01/03/196622 January 3, 1966 The regular meeting of the President and Bcard of Trustees of Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hd11 on Monday, January 3, 1966 at 8:10 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Ellis W. Smith Absent: James M. Wetzel and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that minutes of the regular meeting held December 20, 1965 be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. Deny Fuller Request -1158 Holly In connection with the request of the S/A #101 Reverend Dwight A. Fuller that his property at 1158 Holly be removed from the assessment rolls for Special Assessment No. 101, the Village attorney reported he had received a letter from the engineer for the project describing the drainage area covered -by the assessment, and stating the lot was not a subdivision of record at the time the assessment was spread. Discussion was had on the division of the lot by Deeds, and whether the Village should pay part of the assessment. Trustee Wetzel entered the meeting at 8 :25 p.m. and was present thereafter.. Trustee Raff stated it was his opinion that the property owner or the Village should pay the entire assessment. He then moved -that the Board acknowledge recipt of the Reverend Fuller's letter and his proposal be denied. Seconded by Trustee Wetzel. Adopted by the following vote: . Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith (5) Nays: Smith (1) Re: Hovland Improvdments The manager reported the engineer had estimated the cost of underground improvements in Hovland Subdivision per lot as follows: sanitary sewer - $500, storm sewer - $500, water - $550, with legal and engineering fees bringing the total cost per lot to appoximately $1860. Trustee Schleicher suggested that the manager prepare a summary for the people who will attend the hearing on January 10th, giving exact information on what improvements will be installed and w.i,il not be done. Re: RCA Pre- annexation Mr. Samuel Lawton, attorney for Mr. Agreement Mark Finfer, owner of the RCA tract south of County Line Road, stated the tract was approximately 1 -1/3 acresvin sizeand did not meet the requirements of the Village's zoning ordinance. He presented a proposed pre - annexation agreement which inclined provisions pertaining to the M classifcation for the tract, non - conforming lot size, continuance of,' present operations and non- conforming uses,retail sales and services, 10 foot sideyards, parking, sewer and water services, and flood plain regulations. Discussion was had and there was general agreement on the pro- visions except the 10 foot sideyard on the East. Mr. Finfer stated he had recently acquired the east 50 ft. from North Shore Gas Company with the idea in mind that the additional land would permit him to double the size of the present building at a later date. Decision was made by the Board that the matter should be discussed with the Village attorney. M d� W V U l 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an Re: Subdivision Bonds ordinance amending the Municipal Code of 1963, to provide for the approval of Subdivlsbon improvement and maintenance bonds issued by a company with an AAA rating as qualified by Best's Insurance Reports. The ordinance was read in full. Authorize Preliminary Study Water Reservoir comparison of construction storage faci Ii ties. If the Village for the preliminary The manage r reported a letter from Baxter add Woodman had stated there would be no charge for a preliminary study on a and operation of underground and elevated water project is not undertaken, the cost to the study would be $600 - $700. 23 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that Baxter and Woodman be authorized to proceed with the preliminary survey and necessary funds be appropriated to a maximum of $700. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Accept Rd. Easement from Park District a strip of land extending of the Broege property on the f6ila ing vote: Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the Boar.•d accept the Easement from the Park District for from the Village Hall parking lot to the rear Deerfield Road, for street purposes. Adopted by Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith , Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Offer $45000 for Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Broege Property Smith, that the Village attorney be directed to submit a written offer of $45,000 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broege for the purchase of the property known as 802 Deerfield Road.. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5) Nays: Raff '(1) Accept Underground Improve- The building commissioner recommended ments- Colony Pol,nt Unit #2 acceptance of underground improvements in Colony Point Subdivision, Unit #2, a maintenance bond having bee filed, all work having been completed and inspected except for the painting of hydrants. Trustee Raff suggested that a cash deposit be required to insure that hydrants will be painted. Trustee Schleicher suggested, and the Board concurred, that such matters be handled as an administrative procedure. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the underground improvements be accepted, as recommended by the building commissioner. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Re: CATV A letter was received from Fox International regarding a CATV franchise, and was ordered placed on file. President Finney reported he had learned that the City of Decatur was being sued as a result of the granting of a CATV franchise. Trustee Schleicher stated a careful investigation should'-.)be made before granting a franchise, and suggested that bids be advertised if the Board decides a franchise should be granted. The meeting was recessed at 9 :35 and reconvened at 9 :50 p.m., all members present. Deny Request - Temporary A request was received from Mr. Fred A. Rd. Lots P Q R Burke, 1043 Wilmot, for,-permission to construct a temporary gravel road along the east boundary of Lots P, Q and R, Owner's Division. After a brief discussion of Village liability, decision was made by the Board that full improvements should be required, and the manager was directed to so inform Mr. Burke. 