03/07/1966Marcn .7, 1966 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deertield was called to order by the President i.n'the-:C6unci 1 Chambers of the Village Hall on'Monday, March 7, 1966 at 8 :50'p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Raymond L. Craig Charles H. Raff Bernard Forrest George P. Schleicher Ellis W. Smith Absent: James M. Wetzel and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. President Finney left the meeting, and returned at 8 :58 p.m. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that minutes of the M regular meeting held February 21, 1966 be approved as submitted, with correction of a typographical error. W Motion carried unanimously. U _ U Re: Deerfield Rd. Sidewalks The Village attorney reported a realtor had been directed to make an appraisal of the Anthony frontage f6r the construction of a s_tdewalk on the north side of West Deerfield Road. He stated that a Deed of Dedication for the sidewalk on the south side had been sent to Mr. Joseph Valenti for his signature. Approve Preliminary Plat The report from the Plan Commission recommended Blietz Subdivision approval of the preliminary plat of the Blietz Subdivision, ad addition to King's Cove Sub- division, which incorporated changes approved at the last rte eting. Discussion was had on Lot "D ", reserved for the future extension of Carriage Way to the proposed bridge. It was the consensus of the Board that the right -of -way should be dedicated by plat of subdivision rather than held in trust as proposed by Mr. Blietz. Mr. Blietz stated he was willing to dedicate the right -of -way. It was decided that additional construction easements for the future bridge were unnecessary. Mr. Houpt reported the original agreement had been re- drafted to include all the conditions heretofore set by the Board. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the preliminary plat of subdivision submitted by Mr. Blietz be approved subject to the chanTng of Lot "D" from reserved to a dedication as a continuation of the street providing access to the future bridge. In answer to Mr. Blietz's request that the Board authorize execution of the final plat and agreement if completed before the next Board meeting, Mr. Houpt pointed out that the Subdivision Ordinance required Board approval of both the preliminary $nd final plats. Upon roll call, the preliminary plat was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith (5) Nays: None (0) Re: Taxicab Ordinance The Village attorney reported the taxicab ordinance, including the rate schedule, would be ready for the next Board meeting. Re: C.A.T.V. t Annexations It was the decision of the Board that the matters of a C.A.T.V. franchise and the annexation of properties south of County Line Road should be dropped from the agenda until such time as the Board is ready to take action. 1st Presentation - Ordinance Quinlan i Tyson Sign Variation The first presentation was made of an ordinance granting a variation from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the installation of 46 sign at 735 Deerfield Road, as requested by Quinlan and Tyson. The ordinance was read in full. North Shore Gas Annexation The Village attorney reported he had Agreement- Hwring 4/13/66 submitted the draft of a pre- annexation agreement to the North Shore Gas Company, which would require a joint hearing before the Board of Trustees and the Plan Commission. He stated the agreement would classify the property as an M- Manufacturing District with a conditional use permit granted authorizing the use of the property for public utility purposes and all uses customarily accessory thereto and necessary for their operations. He reported the company was willing to disconnect from the Countryside Water Company main and connect to the Village water supply, but wanted to continue to use their septic system installation instead of connecting to the Village sewer- age system. Decision was made that the joint public hearing be advertised for Wednesday, April 13, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. The letter from Mr. Remo Pichietti regarding the denial of his petition for a variation in frontage and area requirements for a proposed subdivision was held over to the next meeting to permit Mr, Pichietti's attendance. Baxter t Woodman Water Storage The manager reported that Baxter and Report Woodman had submitted a report on the water distribution system and storage facilities, and recommended a 2- million gallon underground reservoir at an estimated cost of $485,349. This is a minimum cost and does not include a standby power source for pumps in case of a power failure. He stated this could be added.at a later date when funds are available. He reported the Village has insufficient funds to undertake the project now, but suggested that the Park District might be approached with a proposal that excavation be started by Village employees as time permits, with a possibility that assistance might be obtained from Allis Chalmers. He estimated that $30,000 could be saved by eliminating this work from the contract. The only bad feature, he said, was the length of time regwiared for the work, since excavation could be done only when employees and equip- ment are available. Trustee Raff stated he was opposed to starting now, ,since the excavation would be an attractive nuisance for months and a hazard to children. He asked if information had been received on Federal grants. The manager stared procedures had not yet been established by the Govern- ment, but an application could be submitted later. Trustee Craig said that any application for a Federal grant should be a subject for discussion by the Board. Trustee Smith asked the manager to prepare a report on estimated earnings in order to ascertain when sufficient funds would be available for the project. The manager assured the Board that the present water supply was adequate except for possible low pressure on a 4th of July week- end during a dry spell. Trustee Raff pointed out that additional water would be available for residents when the Sara Lee well is completed and the plant is disconnected from the Village water system. Decision was made that,.the matter be tabled for three month's. North Suburban Transportation Group The manager reported he had attended a meeting regarding the North Sub- urban Transportation Group which is being organized-'to pursue all possible avenuesoof approach for the improvement of public transportation. He stated the Group planned to employ a Director to implement