January 17, 1966
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council
Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, January 17, 1966 at 8 :20 p.m.
The Clerkcalled the roll and reported the following were
Present: H. Ross Finney, President
Raymond L. Craig
Bernard Forrest
Charles H. Raff
George P. Schleicher
Ellis W. Smith
James M. Wetzel
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Moved by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that minutes
of the regular meeting held January 3, 1966 be approved as corrected.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Bills - Payroll The payroll for the month of December,
1965, and the''following bills were
presented for consideration:
December Payroll
Deerfield State Bank
Davenport Bank & Trust Co.
First National Bank of Deerfield
Paul Powell, Secretary of State
Paul Powell, Secretary of State
F. J. Peterson
Carolyn A. Jones
Fred G. Breitling
Deerfield Park District
Acme Corporate Bk.
American Water Works Assocation
Automotive Lab.
Badger Meter Co.
Barrett- Christie Co.
Beco Business Egpipment
Robert E. Bowen
Edward Brosky
Burris Implement Co.
Cargill, Inc.
Commonwealth Edison
Consolidated Fording
Deerfield Commons Service
Deerfield Electric
Deerfield Disposal Service
Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co.
Deerfield Oil Company
Deerfield Paint & Glass
Deerfield State Bank
Deerfield Stationers, Inc.
Del Chemical Corp.
Village of Deerfield
Di Pietro Plumbing
E & H Utility Sales
Federal Laboratories
Dr. Foelsch
Ford Pharmacy
Ford Printing
Forest - Atwood Paper
Gilmore International
Gilmore International
Michels Sinclair Service $ 96.00
G. H. Miller 15.10
Village of Deerfield 9.90
Mobil oil Co. 11155.00
Motor Parts & Machine 49.56
Mutual Service 154.58
National Chemsearch Corp. 326.95
National Power Rodding 2;850.00
National Safety Council 50.00
North Shore Assn. of Chiefs of Police 139.20
North Shore Gas 1.57
Exequip. & Co. 9.00
Pavlik Bros. 30.56
Pedersen & Houpt 805.00
David Petersen 7.50
Petty Cash 81.48
Postmaster 100.00
R. C. Randall 444.00
J. A. Renaldi & Co. 61.95
Charles Rogers 734.08
Sanfax Corp. 22.38
M Sears Roebuck 145.45
11� Sparkling Water 7.25
d� Wm. I. Staton 25.00
W Sunniday Chevrolet, Inc. 3.16
Sunray DX Oil Co. 523.00
U Traf- O -Teria Systems 59.20
Verako Products 272.36
Village Hardware 153.51
Walgreen Drug Store 4.70
Waukegan Blue Print 7.05
Harold H.'Winer 410.00
Ziebart Auto Rust. 150.00
C. W. Greengard Associates 290.00
Hach Chemical Co. 2.72'
Harry's Grill 5.93
Hawthorne Homes of Deerfield 270.00
City of Highland Park 15,372.39
Highland Park Hospital Foundation 30.00
Home 1 i -te 363.00
Hopkins Road Equipment 214.86
Idlewood Electric Supply 73.13
Illinois Assn. Fire & Police Commissioners 12.00
Illinois Bell Telephone 24.60
Illinois Assn. of Professional Engineers 76.00
International City Managers Assn. 47.50
International Harvester Co. 152.85
International Juvenile Officers ABsn. 2.50
Irv's Fire Extinguisher 7.50
Village of Deerfield 15.60
B i l l Lambeau 9.32
Joboul Publishing Co. 6.00
Joseph Lumber Co. 68.36
Kale Uniforms 25.68
Keelox Manufacturing 22.84
Lakeland Redigas 56.00
Lake Cook Shell 6.45
Lien Chemical Corp. 53.34
Machinery & Welder 246.59
Marshall Field & Co. 2.10
Masterbilt Fence 134.82
Material Service 274.25
Menoni t Mocogni 945,91
Meyer & Wenthe 5.25
Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the payroll for
the month of December, 1965 be approved, and the bills as listed above be
approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Bannockburn Sewer Easement The building commissioner reported he
had attended a meeting of the Board
of Trustees of Bannockburn, at which the proposal for a grant of easement
for the North Trail Subdivision sanitary sewer was presented and discussed.
There has been no decision on the easement.
Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by
Sec. 9.119 Subd. Bonds Trustee Schleicher, that the ordinance
0 -66 -1 be adopted amending Section 9.119
of the Municipal Code of 1963, per-
taining to the approval of subdivision bonds issued by corporate sureties
approved by the Board of Trustees or having an A- Plus.and AAAA rating
according to Best's Insurance Reports; and that the said ordinance be
published in pamphlet form. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None. (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
W. Deerfield Sidewalk The manager reported all rights -of-
Right -of -Way, way for sidewalks had been acquired
on the north side of Deerfield Road,
except the Anthony property, and Mr. Joseph Valenti had.agreed to give
and easement for sidewalks on the south side. The Village attorney stated
there was no "quick take" provision for municipalities. He reported the
attorney for Mrs. George Anthony had indicated that condemnation would be
necessary to acquire the right -of -way from Mrs. Anthony for the proposed
sidewalk. It was agreed that the Village clerk would write to Mrs.
Anthony, an.old friend, in an attempt to secure the necessary right -of -way
without the expense and delays of condemnation.
Resignations - BZA
Peyronnin t Michaels
Zoning Appeals. Appointments to fill
next meeting.
President Finney reported that Messrs.
Joseph Peyronnin and Carl Michaels
had resigned from the Board of
the vacancies will be made at the
Attorney to Prepare Order In connection with liens on all property
Old Hovland S/A in the Hovland Subdivison resulting
from the first Hovland Special Assess-
ment proceedings, the Village attorney reported the order of dismissal
entered by the Court was not satisfactory to the Title Company. He suggested
that a more complete order of dismissal be prepared to be signed by Judge
Hulse. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the Village
attorney be authorized to prepare the order, as proposed.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Start Hovland S/A A lengthy discussion was had on the
proposed special assessment for the
installation of water, sanitary-)addsstorm sewer mains in Hovland Subdivision.
It was the consensus of the Board that most of the residents favored the
proposed improvements and the rezoning and development of 12,000 sq. ft.
lots on a block to block basis, with full subdivision improvements to be
installed when properties are subdivided. A resident who had attended the
meeting on Hovland improvements stated she had heard complaints of storm
water flooding with damage to gravel roads, which was alleged to have
been caused.by Village construction. Trustees Raff and Schleicher asked
that Village employges check storm water drainage in the spring to see if
Village should take corrective action. Trustee Smith moved, seconded by
Trustee Wetzel, that the Board show intent to proceed with the revised
Hovland special assessment, details of rezoning and other matters to be
worked out at a workshop meeting at a later date. Adopted by the following
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
President Finney stated that the Board had no desire to take
arbitrary action on the Hovland improvements, but after three meetings with
residents, it was felt the proposed improvements were reasonable and a
majority of the owners were in favor of the plan. He proposed a discussion
meeting with the Plan Commission on January 31st to work out details of
rezoning and resubdivision.
Discussion McGuire Resub. Trustee Forrest stated the preliminary plat
of the McGuire Resubdivision had been approved
on the basis of the Plan Commission report which stated that all lots met,-all
ordinance requirements. The sketch prepared by Mr. Bowen showed that the four
existing lots are non - conforming with frontages less than the required 75
feet. Mr. Houpt stated that under ordinary circumstances, all lots in a
subdivision must comply with all applicable ordinances, but the Subdivision
Ordinance did not provide for this type of subdivision, w th four non - conforming
lots resubdivided to creat a fifth lot meeting present requirements.
Trustee Forrest expressed the opinion that the approval of the tentative
plat should be withdrawn, and the proposed plat be sent to the Board of Zoning
Appeals, since a precedent might be established by approval of the McGuire
Resubdivision without a public hearing. Trustee Raff concurred. Trustee
Schleicher suggested that a policy be adopted to require a public hearing on all
subdivisions that are not specifically covered by the Subdivision Ordinance.
Mr. William.McGuire, 1225 Oxford Road, presented a letter signed by
11� seven property owners whose lots adjoinf-or are across the street from the
d'{ proposed subdivision. They stated they had no objection to the subdivision.
W The question of the utility easement running through the center of the new
lot was brought up. Mr. McGuire stated he had ditcu�sed this matter with the
electric and telephone companies, and there would be no problerp.
After further discussion, Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee
Raff, that the Board withdraw i-ts approval of the preliminary plat and it
be sent to the Board of Zoning Appeals for review and recommendation. The
motion failed to carry by the following vote:
Ayes: For:@$t, Raff, Schleicher, (3)
Nays: Craig, Smith, Wetzel, Finney (4)
The Board approved Trustee Schleicher's suggested that the manager be
directed to refer the questions arising from the McGuire Resubdivision to
the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Plan Commission for study and recommendations
for the clarification of pertinent ordinances.
The meeting was recessed at 9 :50 and re- convened at 10 :00 p.m., with
all members present.
Epprove Lake Cab Co. License An application was received from Lake Cab
Company for a taxicab license.
