05/04/1964 (2)1
May 4, 1964
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the
Village Hall on Monday, May 4, 1964 at 8:30 p.m. The clerk called the roll and
reported the following were
Present: Ira K. Hearn, President
John A. S. Lindemann
James E. Mandler
George P. Schleicher
Ellis W. Smith
James E. Wetzel
Absent: None
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present
were Messrs. 'eymour Axelrood, representing the Village attorney, and Norris
Stilphen, manager.
Moved by Trustee Mandler, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that minutes of
the regular meeting held April 20,1964 be approved as corrected.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Bills
The following bills were presented for
April Payroll
Kenneth A. Olson
Quail & Co.
Shaw, McDermott & Co.
Beyer - Rueffel & Co.
Roland Charlier
Amer. Water Works Assoc.
Automotive Lab.
Robert E. Bowen
Career Institute
Margaret K. Smith
Electro Rust Proofing
J. B. Clow & Sons
Del Chemical
Deerfield Review
Edward Freedman
Carl Freiman
General Fuel
R. J. Gilmore
Grimm - Hansen - Treland
Grove Dodge Sales
City of Highland Park
Highland Park Door Co.
Highland Park Fuel Co.
Howell Tractor Equip.
Ill. Juvenile Off. Assn.
I rv's Fire Exti ng. Co.
Charles C. Jarrett
Joseph Jasewic
Josph Lumber Co.
M. S. S. Inc.
Thomas A. Matthews
Moore Business Forms
Motor Parts & Mach.
National Chemsearch
North Shore Gas Co.
Petty Cash
Precision Lab. Inc.
Charles Rogers
Scheffer Press
ScRbs F Inc.
Wm., Staton
Sunray DX Oil Co.
Savage Gas Heating
Transo Envelope Co.
Unistrut Service Co.
Verako Products 118.90
Village Hardware 82.93
Waukegan Steel Sales 61..69
Westmont Automotive. 10.43
Bill Young 14.44
Village of Deerfield 10.56
Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Mandler, that the bills as listed
above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Refer Tennaqua Petition The manager reported a petition for annex -
to Plan Commission ation had been received from the Tennaqua
Club, and that before the adoption of the
annexation, a Conditional Use for the Club should be established by an amend-
ment to the Zoning Ordinance. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Schleicher that the matter of a Conditional Use be referred to the Plan Com-
mission for a public hearing.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance - Cash Escrow Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
For Sub. Improvements Smith, that the ordinance be adopted amending
0- 64 -13) the Municipal Code by the addition of Section
9.119A, providing for a deposit of escrow in
lieu of bond for subdivision improvements. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance - Min. Water Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Charge (0- 64 -14) Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted
amending Section 23.304 of the Municipal
Code by establishing a minimum monthly charge of $2.20 for a 5/8 inch water
meter. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Ordinance - One Way Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee
Streets (0- 64 -15) Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted
amending Section 20.202 of the Municipal
Code establishing Park Avenue as a one -way street for northbound traffic, and
Journal Place and Rosemary Terrace as one -way streets for south bound traffic
on Sundays from 9 a.m, to 12 :30 p.m. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
American Legion Bldg. The manager read copies of three letters
sent to the American Legion by the Building
Board of Appeals and the Building Commissioner, the Fire Marshal and Electrical
Commission, each listing violations of Village codes in the Legion building
at 849 Waukegan Road. The Building Commissioner directed the Legion to close
the basement until corrections were made. The Fire Marshal's letter stated
a second inspection would be made in 30 days, and if violations were not
corrected, the building would be closed.
President Hearn suggested that, rather than follow the recommendation
for immediate closing, the Fire Marshal's recommendation be approved, allowing
30 days in which to make corrections.
Mr. William McKee, Commander of the American Legion, stated the letters
were confusing and seemed contradictory, and pointed out that the building
had been constructed in accordance with Village ordinances in effect at the
time of the construction. Mr. Edward Walchli, Chairman of the Building Board
of Appeals, 6ffered to go through the building with Legion members to discuss
corrections, and noted that the change in use of the premises brought the
building under the provisions of the National Building Code. It was pointed
out that safety factors were involved, and this was the prime concern of the
Board of Trustees.
Trustee Schleicher suggested the Legion discuss the violations with
their attorney and a qualified contractor after they receive the consolidated
report, and report back at the next Board meeting.
