04/12/19611 1 37 April 12, 1961 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Wedriesday,'April 12, 1961 at 86.10 P.M. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: Joseph W. Koss, President John F. Aberson Harold L. Peterson Maurice C. Petesch Winston S. Porter Arno D. Wehle Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Messrs. Thomas Matthews, Attorney, and Norris Stilphen, Manager, were also present. Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that minutes of the adjourned meeting held March 29, 1961 ne approved and posted in the lobby. Motion carried unanimously. _Payroll & Bills Approved Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the March payroll in the amount of $18,147.4.4 be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Petesch, Porter_, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) The following bills were presented for consideration: Elliott Addressing Machine Co. $ 14.88: Baxter & Woodman 1,062.04 Wigert Construction Co: 18,01 -2.)0 Baxter & Woodman 11:11.Oq De §Pilai nes Engineering 8,409.29 Baxter & Woodman 154.56 Baxter & Woodman 994.43 Glenn E. Koets 10.87 Petty Cash 75.63 Carolyn Breitling 224.70 Fred G. Breitling 224.70 Adams Art and Design 96.00 Advance Contractors Supply 61.45 C. R. Anderson Agency 29.00 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 219.90 Peter Baker & Son 28.80 Bell & G6stus 76.18 Bernard Chev -Olds 44.25 Breakwell's 35.64 C. Bruning Co. Inc. 85.86 B.A.T. 223.26 Ceco Steel Corp. 51.01 Central Tire Co. 6,75 The Chaltt 36.95 Chicago Chapter APWA 16.00 City of High1Arid7Park 12,366.24 Consoer, Townsend & Associates 18.23 Cosmas Food Mart 11.00 Coy Lumber Co. 26.00 Crown Temperature Engineers 28.70 Pearl Cutler 2.50 Deerfield Disposal Service 17.50 Deerfield Oil Co. 58.55 Deerfield Paint & Glass 54.87' Deerfield Review 603.29 DesPlaines Engfineering 45.00 D -X Sunray Oil Co. 811.09 E.. &. J. TV & Appliance 2.30 Everett Garage 2.00 Dr. Foelsch 7.50 38 Ford Pharmacy Fragassi TV Inc. R. J. Gilmore B.F. Goodrich Co. G r i mm- Hansen -•Tce 1 and Grover Welding Hanson Upholstery Highland Park Hospital Holmes Motor Co. Hopkins Road Equipment Horder's Stores Illinois Bell Telephone Co. I.B.M. Corp. Interstate Electric Co. Lakeland Redigas Garfield Leaf Lien Chemical Co. T. A. Matthews A. G. Meier Co. Menoni & Mocogni Motor Parts & Machine National Chemsearch Corp. News Print Eng. Co, A. J. Newson Co. Ted Ni emi O'Brien Mfg. Co. Okeh Electric Co, Pav 1 i k Bros. D. J. Petersen Public Administration Service C. E. Piper Public Service Co, Reiland & Bree Remington Rand Earl J. Rix_ Charles. Rogers W. Reuhl & Co. Sanfax Corp. E. H. Sargent Co. K. R. Shorts Sprague Letter Service Skokie Auto N. W. Stilphen George A. Stone Verako Products Inc. Villageof Deerfield Village Hardware Arno D. Wehle West Chemicals Wolf & Co. C. T. Young Zep Mfg. Corp. Ziebell Products 7.56 11.00 203.46 158.5.8 7 7� . 20 36.19 3.0.00 28.25 1,58 105.00 19.61 304.08 15.00 16.26 4,00 2.00 18.60 .450.00 569.18 "319.70 12.50 541.51, 37.98 99.00 47.00 589.75 18.06 49.. 21 8.00 4.14. 794.87 1,132.99 235.81 5.16 90.00 185.34 3.60 153.25 46.87 285.00 20.50 4.75 51.20 10.00 222.91 20.00 56.12 6.74 12.50 7,993.67 25.00 42.60 209.40 Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Clerk's Salary Failed to Pass setting a salary of $4800 per be adopted. After statements motion wat, seconded by Trustee recorded: Trustee Petesch presented.and read an ordinance establishing duties for the Village Clerk in addition to those required by Statute, and year for the Clerk, and moved the said ordinance from the addience urging favorable action, the Porter. Upon roll call the following vote was Ayes: Petesch, Porter, Wehle (3) Nays: Aberson, Peterson, Koss (3) The ordinance failed to pass. 1 C 1 UYNI 7I► /approve Entrance Gates Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Briarwood Vista Sub. that the request of Red Seal Homes be approved and a permit be issued for an ornamental gate on a private easement at Ellendale and CountyLine Road, the entrance to the Briarwoods Vista Subdivision, as recommended by the Building Commissioner. Motion carried unanimously. Deny Private Driveway Mr. Horwitz, Red Seal Homes, requested that the Sub - Lights- Briarwoods Vista division improvement requirements for street lights §e waived, and he be permitted to install private driveway lights in the Briarwoods Vista Subdivision, such lights to be services by Red Seal Homes or a neighborhood association, with lighting hours controlled by photo electric cells and service from the individual property owners meters. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the proposal of Mr. Horwitz be accepted, and subdivision requirements for street lights be waived in -the Briarwoods Vista Subdivision. