May 5, 1969
A meeting of the Board of Local.IMprovements of the Village of Deerfield was
called to order by the President in the Qouncil Chambers of the Village Hall on
Monday, May 5, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. The secretary called the roll and reported that
the following were
Present: Bernard Forrest, President
Jayman A. Avery, Jr.
Charles R. Bootz
George Kelm
Stephen M. Slavin
M. Jay Turner, Jr.
Absent: George P. Schleicher
and that a quoum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were
Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, And Norris Stilphen, manager.
A.p2rove Change Orders S/A 106 Change orders were presented on Hertal Lane
#2 - DiPaolo Co. $1334.89 Improvements, Special Assessment No. 106, as
#3 - Greengard $133.49 follows: Change Order #2 - DiPaolo Company in
the amount of $1,316.61 for the installation
of'an additional 75 feet of sanitary sewer main and $18.28 for replacement of paving,
a total of $1,334.89; and Change Order 93 - Charles W. Greengard Associates, Inc.
in the amount of $133.49 for engineering services in connection with the work described
in Change Order #2. It;-was pointed out that funds to pay for the additional work
have been escrowed by Mr. Ronald Waytula, the developer of the Lake Eleanor Subdivision,
whose plans for subdivision improvements showed construction of the subject sewer'line.
Mr.. Bootz moved, seconded by Mr. helm, that Change Orders Nos.2 and 3 be
approved, with payment to be made from Public.Benefit Funds with reimbursement from
the Waytula escrow account. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Avery, Bootz, Kelm, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
Recommend Adoption of The Village attorney reported that Special
Resolution S/A 108 Assessment No. 108, Hovland Street Improvements,
Hovland St. Improvements had been donfirmed by the Court except for 14
parcels, and there sufficient funds in the Public
Benefit Fund to cover the assessments for these parcels or any reduction thereof.
Objections to the assessments will be heard by the Court on May 26, 1969.
Mr. Kelm moved, seconded by.Mr. Bootz.,.that the Board of Local Improvements
recommend to the Board of Trustees that the. - Board of Trustees adopt a resolution
electing to-proceed with the construction .of.the.improvements provided for in
Special Assessment No. 108. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Avery, Bootz, elm, Slavin, Turner (5)
Nays: None (0)
There being no further business to come before the Board of Local
Improvements, on motion by Mr. Slavin, seconded by Mr. Avery, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:15 P.m.