to prepare the ordinance granting sbid variations.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Plans & Specs. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Smith,
Clavnia Unit #3 that plans and specifications for improvements
in Unit #3, Clavinia Subdivision, be approved
as recommended by the Building Commissioner. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Autborize Application Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel,
Sewers - Clavinia Sub, that the President and dlerk be authorized to
execute the application to the State Sanitary
Water Board for sewer extensions in Unit #3, Clavinia Subdivision. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Proposed Wilmot Water A lengthy discussion was had on a proposed
.Recapture Ordinance ordinance requested by Mr. Joseph Valenti`to
provide for the recapture of part of the cost
of the sanitary sewer to be constructed in Wilmot Road to be paid by special
connection charges to owners of property across the street for connections to
the said sewer. The manager reported the water main on Wilmot Road had been
installed and paid for by Messrs. John Teeter, Lloyd Rudolph and Eugene Engelhard
with provision for reimbursement. He stated that Messrs. Teeter and Rudolph
were willing to waive reimbursement for the water main provided no charge would
be•rfiade.by-JAr. Valenti for connection to the sewer with stubs installed
to their property lines without cost to them. Mrs. F. G. Hastings, 601
Wilmot Road, stated that Mr. Engelhard had retalRey the right to reimburse-
ment despite the sale of his property, and asked tRe developer be required
to pay the full cost of the sanitary sewer inasmuch as he is a builder and
the sewer is a part of his dver;all development costs.
Decision was made that the building commissioner investigate the
costs of sewer and water main installations and the matter be referred
to the Village attorney for review, to be placed on the agenda for the
next meeting.
Proposed CATV Ordinance Trustee Schleicher stated he had
reviewed the proposed CATV ordinance
and written his comments to improve the ordinance as it would pertain to
Deerfield. Several Trustees expressed the opinion that no action should be
taken at this time. Trustee Craig pointed out that passage of the CATV
ordinance by Deerfield would be pioneering in the Chicago Metropolitan area,
and he did not feel it was to the advantage of the Village to take leader-
ship in this matter. Decision was made that Trustee Schleicher's comments
be given to the Village attorney and.manager for their review and report
at the next meeting.
Reports - Communications The manager reported a copy of the
Revierwoods Residents Association's
press release had been received. A report from School District 110 on the
financial effect of the proposed Baxter development and the proposed re-
zoning of the Hovland Subdivision was received.
A permit from the State Sanitary Water Board for sewer extensions
in the King's Cove Subdivision was received.
The manager reported that a letter from the City of Highland Park
had notified the Village that the contract for use of the Highland Park
landfill would expire May 1, 1966, and would not be renewed. This will be
no hardship to the local scavengers, since they will use the Milwaukee
Avenue landfill.
Northbrook's official jurisdictional. area map is available for
inspection. Correspondence from the Sister City association has been
forwarded to the Deerfield Sister City Committee.
The manager reported that Kitchens of Sara Lee, Inc., had paid
$2685 for excess BOD content of sewage in March, 1966.
No action was taken on the Civil Defense bulletin regarding tornado
Notice was received of the State meeting of the Boards of Fire and
Police Commissioners on May 7, 1966 at Mattoon, Illinois. It was referred
to the Board of Police Commissioners and acting Chief George Hall. Notice
was received on a Roadway Lighting Forum on April 20, 1966.
A copy of the by -laws of the Colony Point'Home Owners, °,Association
was received which was turned over to the attorney to check for any conflict
with Village ordinances.
Repass Taxicab Ordinance The clerk reported that due to a
as Corrected typographical error, the taxicab
operator's license fee of '5.00 had
been omitted from the ordinance passed April 4, 1966, although the renewal
fee of $5.00 was included. Correction has been made to add -- "upon payment
of the fee of $5.00 ". Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded b,y Trustee Forrest,
that the ordinance be repassed as corrected. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
President Finney reported he had received a telephone call from
the attorney for Baxter Laboratmries, who had expressed concern about
a story in the Chicago Tribu6e pertbtfihng to the Baxter proposed industrial
development, Hovland redevelopment and the financial problems of School
District 110. It was agreed that the report was erroneous.
There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Forrest, seconded
by Trustee Craig, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
/6 R
Attest; (APPROVED:
C lerk