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Peterson, Petesch, (2) L�_ Nays: Aberson, Porter, Wehle (3) LL The motion failed to pass. Trustee Wehle propo$ed..and the Board approved, that the adoption of the Personnel Rules and Regulations be held over to permit discussion by the Board prior to adoption. _Garbage Truck Parking The Village Manager reported that one:"scavenger was parking his trucks outside the Village, and the second operator was cooperating fully in parking only empty trucks at the Village garage site, with inspection by Village emloyees to insure compliance. lie stated the Highland Park City Manager has granted permission for local scavenger trucks to park at the Highland Park landfill at a cost of from $5 to $10 per month, depending on the amount of protection desired. Objections were made by neighbors to traffic created by scavenger trucks in the residential area and the unsightly appearance of the trucks, as well as questioning the necessity for the Village to provide parking space without charge for private scavengers. The Manager stated shrubs would be planted to screen the area, and inspection of trucks would continue. The Manager reported the State Sanitary Water Board had lifted its ban on sewer connections and extensions in consideration of the work completed in the enlargement of the sewage treatment plant. Table Rezoning Lots 42,43 78 & 79, Hovland's Sub. from R -3 to R -2 S i ng l e -fai wehle, that the matter be been studied. Adopted by A letter was received from Mr. requesting action by the Board rezone Lots 42, 43, 78 and 79, nily District. Trustee Petesch move tabled until the report from School the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (Lo-) Nays: Peterson (1) E. Sumner Walker, on a petition to H ov1and's Subdivision d, seconded by Trustee District #110 has Trustee Porter suggested the petitioner refile for R -1 -A zoning with lots exceeding 12;000,squarq.fec¢t, as recommended by the Plan Commission. Library Week Proclamation Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, . that a proclamation be approved designating thn gook. of April 16 -22, 1961 as National Library Week. Motion carried unanimously. The report of the Citizens' Advisory Council of School District #110 was received, and will be taken under consideration by the Board. The Manager reported a request from DesPlaines Engineering to reduce retained funds of the water improvements project from 10 percent to 5 percent. The 1•1anager recommended, and the Board approved, that'no action be taken on this request. Refer Public Utility Amend. The Plan Commission report was read on the proposed P.S. Annexation to Plan Public Service Company annexation, in which recommenda- Commission tion was mdde to amend the Zoning Ordinance to establish a Public Utility District classir3:eation, that Public Service be given such classification upon annexation, and that public uti 1 i ty installations be included as permitted uses in the B -2 District and the 0 & R classification. Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the Plan Commission be requested to hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments. Motion carried unanimously. Military Leave Policy The question of military leave for Village employees was discussed, the Attorney pointing out that the Village has no power to pay the difference between military and village salaries. Trustee Petesch.moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the policy be established that Village employees in military reserve programs fulfill training obligations during normal vacation periods on their own time, with no additional compensation. Motion carried unanimously. A letter was received from Mr. Richard DeBewer, Wilmot Road, requesting that no sidewalks be constructed on Wilmot Road in front of the Woodland School property. Trustee Wehle move, seconded by Truseee Petesch, that the Manager be directed to write Mr. DeBauer that sidewalks are required, and no variation from this requirement can be made. Motion carried unanimously. B & W Report Re: A letter from ~Baxter and Woodman, Engineer€ for Sara Lee Sewage the Village, stated that, on the basis of date available, regarding sewage from the Kitchens of Sara Lee plant, if constructed, no diffi=culty should be experienced at the sewage treatment plant, since it was indicated that only household strength sewage would be discharged; however, it-,was pointed out that data furnished was not definitive enough�to permit any real conclusions. A member.of the audience stated Village ordinances control strength of sewage, and the only consideration was the quantities of sewage from Sara Lee in relation to the total capacity of the plant. Ordinance- M Regulations An ordinance was presented and read in full to Committee providing for an amendment to Section XV of the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to regulations of the M- Manufacturing District. The amendment was discussed at length. Mr. Lubin, President of Kitchens of S..ra Lee, Inc., objected to the amendment inso- far as no retail sales or services shall be permitted, the provision for required screening from residential property by planting, fences or wall, and several other minor points. Decision was made to refer the ordinance back to committee. No Action on Ordinance An ordinance rezoning the Mercurio- Mirabello Mercurio Rezoning property to the M�Manufacturing District was presented and read in full. