September 8, 1964
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of
the Village Hall on Tuesday, September 8, 1964 at 8 :35 p.m. The,clerk
called the roil and reported the following were
Present: I. K. Hearn, President
John A. S. Lindemann
James E. Mandler
George P. Schleicher
Ellis W. Smith
James M. Wetzel
Absent: None
and that q quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. Byron Matthews, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager.
Trustee Wetzel noted that the Village attorney had stated the new
classification was pioneering in the field of zoning, and while the attorney
for the owner of the three northerly tracts had indicated acceptance of the
proposed classification, there had been some objections to the regulations
by the attorney for the Marsh -bll property. He suggested that the new
classification be applied to the three northerly properties at this time,
inasmuch as the entire 0 S R frontage cannot be rezoned since the Poor Boy
Farm (Thompson property) was not included in the rezoning hearing.
Mr. Stanley Grosshandler, attorney for Mr. Irl Marshall, stated the
proposed ordinance was satisfactory, and his client_ could "live with it ".
A letter was received from Mr. Louis Leichentritt, 230 Greenbrier,
objecting to the proposed rezoning. He stated that he and other residents
of Briarwood Vista Subdivision had urged that the 0 rp. R classification be
retained, since it was more restrictive than the proposed B -4 regulations.
After further discussion, Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Smith, that the ordinance be adopted amending the Zoning Ordinance by adding
thereto the new classification of B -4 restricted Business District. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Smith, Wetzel (4)
Nays: Schleicher (1)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that minutes of
the regular meeting held August 17, 1964 be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance - Zoning Amendment The ordinance was presented amending the
B -4 Business District (0- 64 -40) Zoning Ordinance by adding thereto a new
Section 14 -c, establishing a B -4 Limited
Business District classification, and listing permitted uses, conditions,
conditional uses, height and area regulations and access and traffic control.
A lengthy discussion was had on the proposed ordinance. Trustee
Schleicher, in summarizing a letter written to the Board opposing the
adoption of a B -4 classification, stated it was his opinion a precedent would
be set by the establishment of business uses on the west side of Waukegan
Road which would affect the use—of property on the east side, and would be
detrimental to property values in the Briarwood Vista Subdivision. He,
urged continuation of the long established policy of confining business
uses to the present Central and Neighborhood Business Districts. He
stated the present 0 C R classification was reasonable, and if any hardship
existed under this classification, relief could be given by variations.
President Hearn and Trustee Mandler expressed opinions favoring the accept-
ance of the Plan Commission's recommendation for a B -4 classification and
rezoning, made after a thorough study of the area.
Trustee Wetzel noted that the Village attorney had stated the new
classification was pioneering in the field of zoning, and while the attorney
for the owner of the three northerly tracts had indicated acceptance of the
proposed classification, there had been some objections to the regulations
by the attorney for the Marsh -bll property. He suggested that the new
classification be applied to the three northerly properties at this time,
inasmuch as the entire 0 S R frontage cannot be rezoned since the Poor Boy
Farm (Thompson property) was not included in the rezoning hearing.
Mr. Stanley Grosshandler, attorney for Mr. Irl Marshall, stated the
proposed ordinance was satisfactory, and his client_ could "live with it ".
A letter was received from Mr. Louis Leichentritt, 230 Greenbrier,
objecting to the proposed rezoning. He stated that he and other residents
of Briarwood Vista Subdivision had urged that the 0 rp. R classification be
retained, since it was more restrictive than the proposed B -4 regulations.
After further discussion, Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Smith, that the ordinance be adopted amending the Zoning Ordinance by adding
thereto the new classification of B -4 restricted Business District. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Smith, Wetzel (4)
Nays: Schleicher (1)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance - Bldg. Code Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Amendment Re: B -4 (0- 64 -41) Smith, that the ordinance be adopted
amending the Municipal Code relating to
Buildings, Section 22.103, by substituting for the phrase B -3, B -4 Limited
Business District wherever the same appears in the said section. Adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance - Zoning Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by
Amendment to B -4 (0- 64 -42) Trustee Smith, that the ordinance be
adopted amending the Zoning Ordinance
by rezoning property on the west side of South Waukegan Road to the B -4
Limited Business District, as shown on the map attached to and made a part
of the ordinance. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Smith, Wetzel (4)
Nays: Schleicher (1)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Trustee Wetzel asked that the record show that he had voted for
these ordinances with the understanding that Mr. Marshall will not contest
their validity nor ask for variations. Mr. Grosshandler stated that the
general validity of the ordinance would not he attacked, and the owner will
do his best to use the land in conformance with the ordinance, but a parti-
cular use might require a variation due to the limited depth of the property.
Sara Lee Retail
Sales Approved
permit the operation
Lee plant, since the
is not classified as
Ordinance. 'The food
of fee and inspectio
President Hearn read a statement from
the Village attorney, advising that a
Zoning variation is not necessary to
of a limited retai 1 sales outlet store at the Sara
retail use is accessory to the manufacturing use and
a retail operation under the provision•of the Zoning
store license will be issued upon application, payment
I by the Health Department.