24 Approve Preliminary Plat A report was received from the Plan Lindemann's Resub. Commission recommending approval of Lindemann's Resubdivisi•on of Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 13, H. 0. Ston6!s Additi:oo, all lots meeting Village requirements. Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the preliminary plat of Lindemann's Resubdivision be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetz61 (6) Nays: None (0) Intent to Approve Mr. Bruce Blietz presented two Blietz Subdivision proposals for subdivisions, one of 9.3 acresi the second for 23 acres. He stated that objections heretofore raised by the Board had been substantially met, and agreed to the construction of sidewalks in place of the carriage walks shown on plans. An easement has been provided for access to the pedestrian bridge across the rear of lot 45. Discussion was had, based on the drafteof a letter dated December 20, 1965 prepared by-.the Village attorney. Mr. Blietz's letter dated January 3, 1966, agreed to to give promissory notes in the amount of $20,000 for future bridge construction. Mr. Blietz stated he was certain that the City of Highland Park would permit the construction of an access walk for school children across .property reserved by the City for:-a future street extension. Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Craigiy that the Board indicate its intnent to approve the proposed subdivision of 23 acres with the conditions set forth in the Village attorney's letter of December 20, 1965, and the provision that promissory notes for $20,000 be furnished in accordance with Mr. Blietz's letter of Uanuary 3, 1966. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes :Craig, Forrest, Smith, Wetzel (4) Nays: Raff, Schleicher (2) Final agreements will be prepared by the Village attorney and Mr. Blietz. A copy of Mr. Houpt's letter of December 20th will be sent to Mr. Blietz for his use in the preparation of the agreement. Trustee Raff expressed concern about storm outlets entering the drainage ditch, and asked the Village attorney to prepare an ordinance establishing construction requirements for such outlets. Complaint- McGuire Sub. Mr. Charles Healy, 1235 Oxford Road, objected to the McGuire Subdivision given preliminary approval,by the Board. He stated construction of the new lot would increase flooding problems and questioned the untility easement which extends through the center of the lot. He state he had no knowledge of the proposed resubdivision until a "For Sale" was posted. President Finney said the subdivision was heard by the Plan Commission. The Building commissioner stated lots met subdivision requirements. The manager was requested to notify Mr. Healy when the final plat is brought to the Board for approval. Reports - Communications The manager reported the Department of Public Health had approved water main extensions in the Notth Trail Subdivision. The Village attorney reported he had given the Chief of Police proposed changes in cab licensing provisions and would prepare the ordinance. The manager reported inquiries had been received from a potential purchaser of the Cullman Wheel property south of,County Line Road. He stated a final report had been sent to the State Sanitary Water Board regarding the installation of lagoons and chlorination facilities. Copies of the report will be sent to the Board. Inquiries have been sent to Federal agencies regarding grants for a water storage reservoir and revisions to the Building Code. 25 An invitation was received to a meeting of the North Suburban Transportation Council on Thursday, January 6, 1966. The manager reported he would continue his efforts to arrange a m eeting with the Metropolitan Sanitary District to discuss the National Brick 'Company property as a site for a flood water reservoir, as requested by the Brickyard Committee. Appoint Rev. S. Theil President Finney reported he had received Youth Council a letter from Miss Joan Harvey submitting her resignation from the Youth Council due to the pressure of other work. He then appointed the Reverend Spencer Theel of the Episcopal Church to fill the vacancy created by Miss Harvey's resignation. Trustee Wetzd moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the appointment be confirmed. Motion carried unanimosuly. The President reported he had attended a meeting to discuss Baxter Laboratories plans to construct an office and factory on a 140 acre site north of County Line Road between the Toll Road and Sanders Road. The meeting was attended by representatives of the School District, Township and neighboring municipalities. The company will petition for industrial ,L w zoning for the tract. He. stated ne obje _ti on had,been raised by the President of Riverwoods, who '� �`^�`" eZVI Nxter proposa 1 , � - �7 i.� feared expansion of manufacturing zoning to adjacent property with no certain knowledge of the use to which such land would be developed. 0 t R zoning was suggested for the property, but the company felt the manufacturing classifcation was necessary for their use. President Finney also reported that an application for rezoning had been filed for a gas station at the corner of Deerfield and Sanders Road. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Wetzel, seconded by Trustee Smith, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :25 p.m. APPROVED: %?7, � President O ATTEST: 75 Village Clerk