Discussion was had on a proposed taxicab ordinance. In connection with
the requirement for taximeters,.the manager stated Highland Park was considering
a new taxicab ordinance. It was the consensus of the Board that if Highland
Park will require taximeters, Deerfield could require them also, since the
cabs are licensed in both municipalities. Zone rates were suggested as an
alternative to taximeters. Trustee Craig suggested that the Highland Park
ordinance be reviewed for the purpose of establishing similar requirements
insofar as possible. The manager will check with Highland Park and report
at the next meeting.
Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the application of
Lake Cab Company be approved and the license be issued, subject to meeting all
ordinance requirements. Adopted by the followhng vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Approve Final Payment $11979.43 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee
Wigert- Lagoon Construction Craig, that the final payment of $11,979.43
be approved to Albert Wigert Construction
Cmmpany for chorination facilities and lagoon construction, as recommended
by the engineers. Adopted by the following vote: .
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Approve Payment $847.43 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee
Baxter € Woodman Forrest, that payment of $847.43 be
approved -to Baxter and Woodman for
engineering services in connection with the construction of chlorination
facilities and lagoons at the sewage treatment plant. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
No Re- negotiations The Village attorney reported that Mr. -':i.
Blietz Sub. Agreement Blietz' attorney had sent the draft
of the agreement pertaining to the'
conditions for approval of the addition to King's Cove Subdivision. Dis-
cussion was had on the oral agreements heretofore made with Mr. Bruce Blietz,
with partH ular reference to the easement provided for access to the
pedestrian bridge. President Finney left the meeting at 10 :25 and returned
at 10:35 p.m.
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the Board not
reconsider the agreement with Mr. Blietz regarding the easement across the
rear of Lots 44 and 45 to provide acess to the bridge. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: Raff (1)
President Finney pointed out that additional ease ments for access to
the school had not been discussed in the negotiations with Mr. Blietz, and
if the matter were re- opened, the Board could be faced with a piecemeal
development of the tract.
Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board
not reconsider the agreements heretofre made with Mr.. Blietz in connection
with the proposed subdivision. Adopted by the followi:ng,vote:
Ayes: Craig, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (4)
Nays: Forrest, Raff (2)
The manager was directed to notify the Board of Education of School
District No. 108 of the Board's action.
Ordinance Authorizing Broege An ordinance was presented authorizing
Condemnation (0 -66 -2) the Village attorney, Mr. Richard V.
Houpt, to institute condemnation pro-
ceeding for the acquisition of the Broege property, commonly known as 802
Deerfield Road. The ordinance was read in full.
Trustee Sm.ith moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the rules be
waived to permit action on the said ordinance at.its first presentation.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Smith then moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the said
ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call, the ordinance.passed by the following
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: Raff (1)
President Finney signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Discussion was had on the parking plan for the Central Business
District. Decision was made that the matter be referred to the Parking
Committee for its recommendation on the next steps to be taken to imple-
ment the plan.
Accept Easement Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee
from Presbyterian Church Schleicher, that the Board accept the
easement granted by the Presbyterian
Church for a street ri)ght -of -way across the rear portion of the Church
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Reports - Communications The manager reported that he had been informed
that application forms for Federal Grants
for :the financing of public wooks were not yet available. Trustee Craig
stressed that inquiries on grants were for informational purposes only at this
The manager reported that Mr. Bruce Frost, Supervisor of West Dderfield
Township, had asked if the Board was interested in having any portion of the
Village served by sewerage facilities being contemplated b},.'the :-County. It
was the consensus of the Board that the manager tell Mr. Frost that the Board
is not interested and sees no need for the use of County facilities at this
Trustee Raff suggested that consideration be given to the construction
of an elevated water storage tank near the High School, which would not be
far from the existing pumps in Highland Park, rather than an underground
reservoir. The money saved could be used for the purchase of a gas or diesel
standby power unit at Highland Park, and thereby insuring a water supply under
M all conditions. The manager stated any savings would be.:nullified by the
cost of a 12 inch main, and the reservoir was needed on the west side of the
r}+ Village. He added that Dr. Sundin had stated that a reservoir of 2 to 22
W million gallons was more economical underground. President Finney asked
U the manager to discuss Trustee Raff's suggestion with Dr. Sundin.
A letter was received from the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals
giving notice of a hearing on January 28, 1966 on the petition to rezone
the southeast corner of Saunders and Deerfield Roads from the R -2 to the
B -1 classification, to permit the construction of a gas station; and a
hearing on January 31, 1966 on the petition of Baxter Laboratories to rezone
a 140 acre tract lying between the Toll Road and Saunders Road extending
north from County Line Road from a residential to the 1 -1 classification.