Approve $500 Re: Use Discussion was had on the use of excess
Of Excess Bond Funds sewer bond funds made available by
a Federal Grant which replaced bond
funds authorized in 1960 by a referendum. It was the consensus of the
Board that the matter should be resolved. The Village attorney was
requested to check the bond ordinance and the conditions of the government
grant. Trustee Smith stated a bond firm would investigate the matter
for a fee, and proposed this be done. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded
by Trustee Schleicher, that the Board authorize the expenditure of up
to $500 to investigate what use could be made of these funds. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Sewage Plant Odors Problems of odor abatement at the sewage
treatment plant were discussed. The
manager reported Baxter and Woodman had been consulted, and among their
suggestions were a polishing pond, with'the introduction of ozone. An
estimate of $20,000 per filter bed was given for covers. He stated a
five year program had been approved by the Board to finance the cost of
chlorination equipment, as recommended by the State Sanitary Water Board,
but the financing of any program for odor abatement remained a problem.
Trustee Schleicher asked that the Village attorney look into the use of
excess bond funds as a means of financing these improvements. The manager
also reported that butterfly valves in the circulation system had been stuck
and would be corrected by the manufacturer, which should tend to decrease
President Hearn reported that problems of BOD content of Sara Lee
sewage had been encountered in starting operations at the Sara Lee plant.
Village and Sanitary Water Board personnel had met with Sara Lee manage-
ment to work out these problems, and immediate steps had been taken by
the company to alleviate the difficulty by hauling away spoiled mixtures
instead of flushing it into the sewers. Remedial action is being studied
to eliminate the problem.
1.3 1
Several residents living in the vicinity of the sewage treatment
plant urged that the Board take steps to secure funds to eliminate un-
pleasant odors, since the problem has existed for four or five years.
President Hearn gave assurances the Board will continue to work on the
financial problem.
Approve Insurance Trustee Smith reported the Finance
Coverage - $7_,830 Premium Committee had made a careful comparison
of insurance coverage and costs, and
recommended that the insurance program submitted by Flynn, Harrison and
Conroy be approved at a cost of $7,830. He stated the proposed program
afforded significant improvements in coverage. The question of an outside
Appraisal of physical property was discussed at an estimated cost of
approximately $1,000 for the first year, and approximately $150 per year
thereafter to keep it up -to -date. Trustee Schleicher suggested this
item be included in next year's budget.
Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the Village
insurance be placed with Flynn, Harrison and Conroy, and payment of the
premium of $7,830 be authorized. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
r�l '
Deny Mokrasch Variation The report was received from the Board
of Zoning Appeals recommending denial
of the petition of Dr. Frederick Mokrasch for a variation from the terms
of the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction of eight apartments on the
premises.known as 955 Waukegan Road. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded
by Trustee Lindemann, that the recommendation of the Board of Zoning
Appeals be accepted and the petition denied. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Accept Audit Mrs. Ann Olesak, Village treasurer, and
Mr. Albert Cleven of Wolf and Co. were
present to discuss the annual audit. President Hearn complimented them
on the excellent report, and stated a superior job was being done by Mrs.
Olesak in handling the financial matters of the Village. Mr. Cleven
stated the publication of the detailed report now required by Statute
would not increase the cost of the audit, the only additional expense
being the added cost of publication. President Hearn suggested that
Mrs. Olesak bring up this matter at the Illinois Municipal League convention.
Mr. Cleven reported there was a surplus in several Special Assess-
ment warrants, and suggested the Village attorney be consulted with reference
to making refunds of surplus monies, and closing out these warrants.
Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the
audit be accepted.
Motion carried unanimously.
Soil Testing Agreement An agreement between the Village and
Re: Zoning & Annexation Truster #43970, Chicago Title and Trust,,
relating to the zoning and annexation
of the Soil Testing property was read in full. The legal description
of the property was questioned, as well as the provision regarding legal
costs to be paid solely by the Village. The attorney and manager were
requested to review the agreement with previous commitments in mind, and
report to the Board. Trustee Schleicher pointed out the PUblic Service
and North Shore Gas Company properties could be annexed without Soil
Testing and suggested consideration be given to annexing only these two
properties at this time.
Report on Sewer Testing The manager..erported sewer connections
of 531 homes had been tested, of which
96 had been found to be contributing storm water to the sanitary sewerage
system. SixtEten have been corrected, and employees will continue to abate
this problem. He stated a map has been prepared showing areas where sewers
have been cleaned, where tests have been made, areas of flooding, and
where corrections have been made. The map is available for inspection.
Resolution: Re A resolution was read favoring the
Forest Preserve acquisition of the 198.6 acres site
at Waukegan.Road and Half Day Road
for a Forest Preserve, and directing that copies of the resolution be
filed with the County Clerk, Board of Supervisors and the.Forest Preserve
Commission of Lake County, and the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan
Area Planning Commsssion. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Lindemann, that the resolution be adopted.