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the ordinance be tabled until the Plan Commission's recommendations on 709/o land coverage and M- Manufacturing regula- tions have been received and studied. After a lengthy discussion, roll call resulted as follows: Ayes: Petesch, Porter, W�-hle (3) Nays: Aberson, Peterson, Koss (3) There being no majority, no action was taken. Ordinance M Regulations Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Failed to Pass Peterson, that the ordinance amending the M -Manu- facturing regulations be adopted, deleting sub- sections 2 -b and 2 -d. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson (2) Nays: Petesch, Porter, Wehle (3) Pass: Koss (1) The ordinance failed to pass. The request of the American Legion for a permit for a Memorial Day parade was approved. i4F T Bids & Award The following bids for Motor Fuel Tax Mai ntc:nance materials were received April 3, 1961 at 2 P.M.: 1 i� C 1 BI DDER Peter Baker & Son Lake Bluff Skokie Valley Asphalt Cargill. Inc. Mi nneaopl i s, Minn. Morton Salt Co. Chicago, Ill. International Salt Co. Chicago, Ill. Hardy Salt Co. St. Louis, Mo. Diamond Salt Co. St. Clair, Mich. C.T.M. Industrial Supplies Elgin, Ill. Sinclair Mineral & Chemicla Chicago, Ill R. Morgan Paint Co. Chicago, Ill Bell & Gustus Chicagg, Ill. MATERIAL UNIT PRICE Pre -Mix Patching 8.00 T Crack Fi 1 ler PAF 54.00 T Seal Coat 0.194 gal. Aggregate )5.75 Pre -Mix Patching 8.15 T Crack Filler PAF.''72v00 T Seal Coat 0.198 gal Aggregate 5,95 Sodium Chloride 21.90 T Sodium Chloride 21.90 T SodiumChloride 21.90 T SodiumChloride 21.90 T SodiumChloride 21.90 T Paint - White 3.25 gal. - Yellow 3.45 Paint - White LY.00 gal . - Yellow 4.25 Paint - White 3. 20 ga 1 - Yellow 3.80 Paint - White 3.30 gal - Yellow 3.55 TOTAL 560.00 1080.00 1779/76 2788.75 $ 6208.51 C:iECK $700 , 41 570.50 750 1440.00 1816.45 2885.75 $ 6712.70 1055.00 109.50 1095.00 110.00 1095.00 109.50 1095.00 109.50 1095.00 110.00 113.75 25.00 120.75 234,50 140.00 30.00 14$.75 288.75 112.00 No: Check 133.00 245.00 115.50 21%. 00 124.25 239.75 Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the low bids of Peter Baker & Son, and C.T.M. Industrial Suppliers be accepted, and the contract for sodium chloride be awarded to International Salt Company, Chicago. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) The Manager proposed that a letter be sent to all bondholders of old special assessment --bonds who would receive more than $100, requesting that 5 percent of the amount received be turned back to the Village to pay part of the cost of the special audit. He stated if all bondholders complied with this request, approxi- mately $1700 would be realized. The Manager was directed to proceed with such a letter. Deny Deerfield Garden The Plan Commission recommended denial of the Apartment Subdivision proposed plat of Subdivision submitted by Mr. Irving Shepard, to subdivide the Deerfield Garden Apartment tract into two lots, basing their recommendation for denial on the creation of a landlocked lot zoned R -7 Multiple family district at the rear, with access to Osterman Avenue across and into a single family residence district. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trusdi e 11t lel, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Plan commission, and the subdivision be denied. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Mays: None (0) 42 Approve Rose Garden The Mens' Garden Club plan for a rose garden between the Village Hall on Town Hall was presented. Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the plan be approved, and the Manager write t letter of thanks to the Club. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance - R -6 & R -7 Letters were received regarding the ordinance Amendment Referred to Plan rezoning certain R -6 and R -7 properties, re- Commission questing that the Board take no action on the proposed ordinance. Decision was made to refer the matter ':lack to the Plan Commission due to the lapse of time since the recom- mendation had been made. Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the meeting be adjourned to Saturday, April 15, 1961 at 9:30 A.M. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson (2) Nays: Petesch, Porter, Wehle (3) Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the meeting be adjourned to Monday, April 24, 1961 at 8:00 P.M. Motion carried "unanimously. ATTEST: Village Clerk APPROVED: President 1