Discussion was had on the petitioned rezonings.
Resolution Opposing B -1 President Finney reported the Village of
Zoning -SE Corner Saunders Riverwoods would oppose the rezoning for
L Deerfield Rds. (R -66 -1) a gas station, and the President of Riverwoods
had expressed the hope that the Village of
Deerfield would also file an objectiori.
Trustee. Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that a resolution
be adopted objecting to and protesting against the rezoning of the southeast
corner of Saunders and Deerfield Roads to 0613-1 classification for the
following reasons: spot zoning; detrimental effect on adjacent properties;
availability of other gas stations; increased traffic hazards to school
children who are bused to and from the location; and the rezoning is not in
conformance with the new County Zoning Ordinance which designates the property
as a Suburban Estate District. Adopted by the follow�,ng vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher , Smith, Wetzel (�i)
Nays: None (0)
A certified copy of the resolution will be filed with the County Clerk.
Resolution Opposing 1 -1 A .lengthy discussion was had on the petition
Rezoning - Baxter Labs. of Baxter Laboratories for an 1 -1 classification
11�66 -2 for the 140 acre tract hereinabove described.
President Finney reported that the Village
of Riverwoods had taken no official action on the Baxter proposal, but would
probably adjourn their meeting for further consideration of the matter. He
stated Riverwoods was concerned about the 1 -1 classification, rather than the
company per se.
The Village attorney stated that the 1 -1 classification west of the Toll
Road would have little or no effect on property east of the Toll Road, since
a good case could be made that the Toll Road is a barrier to the expansion of
the industrial district.
It Was the consensus that the 1 -1 classification should be opposed.
Trustee Wetzel suggested that the resolution opposing the 1 -1 rezoning should
also state that it is not the intent.of the Village to oppose the use and
classification of the subject property as an OR district.
Trustee Schleicher moved,
Resolution be adopted objecting
of the 140 acre tract to the 1 -1
Laboratories, but it is not the
classification for the property;
with the planned development of
seconded by Trustee Forrest, that a
to and protesting against the rezoning
classification as requested by Baxter
intent of the Villgge to oppose an OR
the 1 -1 classification being incompatible
the area. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
A certified copy of the resolution will be filed with the County
C lerk.
Approve Payout $7,375 Trustee Craig moved, seconded by
Kennedy Escrow - Colony Point Trustee Smith, that the Board approve
a payout of $7,375 from the Colony
Point escrow account for sidewalk construction in Units 1, 2, 3 and 4,
as requested by Kennedy Development Co. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Accept Clavinia Unit ##2 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee
Underground Improvements Craig, that the underground improvements
in Claviinia Subdivision Unit ##2, be
acceptdd, as recommended by the Building Department. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6)
Nays: None (0)
Reports - Communications The manager reported that a survey
showed the capacity of the American
Legion building to be 700 for the Pink Panther Dances, and 400 for the
Web at the Presbyterian Church.
Discussion was had on a Xerox photocopy machine, several models being
suggested by Trustees. Trustee Schleicher proposed that no change be
made in Village photocopy equipment until it can be shown-that savings
would result. The matter will be given further study.
The manager reported the Waukegan -North Chicago Transit Company's
bas service to O'Hare Field was now in operation. The company has asked
that the bus stop be enlarged. Trustee Craig stated he saw no need for
any change in consideration of the few trips per day.
The manager reported that Officer Paul Kaehler is ill and unable to
work, and the Village will continue to pay his full salary until his
accrued vacation and sick leave has expired. At that time, a disability
pension vM be paid to him by the Police Pension Fund.
nager reported Kitchens 6f-Sara Lee had been billed $1,587
for sewer charges.
Trustee Wetzel stated that at the time the budget for the Plan
Commission had been approved, it di:d notccon,teModa,te the-type of endeavor
now sponsored by the Plan Commission. He asked that all commissions and
boards be advised that Board approval showld be sought for any unusual
expenditure. President Finney stated that the Chairman of the Plan
Commisston had spoken to him early in December about the project, and
he had made no objection.
Trustee Forrest asked the manager to continue his efforts to
arrange a meeting with the Metropolitan Sanitary District people to
discuss the brickyards.
A letter from Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Christoph was read, in which they
complained about the recent snow plowing which left a 4 foot pile of snow
at their driveway entrance at 90 Evergreen. They stated the snow was still
there except for the small amount they had been able to shovel away.in order
to get in and out of the driveway. They said telephone calls, to the
Village Hall had brought a Village employee and later the manager to their
address, but little snow was removed.