Motion carried unanimously.
Crossing Guard Shelter Discussion was had on the proposal of
the Lions Club to provide five shelters
for school crossing guards. They submitted a brochure showing type of
constructa,bn and locations. The shelters would be maintained by the
club on a yearly basis, but the Village would be expected to assume
responsibility for replacement of windows and acts of vandalism. Club
members reported shelters had been installed in Wheeling and had proved
very satisfactory. it was pointed out the shelters would be placed
on private property to provide maximum visibility at intersections.
President Hearn thanked the Lions for their generous offer, but
stated no action could be taken until the proposal had been referred to �n
the Safety Council, the schools and the Park District. The manager was
directed to refer the matter to these groups.
1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an
Amendment M Regulations ordinance amending the regulations
of the M- Manufacturing District.
Resolution - Willow A resolution proposed by the North
Rd. Landfill Suburban Council on Refuse Disposal
was read, favoring the establishment
of a sanitary landfill between Willow and Techny Roads on property owned
by the Society of the Divine Word, and the Missionary Sisters, Servants
of the Holy Spirit, and urging the Zoning Board of Appeals of Cook
County to grant the zoning to permit this use.
After a brief discussion, Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by
Trustee Smith,.that• the resolution be approved, provided the Village
of Northbrook is not opposed to the landfill.
Motion carried unanimously.
The manager was directed to contact Northbrook officials for
their opinion.
Approve.United Fund Sign A letter was received from the United
Fund Committee requesting permission
to install a roof sign on the Ford Pharmacy building similar to the
signs of previous years. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded.by Trustee
Wetzel, that permission be granted to install the sign.
Motion carried unanimously.
The request of the United Fund 6or permission to post signs on
telephone poles during United Fund Week was denied, on the basis that the
Board cannot grant permission to post signs on private property.
Proclamation - United Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by
Fund Week Trustee Mandler, that a proclamation
be approved designating the week of
September 19 -26 as United Fund Week.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Attendance Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by
I. M. L. Convention Trustee Smith, that administrative
personnel be authorized to attend the
Illinois Municipal League convention in Chicago, and payment of registra-
tion fees be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
1, 3 3
Authorize $1,000 -
Sewer Investigations
1. For investigating and
sewers in Central and
2. For making hydraulic
flows and capacity of
Road: $200 - $500.
A letter was received from Baxter is
Woodman giving estimates of engineering
costs as follows:
reporting on alleged combination
Osterman Avenues: $50 - $500.
gradient measurements to determine
downstream storm sewers in Deerfield
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the Board authorize
the expenditure of up to $1,000 for engineering costs. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith,. Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Approve Bldg. Permit The Building Commissioner recommended
747 Central Ave. issuance of a Building Permit to Mr.
Arnold Pedersen for a warehouse addition
at 747 Central Avenue. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann,
that the permit be issued as recommended.
Motion carried uannimously.
U Refer Liebling Access A letter was received From Mr. Arnold
To Plan Commission Liebling regarding access to his property
at the northeast limits of the Village
adjacent to the Reed Landis Subdivision, commonly called the Ramsay Sub-
division. He requested the Board to take action to provide access to his
land from Ramsay Road and Landis Lane.
President Hearn stated one alternative would be the construction of
a bridge; however, since the Plan Commission is studying a proposed sub-
division submitted by Mr. Earl Broms, access to the Liebling tract might
be provided through this subdivision. He suggested the Plan Commission be
requested to evaluate the feasibility of extending Margate Terrace through
the north part of the Park District property, and thence to the Liebling
It was the consensus of the Board that the matter be referred to the
Plan Commission for study.
The request of the Muscular Dystrophy Association for permission to
solicit funds in the Village was referred to the United Fund.
Messrs. Bowen and Stilphen will attend the September 17th meeting for
discussion of the new Federal Aid Highway Act.
An announcement of the Second Annual Home Furnishing Week, October
10 - 18, was receilved, and that Deerfield would be feted on October 17th.
The manager was directed to acknowledge this honor, and Trustee Wetzel
suggested that copies of the announcement be given to the press.
Approve Change The Building Commissioner reported he had >,u
Tanelian Bldg. issued a Stop Order on the Tanelian
building under construction on East Deer-
field Road, due to a change from the original plans in the use of common
brick on the east side of the building instead of face brick. The contractor `
stated the change to common brick was due to unforeseen increases in the costs
of construction. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that
the change in plans be permitted with the understanding that the common
brick wall would be painted to blend with the face brick.
Approve 50/50 Sidewalk The Building Commissioner reported the
County Line Rd. North Suburban Evangelical Free Church and
Mrs. Henry Soefker had agreed to dedicate
50 feet for the County Line Road right -of -way. He suggested that, in consider-
ation of these dedications, the Board authorize construction of sidewalks on
these frontages under the 50/50 sidewalk construction program.
Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the
Board approve construction under the 50/50 provision.
Motion carried unanimously.