September 5, 1961•
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Tristees of the Village of
Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the
Village Hall on Monday, September 5, 1961 at 9:30 P.M. The clerk called the roll
and reported the following were
Present: David C. Whitney, President
John F. Aberson
John A. S. Lindemann
James E. Mandler
Winston S. Porter
Absent: Ira K. Hearn, Jr.
Maurice C. Petesch
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Messrs. Thomas
Matthews, Attorney, and Norris Stilphen, Mananger, were also present.
Moved by Trustee Aberson, seconded by Trustee Mandler, that minutes of the
regular meeting held August 21, 1961 be approved as submitted. Motion carried
c unanimously.
Ordinance -Sale of Real An ordinance was presented and read," declaring the
Estate (E Lift Station Rd.) W 33 ft. of the E 66 ft. (except the N 155 ft.
0 -61 -3 ) thereof) of the SW-4 of the SW4 of Sec. 34, T 43 N,
R 12, E of the 3rd P.M. (part of East lift station
Road) not necessary cc for the best interests of the Village to retain, authorizing
the sale of the said property tp the highest and best bidder, and setting forth the
form of Notice of Sale,.offers to purchase to be received until October 16, 1961
at 8 :00 P.M., and reserving to the Board the right to reject any or all bids.
Trustee Aberson moved, seconded.by Trustee Mandler, that the rules be waived to permit
@ction._on the said ordinance at its first presentation. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Mandler, Porter (4)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Aberson then moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the said
ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call the vote was as follows:
Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Mandler, Forter; Whitney (5)
Nays: None (0)
The ordinanc a was declared adopted.
Guests from Ludinghausen President Whitney greeted Mr. and Mrs. Hans Terfloth,
of Ludinghausen, Germany, the Village's Sister City.
In the interests of international friendship he presented a small statue of a deer
to Mr. and Mrs. Terfloth as a gift to the people of Ludinghausen. A book from
Ludinghausen was presented to President Whitney for the people of Deerfield. Mr.
Nelson Culver, a member of the Sister City Committee, showed slides of Ludinghausen
taken on his recent trip to Europe.
Release$7,797.:24 -Rix
Sub. Improvement Bond_
$8,636.00, as recommended by the
Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Mandler,
that the Board authorize the release of $7,797.24
of the Rix Subdivision Improvement Bond, retaining
Building Commissioner.
Ordinance - M Regulations An ordinance was presented amending the Manufacturing
Zoning Amendment (0- 61 -39) regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, and certain
changes were made. Mr. Matthews stated the ordinance
could be passed without further public hearings, but must be published. Trustee
Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the rules be waived to permit the
adoption of the ordinance at its first presentation. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Mandler, Porter (4),
Nays:, None (0)
Discussion was had regarding the fire ratings, and smoke and noise regulations
established by the ordinance. The Manager wa s requested to write the Plan Commission
asking for their reasons for these definitions.
Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Mandler, that the said ordinance
be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Mandler, Porter (4)
Nays: None (0)
Authorize Preparation of
Munic. Justice & Dry Cleaning
Machine Ordinances
of two years, and a salary of
cleaning machines.-Mill also be
The question of a Municipal Justice for the
Village was discussed. The Village Attorn,y
was requested to prepare an ordinance creating
the office�.of Municipal Justice, with a term
$2500 per year. An ordinance regulating dry
Approve Savings & Loan Sign The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended approval
of the Deerfield Savings and Loan's request for
a variation for a clock sign. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson,
that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and
the required ordinance be prepared.
Motion carried unanimously.
Deny Pedersen Sign Request The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended denial
of the.request of Mr. Arnold Pedersen for a
permit for an advertising sign at Apple Tree and Deerfield Road. Trustee Mandler
moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the Board approve the recommendation of
the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the permit be denied.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve Brown Variation The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended approval
of the petition of Mr. Clarence Brown, 1040
Chestnut Street, fora variation to permit the construction'of an addition to his
residence within 6 ft. of the detached garage. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by
Trustee Aberson, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of
Zoning Appeals, and an ordinance be prepared granting said variation.
Motion carried unanimously.
The matter of gifts to the Police Department was discussed. The Manager
was directed to write the Chief of Police re- affirming the rules previously adopted
The Manager reported two departments of the Village had asked that the
rules relating to 3 weeks vacations be changed. It was the consensus of the Board
that the rules were reasonable and no change should be made.
Trustee Porter proposed.that new Police officers be reimbursed for uniform
costs after 6 months service. The President directed the Manager to get the
Police Chief's recommendation on this proposal.
The Manager reported approximately 80'/0 of the sidewalks on Wilmot Road
had been constructed by those who were doing their own work, and 90' /o of the
remainder had started construction. The permit fee for St. Gregory'sChurch
sidewalk will be paid when costs have been finalized. The Manager stated both
Mr. Greengard,7Engineer, and Mr. Henry Uteg, Commissioner of Special Assessments,
for the Wilmot Road sidewalks improvement, had agreed to waive their fees for
those putting in their own walks.
The question of concrete streets vs. bituminous streets in new subdivision
was referred to the Plan Commission for their consideration.
Appoint Community Relations The Manpower Commission submitted a list of
Committee pereons who had expressed willingness to serve
on the Community Relations Committee. President
Whitney apponnted Messrs. Richard Montgomery, Jules Beskin, Duke Miller, Richard
McCurdy and Richard Schlesinger. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee
Mandler, that the above appointments be approved.
Motion carried unanimously.
President Whitney requested the Manager to write to each appointee,
enclosing a copy of the ordinance, and setting 4 date for on organizational
meeting. Letters will also be sent to the other people proposed, thanking them
for their interest. These names will also be given to the Community Relations
Only one proposal for engineering services was received, from Charles
Greengard and Associates, and the matter was therefore tabled.
Refuses Payment - $48.429.57 Baxter and Woodman recommended payment of $48,429.57
To Wigert Const. Co. to Wigert Construction Company for work completed
on the sewage treatment plant, $10,000 being
retained. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Porter, that the Board approve
this payment. Motion failed to carry by the following vote:
Ayes: None (0)
Nays: Aberson, Lindemann,
Approve Attorney's Fees
Retainer - Zoning Meetings
moved, seconded by Trustee
letter of August 25, 1961,
or Board of. Zoning Appeals
Motion carried unanimously.
Mandler, Porter (4)
A letter was received from the Village Attorney,
Mr. Thomas Matthews, regardint fees to be paid for
his attendance at zoning meetings. Trustee Porter
Mandler, that the Board accept the terms of Mr. Matthews'
setting a fee of.$70 for each meeting of the Plan Commission
he attends, and his retainer be increased to $200 per
e Sewer and water retes to be charged for industrial property and annexed areas
were discussed. Mr. Matthews stated the Village could charge annexed property owners
Qc for sewer and water facilities, which should be worked out for each individual
;ter annexation since many factors should be considered in each case. The Manager,was
directed to advise the Plan Commission that it is the Vi 1 lage pol i:cy to require
c payment for annexed property for facilities made available by such annexation.
Trustee Aberson was. appointed as Hasson with the.Building Board of Appeals
in the Board's work on the BOACA Code.
.Rats Trustee Lindemann reported he had received
complaints of rats along the drainage ditch near
Osterman Avenue. The Manager stated he would order the Public Works Department
to put out rat killer along the ditch.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12 :40 A.M.
Village Clerk