Mr. McKee stated the Legion was trying to save and improve the building,
and after the consolidated report is received, they will go ahead with
corrections, although, because of financial considerations, they might have to
ask for an extension of time on certain items.
Appointments President Hearn, with Board approval, made the
following appointments to Boards and Commissions:
Board of Zoning Appeals Werner Neuman 5 year term
Plan Commission H
Harry Tisdall 3
3 y
year t
Board of Police Commissioners G
George Ricker 3
3 y
year t
Building Board of Appeals V
Vernon Meintzer 5
5 y
year t
Safety Council; M
Mrs. William Carroll 3
3 y
year t
Manpower Commission G
George J. McLaughlin,Jr. 3
3year t
John Austin 3
3 y
year t
Community Relations R
Richard McCurdy 3
3 y
year t
Mrs. F. H. Hanscom 3
3 y
year t
Police Pension Board J
James T. Lyons 2
2 y
year t
Annual reports were received from the Chairman of the Sister City
Committee and the Board of Police Commissioners, and President Hearn stated
both were excellent reports. He proposed that, after all reports are filed,
a meeting be scheduled with Chairmen of the various advisory Boards and
Commissions to discuss further objectives. Trustee Wetzel stated he felt the
Sister City Committee's suggestion for a student exchange with Ludinghausen
was excellent, and although the Village had no funds for this purpose, the
Board might use their good offices to encourage a service organization to
finance such a program. He also stated that he hoped when the Sister City
Committee has completed its book to be sent to Ludinghausen, a copy might
be available for the Village records.
Proclamation - National Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by
Hospital Week Trustee Mandler, that the President sign
the Proclamation designating the week of
May 10 -16 as National Hospital Meek.
Motion carried unanimously.
1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an
Front Yard Variation Lot ordinance granting a variation from the
78, King's Cove Sub. requirements of the Zoning Ordinance
relating to front yards to permit an
encroachment into the front yard of Lot 78, King's Cove Subdivision, commonly
known as 681 Smoke Tree Subdivision.
Ordinance - Sign Variation The first presentation was made of an
757 Deerfield Rd. (0- 64 -16) ordinance granti.ng a variation to permit the
erection of a free standing sign at 757
Deerfield Road, the First National Bank building. Trustee Mandler moved,
seconded by Trustee Smith, that the rules be waived to permit action on the
said ordinance at its first presentation. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Mandler then moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the said
ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call the ordinance was passed by the
following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof
Approve Application Sewage Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee
Plant Inlet Relief Sewer Mandler, that the Board authorize execution
of an application to the Sanitary Water
Board for- a permit for the installation of a sewage plant inlet relief sewer.
Motion carried unanimously.
The manager reported that Mr. Raymond Baumann had not returned the
signed petition for annexation of his property west of Wilmot Road. President
Hearn directed the manager to advise Mr. Baumann that a condition of annexation
would be the installation of a sidewalk, curb and gutter along the Wilmot Road
frontage of his property at his expense.
1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an
Yield Sign - Jonquil & Osterman ordinance amending the Municipal Code to
establish yield right -of -way signs at
the Jonquil terrace - Osterman Avenue intersection.
Ordinance - Salary Amendment An ordinance was presented amending the
Supt. Public Works (0- 64 -17) Salary Ordinance to establish an annual
salary of $9,500 for the Superintendent of
Public Works, effective May 1, 1964. Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee
Schleicher, that the rules be suspended to permit action on the said ordinance
at its first presentation. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Smith then moved, seconded by Trustee Wetzel, that the said
ordinance be adopted, and the budget be amended to show this change. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
President Hearn signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof.
Resolution - Accept Gas Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee
Easement -Lot 18, We -Go Sub. Smith, that a resolution be adopted accepting
an easement for the installation of a gas
main on the north 10 feet of Lot 18, We -Go Park of Deerfield Subdivision.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Nays: None (0)
The President signed the resolution indicating his approval thereof.
Authorize Bid Ad -MFT 19 CS Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee
Mandler, that the manager be authorized to
advertise for bids for Motor Fuel Tax Project 19 CS, the overlayment of pavement
on several streets heretofore approved, said bids to be returnable May 18, 1964
at 2:00 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Complaint on Noise Mr. Charles Raff, Mallard Lane, stated he
and other residents were disturbed by a
turbine whine from the Kitchens of Sara Lee plant, especially late at night
when the Village is quiet. The manager was directed to contact Sara Lee
management asking for an investigation and the possible deadening of the sound.