plans and the cost to the Village might run to $700 for the first year, with no way to estimate future yearly costs. It was the consensus of the Board that the amount of money required to join could not be justified on the basis of benefits to residents of the Village. The manager stated nearby communities were represented at the meeting, and would review the proposal. The manager was directed to write the group declining the invitation to join this year, and stating that the matter would be regiewed next year. A letter was received from the State Sanitary Water Board approving the plans for the lift station to be constructed in the North Trail Sub- division. M., Approve Final Plat A report was received from the Plan Commission McGuire Subdivision recommending approval of the final plat of the McGuire Subdivision. Mr. Charles Healy, 1235 Oxford Road, again expressed concern about the drainage problem which he feared would be increased by the construction of a house on the new lot. The building commissioner stated he had checked the lot and felt there would be no problem. Mr. Healy asked that the Village require the installation of a drain to carry off storm water when a house is constructed. He then questioned the "For Sale" sign which had been posted on the property since the first week in January in violation of the Village ordinance. The Village attorney stated there was nothing in the subdivision ordinance which would prohibit subdivisions of this type. The manager stated no answer had been received from the Board of Zoning Appeals regarding similar subdivisions. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the final plat of the McGuire Subdivision be approved and execution authorized. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Schleicher, Smith (3) Nays: Forrest, Raff (2) M in Trustee Smith asked that the building commissioner inspect the site when W a building permit is issued to note if there is any deterioration in drainage. V The meeting was recessed at.10 :10 p.m. and re- convened at 10 :25 p.m. The clekk reported the McGuire Fubdivision plat could not be recorded since it had not been reviewed by the Plats Committee of Lake County and signed by its Chairman, and the date of the plat indicated it had not been reviewed by the Division Of Waterways and a flood hazard report.-had not been filed as required by Statute. The plat was signed and given to Mr. McGuire for recordation after these requirements are met. Approve Final Plat A letter was received from the building Lindemann Resub. Ratify Bldg. commissioner stating that the approval of Permit the Lindemann•Resubdivision on January 3, 1966 should have been final plat approval instead of approval of a pre:l:iminary approval, since the resubdivision survey did not require signatures and was a change in existing lot boundaries. At the Village attorney's suggestion, Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the final plat of Lindemann�s Resubdivision be approved, and the Board ratify the action of the building commissioner in issuing the building permit. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raft, Scnleicner, Smith, (5) Nays: None (0) The Manpower Commission will be requetted to submit suggestions;, for candidates for positions on the various Boards and Commissions to replace members whose terms will expire in May, 1966. 1st Presentation Mun. Code The first presentation was made of an Amend: Traffic, Stop S Thru ordinance amending the Municipal Code Traffic Streets ordinance by deleting certain stop streets and adding other stop and through streets. The ordinance was recommended by the Safety Council following a traffic study. Discussion -Pink Panther In connection with the question of issuing a license for the Pink Panther dances, the manager proposed that the license be issued subject to withdrawal of privilege cards if rules for members and decorum are not maintained, and that a minimum of three off -duty police officers are employed to maintain order. He stated that it should be emphasized that the policemen are there for the Village, and not as bouncers for the management. These provisions mould be wiri•tten into the license. Trustee Raff proposed that the license fee be increased to cover the cost of police services, and the officers would then work under Department rules. The manager will discuss the matter with the Police Chief and have an ordinance prepared for discussion b✓ the Board. 6 Parking Plan The manager reported he had received a letter from Mr. Robert Ramsay, Chairman of the Parking Committee, stating that the committee had no further recommendations to make until an application for a building permit is received. The Board asked that copies of the last parking report be sent to them. Reports - Communications A letter was rece,i,ved from the Highland Park Deerfield limousine livery service applying for three licenses. It was suggested that an ordinance may be deeded to provide for the licensing of such businesses. President Finney reported he had received a request to issue a Proclamation for Deerfield Boys Baseball. The Board approved the Proclamation. The President received a letter from the Board of Education of School District #108 expressing sincere appreciation to the President and Board for their efforts in insuring access to the Red Oaks School, Notices of meetings were received from the Youth Council, the Illinois Sewage Works Conference and the Illinois Editors Traffic Safety Seminar. A letter was received from the Village of Niles, chosen as an All American City in 1965, offering a placque imprinted with the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights at no charge if unframed, or $25 if framed. It was the consensus of the Board that the unframed placque be accepted. The clerk reported that petitions for a library election on April 23, 1966 had been received, and nominations for the election of library directors. The election ordinance will be prepared for the next meeting, The manager reported there was a conflict in the parking regulations of the Central Business District and the general parking provisions, and suggested that the conflict be eliminated in order to further the creation of additional parking space. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the matter be referred to the Plan Commission for a public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Raff, seconded by Trustee Smith, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :07 p.m. ATTEST: Village Clerk , APPROVED. • e^ President