In answer to President Hearn's inquiry regarding the letter dated
January 29, 1964 from the Commissioners of the Union Drainage Ditch, which
listed locations where sanitary sewage is entering the ditch, the manager stated
most items had been corrected, with one wrong house connection still 'to be
changed. The cleaning of sewers now underway, will also be helpful. He
stated much of the contamination of the ditch was caused by residences in the
unincorporated area, and the Lake County Health Department was working to
correct these sources of contamination. President Hearn asked the manager for
a follow -up report. Mr. Raff, President of the Board of Commissioners of
Union Drainage Ditch, asked for a written report in order that items corrected
might be checked out by the Commission.
Supplemental Resolution MFT
FSA 8 - $42.96
for construction under the M,
from Park Avenue to Chestnut
Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler,
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee
Mandler, that a supplemental resolution be
adopted appropriating an additional $42.96
3tor Fuel Tax program on FSA 8, Deerfield Road,
Street. Adopted by the following vote:
Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5)
Communications The manager reported he had received a letter
from the City of Highland Park regarding a
proposed water rate inceease. k He stated Highland Park had made no effort to
collect the $8 per year per house for Highland Park residences connected to
Deerfield's sewerage system. He was directed to write to the Mayor of Highland
Park regarding the collection of this yearly charge, asking the Council to
take action to force payment of these charges.
•� A letter was received from Mr. Arthur Nickelsen, of the Deerfield Cemetery
V Association, stating that any help that can be offered for the repair or replace-
ment of the cemetery fence will be gratefully accepted. Trustee Schleicher
proposed and'.the:Bbard concurred, that the matter be referred to the Community
Relations Committee.
A lengthy discussion was had on the request of the North Shore Council
on Refuse Disposal for a contribution of $100. President Hearn proposed that
the decision on an additional contribution be deferred until after the meeting
with the Lake County Public Works Department.
Re: Mint on N.B.C. Property Trustee Schleicher stated that Represent-
ative Robert McClory had proposed that a
new mint planned by the U. S. Government be constructed in Lake County. He
suggested that the National Brick Company property would be an excellemt site
offering many,,advantages, e.g. little excavation needed, railroad siding, Toll
Road and other major highways readily accessible, and Deerfield was a fine
community of homes for mint employees. He then moved, seconded by Trustee
Lindemann, that the Board communicate with Representative McClory and Senators
Dirksen and Douglas, urging their support in locating the proposed mint in
Deerfield on the National Brick Company property.
Motion carried unanimously.
The manager was directed to draft such letters to be reviewed and
signed by the Village President.
A letter was received from the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Protection
District confirming the agreement to pay 50 percent of the cost of traffic light
installation and changes. The Village treasurer will bill the District when
complete costs are in.
A letter was received from the Village attorney regarding the assessed
valuations of property, and stating that commercial and industrial property
was usually assessed at 450% to 50'/0 of a fair cash or cost value, with residential
property assessed at 55 %. A copy of his letter will be sent to Mr. Robert
York of the Library Board, and the matter will be taken up with the assessor.
The manager reported the Cities and Villages Municipal Problems Committee
will hold regional meetings during the summer in several cities, and has asked
that any problems be referred to them. He suggested the question be raised
on the present statutory requirement': that a detailed report of receipts and
disbursements be published, a oonsiderable expense to municipalities.
The manager reported that
installation of the sanitary sewer
advertise for bids which will then
Authorize Amendment
Jurisdictional Map
Road, a similar change had evident
checks for $1717 had been received for the
on Kenmore Avenue and the Engineer would
be discussed with the property owners.
Trustee Schleicher stated that when the juris-
dictional map was changed to show residential
zoning for the property south of County Line
ly been overlooked for the property north of
County Line and west of Wilmot. He moved that the attorney be instructed to
prepare an ordinance to change the zoning on the jurisdictional map to residential
for the area north of County Line to the south boundary of the We -Go Park Sub-
division, between Wilmot Road and the Toll Road.
Seconded by Trustee Smith and carried unanimously.
The charge for copies of the Municipal Code to other municipalities
was set at $6.00.
There being
no further
on motion by Trustee Schleicher,
seconded by Trustee
the meeting
was adjourned at 10 :20 p.m.
APPROVED: �C \'—',
76• lqc- �
Village Clerk